
A sengese is a throwing knife of the Matakam from northeastern Nigeria or northern Cameroon.

Sengese from Cameroon
Sengese blade


It is sinuous in shape and its handle is often dressed in leather.[1] It can also be used as an exchange currency.


  • Barbara Winston Blackmun, Blades of Beauty and Death: African Art Forged in Metal, 1990
  • Werner Fischer, Manfred A. Zirngibl, African Weapons: Knives, Daggers, Swords, Axes, Throwing Knives, 1978
  • Jan Elsen, De fer et de fierté, Armes blanches d’Afrique noire du Musée Barbier-Mueller, 5 Continents Editions, Milan, 2003


  1. Norman Hurst, Ngola: the weapon as authority, identity, and ritual object, 1997, p.14
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