Thirteen Buddhist Sites of Izumo

The Thirteen Buddhist Sites of Izumo(出雲国十三仏霊場, Izumo no kuni jūsan butsu reijō)are a group of 13 Buddhist sacred sites in Shimane Prefecture, Japan. The temples are dedicated to the Thirteen Buddhas.


2.朝日寺Shaka Nyorai
3.成相寺Monju Bosatsu
4.満願寺Fugen Bosatsu
5.薬師院Jizō Bosatsu
6.千手院Miroku Bosatsu
7.自性院Yakushi Nyorai
8.迎接寺Kannon Bosatsu
9.東泉寺Seishi Bosatsu
10.乗光寺Amida Nyorai
11.弘徳寺Ashuku Nyorai
12.報恩寺Dainichi Nyorai
13.岩屋寺Kokūzō Bosatsu

See also

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