Mykonos Biennale
The Mykonos Bienniale is held every odd year at the start of the summer on the Greek island of Mykonos. Originally created by Lydia Venieri,[1] the biennale does not consider itself in the standard form but that of a symposium where art and philosophy meet to work with the energy of island.[2]
Mykonos Biennale | |
Genre | biennale. An artist initiated biennale. |
Begins | 2013 |
Frequency | biennial, every two years |
Location(s) | Mykonos, Greece |
Inaugurated | 2013 |
Next event | 2021 |
Website | |
For one week at the end of June or the beginning of July, the island of Mykonos, hosts an extensive range of artworks, projects, and a program of events. The biennial commissions leading and emerging artists to make and present permanent and temporary public artworks, as well as long-term community-based projects. These newly commissioned and existing artworks and projects are presented in diverse locations, including unusual public spaces including windmills, pirate houses, warehouses, schools and churches, as well as the city’s galleries, museums, and cultural venues. The town hall, School of Fine Arts and the other organizations in Mykonos provide context for the presentation of contemporary art and culture.[3]
2021 - 1821
The 5th 2021 Mykonos Biennale theme is Eighteen Twenty-One and will exhibit works and installations by various artists as well as international short films during the first week of September.[4]
In the fifteenth century, the Ottomans occupied Byzantium, extinguishing the last breath of ancient Greek culture. At the same time, European empires, with the same ruthless, barbaric criminal testosterone, were destroying America's ancient civilizations. Their purpose was to exploit the Earth and reign through dark and sick domination. In the year 1821, Greece[5], Peru, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico, Panama, and the Dominican Republic,[6] attained their independence[7][8]. It was the era of romance where the revolution was a celebration, the war was love, blood was art.
Human memory was filled with heroes, imagination with allegories of great ideas, and the Earth spoke the language of humanity directly to people's hearts.
The fifth Mykonos Biennale honors Earth with its theme "1821", the year of revolution. Our planet, a living organism with her own wise will, coordinated her power and drove liberation through her bowels into the hearts of the people and shook the chains of tyranny.
Lydia Venieri, New York, May 2020[9]
2019 - APATHIA
The 4th 2019 Mykonos Biennale theme is Apathia and will exhibit works and installations by various artists as well as international short films during the first week of September.[10]
Time has aged, fashion repeats itself and the future looks nostalgic. With order globalism has created a new culture, excessively controlled, unprotected and depressed.
Ambition for power and money floats without substance like a bored familiar junkie who has abused everyone and everything. Ancient cities, and treasures of nature disappear. People and animals are abused and all this in a world that is educated with democratic principles and religions touting love.
The mind refuses to understand and the repugnant visions accumulate in the bowels of existence. A Pandemic of indigestion overcasts humanity. This serenity is not reminiscent peace. Its [sic] an uncomfortable silence, a charged stillness. It is the Silence of the Lambs. Is it love that gives them the power to survive the bloody centuries? Their healing look gifts forgiveness and they who feels it know the answer.
