List of rocket attacks from Lebanon on Israel

This is a list of rocket and mortar attacks on Israel carried out by Palestinian militant groups and/or Muslim Shia or Sunni militant groups from Lebanon.

Palestinian insurgency (1968–1982)

  • July 1981: the PLO opened a heavy and indiscriminate artillery barrage on the Galilee panhandle using Katyusha rockets and 130mm guns. This barrage lasted 10 days driving the residents of northern Israel underground into bomb shelters.
  • June 1982: Twenty villages were targeted in Galilee bombardment by the PLO and 3 Israelis were wounded.[1]

Conflict with Hezbollah

  • On 31 March 1995, a rocket attack on Nahariyya in Western Galilee kills an 18-year-old.
  • April 9, 1996, A heavy rocket barrage, launched by Hezbollah upon the cities of Galilee caused the initiation of the Operation Grapes of Wrath by the IDF.

2006 Lebanon War

After 2006 Lebanon War

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701, adopted at the end of the 2006 Lebanon War, called for a full cessation of hostilities between Lebanon and Israel and for the Lebanese government to take full control of its territory, and it authorized the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) "to ensure that its area of operations is not utilized for hostile activities of any kind".[3] Nevertheless, since the war, there have been multiple rocket attacks on Israel from Lebanon. The Lebanese government has not claimed responsibility for any of the attacks, and has disavowed some of them.

As of September 2009, There were an estimated 30,000 rockets in southern Lebanon, near Israel's border, all under the control of Hezbollah.[2]

June 17, 2007

Two Katyusha rockets were fired from Lebanon at northern Israel, striking the town of Kiryat Shmona. The rockets caused some damage but no casualties.[4][5]

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert called the incident "very disturbing".[4][5] Russian ambassador to Lebanon Sergei Boukin voiced concern about the incident and said it was a violation of UN Resolution 1701.[6]

Hezbollah denied responsibility. A previously unknown militant Islamic group calling itself "Jihadi Badr Brigades – Lebanon branch" claimed responsibility and vowed to continue attacks, saying: "We had promised our people jihad. Here, we again strike the Zionists when a group from the Jihadi Badr Brigades struck the Zionists in the occupied Palestinian territory."[6]

January 8, 2009

At least three Katyusha rockets were fired from southern Lebanon into the area of Nahariya in northern Israel. One of the rockets directly hit a nursing home for the elderly. At least two people were wounded, one suffering a broken leg, and others suffered from shock. A witness said that the second floor of the facility, where the residents sleep, sustained heavy damage, and that many lives were saved because they were in the dining hall at the time. Israel Police ordered residents of the city to remain close to fortified areas, and Shlomi Regional Council residents were told to open their bomb shelters; school in the area was cancelled. The incident took place during the Gaza War.[7][8][9]

Israel responded by firing five artillery shells into Lebanon, which it said was a pinpoint response at the source of fire.[7][8]

The Lebanese Office of the Prime Minister rejected the attack on Israel, saying: "Prime Minister Siniora regards what happened in the south as a violation of the international resolution 1701 and something he does not accept and Siniora called for an investigation into the incident". Hezbollah denied involvement, as did Hamas sources in Lebanon. An official from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command did not deny responsibility for the attack, and stated: "Don’t be surprised to see more rockets launched into northern Israel. It's a normal response to Israel's brutal aggression."[8][10]

January 14, 2009

In the second such attack in a week, rockets were fired from Lebanon into Israel, landing near the town of Kiryat Shmona. No injury or damage was reported. Residents fled to bomb shelters.[11]

According to Haaretz, the attack and the previous one were carried out by Hezbollah through the proxy of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command, a close Hezbollah ally.[12]

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon expressed alarm at the incident and urged restraint from all sides.[13]

February 21, 2009

Two rockets were fired from near the Lebanese coastal town of Naqoura into northern Israel, one striking a mostly Christian Arab Israeli village. At least one person was lightly injured.[14]

Israel responded by firing some six artillery shells at the launch area, causing no injuries.[14]

Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Saniora said that the rockets "threatened security and stability" in the region and violated UN Resolution 1701. He also called Israel's retaliation "an unjustified violation of Lebanese sovereignty."[14]

September 11, 2009

Two Katyusha rockets were fired from Lebanon into northern Israel, one striking near Nahariya and another near Kibbutz Gesher Haziv. No damage or injury was reported. A witness said that the rockets had sparked panic, with residents entering bunkers and children being evacuated from schools. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that the attack violated United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 and that Israel would hold the Lebanese government accountable for it.[2][15][16]

Israel responded by firing some 12 artillery shells at the launch area, near Qlayleh. No damage or injury was reported.[16]

The United Nations condemned the attack on Israel and urged both sides "to exercise maximum restraint."[2]

