Nina Needs to Go!

Nina Needs to Go! is an animated series of shorts that aired on Disney Junior, beginning in early 2014. Each short is approximately three minutes long. The series is targeted at preschoolers. It is produced by Bristol-based animation studio ArthurCox.[1]


The titular 4-year-old Nina goes to a variety of settings, like the zoo and the beach. In each location, Nina finds she "needs to go" to the bathroom after becoming too engrossed in play, and the mission is to get her there before it is too late.

The scenario is familiar to parents of toddlers the world over and inspired by real life. Sarah Cox, Creative Director and CEO of ArthurCox has explained: "Nina Needs To Go is based on my real experiences with my daughter. Dramatic car journeys, missed trains and a back track through the whole of the Alhambra in Spain in search of a bathroom are real situations that have inspired each episode. A fabulous creative team has helped us create action-packed 'race against time' scenarios to excite and amuse a family audience."[1]


Episodes: 1.Mall:Nina has to use the bathroom while buying a sparkly dress at a mall 2.Play:Nina needs to use the bathroom while dress as a rock to get on the stage 3.Train:Nina has to use the bathroom but trouble come there way when is crowded with people 4.Water Park:Frank tries his best to find a bathroom in the water park 5.Snow:Nina answers that she does not needs to go to the bathroom until she really does needs to go to the bathroom on top of the ski lift 6.DIY:While buying paint Nina's Father(Nat)They loose track to get Nina to the bathroom 7.Beach:Nina has to use the bathroom while building sandcastles 8.Traffic:On the way to Aunt Gladys brand new pink camper van nina has to use the bathroom but there car is stuck on a traffic jam 9.Zoo:Just after seconds watching the sealions nina needs to go to the bathroom 10.Camping:The kids are excited about roasting marsmellows on a camping trip but until nina needs to go to the bathroom and there are no bathrooms in the woods 11.Parade:On the parade nina has to use the bathroom while dressed up as a mermaid 12.Wedding:On the wedding nina does not think that she needs to use the bathroom until she does needs to go to the bathroom 13.Library:Nina has to use the bathroom while hearing a story but she dosen't want to miss the ending 14.Country Fair:Nina and Frank is racing when nina needs to go to the bathroom 15.Tower:Nina has to use the bathroom dressed on the castle 16.To the museum:Nina saw the shark and when towards the shark when she got lost 17.To sleep:Nina has trouble falling asleep then rides on her brothers skateboard 18.To a fancy restaurant:At a Restaurant nina's last meatball escape from her plate 19.To pre-school:Nina is nervous on her first day of Pre-school 20.To a playdate:Nina has a playdate with her best friend named Amber


Nina needs to go! Is a animation started on February 17,2014 on Disney Junior


  1. Now known as Josie Totah following gender transition in 2018.


  1. Wolfe, Jennifer (13 December 2013). "Disney Junior Greenlights Nina Needs to Go". Animation World Network. Retrieved 19 August 2015.
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