Lydia Venieri, Havana, 2018[11]
Participating artists[12][13]
Rene Alvarado, Francisco Alvarado-Juarez, Michelle Andrade, Dimitris Barouchos, Tjorg Douglas Beer, Constantinos Bouras, Arnaud Bourgain, Loreto Buttazzoni, Khadim Dai, Medri Davide, Christofilogiannis Dionysis, John Duff, Thalia Gatzouli, Yannis Gazetopoulos, Maria Georgoula, Peter D. Gerakaris,[14] Cris Gianakos, Zhen Guo, Eugenia Hanioti, Kleopatra Haritou, Yannis Iliopoulos, Irene Karayanni, Vassilis Kavourides, Zoe Keramea, Peggy Kliafa,[15] Barbara Knight, Charis Kontosfyris, Amanda Kyritsopoulou, Konstantinos Ladianos, Thanasis Lalas, Eirini Linardaki, Afrodite Liti, Alexandros Maganiotis, Jenny Marketou, Margarita Myrogianni, Steve Miller, Mitsuko Nazo, Ilias Papailiakis, Valia Papastamou, Hara Piperidou, Sebastian Piras, Patsy Pitts, Joanna Przybyla, Hamid Razmkhah, Karl Grumpe & Rene p.g., Georgia Sagri, Nikolaos Sarlis, Angelos Spyropoulos, Vicky Stamatopoulou, Nikos Tranos, Vassilis Tsokopoulos, Pedro Tyler, Giorgos Vdokakis, Anna Vekri, Kostis Velonis, Lydia Venieri, Ioanna Vlachou, Fiona Walsh
Participating Short Film Directors in Dramatic Nights[16]
Leila Abdelrazaq, Hanieh Bavali,[17] Joan Bentosela, Marcos Bonisson & Khalil Charif, Alexandra Brodski, Ramazan Çardak, Emanuel Cossu, Khadim Dai, Hossein Rabiei Dastjerdi, Bracq Fabrice, Thomas Giannakis, Florian Goralsky, Joseph Laguidice, Dima Proykova, Stefano Schiavone
Participating Short Film Directors & Video Artists in Video Graffiti[18]
Francisco Alvarado-Juarez, Capitana F, Marco Cucurnia, Giorgos Efthimiou, Matthew Gibson, Sara Koppel, Joseph Laguidice, Armin Monfared, Marina Petrie, Fawn Rogers, Alexandria Searls, Amr Singh, Nima Valibeigi, Giorgos Vdokakis, Olia Verriopoulou, Behnaz Zahmatkesh
Participating Performers[19]
Babis Amidides - Rigas and Anemomyloi - Matiss Evreoux - Michalis Babelis - Lefteris Sikiniotis Kantansos - Dimitri Vassilakis - Maria Christara - Irene Karagianni - Apollonios organization - Vassilis Tzavaras [20]
Farewell Takis[21]

Farewell Takis (video projection) was a homage to Takis with live jazz from Dimitri Vassilakis, dance performance by Maria Christara & vocals by Irene Karagianni
2019 Team[22]
Lydia Venieri, Vassilis Kavourides, Elli Skreta, Vassilis Tsokopoulos, Andonis Andoninis, Angelos Spyropoulos, Vicky Stamatopoulou, Thanos Vassilakis, Costas Picadas,
2017 - Trans Allegoria
The 3rd Mykonos Biennale theme was Trans Allegoria and exhibited works and installations by various artists as well as international short films during the first week of September.[23]Allegories are symbolic figures which identify ideas and give to the abstraction a face, an expression, a position, a costume which reveals the meaning. Victory has wings, Death is a skeleton with scythe, when Spring is surrounded by flowers. The Allegory can freeze the temporality of an idea, like the gold fleece, the holy grail, the “immortal" water, or the Spring of Youth.
The Greek mythology humanizes everything, the muse, the grace, the winds. The Gods give form and behavior to all the main powers of the universe. In the Greek national anthem Freedom, exhausted, poor but full of courage lives her life of a constant struggle. An empire holds a specter and democracy wears on her head laurel leaves, war wears black and red symboling ash and blood. But what happens when a symbolism goes beyond the extreme of its meaning.
The title of the Mykonos Biennale 2017 is Trans-Allegoria. It raises (and answers) the question of the capacity of Art to initiates, introduce and captivate. Art which transforms energy into creation and creation into life.
The saga of the Great Ideas, at the transcendental Island that changes everyone into something new, something that discovers only in place.
