List of University of Michigan legislator alumni
Where the date or fact of graduation is uncertain, "(MDNG)" is used to indicate "matriculated, did not graduate."
Legislator A
- Jackson Leroy Adair (LAW: JD 1911), a Congressional Representative from Illinois[1]
- Edward Payson Allen (LAW: JD 1867), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[2]
- Gideon Winans Allen (LAW: 1864), Wisconsin State Assemblyman[3]
- John Beard Allen (LAW: 1869?), a Delegate from the Territory of Washington and a Senator from Washington[4]
- Leo Elwood Allen (AB 1923), a Congressional Representative from Illinois[5]
- Justin Amash (LAW: JD 2005), a Congressional Representative from Michigan's 3rd congressional district[6]
- Clinton Presba Anderson (AB ??), a Congressional Representative and a Senator from New Mexico[7]
- Daniel Read Anthony, Jr. (MDNG?), a Congressional Representative from Kansas[8]
- Henry Fountain Ashurst (MDNG), a Senator from Arizona[9]
Legislators B
- Donald Allen Bailey (BA 1967), a Congressional Representative from Pennsylvania[10]
- Joseph Edward Baird (LAW: JD 1893), a Congressional Representative from Ohio[11]
- Lucien Baker (LAW: JD), a Senator from Kansas[12]
- Bert Andrew Bandstra (AB 1953), a Congressional Representative from Iowa[13]
- Henry Towne Bannon (AB 1889), a Congressional Representative from Ohio[14]
- Samuel Willard Beakes (LAW: JD 1883), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[15]
- Rand Beers (MA 1970)
- Alvin Morell Bentley (AB 1940, MA 1963), served as vice consul and secretary with the United States Diplomatic Corps in Mexico[16]
- Michael D. Bishop (A.B. 1989), State of Michigan Senate Majority Leader
- Roswell Peter Bishop (1868-1872) (LAW: JD 1875), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[17]
- William Wallace Blackney (LAW: JD 1912), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[18]
- Melvin Morella Boothman (LAW: JD 1871), a Congressional Representative from Ohio[19]
- William Patterson Borland (LAW: JD 1892), a Congressional Representative from Missouri[20]
- Samuel Myron Brainerd (LAW: ), a Congressional Representative from Pennsylvania[21]
- Abraham Lincoln Brick (LAW: JD 1883), a Congressional Representative from Indiana[22]
- William McNulty Brodhead (LAW: JD 1967), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[23]
- Marriott Brosius (LAW), a Congressional Representative from Pennsylvania[24]
- Arthur Brown (LAW: JD 1864), a Senator from Utah[25]
- Charles Bruce Brownson (AB 1935), a Congressional Representative from Indiana[26]
- Ferdinand Brucker (LAW: JD 1881), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[27]
- William John Bulow (LAW: JD 1893), a Senator from South Dakota[28]
- Anson Burlingame (MDNG? 1838-1841), a Congressional Representative from Massachusetts[29]
Legislators C to E
- Benjamin Taylor Cable (AB 1876), a Congressional Representative from Illinois[30]
- Martha Hughes Cannon (MED: 1880), on November 3, 1896, became the first woman elected as a state senator in the United States
- William Randolph Carpenter (LAW: JD 1917), a Congressional Representative from Kansas[31]
- William Wallace Chalmers (AB 1887), a Congressional Representative from Ohio[32][33]
- Walter Marion Chandler (AB 1897), a Congressional Representative from New York[34]
- John Logan Chipman (1843-1845), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[35]
- Ralph Edwin Church (AB 1907), a Congressional Representative from Illinois[36]
- Robert Henry Clancy (AB 1907, LAW: DNG?), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[37]
- Kit Francis Clardy (LAW: JD 1925), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[38]
- Raymond Francis Clevenger (LAW: JD 1952), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[39]
- George Pierre Codd (AB 1891), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[40]
- Don Byron Colton (LAW: 1905), a Congressional Representative from Utah[41]
