Meena ethnic religion

Meena ethnic religion is an indigenous tribal religion from India, among the Meena tribe. It is also seen as part of Hinduism. They have been worshiping trees and plants for centuries as their totem trees.[1] It includes witchcraft and black magic. There is connection to traditional healing.[2]

This religion has the Dharadi tradition, which is love to various forms of nature.[3] The Meenas have been the guardians of the forest.[4] On the basis of the customs of the ancestors, the practice of worshiping the Dharadi trees within Meena ethnic religion is going on at the time of marriage.[5]

Clans and Dharadi:

1. Byadwaal --- Aera

2. Kakroda --- Beel patra

3. Sattavan --- Pipal tree (Ficus religiosa or sacred fig is a species of fig native to the Indian subcontinent that belongs to Moraceae).

See also


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