Luke & Co

Luke & Co was a boatbuilding firm, established in 1829 in Limehouse near London. They moved to Oakbank at Itchen Ferry in 1868, and in 1895, settled at Hamble. At Hamble, they designed and built yachts of all sizes, as well as providing all kinds of services to the yachts visiting or having a berth at the river. The river Hamble was a popular place to "lay up" yachts for the winter.

Builders plate 1906
Luke's moorings

Early days

There are at least three members of the Luke family known as boatbuilders: W. S. (Walter Smith) Luke (1844–1904), and his sons Walter G. Luke (born 1868) and Albert R. Luke (born 1875). The name of the yard changed over the years from W. S. Luke to W. G. Luke & Co (1895), to Hamble River Luke & Co. Ltd., and finally Luke Bros.

When W. S. Luke died in March 1904,[1] his sons took over the yard: Albert ("Bert") as designer, and Walter managing the boatyard.

In their early days they built Itchen Ferrys, Fishing Smacks, Pilot boats and other sorts of working boats, like a 75-foot Lifeship to a design by Capt. Hans Busk in 1873. But there were also yachts built as early as the 1870s.[2] In 1895, the yard moved from the river Itchen to the village of Hamble at the river of the same name, near Southampton. The former Itchen Yard then became known as Fields Yard. According to an advertisement in an 1891 edition of The Yachtsman, they had "Yachts for sale or hire, Spars, blocks, Anchors, and Galvanised Ironwork either kept in stock or made on the premises, all sorts of chandlery, mudberths". Soon after, they were based at Back Street (now Rope Walk) with building sheds, slipways and yacht stores. Hamble Point became their winter slips.

Hamble waterfront
Luke & Co advertisement 1891

Luke mainly built boats to their own design, but they also built boats to the designs of Arthur Payne,[3] F. R. S. Bircham, L. G. Moore, Frederick Shepherd, Albert Strange,[4] St. C. Byrne, John I. Thornycroft & Company, H. Emmons, H. W. Ridsdale and John G. Alden. They also designed ships that were built by others such as William Fife, A. Westmacott, Camper & Nicholson, A. Apps, Randal Vogan, Everett and Lt.Col. G. P. Stewart.

French impressionist painter and amateur yacht designer Gustave Caillebotte writes in November 1882 and May 1883 in the French magazine Le Yacht[5] about his disappointment in the yacht Diver, which he imported from England. She was a Luke-built yacht of extreme "plank on edge" design. Diver was two tons Thames Measurement, 6.71 m (22.0 ft) waterline length and 1.42 m (4 ft 8 in) wide. Plank on edge designs were fashionable at that time in England under the then-current Rating Rules but were generally considered "crank" soon after.

Quaker Girl, an early International Rule 7 meter yacht from 1911, became a successful racing yacht and won A. R. Luke a design award.

In 1913, they built the "Hamble One Design" to their own design for local racing.


the Hamble seaplane
Luke advertisement

Hamble became an aviation centre at around 1910, and Luke built a prototype Seaplane to the design of F. Murphy, the HL1, as "Hamble River, Luke & Co." It was exhibited at Olympia’s in March 1914 but was not a success. At the start of World War I, they started building aircraft components.

They built at least one machine for Sopwith in 1913. It was the Sopwith Bat Boat (Type 1) No.BB2. This machine was assembled at the Salterns Yard of Hamble River, Luke & Co. and was delivered to the Navy at Calshot on 8 June 1913, to meet Contract CP32098/13, placed as a consequence of the 1913 Olympia Show. The aircraft was given Serial No.38 and served until September 1914.

The hydrobiplane (HL1) is described by several authors:

HAMBLE hydrobiplane HL.l (Hamble River, Luke & Co., Hamble, Hampshire)

Constructed by an established boat building company, to the design of Frank Murphy, late of Bristol, the machine was shown incomplete at Olympia in March 1914. Changes were made later and the machine was tested by Gordon England, but costs were excessive, and the machine and the premises were put up for sale by July 1914. The aircraft was a large two-seater pusher seaplane with twin wooden main floats and twin metal tail floats, moving with the rudders. There were four pairs of interplane struts each side, with radiators mounted on the innermost pairs. Ailerons were fitted to both top and bottom wings, the latter having pronounced dihedral. The spruce tail booms, to be replaced by steel tubes later, extended aft from the second interplane struts. The tailplane and elevator were carried on the top booms, the pair of rudders pivoting on posts below. The pointed nose nacelle, was covered with two layers of cedar, laid up diagonally over the structure, and was mounted on short struts between the wings. The main floats were of similar construction, but rendered watertight, and were mounted on a steel tube chassis, intended to be sprung later.

