List of Special Protection Areas in Scotland

This is a list of Special Protection Areas (SPAs) in Scotland.

Site name Site code Country Area (ha) Coordinates Status
Abernethy Forest UK9002561 S 5793.46 57°13′22″N 03°18′10″W Classified
Achanalt Marshes UK9001701 S 208.25 57°36′10″N 04°53′30″W Classified
Ailsa Craig UK9003091 S 99.94 55°15′15″N 05°07′00″W Classified
Aird and Borve, Benbecula UK9001751 S 361 57°27′20″N 07°23′30″W Classified
Anagach Wood UK9020297 S Potential
Arran Moors UK9003341 S 10736.51 55°32′40″N 05°13′30″W Classified
Assynt Lochs UK9001591 S 1156.43 58°10′00″N 05°00′00″W Classified
Auskerry UK9002381 S 101.97 59°02′00″N 02°34′00″W Classified
Ballochbuie UK9002781 S 1881.73 56°59′30″N 03°19′06″W Classified
Beinn Dearg UK9001631 S 5567.59 57°48′00″N 04°55′00″W Classified
Ben Alder UK9002551 S 2860.21 56°50′25″N 04°29′45″W Classified
Ben Wyvis UK9001641 S 2174.54 57°41′00″N 04°34′30″W Classified
Black Cart UK9003221 S 56.3 55°52′45″N 04°26′20″W Classified
Bridgend Flats, Islay UK9003052 S 331.16 55°46′22″N 06°16′05″W Classified
Buchan Ness to Collieston Coast UK9002491 S 208.62 57°26′20″N 01°48′30″W Classified
Caenlochan UK9004011 S 5975.28 56°52′54″N 03°17′30″W Classified
Cairngorms UK9002241 S 50903.74 57°04′30″N 03°38′30″W Classified
Caithness Lochs UK9001151 S 145516.75 58°20′10″N 03°56′15″W Classified
Caithness and Sutherland Peatlands UK9001171 S 1378.45 58°29′30″N 03°20′00″W Classified
Calf of Eday UK9002431 S 238.03 59°14′24″N 02°43′48″W Classified
Cameron Reservoir UK9004131 S 68.76 56°17′32″N 02°51′12″W Classified
Canna and Sanday UK9001431 S 1341.27 57°04′00″N 06°30′00″W Classified
Cape Wrath UK9001231 S 1019.18 58°36′00″N 04°53′30″W Classified
Castle Loch, Lochmaben UK9003191 S 107.6 55°07′12″N 03°25′50″W Classified
Cnuic agus Cladach Mhuile UK9003311 S 29248.97 56°26′30″N 06°00′20″W Classified
Coll (corncrake) UK9003031 S 2321.88 56°39′16″N 06°30′05″W Classified
Coll UK9003033 S 371.13 56°36′10″N 06°37′15″W Classified
Copinsay UK9002151 S 125.42 58°54′00″N 02°40′30″W Classified
Craigmore Wood UK9001801 S 654.09 57°17′00″N 03°37′00″W Classified
Creag Meagaidh UK9002161 S 2872.64 56°57′00″N 04°35′00″W Classified
Cromarty Firth UK9001623 S 3746.95 57°41′00″N 04°12′00″W Classified
Cuillins UK9001781 S 29490.01 57°14′39″N 06°08′45″W Classified
Darnaway and Lethen Forest UK9020292 S 1828.61 57°32′45″N 03°41′45″W Classified
Din Moss - Hoselaw Loch UK9004291 S 50.59 55°34′33″N 02°18′30″W Classified
Dornoch Firth and Loch Fleet UK9001622 S 7836.33 57°51′00″N 04°02′30″W Classified
Drumochter Hills UK9002301 S 9445.56 56°51′54″N 04°14′48″W Classified
East Caithness Cliffs UK9001182 S 442.62 58°16′49″N 03°20′21″W Classified
East Sanday Coast UK9002331 S 1515.23 59°16′00″N 02°34′00″W Classified
Eilean na Muice Duibhe (Duich Moss), Islay UK9003054 S 576.42 55°43′20″N 06°15′20″W Classified
Eoligarry, Barra UK9001761 S 144.04 57°02′50″N 07°25′48″W Classified
Fair Isle UK9002091 S 561.27 59°32′15″N 01°37′00″W Classified
Fala Flow UK9004241 S 318.04 55°49′00″N 02°54′20″W Classified
Fetlar UK9002031 S 2594.91 60°36′35″N 00°51′20″W Classified
Firth of Forth UK9004411 S 6313.72 56°01′00″N 02°53′00″W Classified
Firth of Tay and Eden Estuary UK9004121 S 6923.29 56°24′30″N 03°05′00″W Classified
Flannan Isles UK9001021 S 58.87 58°17′20″N 07°35′30″W Classified
Forest of Clunie UK9004381 S 19349.38 56°40′00″N 03°35′00″W Classified
Forth Islands UK9004171 S 106.01 56°11′10″N 02°33′20″W Classified
