Sakata Opposing Rook
In shogi, Sakata Opposing Rook (阪田流向かい飛車 or 坂田流向かい飛車 sakata-ryū mukai hisha) is an Opposing Rook opening.
9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | |
香 | 桂 | 銀 | 金 | 王 | 銀 | 桂 | 香 | 1 | |
飛 | 2 | ||||||||
歩 | 歩 | 歩 | 歩 | 歩 | 歩 | 金 | 歩 | 歩 | 3 |
歩 | 4 | ||||||||
歩 | 5 | ||||||||
歩 | 6 | ||||||||
歩 | 歩 | 歩 | 歩 | 歩 | 歩 | 歩 | 7 | ||
銀 | 飛 | 8 | |||||||
香 | 桂 | 銀 | 金 | 玉 | 金 | 桂 | 香 | 9 |

It refers to the case in a Double Static Rook situation in which Gote (White) switches energetically to an Opposing Rook variation. The origin of this strategy is dated back to the Edo period, but it was after a famous match that shogi Master Sankichi Sakata (1870-1946) played against Ichitarō Doi in May of 1919, that it became popular and the opening started being named after him.
In a Double Static Rook situation following 1. P-76, P-34, 2. P-26, G-32, 3. P-25, Gote (White) opposes with ...B-33, 4. Bx33+, Gx33, and then by moving the rook along the 2nd. rank. There are strategies for both early fight and slow games, but still the emphasis is on constraining ( osaeru) rather than on exchanging pieces (sabaki) which makes it easy to handle in the center.
While counter-attacking by attacking Black's rook pawn is plain and simple, when in combination with Wrong Diagonal Bishop and others, it carries a big destructive power.
External links
- Shogi (etc) Diary in Japan
- Quest of the Lost Systems: Furibisha: Sakata-ryu Mukaibisha
- アゲアゲ☆将棋実況 YouTube channel: アナログ棋譜並べ: 渡辺明 vs 佐藤天彦: 阪田流向かい飛車 · professional game example with comments by ex-professional apprentice (in Japanese)
- 将棋DB2:
- 渡瀬荘次郎 vs. 小林東四郎 渡瀬荘次郎 vs Touhakusai Kobayashi game from 1862
- 淡路仁茂 vs 桐山清澄 Hitoshige Awaji vs Kiyozumi Kiriyama game from 1994
- Alexei's YouTube channel: Tactical defense: Fujii Souta-Akutsu, 27th Ginga Tournament Block E