Lydia Venieri
Athens 2017
Participating Artists[25]
Anastasia Pelias, Andrew Ellis Johnson, Antonakis, Antonia Papatzanaki, Antonis Maros, Arezoo Moseni, Aristides Logothetis, Artemis Potamianou, Augustus Goertz, Bill Pangburn, Bong Jung Kim, Bruce Robbins, Cecilia Whittaker-Doe, Constantine Bouras, Debby Lee Cohen, Della Rounick , Despo Magoni, Devon Farber, Dimitris Kioukas, Dominick Lombardi, Don Doe, Egon Zippel , Emelia Filipopoulou, Eozen Agopian, Evi Eleftheriadi, George Tzin, Ilias Koen, Jacci Den Hartog, Jeffrey Bishop, Joo-Hyun Kang, Jordi Enrich, JT Steiny, Julia Robbins, Kallina Maiopoulou, Katherine Liberovskaya, Konstantinos Stamatiou, Leonidas Papadopoulos, Liliane Lijn, Luis Orozco, Lydia Andrioti, Lydia Dambasina, Lydia Venieri, Lykou Isis, Margarita Myrogianni, Maria Efstathiou, Maria Karametou, Meghan Boody, Myreille Miller, Natalia Koursoumi, Nicholas Moore, Pavlos Samios, Ran Hwang, Renee Magnanti, Seth McBride, Sofia Touboura, Stephen Cox, Twofourtwo , Vassilis Tsokopoulos, Yannis Gazetopoulos
Participating Short Film Directors in Dramatic Nights[26]
Farnoosh Abedi, Alejandro Alberola, Mert Amasyalı, Ilia Antonenko, Price Arana & Adam Rothlein, Fabrice Bracq, Julia Campanelli, Bob Celli, Pasquale Encell, Emilija Gasic, John Hellberg, Ali Kalthami, Sezen Kayhan, Ella Kohn, James Francis Khehtie, Jennifer Perrott, Julián Quintanilla, Kalilah Robinson, Mohsen Serajian & Marzieh Hakim, François Sibiude, Alexander Tuschinski, George Vatistas, Rowena Woods
Participating Short Film Directors & Video Artists in Video Graffiti[27]
Nancy Allison, Thomas Apostolou, Laura Boato, Lexi Bass, Martin Gerigk, Rakel Jonsdottir, Katherine Liberovskaya, Liam Morgan, Nirvana Paz, Costas Picadas, André Shannon, François Sibiude, Seyed M. Tabatabaei, Patrick Tarrant, Kirk Tougas, Jeannie Weissglass
Participating Performers[28]
Babis Amidides - Rigas and Anemomyloi - Michalis Babelis - Lefteris Sikiniotis Kantansos - Silvia Macchi - Matiss Evreoux
Participating Philosophers in A PHILOSOPHICAL MARATHON[29]
Paul Boghossian, Kyriaki Goudeli, Bobi Hatisi, Meriam Korichi, Stelios Virvidakis, Michel Paroussis, Yannis Prelorentzos, Barry C. Smith, Spiros Tegos, Maria Venieri
Event created by Meriam Korichi
Lydia Venieri, Cecilia Dupire, Lydia Andrioti, Thalia Vrachopoulos, Sylvia Macchi, Meriam Korichi, Andonis Kioukas, Thanos Vassilakis, Kimona Venieri, Angelos Spyro
2015 - Antidote
The 2nd Mykonos Biennale takes place from July 2 through 7 2015, showing works and installations by various artists as well as international short films.[31]
Participating Artists[32]
Aga Ousseinov[33] - Agni Zotis - Akikazu Iwanoto - Alexandros Kaklamanos - Alexis Fidetzis - Amanda Church - Andreas Kanellopoulos - Ann Deleporte - Aristides Logothetis - Barbara Friedman - Bruce Robbins - Charisia Chatz - Christina Spanou - Christoforos Doulgeris - Christos Karatsolas - Cia Pedi - Dan Walsh - Danae Sratou - Daniel Lommel - Dimitra Stamatopoulou - Dimitris Kousoulas - Dora OIkonomou - Eleftheria Kotzaki - Emanuel Pimenta - Franklin Evans[34] - Glenn Goldberg - Heide Hatry - Ioanna Gouzeli - Jeannie Weissglass - Jim Shaw - Joshua Levine - Kate Shaw - Konstantinos Patsios - Kostas Varotsos - LC Armstrong - Loukia Dousi-Rassia - Lucia Oceguera - Luis Luna Matiz - Lydia Andrioti - Lydia Venieri - Macklen Mayse - Manolis Baboussis - Marcia Grostein - Margarita Myrogianni - Maria Efstathiou - Maria Papadimitriou - Marnie Weber - Mary Hrbacek - Michael Zansky - Michel Abajoli - Narooa Lizar - Panos Charalambus - Panos Famelis - Pedro Barbeito - Phyllis Yampolsky - Raul Hott - Richard Pasquarelli - Stathis Alexopoulos - Stephen Dean - THAVMA Collectiva - Takis - Tassos Vrettos - Thordis Adalsteinsdottir - Yannis Gazetopoulos - Tassos Vrettos - Katerina Skassi - Panos Kostouros - Perikles Kanaris - the Synergy Dance Group of Silvia Macchi - the Flower Girls - Jean Paul Gomez.