Power: 150hp NAG (British-made) six-cylinder inline, water-cooled driving a Normale pusher propeller direct. Data: Span top 60ft Span bottom 53ft Chord 6ft Gap 6ft Length 30ft Area 678 sq ft Area tailplane 39 sq ft Area elevator 33 sq ft Area rudders 32 sq ft Weight 1,3001b Weight allup 2,550 lb Speed range 32-65mph

Endurance 5hr[6]

Hamble River, Luke H.L.1 The H.L.1 was built by Hamble River, Luke and Co., of Hamble, Hants., and was shown in an unfinished state at the 1914 Olympia Aero Show. It was a two-seat pusher seaplane designed by F. Murphy, who had worked previously as a designer with the British and Colonial Aeroplane Co., at Bristol. The machine featured a finely-finished cigar-shaped nacelle, at the rear of which was mounted a 150 h.p. N.A.G. six-cylinder German-designed and British-built engine, the radiators being fitted to the inter-plane struts on each side of the nacelle. The construction was of wood and fabric, and the wings were equipped with ailerons. The float structure was redesigned while the H.L.1 was being completed, and the machine was test-flown by E. C. Gordon England. Span. 60 ft. Wing area, 678 sq. ft. Weight empty, 1,600 lb. Weight loaded, 2.550 lb. Maximum speed. 65 m.p.h. Landing speed, 32 mph.[7]

Flight, March 14, 1914.



Hamble River (Hamble River, Luke and Co.). (68.)

On the stand of the Hamble River, Luke and Co. will be shown a seaplane which, whilst following standard lines as regards its general arrangement, is interesting from the point of view of construction. The nacelle, as will be seen from the accompanying sketch, is of cigar shape, and carries at its rear end a 150 h.p. N.A.G. engine. The main floats, of which there are two, are of rather novel design, and incorporate in their construction several new and interesting features. For the design of this machine, we understand Mr. F. Murphy, formerly connected with the British and Colonial Aeroplane Co., is responsible, and, although this machine has not as yet been tried, there is little doubt but that it will give a good account of itself in the future, and thus become a valuable addition to the list of British seaplanes.[8]

Flight, March 28, 1914.




UNFORTUNATELY the seaplane exhibited on this stand was not completely finished at the opening of the Show, and the temporary wiring up of the machine was hurriedly done, so that it is to be feared that a great number of the visitors received an unfavourable impression of the quality of workmanship in it. This is much to be regretted since it is the first time the machine has been shown in public and the workmanship is really very good. When one or two minor alterations have been effected and the machine has been properly tuned up, there is little doubt but that it will give a good account of itself.

In its general arrangement, the seaplane follows standard practice, being a biplane of the "pusher" type and having two main floats and two tail floats. The upper main plane is straight whilst the lower plane is set at a very pronounced dihedral angle in order to provide ample clearance when the machine is rolling. The two main floats are built up of two skins of cedar, the inner one of which is laid on diagonally over a framework of spruce and rock elm. The floats are divided into watertight compartments by double bulkheads, and a layer of canvas, soaked in varnish, is placed between the two skins. All the chassis struts carrying the floats are steel tubes, and it is intended, we understand, to provide springing of the floats by means of telescopic tubes and coil springs.

The cigar-shaped nacelle is of similar construction to that of the floats, and provides accommodation for the pilot and passengers. The seats are arranged tandem fashion, and the pilot controls the machine by means of a single vertical lever and a pivoted foot-bar. In the rear of the nacelle is mounted the engine, a 150 h.p. British N.A.G., which drives directly a Normale propeller.

The tail unit is carried on an outrigger consisting of four tail booms of spruce connected by struts of the same

material. These booms, one gathers, will later be replaced by steel tubes in order to provide a more rigid structure. The undivided elevator is hinged to the trailing edge of a fixed, non-lifting, stabilising plane, under the ends of which are mounted the twin rudders. Two small metal floats support the tail planes when the machine is at rest.[9]


After WWI

After the war, Luke concentrated on yacht building again. They had moved a bit up-river, just north of where the present Royal Southern Yacht Club opened their premises in 1937. It expanded to Satchell Lane and was known as "Top Yard" or "North Yard", which is now Hamble Yacht Services.

