Tourism in Khabarovsk Krai
Tourism in Khabarovsk Krai is dominated by outbound tourism rather than inbound one. Domestic tourist resources are basically nature related. The territory is located in the Far East of Russia and boasts one of the major attraction — the Amur river, one of the longest in the world. In the Northern hemisphere the river numbers a variety of animal and fish species second only to the Mississippi.

Tourist seasons
Climate Khabarovsk Krai - monsoon. It is characterized by cold winters with little snow and wet hot summer. This is due to the fact that the winter winds that blow from the mainland, bringing dry air and winds from the Pacific Ocean in the summer - rainfall.
The coldest month is January: average temperature - from -22 ° C (in the south) to -40 ° C (in the north), the hottest - July, when temperatures can reach + 35 ° C + 40 ° C. Seasons of the year in the Khabarovsk Territory clearly expressed throughout. At the same time in different parts has its own characteristics, due to the unequal influence of the sea.
Spring is characterized by long duration and unstable weather. In northern areas comes at 1-1.5 months later.
Summer - hot, except for the coastal marine zone. In June, usually little rainfall. In July - early August in the southern regions of tropical air masses come with high humidity. Autumn, especially its beginning, the best time of the year. During this period, established a dry warm weather. The sharp drop in temperatures from mid-November. In the northern regions - autumn comes a month earlier. For winter characterized by cloudless weather with strong frosts, often accompanied by winds. On the coast, frost is somewhat weaker. It is this period offer tourists wishing to enjoy the beauty of the harsh winter in Russia. The best times of year to travel to Khabarovsk Territory: late spring - early summer and late summer - early autumn. So End of May — early June and end of August — early September are the best fitted for a visit.
Water tourism
The region is carried out both in the form of extreme sport alloys, as well as in the form of hunting, fishing and eco-tourism; more often they are combined. The most popular rafting on mountain rivers (chorus, Anuy, Gur, Tumnin, Coppi, Niemann, Akishma, Yaurin, Tuyun, Amgun et al.). For sports alloys used Bureya River Basin: Yaurin, Niemann, Akishma Tuyun and its many rapids, Shiver, rocky clamps, corridors.
Chance rafting Badzhalsky Ridge in during floods.
One of the most beautiful and unique places of unspoiled nature - Shantarske archipelago. The inaccessibility of the islands has helped to keep nature in all her pristine. Shantarsky Islands - habitat and reproduction whales, seals, whales. Landscapes of the islands are striking in their beauty, it is the cliffs of jasper, waterfalls up to 100 meters, and wild flowers in ice.
Of particular interest is sport fishing. The objects of sport fishing are also: Dolly Varden, char, chum, Sim, salmon, coho salmon. Carrying water hunting and fishing tours possible on almost all the major rivers.
On the composition of the most likely sites for hunting and fishing are several groups of rivers (the Northern Sea of Okhotsk River, north of the Uda River, the river southwest Priokhot'e from Uda to Muhtel river; the river in May, tributaries of rivers Amgun Beachy, Yai, Tatar strait River, south of the river's edge ).
The most commercially important are the following types of Amur fish (Kaluga, carp, skygazer, Elopichthys Bambusa, tachysurus fulvidraco, Amur pike, snakehead, catfish)
In Khabarovsk territory takes one of the great rivers of the world - the Amur, which is a major tourist attraction in the region. The river is the third largest and fourth length for the pool area.
Popular cruises on comfortable ships along the Amur River, with stops in villages, scenic spots. They usually begin and end in Khabarovsk, Nikolaevsk-on-Amur. Tours of the flood plain of the Amur. During guided tours parking. In this journey there is a possibility to get acquainted with nature, history and culture of the indigenous peoples living on the banks of the Amur.
Among the monuments of nature, monitored during the cruise, important and interesting are the Amur cliffs (the most famous Nergensky, Malmyzhsky, Auri, Kalinowski, Bolbinsky, Tyrsky), rock Auri, Sarapul'skiy cut. A special type of objects constitute the ancient and modern aeolian dunes (rёlki), located in the Amur River valley. Their height reaches 15 m.
There are cruises on the Ussuri, and Amgun up the Amur. Great prospects for cruises along the coast of the Sea of Okhotsk and the Tatar Strait.
Rich natural potential of the region provides endless opportunities for the development of eco-tourism. For the Khabarovsk Territory is characterized by a mixture of northern and southern species of flora and fauna. On the territory of the region you can see reindeer, brown and Himalayan bears, bighorn sheep, as well as the Siberian tigers.