- George Hamilton Combs, Jr. (MDNG), a Congressional Representative from Missouri[42]
- Solomon Gilman Comstock (MDNG), a Congressional Representative from Minnesota[43]
- Michael Francis Conry (LAW: JD 1896), a Congressional Representative from New York[44]
- Allen Foster Cooper (LAW: JD 1888), a Congressional Representative from Pennsylvania[45]
- Royal Samuel Copeland (MED: MD 1889), a Senator from New York[46]
- John Kissig Cowen (LAW: ??), a Congressional Representative from Maryland[47]
- William Elijah Cox (LAW: JD 1889), a Congressional Representative from Indiana[48]
- Louis Convers Cramton (LAW: JD 1899), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[49]
- Philip Miller Crane (MDNG), a Congressional Representative from Illinois[50]
- Fred Lewis Crawford, a Congressional Representative from Michigan[51]
- George William Crockett, Jr. (LAW: JD 1934), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[52]
- Maurice Edgar Crumpacker (LAW: JD 1909), elected as a Republican to the Sixty-ninth and Seventieth Congresses[53]
- Shepard J. Crumpacker, Jr. (LAW: JD 1941), a Congressional Representative from Indiana[54]
- Paul Harvey Cunningham (LSA: AB 1914; LAW: JD 1915), a Congressional Representative from Iowa[55]
- Gilbert Archibald Currie (LAW: JD 1905), a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Byron M. Cutcheon (AB 1861, LAW: JD 1866), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[56]
- Archibald Bard Darragh (1857-1858, AB 1868), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[57]
- Cushman Kellogg Davis (AB 1857), a Senator from Minnesota[58]
- Stephen Albion Day (AB 1905), a Congressional Representative from Illinois[59]
- Marion De Vries (LAW: JD 1888), a Representative from California[60]
- John Richard Dellenback (LAW: JD 1949), a Congressional Representative from Oregon[61]
- Gerrit John Diekema (LAW: JD 1883), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[62]
- Charles Coles Diggs, Jr. (1940-1942), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[63]
- Francis Henry Dodds (LAW: JD 1880), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[64]
- Sheridan Downey (LAW: JD 1907), elected as a Democrat to the United States Senate[65]
- Robert Blackford Duncan (LAW: LLB 1948), a Congressional Representative from Oregon[66]
- Warren Joseph Duffey (LAW: JD 1911), a Congressional Representative from Ohio[67]
- Robert F. Ellsworth (LAW: JD 1949), a Congressional Representative from Kansas[68]
- Marvin Leonel Esch (AB, MA 1951, Ph. D 1957), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[69]
- Robert Emory Evans (LAW: JD 1886), a Congressional Representative from Nebraska[70]
Legislators F to G
- John Franklin Farnsworth, a Congressional Representative from Illinois
- Homer Samuel Ferguson (AB 1913), a Senator from Michigan[71]
- Woodbridge Nathan Ferris (MED: MD 1874), a Senator from Michigan[72]
- Peter G. Fitzgerald (LAW: JD 1986), a Senator from Illinois[73]
- George Ford (LAW: JD 1869), a Congressional Representative from Indiana[74]
- Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr. (AB 1935), a Congressional Representative from Michigan, Vice President, and thirty-eighth President of the United States[75]
- Harold Ford, Jr. (LAW: JD 1996), a Congressional Representative from Tennessee[76]
- Hiram Robert Fowler (LAW: JD 1884), a Congressional Representative from Illinois[77]
- Louis Frey, Jr. (LAW: JD 1961), a Congressional Representative from Florida[78]
- Frank Ballard Fulkerson (LAW: MDNG), a Congressional Representative from Missouri[79]
- Harry Conrad Gahn (LAW: JD 1904), a Congressional Representative from Ohio[80]
- John James Gardner (LAW: 1866, 1867), a Congressional Representative from New Jersey[81]
- Richard Andrew Gephardt (LAW: JD 1965), a Congressional Representative from Missouri[82]