In 1925, Luke & Co. designed and built the "Hamble Star one design" sailing dinghy which became a popular racing dinghy with the local Hamble River Sailing Club.[10] Albert Luke became the first Honorary Secretary of this club, established right after the war. Walter later became the Honorary Treasurer and Flag Officer.

In 1923, French war hero and Tennis Champion Alain Gerbault wanted to buy the Luke-built Lady Maud (1907) from her then owner Captain Dixon, but the owner would not sell. Gerbault thereupon arranged to buy the Dixon Kemp-designed Firecrest (1892) and started his famous voyage, sailing solo around the globe.

In 1935, Luke designed and built the five tonner Teal One Design; several other boats of this design were built by other yards. Teal won the Round the Isle (Cowes) race in 1935 and 1936, and was featured in Uffa Fox's book Racing, Cruising and Design (another Teal-class yacht, Content, would also win the first post war Round the Isle Race in 1945). Uffa said of the Teal design: "Teal was a delight to the eye, as one would expect, for she was designed by Luke, of Hamble. She proved herself to be such an able boat, both as a racer and as a day cruiser that more were built the following year."[11]


During World War II, Luke & Co., then already known as Luke Bros., built L.C.A.s (Landing Craft Assault) and the smaller L.C.P.s (Landing Craft Personnel) to the design of John Thornycroft & Co. Ltd. They were designed to carry troops only and were used at D-Day.

Luke was taken over by Port Hamble Ltd. at the end of World War II. Bill Hobbs, who came to the yard as an apprentice in 1923 and who had been working there as draftsman and designer since the late twenties, then designed the "Luke 5 tonners" for Port Hamble Ltd.


  • Luke's yard occasionally played a role in the novels of author Nevil Shute including prominent mentions in the novella "The Seafarers" published in 2002.[12]
  • Henry Fienness Speed mentions his visit to the yard of "W. S. Luke" when still at Itchen Ferry in his book Cruises in Small Yachts and Big Canoes of 1883,[13] recalling the rebuilding by Luke of the Kate (of E. Middleton fame), which the writer called exceptionally stiff because of the very tall mast she was rigged with, and partly describing the then-famous Itchen Lass of 1879 (see boat list), a racer with an apparently very thin keel.
  • Francis B. Cooke shows, among others, some design studies of A. R. Luke in the third edition of his book Cruising Hints.[14]
  • The Yachtsman's Annual and Who's Who 1938–9 contains line drawings, including a description of A. R. Luke's design Allure.[15] She was the last one built of three sister ships. The others were Themis, a yawl built in 1930 and Shiris, a yawl built in 1937 with shallower draft to navigate the French canals.
  • In A Manual of Yacht and Boat Sailing, regarding the latest Itchen-type boats, Dixon Kemp refers to the greater draught and the addition of a Yacht Counter: "Still, as they have grown out of the "Ithchen Boat," and still sail by a simple length measurement, it can be assumed that the 1882 craft is still to identified with Itchen Ferry, especially as the Itchen Ferry builders Payne and Luke have assisted in introducing these new-fashioned craft". The example, by a line drawing, is given of a boat of 30 ft waterline length.[16]

Selection of boats

Boats designed and/or built before 1940, showing tonnage (Thames measurement), year built, and designer (when known). Boats known to still exist as of 2011 are marked with a '*'.[17][18]

NameTonsYear BuiltDesignerNotes
Active361883W. G. LukeOwner: Robert Seward Pearce, Terminus Terrace, Southampton, 1883-1906 employed in the pilot service of the Southampton District.[19]
Advent521877W. S. LukeSold foreign 1878; reregistered 1892, Owner: 1893 Walter Beavis, 83 High Street, Southampton; 1894-1904 H.G.W. Beavis or Haddon and Beavis, 83 High Street, Southampton

Master: 1893 George Duval, Anderson Road, Southampton and Robert Kimber, Freemantle, Millbrook; 1894-1901 Robert Kimber, Millbrook (1897 of Eling); 1902 J. Rainsley, Threefield Lane, Southampton; 1903 George Yeates, Charlotte Street, Southampton; 1903-4 Henry Yeates, Charlotte Street Voyages: 1893-1901 trading inside Isle of Wight; 1902-4 Lightering inside Isle of Wight Converted to lighter 1902

