Michele Chiaruzzi
Michele Chiaruzzi (born September 12, 1983 in City of San Marino, San Marino) is the current ambassador of San Marino to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

He was the first sammarinese ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina at unusually young age and the youngest European resident ambassador at the time, having presented his credential letters in 2008 to the President Haris Silajdžić.[1][2] He has been a taekwondo fighter at the St. Petersburg Student World Championships and he holds a PhD in History from the Scuola Superiore di Studi Storici di San Marino.[3][4][5] He has been a visiting fellow with the Watson Institute for International Studies at Brown University, while Richard Holbrooke was serving as professor at large. [6] A Clare Hall Life Member at Cambridge, he is the Director of the Research Centre for International Relations at the University of San Marino.[7] He has been described as "one of the few people in the microstate who might qualify for the designation ‘public intellectual’".[8] He has been a protagonist of Goran Milic's documentary for Al Jazeera "Alkemija Balkana".[9] In 2010, he has been honoured at the Ambassador's Alley in Sarajevo.[10] In 2019 he has realized the 'Chapel of three religions', the first ever building of its kind devoted to interfaith dialogue.[11] The embassy of San Marino is located in the building created by the Austro-Hungarian historian Hamdija Kreševljaković to whom is dedicated the homonym residential street.
- http://www.mfa.gov.ba/ambasade_konzulati_misije/ambasade_u_bih/Default.aspx
- http://www.esteri.sm/on-line/en/home/diplomatic-and-consular-corps/diplomatic-representations-of-san-marino/scheda1001539.html
- https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/michele.chiaruzzi/en
- http://www.unirsm.sm/it/dottorato-ricerca-studi-storici/_2161.htm
- http://www.taekwondodata.com/michele-chiaruzzi.a7hh.html
- http://brown.edu/Administration/News_Bureau/2006-07/06-090.html/Brown-University-Appoints-Richard-Holbrooke-as-Professor-at-Large
- https://www.clarehall.cam.ac.uk/news/18-04-2016/clare-hall-life-member-dr-michele-chiaruzzi-launches-new-book
- https://sanmarinowatch.wordpress.com/2018/07/21/soft-power-in-the-gulf/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcWIh_fYwwc
- http://starigrad.ba/v2/vijest.php?id=737
- "Kapela tri religije". Al Jazeera. Retrieved 16 October 2019.