- Ernest Willard Gibson LAW: 1899), a Congressional Representative and a Senator from Vermont[83]
- Joseph John Gill (LAW: JD 1868), a Congressional Representative from Ohio[84]
- Paul Gillmor (LAW: JD 1964), Congressman, Ohio 5th[85]
- Paul Eugene Gillmor (LAW: JD 1964), a Congressional Representative from Ohio[86]
- Robert Henry Gittins (LAW: JD 1900), a Congressional Representative from New York[87]
- Dan Glickman (BA History 1966), a Congressional Representative from Kansas[88]
- James Stephen Golden (LAW: LLB 1916), a Congressional Representative from Kentucky[89]
- Stephen Goldsmith (LAW: JD 1971), Mayor of Indianapolis 1992-99; US Army Reserve 1968–74
- James William Good (LAW: JD 1893), a Congressional Representative from Iowa[90]
- William Gordon (LAW: JD 1893), a Congressional Representative from Ohio[91]
- James Sedgwick Gorman (LAW: JD 1876), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[92]
- Jim Graham (LAW: JD), a Democrat representing Ward 1
- Levi Thomas Griffin (AB 1857, LAW:), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[93]
- Robert Paul Griffin (LAW: JD 1950), a Congressional Representative and a Senator from Michigan[94]
- Martha Wright Griffiths (LAW: JD 1940), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[95]
Legislators H to J
- William Flavius Lester Hadley (LAW: JD 1871), a Congressional Representative from Illinois[96]
- John Eugene Harding (AB 1900), a Congressional Representative from Ohio[97]
- Darius Dodge Hare (LAW: JD 1964), a Congressional Representative from Ohio[98]
- Byron Berry Harlan (LAW: JD 1909; LS&A: 1911), a Congressional Representative from Ohio[99]
- William H. Harries (LAW: JD 1868), a Congressional Representative from Minnesota[100]
- Philip Aloysius Hart (Law: JD 1937), was a Senator from Michigan [101]
- Dow Watters Harter (LAW: JD 1907), a Congressional Representative from Ohio[102]
- James Harvey (LAW: LLB 1948), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[103]
- Nils Pederson Haugen (LAW: JD 1874), a Congressional Representative from Wisconsin[104]
- Walter Ingalls Hayes (LAW: JD 1863), a Congressional Representative from Iowa[105]
- Guy T. Helvering (LAW: JD 1906), a Congressional Representative from Kansas[106]
- Charles Belknap Henderson (LAW: JD 1895), a Senator from Nevada[107]
- John Earl Henderson (LAW: JD 1942), a Congressional Representative from Ohio[108]
- Joseph Lister Hill, a Congressional Representative and a Senator from Alabama[109]
- William Henry Hinebaugh, a Congressional Representative from Illinois[110]
- John Carl Williams Hinshaw (BUS: MDNG), a Representative from California[111]
- Gilbert Monell Hitchcock (LAW: JD 1881), a Congressional Representative and a Senator from Nebraska[112]
- Peter Hoekstra (BUS: MBA 1977), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[113]
- Adoniram Judson Holmes (LAW: JD 1867), a Congressional Representative from Iowa[114]
- Craig Hosmer (MDNG), a Representative from California[115]
- Jay Abel Hubbell (AB 1853), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[116]
- William Leonard Hungate (MDNG), a Congressional Representative from Missouri[117]
- J. Edward Hutchinson (AB 1936, LAW: JD 1938), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[118]
- Orange Jacobs (MDNG?), a Delegate from the Territory of Washington[119]
- Albert Webb Jefferis (LAW: JD 1893), a Congressional Representative from Nebraska[120]
- Adna Romulus Johnson (LAW: JD 1887), a Congressional Representative from Ohio[121]
- Bartel John Jonkman (LAW: JD 1914), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[122]
Legislators K
- Marcia Carolyn "Marcy" Kaptur (MA 1974), a Congressional Representative from Ohio[123]
- Nancy Kassebaum (AB 1954), a Senator from Kansas[124]
- Frank Bateman Keefe (LAW: JD 1910), a Congressional Representative from Wisconsin[125]
- Edwin William Keightley (LAW: JD 1865), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[126]