Alethea II81910A. R. Lukebuilt for J. G. H. Cockburn (see also Hope), lines in Yachting Monthly January 1912
Alethea III91935A. R. Lukeinformation in The Yachtsman March 1935 and Yachting World April 1935
Alice2A. R. Luke
Allure *241938A. R. LukeSince 1985 Allure is sailing under German flag, currently (2012) in the Eastern Mediterranean. She has received a major refit in 2004 / 2005.[20] Lines are in The Yachtsman's Annual and who's who 1938-9 of 1938 page 119, including a description. She was the last one built of three sister ships. The others were Themis, yawl, built in 1930 and Shiris, yawl, 1937 with shallower draft to navigate the French canals. Information Yachting World July 1938 and Yachting Monthly August 1942.
Ann21913A. R. Luke
Annacis21913A. R. Luke
Apteryx *171894W. S. LukeA Gaff Yawl, renamed Glance in 1927, re-rigged as a Bermudan cutter in 1947, website with History, photos, etc. to present day at Currently based Northern Ireland
Badger21909A.R. Lukelater Kelpie
Banshee17W. S. Lukelater Lloyds registers lists her as 14 tons, claims both Bansee's were designed by A. R. Luke
Banshee111900W. G. Luke
Bessie771874W. S. LukeBuilt at Itchen Ferry by W.S. Luke, engines by Guy and Adams, West Cowes

Steam, screw Reg. tons 52 net, 77 gross Crew lists: 1874-1, 1876-1, 1877-4, 1878-1, 1879-NA, 1880-1, 1881-2, 1882-2, 1883-3, 1884-2, 1886-0, 1887-1 Owner: 1874 Earl of Harrington, Derby; 1878 Lt. Col. A.J.L. Freemantle, 5 Tilney Street, Park Lane, London; 1880 ditto; 1887 H.G. Walkins Inn Esq., Hants. Master: 1874 Thomas Lashmar; 1876–81 Henry Wadley, 3 Clifton Terrace; 1882-3 Alfred Bailey; 1884-7 A.P.J. Freemantle Voyages: 1874 yachting off coast; 1876 Cowes — Norway; 1877 Colchester via Lisbon to Mediterranean, laid up at Cowes; 1878, 1880 laid up at Cowes; 1881 ditto and pleasure cruising to Mediterranean and Black Seas; 1882 laid up, then yachting around Europe and Mediterranean; 1883-4 laid up in Southampton water; 1887 Trading inside I.W. Sold to foreigners 1887.[21]