Participating Short Film Directors[35]
Pour Issa - Teddy Cecil - Diego Fiori & Olga Pohankova - Nancy Allison - Paul Allman - Rob Lobosco - Jay Lifton - Tahsin Ozmen - Emma Eisner - Marnie Weber - Konstantinos Chaliasas - Orfeas Peretzis - Heath Hanlin - Sigal Yona - Paul Surety - Margaret Corn - Dimitris Panakis - Victoria Trzeciak - Rhys Collier - Joel Moffett - Mohammad zare - Daniel Lecanda - Jonathan Kitzen - Andronikos - Konstantinos Dimopoulos - Patrick Kelley - Rami Yasin - Jianan Fan - Cristian Sulser - Daniel Thorsteinsson - Eva Colmers - Adriane Little - George Vdokakis/Nikos Kounitis - Mustafa Mahdi - Peter Kalisch - Cole Mercier - Mathieu Guimond - Hugo Hubert - Kryssa Schemmerling - Donald Gray - Emilija Gasic - Tom Schroeder - Bob Celli - Nancy J. Rodwan - Santiago Echeverry - dominique t skoltz - Isis kiwen - Jeff Wyatt Wilson - Sally Grizzell Larson - William Spencer - Mark Spencer - Saman Hosseinpuor - Elena Stamatogianni - Raisa Al Mansoori - Aleksei Abib - Mark Playne - Mete Sozer - Damon Silvester - Luis Luna Matiz - Danliewen Lu - Mario Garefo - Daniele Sartori - Josephine Massarella - Daniel Bloch - Andreas Hadjipateras - Yianna Dellatolla - Alexi Papalexopoulos - tracey anarella - Alex Bak - Thiago Zamprogno - Aggeliki Bozou - Michael Achtman - Elizabeth Kedrick - Joseph Accardi - Frank Perrin - Felix van Cleeff - Despina Economopulu - Gustavo Raulino - Alkis Papastathopoulos - nicolas citton - Jack Chapman - Maida Withers - Thomas Storesund - Alexander Tuschinski - Ritika Bajaj Vijra - Mike Friedrich - Jeff Dupre - Shahrukh Kavousi - Thomas Apostolou - Minji Kang - Theodoras Vogiatzidis - Paul Turano - Sophia Kiapos - Amanda Milius.
