Ryū (manga)
Ryū (リュウ, Ryū) is a shōnen manga written by Masao Yajima and illustrated by Akira Oze. The manga ran in Shōnen Sunday from 1986 vol. 39 through 1988 vol 1.
Ryū | |
Cover of Ryū vol. 2 | |
リュウ (Ryū ) | |
Genre | Science fiction |
Manga | |
Written by | Masao Yajima |
Illustrated by | Akira Oze |
Published by | Shogakukan |
Magazine | Weekly Shōnen Sunday |
Demographic | Shōnen |
Original run | 1986 – 1988 |
Volumes | 7 |
The adventure manga is about a boy who get transported in a near-future post-apocalyptic world and lead the resistance against the ruling Empire through his knowledge of present days technologies.[1]
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