Biddy*21913A. R. Lukelater Jesse Hamble One Design, lines and construction drawings including description in Yachting Monthly, June 1913 page 165
Blue Bell 7
Cacouna501923John G. Alden
Chipmunk61880W. S. Lukecutter built for Sidney Clemens Watson
Chough *21927A. R. Lukesloop, built by Brooke & Halls for H. S. Halgar
Ciris *91906A. R. Lukeyawl, built for W.S. Winans
Clover421938A. R. Lukeinformation Motorboat & Yachting and Yachting World both in November 1938, Yachting Monthly December 1938 page 162.
Content5A. R. LukeTeal one design[22]
Cormorant31899A. R. Lukeyawl
Cormorant *51911A. R. Lukelater Sparrow, Sunbeam
Daisy321887W. S. Luke
Dancing Girl21891H. W. Ridsdale0/5 rater[23]
Daphne91882W. S. Luke25 ft. wl racer
Dimples71903A. R. Lukelater Mooween (from 1904)
Din Niklé2
Diver2Seine Racer
Dot21913A. R. Luke
Ecila21913A. R. Luke
Eira81896W. S. Luke
Emuint. 5m
Estelle *101910A. R. Lukecutter, information in the Yachting Monthly of June 1942
Eve41903W. G. Lukebuilt by W. Fife
Fantasy31893R. Vogan1 rater built for Randall Vogan[24]
Fearnought *91897W. G. Lukebuilt by A. Westmacott, according to Lloyds Yacht register. Yachting World of 1896 mention Arthur Payne her designer, built by Luke[25]
Figaro *21913A. R. LukeHamble One Design. Repaired in the 1980s
Flying Scud2
Galene *51937A. R. LukeTeal one design
Gay Maid
Gladoris II *491928A. R. LukeInformation Yachting Monthly July 1928[26]
Glance*171894A.R.LukeLaunched as Apteryx (see above) Renamed in 1927. Now in Northern Ireland. Website www.yachtglance.cim
Gloaming111906A. R. Luke
Grant Duchess631898A. R. Luke & L. G. Moorelater Rosalind (1912), Emy a large photo of her is published as the Yachtsmans supplement of May 1, 1902
Grouper171903A. R. Luke
Grouper II91904A. R. LukeYawl
Helaflote211913A. R. Luke
Helaflote21913A. R. Lukeboth Helaflote's for same owner
Hope91932A. R. Lukebuilt for J. G. H. Cockburn, lines in Yachting Monthly April 1932 page 426-427
Hurricane Wake61939F. Shepherd
Imogen II*61911Albert StrangeYawl[27]
Iris281879W. S. LukePilot[28]
Iris1892W. S. LukeRacer for Seine, built for mr Tordo, Paris
Isabel2A. R. Luke
Itchen Lass1879W. G. Luke25 ft. wl racer, broken up 1893
Itchen Lass71911W. G. Luke
Jeanette71911 or 1907A. R. LukeKetch rigged motor yacht, built by Everett
Jesse1879W. S. Luke
Ju-Ju *21913A. R. Lukelater Doddy, Florence. Hamble One Design, lines and construction drawings including description in Yachting Monthly, June 1913 page 165
June291912A. R. Luke
Kali21913A. R. Lukebuilt by A. Apps
Kea41897A. R. LukeLug rigged
Kelpie21914A. R. Lukebuilt by Lt.-Col. G. P. Stewart
Kitcat21913A. R. Luke
Lady Maud*101907A. R. Lukecutter, built for capt. H. M. Taylor, Plymouth[29]
Lady Ruth271893W. S. Luke(later Othona) according to the Yachtsman of 1892/3 she was only 15 tons, built for H. L. Trollope.
Laverock591875W. S. LukeYawl (former Nixie, VixenII) altered 1878[30]
Lila8A. R. Luke
Lily Maid*251904A. R. Luke
Lily Maid II*141911A. R. Luke
Lily Maid III171925A. R. Lukeinformation Motorboat and Yachting October 1924 and September 1925
Lily Maid IV391927A. R. Luke & Paul Jouëtbuilt by Chant. Nav. de Sartrouville, France, for Capt. C. E. A. L. Rumbold
Loiterer231901A. R. Lukelater Hawk, built by A. Apps, Emsworth
Lorna Doone3
Louise Henriëtte3
Lucia491928John G. Alden
Maid141911A R. LukeEx Lilly maid ?
Manon91902A. R. Lukebuilt for mr B. Degetan, Nieustedten, Altona, Germany
March Hare3
Maresca111906A. R. Luke'Maresca' was owned by John Clarke and raced in first OGA Solent Race, 1959. Originally a yawl, she was converted to cutter in 1939 and shortened by 2 ft. in 1955. 'Maresca' was stranded and lost off Rainbow Bar, Tichfield Haven in the Solent 30 October 1965. Her spars, sails, rigging, etc. were salvaged and used in the restoration of 'Richard Davey'.
Marigui21913Built by Luke, no design given in Lloyds. In 1926 owned by C. E. Nicholson, Gosport. Perhaps designed by Camper & Nicholson? Not registered in 1914 and 1921 Lloyds register