According to Lebanese commentators, the attack on Israel was connected to the country's political crisis exacerbated by Saad Hariri's inability to form a government. United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) spokesman Milos Strugar blamed radicals from Palestinian refugee camps in southern Lebanon for the attack.[16]

UNIFIL had been warned of a possible attack 10 days before it occurred, and the UN body informed the Lebanese army two days before the attack.[16]

October 27, 2009

A Katyusha rocket was fired from Lebanese town of Hula into northern Israel, striking an open area east of Kiryat Shmona. The rocket caused a fire, but no serious damage or injury was reported. An Israeli military spokeswoman said Israel was treating the shooting "very seriously" and that it held the Lebanese government responsible.[17][18]

Israel responded with artillery fire at Lebanon, causing no casualties,[17] and lodged a complaint with the United Nations.[19]

The Brigades of Abdullah Azzam, Battalions of Ziad Jarrah, a group linked to Al-Qaeda, claimed responsibility. In a statement, the group linked the attack to the 2009 Temple Mount riots: "The occupying Jews have dared to repeatedly raid the courtyard of Al-Aqsa Mosque ... In response to this aggression, a battalion among the Battalions of Ziad Jarrah" fired the Katyusha, the group said.[20] Nevertheless, Lebanese President Michel Suleiman said that an "Israeli agent" was responsible for the attack.[21]

The United States condemned the attack and, in a reference to Hezbollah, said it underscored the need to disarm all Lebanese groups.[22]

UNIFIL launched an inquiry into the incident. The following day, the Lebanese military discovered four more rockets, ready to be fired, in the garden and on the balcony of a house belonging to the mayor of Hula.[18]

The Lebanese Army later arrested Fadi Ibrahim of Ein el-Hilweh near Sidon for firing the rocket. Ibrahim was said to be a member of Fatah al-Islam, which is linked to al-Qaida. According to Lebanese daily A-Safir, Ibrahim and his followers were responsible for the subsequently discovered rockets as well.[23]

November 29, 2011

Shortly after midnight, four 122-millimeter rockets were fired at Israel from an area between Aita Shaab and Rumaysh in southern Lebanon. Two rockets landed near the Israeli localities of Biranit and Netu'a in the Western Galilee, some 700 meters from the Lebanese border. No injuries or damage were reported.[24] Two additional rockets severely damaged a chicken coop and caused a propane gas tank to go up in flames. The Israel Defense Forces returned artillery fire at the launch site, causing no casualties.[25][26]

The Abdullah Azzam Brigades, a group affiliated with al-Qaeda, reportedly claimed responsibility for the attack on Israel. Part of a statement attributed to the group read: "On Tuesday morning 29/11/2011 a unit from Abdullah Azzam Brigades shelled Zionist settlements in north Palestine from south Lebanon and the missiles have hit their targets. Victory is but from God."[27] The group later denied this and implied that responsibility lay with Syria and Hezbollah.[28] Hezbollah itself denied any connection to the attack.[29]

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon condemned the attack and called for "maximum restraint" from the parties concerned. The United States State Department also condemned the attack, calling it a "provocative act" that undermined Lebanon's stability and violated Resolution 1701.[29]

December 11, 2011

A rocket fired at Israel from the southern Lebanese village of Majdal Silim fell short and hit a home in Hula, Lebanon, injuring a Lebanese woman.[30]

November 21, 2012

Two rockets fired from Lebanon at Israel landed within Lebanon, according to Beirut officials.[31]

The previous day, a Lebanese army patrol had discovered two ready-to-launch 107mm Grad rockets between the villages of Halta and Mari, about 2 miles from the Israeli border. The forces defused the rockets. IDF official Brig. Gen. Yoav Mordechai said Palestinian factions in Lebanon were probably behind the plot.[32]

On November 22, the Lebanese army disarmed an additional rocket aimed at Israel, in Marjayoun, about 10 kilometers from the border.[33]

May 26, 2013

A rocket was fired from south Lebanon towards Israel, but it was not clear where the rocket landed and there were no immediate reports of damage inside Israel.[34]

August 22, 2013

Four Katyusha rockets fired from southern Lebanon targeted northern Israel, setting off air-raid sirens in Acre, Nahariya and additional areas in the Western Galilee, causing no casualties but some damage. The Iron Dome defense system intercepted one of the rockets. The Abdallah Azzam Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack. The United States condemned the rocket fire and called it a violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701.[35] Israel retaliated by carrying out an airstrike on a target near Beirut.[36]

July 11, 2014

Three rockets were fired toward Israel. IDF retaliated by firing about 25 artillery shells on the area.[37]

July 14, 2014

Two Katyusha rockets launched from Lebanon against Israel's northern city of Nahariya landed in open territory. No injuries or damage were reported. IDF artillery responded by targeting the launch site in Lebanon.[38]