- Patrick Henry Kelley (LAW: JD 1900), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[127]
- Joseph Morgan Kendall (MDNG), a Congressional Representative from Kentucky[128]
- Mark Kennedy (BUS: MBA 1983), a former member of the U.S. Congress from Minnesota[129]
- John Worth Kern (LAW: JD 1869), a Senator from Indiana[130]
- Winfield Scott Kerr (LAW: JD 1879), a Congressional Representative from Ohio[131]
- Dale Kildee (MA 1962), Congressman, U.S. Congressman[132]
- Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (MS 1977), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[133]
- Henry Mahlon Kimball (LAW: JD 1904), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[134]
- Moses Pierce Kinkaid (LAW: JD 1876), a Congressional Representative from Nebraska[135]
- Snyder Solomon Kirkpatrick, a Congressional Representative from Kansas[136]
- Milton Kraus (LAW: JD 1886), a Congressional Representative from Indiana[137]
Legislators L
- James Laird (LAW: JD 1871), a Congressional Representative from Nebraska[138]
- Frederick Landis (LAW: JD 1895), a Congressional Representative from Indiana[139]
- Oscar John Larson (LAW: JD 1894), a Congressional Representative from Minnesota[140]
- Steven C. LaTourette (BA 1976), a Congressional Representative from Ohio[141]
- Scott Leavitt (MDNG?), a Congressional Representative from Montana[142]
- John Camillus Lehr (LAW: JD 1900), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[143]
- John Jacob Lentz (AB 1882), a Congressional Representative from Ohio[144]
- Elliott Harris Levitas (LAW: 1954-1955), a Congressional Representative from Georgia[145]
- William Lewis (MDNG), a Congressional Representative from Kentucky[146]
- Roland Victor Libonati (AB 1921; LAW: ??), a Congressional Representative from Illinois[147]
- Charles August Lindbergh (LAW: JD 1883), a Congressional Representative from Minnesota[148]
- Cyrus Locher (LAW: MDNG), a Senator from Ohio[149]
- Oren Ethelbirt Long (AB 1916), a Senator from Hawaii[150]
- Alfred Lucking (LAW: JD 1878), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[151]
Legislators M
- Verner Wright Main (LAW: JD 1914), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[152]
- Carl Edgar Mapes (LAW: 1899), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[153]
- Ernest Whitworth Marland (LAW: JD 1893), a Congressional Representative from Oklahoma
- Eben Wever Martin (LAW: 1879, 1890), a Congressional Representative from South Dakota[154]
- William Cotter Maybury (AB 1870; LAW: 1871), a Representative from Michigan[155]
- James Henry Mays (LAW: JD 1895), a Congressional Representative from Utah[156]
- Porter James McCumber (LAW: JD 1880), a Senator from North Dakota[157]
- Jonas Hartzell McGowan (AB 1861), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[158]
- Robert John McIntosh (LAW: JD 1948), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[159]
- James Campbell McLaughlin (AB 1879, LAW: JD 1883), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[160]
- Rolla Coral McMillen (LAW: JD 1906), a Congressional Representative from Illinois[161]
- George Meader (AB 1927; LAW: JD 1931), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[162]
- Rice William Means (LAW: JD 1901), a Senator from Colorado[163]
- Carrie P. Meek (M.S. 1948), member of the Florida state house of representatives[164]
- George de Rue Meiklejohn (LAW: JD 1880), a Congressional Representative from Nebraska[165]
- David Henry Mercer (LAW: JD 1882), a Congressional Representative from Nebraska[166]
- William Smith Mesick (LAW: JD 1881), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[167]
- Earl Cory Michener (LAW: 1901-1902, DNG), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[168]
- Seth Crittenden Moffatt (LAW: JD 1863), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[169]
- James William Murphy (LAW: JD 1880), a Congressional Representative from Wisconsin[170]