Maritana251883W. S. Luke
May151875W. S. Lukecutter[31]
May141894W. S. Luke
Mayfair571914A. R. Luke
Merrie Duchess351884W. S. LukeYawl
Midge181884W. S. Lukelater Nathalie
Milly311879St. C. Byrnelater Starlight
Minnie *111893W. S. Luke[32]
Minx21913A. R. Luke
Moonfleet1928Charles E. Nicholson
Moth41906A. R. LukeSloop, later Whimbrel, Pansy
Moth II51912Albert StrangeYawl, lines, sailplan and extensive specifications are described in the Yachting Monthly of August 1923, p. 231-238, together with a voyage and including a picture of Moth II under sail
Nan21913A. R. Luke
Neaira Junior2
Nephele81908, 1912A. R. Lukeyawl, built for Richard Curling, Southampton. Photo with description in Le Yacht nr. 1665, 22 jan. 1910
Nigger51885W. S. Luke
Nona31887 or 1897?W. G. Luke
Nyleptha41904A. R. LukeLug rigged
Ondina *91906A. R. Lukecutter, built for Gregory John Bond, Greatwood Estate, Penryn, Mylor[33]
Outis *61914A. R. Lukelater Shona[34]
Paulina91904A. R. LukeCutter
Pampa III *501914A. R. Lukelater Doris, Grey Mist, Cupid, Glala. Lloyds 1914 states built 1914, later editions state 1915. Completed 1920
Pavonia201902A. R. Lukebuilt to Lloyds specification
Penguin211913A. R. Luke
Phakoe *51937A. R. LukeTeal One Design
Pixie *31890W. G. Luke
Presiosa10before 1892Seine racer, Paris
Pride of the Itchen1870W. S. Luke13 feet fishingboat for capt. Diaper[35]
Puffin*211913A. R. Lukenow named Sahara of Ardgour original steam engine replaced with a gardner 4lw.
Quaker Girl91911A. R. LukeSloop, int. 7M, a successful racing yacht which won A. R. Luke a design award
Quinque111890Col. Bucknill5 rater[36]
Ranee51931A. R. Luke
Raven111881W. S. LukeCutter, altered in 1886, 30 ft. wl racer, according to the Yachtsman in 1893 possibly the best all round 30 footer ever.
Rita31900A. R. LukeLug rigged built for H. Dupuy, Guernsey
Robert and Sarah391876W. S. Lukecommercial vessel[37][38]
Rogue41892H. W. RidsdaleCutter, 1 rater built for Randall Vogan
Rondinella II41897H. EmmonsLinear Rater
Rosette121891cutter built for captain Lysons R. E.
Rosie21896W. S. Luke18ft Linear Rater, built for H Myring
Rowena41904A. R. LukeSloop
Runa101913A. R. Luke
St. Hilda1441875W. S. LukeSchooner
San Toy51901A. R. Lukelater Sparrow
Sea Urchin17motor yacht
Shiris *221937A. R. LukeWooden Boats 1985 July/August, No.65, p. 83 with photo of Shiris as participant of the Museum of Yachting's Classic Yacht Regatta 1985 in Newport, Rhode Island. See also under Allure
Silver heels81912J. I. Thornycroftlater Takista
Siska61929A. R. Luke
Sparrow31899W. S. lukeCutter
Spray51877design unknown
Sprite4A. R. Luke
Susanne251876W. S. Lukelater La Belle Susanne,Vega, Yawl
St Hilda961875W. S. Luke
Sweet Nell20A. R. Luke
Syringa51906A. R. LukeLug rigged, 24 ft. linear rater built for M. W. Greenhill, Southampton. Photo of Syringa in Le yacht of August 18, 1906 p. 528
Tadpole31896W. S. Luke
Talofa51906A. R. LukeSloop, design nr. 130[39][40]
Tasma*81897W. G. Lukeinformation Yachting Monthly januari 1942[41]
Tasina81897W. S. LukeCutter for C. Yorke
Tasma81897W. S. LukeCutter
Teal51935A. R. LukeTeal One Design
Tee Jay *81933A. R. Luke
Tiphaine91939A. R. Luke
Themis221930A. R. Lukesee also under Allure. Information Yachting monthly March 1930 and Yachting world June 1930
Thora51937A. R. Lukelater Galene
Tiger51937A. R. Lukelater Lalaerne
Tiny21891H. W. Ridsdale(0/5 rater);[42] built for Randall Vogan
Triple Alliance101935A. R. Luke
Ulerin101886G. L. Watsonbuilt for E. H. Hamilton, Co. Down
Umjata31911A. R. Luke
Valentine201902A. R. LukeYawl
Veronique *331907A. R. LukeLines of Veronique are in the 1907 edition of Yachting Monthly, page 79-81, built to Lloyds specification.[43]
Vilar61926A. R. Lukebuilt for Ramón Pérez, Santiago de Cuba
Vixen *1915
Wastrel111891W. S. Luke
Water Lily *81904A. R. Lukelater Windhover
Wayward151897A. E. Payne
Weemelah91937A. R. Luke
Ytene241910A. R. Luke & F. R. S. BirchamYawl, later Curluw