Foula UK9002061 S 1323.31 60°08′20″N 02°05′00″W Classified
Fowlsheugh UK9002271 S 10.15 56°54′45″N 02°11′45″W Classified
Gladhouse Reservoir UK9004231 S 186.41 55°47′10″N 03°06′00″W Classified
Glas Eileanan UK9003211 S 1.43 56°29′48″N 05°42′50″W Classified
Glen App and Galloway Moors UK9003351 S 8942.38 55°00′20″N 04°56′30″W Classified
Glen Tanar UK9002771 S 4180.09 57°01′10″N 02°53′30″W Classified
Greenlaw Moor UK9004281 S 247.59 55°44′06″N 02°27′06″W Classified
Gruinart Flats, Islay UK9003051 S 3261.32 55°50′42″N 06°19′33″W Classified
Handa UK9001241 S 367.49 58°23′00″N 05°11′12″W Classified
Hermaness, Saxa Vord and Valla Field UK9002011 S 1662.92 60°49′19″N 00°54′00″W Classified
Hoy UK9002141 S 9499.7 58°51′30″N 03°19′10″W Classified
Imperial Dock Lock, Leith UK9004451 S 0.11 55°59′00″N 03°10′15″W Potential
Inner Clyde Estuary UK9003061 S 1826.02 55°56′50″N 04°38′00″W Classified
Inner Moray Firth UK9001624 S 2339.23 56°50′25″N 04°21′15″W Classified
Inverpolly, Loch Urigill and nearby lochs UK9001511 S 1986.3 58°04′30″N 05°11′00″W Classified
Kilpheder to Smerclate, South Uist UK9001083 S 380.63 57°02′40″N 07°23′24″W Classified
Kintyre Goose Roosts UK9003071 S 412.37 55°31′00″N 05°37′00″W Classified
Kinveachy Forest UK9002581 S 2849.36 57°14′15″N 03°54′00″W Classified
Knapdale Lochs UK9003301 S 112.39 55°51′30″N 05°35′00″W Classified
Ladder Hills UK9002951 S 4240.4 57°12′12″N 03°15′00″W Potential
Laggan, Islay UK9003053 S 1230.02 55°43′16″N 06°18′24″W Classified
Lairg and Strathbrora Lochs UK9001611 S 286.3 58°04′45″N 04°24′40″W Classified
Langholm - Newcastleton Hills UK9003271 S 7544.87 55°12′15″N 02°53′50″W Classified
Lewis Peatlands UK9001571 S 58984.23 58°15′00″N 06°35′00″W Classified
Loch Ashie UK9001554 S 162.29 57°22′44″N 04°17′00″W Classified
Loch Eye UK9001621 S 205.14 57°47′30″N 03°58′00″W Classified
Loch Flemington UK9001691 S 21 57°32′32″N 03°59′15″W Classified
Loch Ken and River Dee marshes UK9003111 S 769.11 54°59′28″N 04°01′00″W Classified
Loch Knockie and Nearby Lochs UK9001552 S 395.92 57°05′45″N 04°35′00″W Classified
Loch Leven UK9004111 S 1611.81 56°11′48″N 03°22′30″W Classified
Loch Lomond UK9003021 S 510.49 56°03′45″N 04°30′30″W Classified
Loch Maree UK9001531 S 3173.66 57°41′10″N 05°28′15″W Classified
Loch of Inch and Torrs Warren UK9003121 S 2111.04 54°50′30″N 04°52′30″W Classified
Loch of Kinnordy UK9004051 S 85.09 56°40′30″N 03°02′40″W Classified
Loch of Lintrathen UK9004061 S 186.4 56°40′40″N 03°11′00″W Classified
Loch of Skene UK9002261 S 120.89 57°09′30″N 02°21′30″W Classified
Loch of Spiggie and Loch of Brow UK9002211 S 615.94 57°37′24″N 01°53′00″W Classified
Loch of Strathbeg UK9001551 S 201.15 57°19′54″N 04°16′48″W Classified
Loch Ruthven UK9001721 S 2290.94 56°50′00″N 05°30′00″W Classified
Loch Shiel UK9002201 S 93.62 57°41′00″N 03°16′42″W Classified
Loch Spynie UK9002751 S 44.6 57°14′20″N 03°48′00″W Classified
Loch Vaa UK9002281 S 1431.28 56°56′30″N 03°16′00″W Classified
Lochnagar UK9002651 S 141.48 59°56′00″N 01°20′00″W Classified
Marwick Head UK9002121 S 8.7 59°06′20″N 03°21′00″W Classified
Mingulay and Berneray UK9001121 S 911.07 56°48′18″N 07°38′33″W Classified
Mointeach Scadabhaigh UK9001501 S 4148.44 57°36′00″N 07°17′00″W Classified
Monach Isles UK9001071 S 595.74 57°31′30″N 07°36′30″W Classified
Montrose Basin UK9004031 S 984.61 56°42′40″N 02°30′20″W Classified
Morangie Forest UK9001791 S 3512.92 57°47′30″N 04°07′15″W Classified
