Sorani grammar

Sorani is a Central Kurdish dialect. Sorani Kurdish is written with the Arabic alphabet, it has 8 vowels:î[i], û[u], i[I], u[ʊ], e[e], o[o], a[æ], â[ɑ].


A Kurdish noun in the absolute state, i.e. without any ending of any kind, gives a generic sense of the noun. It is also the “lexical” form of the noun, i.e. the form in which a noun is given in a vocabulary list or dictionary. The absolute state is normally used for the generic sense, as in "قاوه ڕەشه" qâwa rasha(coffee is black).[1]



The main tenses

Min nan dexom (Present)
"I am eating the meal"
Min nanim xward (Past)
"I ate the meal"
Past Perfect Tense (Intransitive)

For intransitive verbs with past stems ending in a consonant (like hatin > hat-), the past perfect tense, which is functionally equivalent to the English past perfect (‘I had come, you had gone’), is formed from the past stem + i + the past tense of bûn ‘to be.’ Verbs with past stems ending in a vowel (like bûn > bû) form the past perfect tense from the simple stem + the past tense of bûn.

hâtibûm: I had come
hâtibûyt: You had come
hâtibû: He/She had come
hâtibûyn: We had come
hâtibûn: You/They came


  1. Sorani Kurdish. "A Reference Grammar with Selected Readings" (PDF). Retrieved 2015-05-30.
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