Participating Performers[36]
Babis Amidides - Rigas and Anemomyloi - Aposperites - Musical School G.Axiotis - Michalis Babelis - Flower Girls - Lefteris Sikiniotis Kantansos - Perikles Kanaris - Pole Dancing Pelecans - Tina Psalida - Mykonos Chorous - Anna Pangalou - Synergy Dance Group - THAVMA collective
Golden Pelican Award
The festival gave out the Golden Pelican Award to selected short films screening in competition:
- Gold. directed by Alexander Tuschinski[37]
- TUK (Tukuhnikivatz). directed by Maida Withers)[38]
- The Cursed Days dir. by Emilija Gasic
Lydia Venieri - Andonis Kioukas - Sylvia Macci Varotsos - Michael Skafidas - Elefteria Kotzaki - Christina Spanos - Demeter Stamatopoulou - Alexis Fideztis - Lydia Andrioti - Nikos Asimomytis - Thanos Vassilakis - Kallia Filippaki - Dimitra Tampakopoulou - Xeno Angelus - Katerina Skassi
2013 - Crisis and Paganism
June 21 through 24, the inaugural Mykonos Biennale took place at the heart of the Greek Cyclades islands. Lydia Venieri,[40] a New York-based Greek artist, curated the core exhibition under the banner 'Crisis and Paganism'. Gallerists, young artists, locals and, of course, tourists convened for a series of happenings where poetry and dance, along with suitably Dionysian amounts of food and wine, combined in a part-sacred, part-pagan voyage around the party-worn alleys of Mykonos and the deserted ruins of nearby Delos. Venieri's stated intention was to commit "an art crime" in Greece, a country that has, in Europe at least, lately been synonymous with social suffering. Her ideas seemed to suggest that the currently embattled Greeks know how to sustain their ancient values and confront their fears through gatherings and dancing.[41]
Participating Artists
Participating artists[42] included Nikos Alexiou -Liana Anastasiadi - Lydia Andrioti - Stephen Antonakos[43] - Panagiota Apostolopoulou - Avgi-Maria Atmatzidou - Jan Baracz - Pierrot Carillero - Leonidas Chalepas - Manolis Charos - Stanislav Chertenkov - Chiara Clemente - Kristina Colovic - Lydia Dambassina - Venia Dimitrakopoulou - [dNASAb][44] - Alexis Fidetzis - Karen Finley - Robert Flynt - Yannis Gazetopoulos - Peter Gerakaris[45] - Giullia Ghiani - Theodoulos Gregoriou - Dimosthenis Grivas - Rosalinda Gonzalez - Shalom Gorewitz - Olga Goulandris - Mark Hadjipateras & Christina Katsari - Gregory de la Haba[46] - Heide Hatry - Pato Hebert - Jon Henry - Gary Indiana - Nobuhiro Ishihara[47] - Marie Voyatzis Jacotey - Brad Kahlhamer - Jason Karaindros - Danai Katopodi - Anita King - Andonis Kioukas - Dimitra Kondilatou - Panos Kouros - Tao Kulczycki - Nicaella Kallimenopoulos - Esmeralda Kosmatopoulos - Harris Kondosphyris - Panos Kostouros - Tyrone Lebon - Aleta Lee - Esthir Lemi - Colette Lumiere - Christos Markogiannakis - Silvia Macci and Synergy of art - Marjan Moghaddam[48] - Dean Monogenis[49] - Trine Nedreas - Melina Nicolaides - Maria Nymfiadi - ORLAN[50] - Aga Ousseinov[51] - Anna Pagalou - Maria Papadimitriou - Richard Pasquarelli - Ben Patton - Katie Peyton[52] - Kostas Picadas - Mano Pontikakis - Shashpour Pouyan[53] - Pepa Prieto[54] - Marianna Sangita Røe - Mary Reid Kelly - Konstantinos Rigos - Alfredo Romano - Fotis Sagonas - Lucas Samaras[55] - Camila Santin - Katerina Skassi - Aliki Skoulikidi - Thomas Stavropoulos - Patrick Swirc - Raphaele Shirley - Takis - Philip Tsiaras - Betty Tompkins - Cindy Tower[56] - trapέζῆν collective - George Tsokopoulos - Pedro Tyler[57] - Dimitris Vassilakis - George Vdokakis - Lydia Venieri - Theodoras Vogiatzidis - Adonis Volanakis[58] - Iria Vrettou - Tassos Vrettos - Lee Wells[59] - Alison Williams - Phyllis Yampolsky - Theodoros Zafeiropoulos - Manolis Zaharioudakis - O Zhang[60] - Agni Zotis[61] - Vanessa Zouganeli.[62]
The venues of the Mykonos Biennale are located in many strategic points to initiate the visitor into the cultural inheritance of the island. The contemporary and international art works will blend with traditional culture in a haunted dialog hosted by the ghost of the past creating together Historical Time.
