Listed buildings in Stevns Municipality

This is a list of listed buildings in Stevns Municipality, Denmark.


4600 Køge

Listing name Image Location Coordinates Description
Slotsgade 3: StiftskontoretSlotsgade 3, 4600 Køge55°24′3.01″N 12°12′38.42″E[1]
Slotsgade 3, 4600 Køge55°24′3.01″N 12°12′38.42″E[2]
Slotsgade 4: Vallø Castle (Vallø Adelige Stift)Slotsgade 4, 4600 Køge55°24′8.09″N 12°12′39.69″E[3]
Slotsgade 9: LægeboligenSlotsgade 9, 4600 Køge55°23′59.56″N 12°12′36.67″E[4]
Slotsgade 9, 4600 Køge55°23′59.56″N 12°12′36.67″E[5]
BetjentboligenSlotsgade 10, 4600 Køge55°24′3.73″N 12°12′37.06″EHalf timbered house from c. 1725[6]
Slotsgade 10, 4600 Køge55°24′3.73″N 12°12′37.06″ELater extension[7]
Slotsgade 12: Old Rectory, ValløSlotsgade 12, 4600 Køge55°24′2.93″N 12°12′37.54″ERectory from c. 1738[8]
Vallø Old RectoryBranddamsvej 1, 4600 Køge55°23′55.21″N 12°14′8.74″E[9]
Branddamsvej 1, 4600 Køge55°23′55.21″N 12°14′8.74″E[10]
Branddamsvej 1, 4600 Køge55°23′55.21″N 12°14′8.74″E[11]
Branddamsvej 1, 4600 Køge55°23′55.21″N 12°14′8.74″E[12]

4653 Karise

Listing name Image Location Coordinates Description
JuellingeJuellingevej 2, 4653 Karise55°18′7.12″N 12°14′5.31″ENain building[13]
Juellingevej 2, 4653 Karise55°18′7.12″N 12°14′5.31″E[14]
Juellingevej 2, 4653 Karise55°18′7.12″N 12°14′5.31″E[15]

4660 Store Heddinge

Listing name Image Location Coordinates Description source
Store Heddinge Savings BankAlgade 11, 4660 Store Heddinge55°18′37.18″N 12°23′21.06″EBank building from 1925 designed by G.B. HagenRef
GjorslevGjorslevvej 20, 4660 Store Heddinge55°21′14.41″N 12°22′50.63″ERef
Gjorslevvej 20, 4660 Store Heddinge55°21′14.41″N 12°22′50.63″ERef
Gjorslevvej 20, 4660 Store Heddinge55°21′14.41″N 12°22′50.63″ERef
Stevns LighthouseFyrvej 2, 4660 Store Heddinge1878New lighthouseRef
Fyrvej 2, 4660 Store Heddinge1818Old lighthouseRef
Ting- og ArresthusAlgade 8, 4660 Store Heddinge55°18′34.65″N 12°23′21.02″ERef

4672 Klippinge

Listing name Image Location Coordinates Description
Andreassens HospitalBorgergade 11, 4672 Klippinge55°22′1.02″N 12°20′21.66″EHospital building from 1742[16]
DruebjerggårdTåstrupvej 31, 4672 Klippinge55°20′9.14″N 12°17′5.95″E[17]
Magleby Kirkelade, Lindencrones StiftelseKirkevænget 2, 4672 Klippinge55°21′47.56″N 12°20′16.05″E[18]
Trine's HouseTåstrupvej 33, 4672 Klippinge55°20′8.87″N 12°17′8.19″E[19]

4673 Rødvig Stevns

Listing name Image Location Coordinates Description
Lille Heddinge RytterskoleRyttervej 2, 4673 Rødvig Stevns55°16′24.61″N 12°23′21.83″ERytterskole from 1722[20]
ØstervangBroveshøjvej 19, 4673 Rødvig Stevns55°16′24.27″N 12°23′39.06″E[21]


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