QA & UX Manager

A QA & UX Manager work with both Quality Assurance (QA) and User Experience (UX) in relation to video game and software development. QA & UX Manager can work independently or in co-operation with other QA & UX Managers like in larger QA & UX teams with other QA & UX Managers and game testers. In the larger QA & UX teams there is usually a lead QA & UX Group Manager that works as the daily leader of this team of QA & UX Managers and game testers. QA & UX Manager also usually work very close with the project managers and the QA Programmer as part of video game development.[1][2]

QA & UX Managers work and tasks

In terms of work assignments that QA & UX Managers do this can include planning and management, technical testing, User Experience, metrics and communication. In terms of planning and management done by the QA & UX Manager this may includes making test plans, test cycles and test cases for a video game as well as being responsible for the overall testing and recruiting of game testers in a video game development. In terms of technical testing that the QA & UX Managers do this can be very alternating and can be everything from testing correctness and regression to check an optimization in a video game. In terms of User Experience that the QA & UX Manager work with this is particularly centered around making interviews and doing monitorings in relation to User Experience of a video game by the a player. In terms of Metrics that the QA & UX Manager work with this task mainly is about collecting and analyze data an about game and gamer activity in relation to a particular game. In terms of the communication characterized parts of the work the QA & UX Manager do this is often done in relation with meetings with the development team and where the QA & UX Manager pass on his or her knowledge and data to the development team.[3][4]


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