Town Hall (The Russian House) Then the art installation Rendez-vous was presented, followed by the Flower Project Part 2 by the «Flower Girls»Anna Pangalou sing the aria John Cage from the main balcony of Town Hall. Old Port The Sylvia Macci dance group presented "Yaloudes" a work inspired by Mykonian sea ghosts.
The Windmills Nobuhiro Ishihara - Installation: Dragon is reborn as a Cetus κητος from the Japanese to the Greek mythology. Lucas Samaras - Video installation in the windmill.
The Archeological Museum Takis & Lydia Venieri
Big White Gallery Yiannis Gazetopoulos, Alexis Fidetzis, Olga Goulandris, Patrick Swirc, Robert Flynt, Lydia Andrioti, Lydia Venieri, Christos Markogiannakis Antonis Volanakis,Theodoulos Gregoriou, Fotis Sagona, Thomas Stavropoulos.
Delos Alternative Baptism, a performance by Lydia Venieri and Adonis Volanakis accompanied by the music of Dimitris Vassilakis and the Sylvia Macci Dance Group. Lydia Venieri performed Words about Women by Betty Tompkins.
The Folklore Museum (The house of the Pirate Mermelakas) Pato Hebert, Aleta Lee, John Henry, Dean Monogenis, Camila Santin.
Kouseyares church Shashpour Pouyan & Pedro Tyler. Lena's House Andonis Volanakis, Pepa Prieto, Anita King, Manos Pontikakis, Rafaele Shirley.
School of Fine Arts Works by Liana Anastasiadis, Lydia Andrioti, Panagiota Apostolopoulos, Leonidas Chalepas, Mark Hadjipateras, Marie Jacotey, Anita King, Esther Lemi, Christos Markogiannakis, Maria Nymfiadi, Costas Picadas, Fotis Sagonas, Cam Santin, Katerina Skassi, Alice Skoulikidis, Lydia Venieri, Iria Vrettos, Tassos Vrettos, Cindy Tower, Katernia Skassi.
The festivals inauguration ceremony was opened by the children's choir of the Music School "George Axiotis," conducted by Tina Psalida. Η παιδική χορωδία της Δημοτικής Μουσικής Σχολής «Γεώργιος Αξιώτης»,κάτω από την διεύθυνση της Τίνας Ψαλίδα άνοιξε την τελετή των εγκαινίων.
Venieri Mansion, Matoyanis, Mykonos Town Anna Pangalos, Antonis Volanakis and Din Heagney perform the poetry of Kurt Schwitters, Henry Miller and John Ashbery respectively.
Venieri House, Ano Mera The Mystic Party with music by Michalis Kounenis and Lefteris Sikinotis, and dance performances: The Last Supper by Lydia Venieri performed by the Dance Group of Sylvia Macci and Manage á Trois performed by Andonis Volonakis and the Flower Girls.
Municipal Gallery Delos Revisited – a mosaic workshop for children was held by Irini Sirianou.
The Organic Vinyards of Paraportianos Among the ancient vines of his organic vineyard, Paraportiani, Mr Nikos Asimomytis hosted a Dionysian feast for biennale. Dimitris Vassilakis his music for the ancient vines.
Cine Mando (Open air Cinema) The Mykonos Biennale Art Video Film Festival
Lydia Venieri - Andonis Kioukas - George Tsokopoulos - Maria Papadaki - Andonis Volonakis - Dimitris Vassilakis - Ana Pangalou - Tassos Verttos - Sylvia Macci Varotsos - Michael Skafidas - Fotis Sagonas - Elefteria Kotzaki - Christina Spanos - Demeter Stamatopoulou - Alexis Fideztis - Yannis Voliotis - Lydia Andrioti - Panos Kostouros - Annable Aronis - Nikos Asimomytis - Thanos Vassilakis - Katie Peyton - Lee Wells - Tina Psalida - Babis Amoiridis
Aφrodite Mykonos Beach Hotel - Airfrance - Androkikos Hotel Mykonos - Avion Films - Cine Manto - Hellenic Seaways - Lo Yachting - Municipality of Mykonos - Paraportiani Vineyards - Qatar Airways - School of Fine Arts[30]
See also
- "Behance".