Legislators N to O
- Lucien Norbert Nedzi (BA 1948; LAW: JD 1951), a Congressional Representative 1952[171]
- James Carson Needham (LAW: JD 1889), a Congressional Representative from California[172]
- John Stoughton Newberry (AB 1847), was appointed the first provost marshal for the State of Michigan[173]
- Edward Thomas Noonan (LAW: 1883?), a Congressional Representative from Illinois
- Charles Gibb Oakman (AB 1926), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[174]
- James Grant O’Hara (AB 1954, LAW: JD 1955), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[175]
- John Henry O’Neall (LAW: JD 1864), a Congressional Representative from Indiana[176]
- Theobald Otjen (LAW: JD 1875), a Congressional Representative from Wisconsin[177]
- James W. Owens (LAW: 1864-1865), a Representative from Ohio[178]
Legislators P to Q
- Jasper Packard (AB 1955), a Congressional Representative from Indiana[179]
- Thomas Witherell Palmer (MDNG), Senator from Michigan[180]
- Seymour Howe Person (AB 1901), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[181]
- Samuel Ritter Peters (LAW: JD 1867), a Congressional Representative from Kansas[182]
- Augustus Herman Pettibone (AB 1859), a Congressional Representative from Tennessee[183]
- William Wallace Phelps (AB 1846), a Congressional Representative from Minnesota[184]
- John Alfred Pickler (LAW: JD 1872), a Congressional Representative from South Dakota[185]
- Walter Marcus Pierce (MDNG?), a Congressional Representative from Oregon[186]
- Frank Plumley (LAW: ), a Congressional Representative from Vermont[187]
- John Edward Porter (LAW: JD 1961), a Congressional Representative from Illinois[188]
- Robert Jones "Rob" Portman (LAW: JD 1984), a lawyer and the junior United States Senator from Ohio[189]
- Tom Price (BA 1976; MED: MD 1979), a Congressional Representative from Georgia[190]
- Joseph Very Quarles (AB 1966; LAW: JD 1867), a Senator from Wisconsin[191]
Legislators R
- Clark T. Randt (BA, MED: MD), U.S. Congressman
- Henry Augustus Reeves (MDNG), a Congressional Representative from New York[192]
- John Birchard Rice (MED: 1857), a Congressional Representative from Ohio[193]
- Donald Wayne Riegle, Jr. (AB 1960), a Congressional Representative and a Senator from Michigan[194]
- Dick Riordan (LAW: JD 1956), Mayor of Los Angeles 1993-2001
- Lynn Nancy Rivers (BA 1987), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[195]
- Mike Rogers (MDNG), Congressman, Michigan 8th
- Philip Edward Ruppe (MDNG 1944-1946), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[196]
- Jon Daniel Runyan, 2010 congressman-elect for New Jersey's 3rd congressional district[197]
Legislators S
- Ken Salazar (LAW: JD 1981), a Senator from Colorado, Secretary of the Interior[198]
- John J. H. (Joe) Schwarz (BA 1959), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[199]
- Frank Douglas Scott (LAW: JD 1901), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[200]
- John Franklin Shafroth (AB 1875), a Congressional Representative and a Senator from Colorado
- William Graves Sharp (LAW: JD 1881), a Congressional Representative from Ohio[201]
- John M. C. Smith (AB 1879, LAW: JD 1880), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[202]
- Samuel William Smith (LAW: JD 1878), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[203]
- Horace Greeley Snover (AB 1969; LAW: JD 1871), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[204]
- Neil Oliver Staebler (BA 1926), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[205]
- Robert Theodore Stafford (AB: ), a Congressional Representative and a Senator from Vermont[206]
- Ozora P. Stearns (AB 1858, LAW: JD 1860), a Senator from Minnesota[207]
- K. William Stinson (AB 1952), a Congressional Representative from Washington[208]
- Byron Gray Stout (AB 1851), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[209]