  1. "The Yachtsman". The Yachtsman. The Yachtsman: 131. 7 April 1904.
  2. Rance, Adrian B. (1981). Shipbuilding in Victorian Southampton. Southampton University Industrial Archeology Group. p. 57.
  3. "Alfred Payne 1823-1878". A Victorian yacht built to race in 1860. Archived from the original on 3 March 2012. Retrieved 22 November 2011.
  4. "Celebrating the Yacht Designer, Artist, Sailor and Writer 1855-1917". The Albert Strange Association. Retrieved 22 November 2011.
  5. Le Yacht, 1882-11 and 1883-5
  6. Goodall, Michael H.; Albert Tagg (2000). British Aeroplanes Before the Great War. Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. ISBN 0764312073.
  7. Lewis, Peter M. H. (1962). British Aircraft, 1809-1914. Putnam & Company Ltd.
  8. "Flight". Flight. 14 March 1914.
  9. "Flight". Flight. 28 March 1914.
  10. "Hamble River Sailing Club". Hamble River Sailing Club. Retrieved 22 November 2011.
  11. Fox, Uffa (1928). Racing, Cruising & Design. p. 293.
  12. "Nevil Shute Foundation—Title". Retrieved 2017-06-12.
  13. Speed, H. Fiennes (1883). Cruises in Small Yachts and Big Canoes: Or, Notes from the "Watersnake," in Holland and on the South Coast, the Logs of the "Water Rat" and "Viper," on the Thames and South Coast, with Remarks on Anchorages for Small Craft. Norie & Wilson. pp. 60 & 200.
  14. Cooke, Francis B. (1907). Cruising Hints. London. pp. 33–36.
  15. K. Adlard Coles and Terence L. Stocken, ed. (1938). The Yachtsman's Annual and Who's Who 1938–9. H. F. Witherby Ltd. p. 119.
  16. Kemp, Dixon (1882). A Manual of Yacht and Boat Sailing. London: Horace Cox. p. 293.
  17. Lloyd's. 'Lloyds Register of Yachts'. various yearly editions.
  18. Hunt's. Hunt's Universal Yacht List. 1914, p. 1.
  19. National Archives, Reg No 86329 DCrew/86329
  20. Yachting World's Annual and who's who 1938-39, p. 119
  21. National Archives, Reg No 68832 DCrew/68832
  22. Fox, Uffa. Racing, Cruising & Design. 1928, p. 293.
  23. The Badminton Library, various editors, 1894, p. 248
  24. The Badminton Library, various editors, 1894, page 271
  25. "Search the Registers · National Register of Historic Vessels · National Historic Ships UK". Retrieved 2017-06-12.
  26. "Classic Yachts: Conti Bernardi". Archived from the original on 21 July 2011. Retrieved 12 June 2011.
  27. "Gallery, Imogen II". Archived from the original on 24 July 2011. Retrieved 12 June 2017.
  28. National Archives, Reg No 76851 DCrew/76851
  29. "Sequana Créée en 1989 dans l'Ile des Impressionnistes, Sequana appartient au paysage de Chatou, dans les Yvelines – , et a contribué au développement et à l'animation locale du Hameau Fournaise. Sa vocation est la sauvegarde et la mise en valeur du patrimoine fluvial et culturel". (in French). Retrieved 2017-06-12.
  30. National Archives, Reg No 72352 DCrew/72352
  31. National Archives, Reg No 86331 DCrew/86331
  32. "Search the Registers · National Register of Historic Vessels · National Historic Ships UK". Retrieved 2017-06-12.
  33. "Vereniging voor Klassieke Scherpe Jachten | VKSJ | Zeil mee met de VKSJ!". (in Dutch). Retrieved 2017-06-12.
  34. "Gallery, Shona". The Albert Strange Association. Archived from the original on 24 July 2011. Retrieved 12 June 2017.
  35. "The Diaper Heritage Association - Free Exhibition at The Woolhouse Maritime Museum, Southampton". Retrieved 2017-06-12.
  36. The Badminton Library, various editors, 1894, page 242 and 255
  37. Rance, Adrian B. Shipbuilding in Victorian Southampton. Southampton University Industrial Archeology group, 1981, p. 57.
  38. National Archives, Reg No 76830 DCrew/76830
  39. Cooke, Francis B. Cruising Hints. third edition. 1907, p. 33.
  40. Lloyd's. Lloyd's Yacht register. 1913.
  41. "Tasma - a member yachts of the British Classic Yacht Club". Archived from the original on 26 June 2010. Retrieved 12 June 2017.
  42. The Badminton Library, various editors, 1894, page 248
  43. "Classic Yachts: Veronique". Archived from the original on 21 July 2011. Retrieved 12 June 2017.
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