Mark Bebbington

Mark Bebbington (born 17 January 1972) is a British concert pianist. He is a notable advocate of British music. He studied at the Royal College of Music with Kendall Taylor and Phyllis Sellick and later in Italy with Aldo Ciccolini. As an advocate of British music, he has given premieres in concert and on CD of major works by Vaughan-Williams, Arthur Bliss, William Mathias, Ivor Gurney and John Ireland. Mark has recorded widely for Somm label, including complete cycles of Frank Bridge and John Ireland; both of these cycles (seven CDs) have received consecutive sets of 5***** in BBC Music Magazine. In concert, he has toured over recent seasons with the Czech National, Flanders, Royal Philharmonic and London Philharmonic Orchestras and made his Carnegie Hall debut with Leon Botstein and the American Symphony Orchestra.


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