August 24, 2014

A rocket fired from Lebanon hit a building in an open area in the Upper Galilee. Two children were lightly injured by shrapnel and four people were suffering from shock as a result of the attack.[39]

August 25, 2014

Two rockets were fired into Israel by Lebanese militants, prompting rocket sirens in towns along the border, including Kiryat Shmona and Metula. IDF responded with artillery fire.[40]

December 20, 2015

Three rockets were fired into northwestern Israel. Sirens sounded in the area of Nahariya and Shlomi. No injuries were reported. The IDF responded with artillery fire. The attack came half a day after the killing of Samir Kuntar in Syria by the Israeli Air Force.[41]

See also


  1. Shlaim, Avi (1999). The Iron Wall. Norton. ISBN 0-393-04816-0. p.404
  2. UN criticizes rocket attack on Israel, CNN 11-09-2009
  3. United Nations Security Council Resoulution 1701, Wikisource
  4. Lebanon rocket fire 'very disturbing': Israeli PM, Reuters 18-06-2007
  5. Isabel Kershner and Taghreed El-Khodary, Abbas Swears In Emergency Government, New York Times 18-06-2007
  6. Hussein Dakroub, Group Claims Rocket Attack on Israel, Associated Press 18-06-2007 (reprinted in Washington Post)
  7. Rockets hit Israel from Lebanon, BBC News 08-01-2009
  8. At least two Lebanon rockets hit north Israel; Hezbollah denies involvement, Haaretz 11-01-2009
  9. Rockets hit N Israel from Lebanon, Israel returns fire, Xinhua 08-01-2009
  10. Rocket Fire From Lebanon Unsettles Israel, but Fears of a Hezbollah Attack Subside, New York Times 08-01-2009
  11. Jeffrey Fleishman and Sebastian Rotella, Israel hit by second round of rockets from Lebanon, Los Angeles Times 15-01-2009
  12. Yossi Melman, Amos Harel and Avi Issacharoff, Hezbollah behind Lebanon rocket strikes in north, Haaretz 18-01-2009
  13. Louis Charbonneau, U.N. alarmed by Lebanon rocket attacks on Israel, Reuters 14-01-2009
  14. 2 Rockets Fired From Lebanon Toward Israel, Associated Press 21-02-2009 (reprinted in ABC News)
  15. Rockets hit Israel from Lebanon, BBC News 11-09-2009
  16. Netanyahu: Lebanon accountable for rocket on Israel, Haaretz 13-09-2009
  17. Lebanon: Rocket Strikes Israel, Reuters 27-09-2009 (reprinted in New York Times)
  18. Lebanon stops fresh rocket attack on Israel, AFP (reprinted in Yahoo! News) 28-10-2009
  19. Lebanon says Israel fired rocket, UPI 29-10-2009
  20. Lebanon rocket fire on Israel claimed by Qaeda-linked group, AFP 29-10-2009
  21. Roee Nahmias, Lebanon's Suleiman blames Israel for rocket, Ynet News 29-10-2009
  22. US condemns Lebanon rocket attack Archived 2011-06-08 at the Wayback Machine, AFP (reprinted in Khaleej Times 28-10-2009)
  23. Lebanon arrests man who fired Katyusha, Jerusalem Post 01-11-2009
  24. 2 Rockets from Lebanon lands in Galilee; none hurt, Jerusalem Post 29-11-2011
  25. Israel shells Lebanon following rocket attack, NBC News 29-11-2011
  26. Lebanese rockets - an indirect message?, Jerusalem Post 29-11-2011
  27. Rocket attack from south Lebanon draws Israeli artillery retaliation, Daily Star 30-11-2011
  28. Qaeda-inspired group denies link to Israel rocket attack, AFP 12-2011
  29. UN condemns rocket fire into Israel, Ynet News 30-11-2011
  30. Rocket fired from Lebanon at Israel lands in border town, wounding Lebanese woman, AP (published in the Washington Post) 12-12-2011
  34. IDF scales back search for rocket near Metulla, Jerusalem Post 27-05-2013
  35. 4 Katyusha rockets fired from Lebanon at western Galilee, Jerusalem Post 22-08-2013
  36. IAF carries out airstrike on target near Beirut in response to rockets fired at western Galilee, Jerusalem Post 23-08-2013
  37. Lebanese rockets hit Israel as Palestinian deaths in conflict exceed 100, Fox News 11-07-2014
  38. Rockets fired from Lebanon at Nahariya; Iron Dome shoots down entire barrage over Ashkelon, Jerusalem Post 14-07-2014
  39. Rockets from Syria land in Golan Heights after Lebanese Katyusha attack, Jerusalem Post 24-08-2014
  40. Rockets from Lebanon land in Israel, prompting IDF to respond with artillery fire, Jerusalem Post 25-08-2014
  41. "IDF shells South Lebanon after rocket fire on Western Galilee". The Times of Israel. Retrieved 2015-12-20.
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