- "Greek News Agenda".
- "".
- "Mykonos Biennale: 2021 Official Website".
- "Greek War of Independence".
- "Embassy of the Dominican Republic, in the United States". Archived from the original on 2015-06-26. Retrieved February 27, 2009.
- "Act of Independence of Central America".
- "List of nationaL independence days".
- "Mykonos Biennale 1821 Statement: 1821".
- "Mykonos Biennale: 2019 Official Website".
- "Mykonos Biennale 2019 Statement: APATHIA".
- "Mykonos Biennale Official Website: List of artists in the 2019 Antidte".
- "Mykonos Biennale Official Website: List of artists participating in Epivatikos Stathmos".
- "Peggy Kliafa".
- "Mykonos Biennale Official Dramatic Nights list of participating directors".
- "The Passport".
- "Mykonos Biennale Official Video Graffiti list of participating directors & artists".
- "Mykonos Biennale Official list of participating Performers".
- "Vassilis Tzavaras photo gallery".
- "Mykonos Biennale Official list of participating Performers".
- "2019 Team".
- "Mykonos Biennale: 2017 Official Website".
- "Mykonos Biennale 2017 Statement: Trans Allegoria".
- "Mykonos Biennale Official Website: List of participating artists 2017".
- "Mykonos Biennale Official Dramatic Nights list of participating directors".
- "Mykonos Biennale Official Video Graffiti list of participating directors & artists".
- "Mykonos Biennale Official list of participating Performers".
- "Mykonos Biennale Official list of Philosophers".
- "2017 Team".
- "Mykonos Biennale: 2015 Official Website".
- "Mykonos Biennale Official Website: List of participating artists 2015".
- "Antidote – Mykonos Biennale". Aga Ousseinov.
- "Franklin Evans at Mykonos Biennale". MILES MCENERY GALLERY.
- "Mykonos Biennale Official Facebook Event Page featuring list of participating directors".
- "Mykonos Biennale Official Facebook Event Page featuring list of participating Performers".
- "Facebook: Photo of Alexander Tuschinski and Festival President Lydia Venieri with the award". Retrieved July 7, 2015..
- "Maida Withers receives White Marble Award at Mykonos Biennale"..
- "2015 Team".
- Paquin, Paquita. "It's Happening - Lydia Venieri". L'Officiel (39): 182, 183.
- "metamatic:taf".
- "Events". ArtSlant.
- "Stephen Antonakos". Lori Bookstein Fine Art.
- "[dNASAb] in Mykonos Biennale". Frederieke Taylor Gallery.
- Gerakaris, Peter. "People". Cornell University College of Architecture, Art, and Planning.
- "CutLog".
- "Nobuhiro Ishihara Selected Works 2013".
- "Mykonos Biennale: Pirate StatesThe Art of Mrjan Moghaddam". Mykonos Biennale: Pirate States.
- Monogenis, Dean. "Projects".
- "ORLAN". FabArts.
- "Aga Ousseinov". Recent Selected Shows.
- "Katie Peyton".
- "Biography". SHAHPOUR POUYAN.
- pepa prieto. "Bio".
- "Mykonos Biennale 2013". edit59.
- "Videos". Cindy Tower.
- "Sicardi Gallery News".
- Volanakis, Andonis. "Bio". BETON 7 Art Radio.
- "Pirate States". IFAC Arts.
- "O Zhang". ArtSlant.
- zotis, agni. "!Biography".
- "rhizome".
- "2013 Team".