- George Sutherland (LAW: ), a Congressional Representative and a Senator from Utah[210]
- Edwin Forrest Sweet (LAW: JD 1874), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[211]
- Oscar William Swift (AB: ca 1895?), a Congressional Representative from New York[212]
Legislators T
- John Charles Tarsney (LAW: JD 1869), a Congressional Representative from Missouri[213]
- Timothy Edward Tarsney (LAW: JD 1872), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[214]
- Edward Thomas Taylor (LAW: JD 1884), a Congressional Representative from Colorado[215]
- Charles Spalding Thomas (LAW: JD 1871), a Senator from Colorado[216]
- Henry Franklin Thomas (MED: 1868), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[217]
- Charles A. Towne (AB 1881), a Congressional Representative and a Senator from Minnesota and a Representative from New York[218]
- Charles Elroy Townsend (MDNG), a Representative and a Senator from Michigan[219]
- Jerald F. ter Horst, AB 1947. Gerald Ford's short-term press secretary
Legislators U to Z
- Lauren Underwood (BS 2008), a Congressional Representative from Illinois[220]
- Frederick Stephen Upton (BA 1975), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[221]
- Arthur Hendrick Vandenberg (LAW: 1900-1901), a Senator from Michigan[222]
- Guy Adrian Vander Jagt (LAW: JD 1960), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[223]
- Bird J. Vincent (LAW: JD 1905), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[224]
- Weston Edward Vivian (Ph. D. 1959), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[225]
- James Franklin Ware (LAW: 1873), Wisconsin State Assembly and Senate
- William Warner (LAW: 1861?), a Congressional Representative and a Senator from Missouri[226]
- Thaddeus Francis Boleslaw Wasielewski (BA 1927), a Congressional Representative from Wisconsin[227]
- Charles Winfield Waterman (LAW: JD 1889), a Senator from Colorado[228]
- Thomas Addis Emmet Weadock (LAW: JD 1873), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[229]
- John Stanley Webster (LAW: 1897-1899), a Congressional Representative from Washington[230]
- William Walter Wedemeyer (LAW: JD 1895), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[231]
- Alvin F. Weichel (MDNG), a Congressional Representative from Ohio[232]
- Carl May Weideman (MDNG), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[233]
- Adonijah Strong Welch (AB 1846), a Senator from Florida[234]
- Benjamin Franklin Welty (AB 1896), a Congressional Representative from Ohio[235]
- Charles Stuart Wharton (LAW: 1896), a Congressional Representative from Illinois[236]
- Burton Kendall Wheeler (LAW: JD 1905), a Senator from Montana[237]
- John Jefferson Whitacre (MDNG), a Congressional Representative from Ohio[238]
- John Daugherty White (LAW: JD 1872; MED), a Congressional Representative from Kentucky[239]
- Robert Henry Whitelaw (LAW: 1873?), a Congressional Representative from Missouri[240]
- Justin Rice Whiting (MDNG: 1863-1865), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[241]
- Alexander Wiley (MDNG?), a Senator from Wisconsin[242]
- Edwin Willits (AB 1955), a Congressional Representative from Michigan[243]
- Edgar Wilson (LAW: JD 1884), a Congressional Representative from Idaho[244]
- William Warfield Wilson, a Congressional Representative from Illinois[245]
- Thomas Jefferson Wood (LAW: JD 1867), a Congressional Representative from Indiana[246]
- William Robert Wood (LAW: JD 1882), a Congressional Representative from Indiana[247]
- Rebecca Young (1955), Wisconsin State Assembly
- "Jackson Leroy Adair". Biographical Directory of the United States Congress. Retrieved 27 October 2012.
- "Edward Payson Allen". Biographical Directory of the United States Congress. Retrieved 27 October 2012.
- The Legislative Manual of the State of Wisconsin (11th ed.). Madison, Wis.: Atwood & Culver. 1872. p. 447.
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