Moray and Nairn Coast UK9001625 S 2410.25 57°38′54″N 03°43′48″W Classified
Mousa UK9002361 S 197.98 60°00′00″N 01°10′20″W Classified
Muir of Dinnet UK9002791 S 157.6 57°05′00″N 02°55′00″W Classified
Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands UK9003261 S 26330.31 55°30′35″N 04°04′35″W Classified
Ness and Barvas, Lewis UK9001741 S 649.2 58°29′30″N 06°15′30″W Classified
North Caithness Cliffs UK9001181 S 557.73 58°39′00″N 03°24′30″W Classified
North Colonsay and Western Cliffs UK9003171 S 973.96 56°06′28″N 06°10′00″W Classified
North Harris Mountains UK9001572 S 13132.01 58°00′00″N 06°57′30″W Classified
North Inverness Lochs UK9001553 S 123.21 57°21′42″N 04°30′10″W Classified
North Rona and Sula Sgeir UK9001011 S 138.81 59°07′18″N 05°49′30″W Classified
North Sutherland Coastal Islands UK9001211 S 221.11 58°33′30″N 04°21′00″W Classified
North Uist Machair and Islands UK9001051 S 4876.35 57°32′00″N 07°22′45″W Classified
Noss UK9002081 S 343.82 60°08′40″N 01°01′00″W Classified
Novar UK9020293 S 1054.65 57°41′30″N 04°20′10″W Classified
Orkney Mainland Moors UK9002311 S 4444.35 59°05′00″N 03°08′00″W Classified
Otterswick and Graveland UK9002941 S 2241.41 60°33′35″N 01°06′30″W Classified
Papa Stour UK9002051 S 569.03 60°20′10″N 01°42′00″W Classified
Papa Westray (North Hill and Holm of Papa) UK9002111 S 245.71 59°22′40″N 02°52′45″W Classified
Pentland Firth Islands UK9001131 S 170.51 58°44′30″N 03°03′30″W Classified
Priest Island (Summer Isles) UK9001261 S 131.68 57°57′40″N 05°30′30″W Classified
Ramna Stacks and Gruney UK9002021 S 11.59 60°39′10″N 01°18′10″W Classified
Rannoch Lochs UK9004021 S 1170.19 56°40′00″N 04°37′00″W Classified
Renfrewshire Heights UK9020295 S Potential
Rinns of Islay UK9003057 S 9407.46 55°46′55″N 06°21′00″W Classified
River Spey - Insh Marshes UK9002231 S 1158.87 57°05′23″N 03°59′48″W Classified
Ronas Hill - North Roe and Tingon UK9002041 S 5470.2 60°33′00″N 01°25′00″W Classified
Rousay UK9002371 S 633.41 59°10′50″N 03°06′00″W Classified
Rùm UK9001341 S 10942.38 57°00′00″N 06°20′00″W Classified
Shiant Isles UK9001041 S 212.33 57°54′00″N 06°22′00″W Classified
Sléibhtean agus Cladach Thiriodh (Tiree Wetlands and Coast) UK9003032 S 1938.59 56°30′00″N 06°52′00″W Classified
South Tayside Goose Roosts UK9004401 S 331.01 56°15′54″N 03°50′00″W Classified
South Uist Machair and Lochs UK9001082 S 5017.23 57°18′50″N 07°20′00″W Classified
St Abb's Head to Fast Castle UK9004271 S 250.88 55°55′00″N 02°10′00″W Classified
St Kilda UK9001031 S 865.51 57°49′00″N 08°35′00″W Classified
Sule Skerry and Sule Stack UK9002181 S 18.9 59°05′05″N 04°24′15″W Classified
Sumburgh Head UK9002511 S 39.04 59°51′55″N 01°16′05″W Classified
Switha UK9002891 S 57.39 58°47′08″N 03°06′00″W Classified
Tips of Corsemaul and Tom Mór UK9002811 S 83.71 57°26′32″N 03°00′35″W Classified
Tiree (corncrake) UK9003034 S 544.08 56°28′20″N 06°55′00″W Classified
Treshnish Isles UK9003041 S 240.67 56°29′30″N 06°25′10″W Classified
Troup, Pennan and Lion`s Heads UK9002471 S 172.11 57°41′00″N 02°15′05″W Classified
Upper Solway Flats and Marshes UK9005012 ES 43636.73 54°54′20″N 03°25′27″W Classified
West Westray UK9002101 S 350.62 59°17′40″N 03°00′45″W Classified
Wester Ross Lochs UK9001711 S 1980.26 57°45′00″N 05°27′00″W Classified
Westwater UK9004251 S 49.77 55°45′30″N 03°24′30″W Classified
Ythan Estuary, Sands of Forvie and Meikle Loch UK9002221 S 1016.24 57°20′30″N 01°57′30″W Classified


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