As a rule, environmental tours begin with a tour of exhibitions department of the Khabarovsk regional museum of nature where nature is well represented region. Khabarovsk interest for eco-tourism is an arboretum, which contains many of the Far Eastern species.
Popular zoo "Amur" them. VP Sysoev (near the village of Voronezh-2), an ecological trail in Bolshekhekhtsirsky reserves and sanctuaries "Khekhtsirski"; ornithological tours in the "Bolonsky" reserve); a variety of tours and routes on the reserve "Komsomol".
From wildlife most attractive exotics, relics and endemic. Among the plants is ginseng and other Araliaceae, yew, orchid, cedar, all climbers, mountain and rock plants, and many others; Amphibians - Mongolian toad and the Far East, Siberian salamander, the Far East and the oriental fire-bellied toad frog; reptiles - Far Eastern turtle, Amur runner; Birds - spruce grouse, pheasant, Far Eastern stork, Japanese crane, paradise flycatcher, shirokorot, mandarin duck.
In the Amur is the Botanical Garden, the only one in the Khabarovsk Territory.
One of the centers of ecological tourism is a village on the shores of Lower Manoma Anuy River (recreation center "Manor Manoma"), which offers a variety of routes, including a visit to the recreation area "Anyuiskiy" National Park.
The zoo them. VP Sysoev contains 29 species (70 specimens), wild animals and birds. Throughout the year there are numerous festivals: Tiger Day, Bird Day, the Spring Festival "Awakening". Ibid held social events, for example, dedicated to Children's Day, or the Day of the Elderly.
Hiking and ski routes
The most popular hiking and ski routes in the mountains: Badzhalsky ridge (here more than twenty peaks exceed the height of 2000 m), Sikhote-Alin (Mountain Co., Tardoki-Yangi) Myaochanu, Dusse Alin and Yam-Alin). Ski tours usually take place in February-March, when it was not very cold and there is a high enough snow. They can be one-day (eg Khekhtsir) and many days. Ski routes in mountainous terrain and climb to the top, even in March, is extremely complicated.
Summer hiking trails in the mountain-taiga areas of cross-country, the taiga with windbreaks and thickets of cedar, high humidity and abundant rainfall, difficult terrain, the presence of elements of mountaineering, frequent remelting through mountain rivers also complicated. Huge potential for development of this area on the ridges Aesop Dzhugdzhur, Suntar-Hayata, Taykansky. In addition, extreme routes can take place not only in the mountains but also on the left bank of the Sredneamurskaya plains. Extreme water tourism is possible in Verkhnebureinsky area (rivers Niman and Akishma) Tuguro-Chumikansky (river Assyni and Munikan), Okhotsk (Kukhtui origins of rivers, Hunting, Hive, Yin). Almost all mountain rivers, especially on Badzhale and Yam-Alin, during floods turn into rabid flows.
The most famous cave "Farewell" in Imeni Lazo District. A number of caves located in the Kur River Basin "Chipmunk", "keepers of the spear", "Giprolestrans", "Alenka", "tube", "Square". In Ayano-May area is a group of caves near the village Tsipanda. Interesting cave "Kokzyamu" upstream Gur and Nemi.
For this type of tourism attractive Badzhal, Tatar Strait coast of the Sea of Okhotsk (particularly the section from Kiruna to Ayana) where there is a lot of rocky cliffs and buttes of the Sikhote-Alin and Amur poles Nizhnetambovskoye the village a few hundred meters. Attracts plateau Mar Kyuel and Dusse Alin.
Ridge Dusse Alin
The route passes through the territory of the state natural reserve Bureya. group often accompanied by rangers of the reserve and the instructor of sports and tourist associations of the region. Ridge Dusse Alin - one of the most beautiful and highest mountain ranges of the Far East - in the heart of the Khabarovsk Territory, at the junction of three districts - Vrehnebureinskogo, Sunny, and him. Polina Osipenko. The area is unique in its beauty, unusual topography and an abundance of interesting natural objects, to the same area is extremely difficult to reach, and it is part of the reserve. These factors are identified and reputation Dusse Alin as a kind of "lost world". Relatively flat mountain plateau lets you effortlessly on foot to reach heights of up to 1950 m above sea level, where the naked eyes in good weather views of the tens of kilometers around. Ridge Dusse Alin stretches over 150 km in length, and its height is 2325 meters. Fold the ridge of shale, sandstone, gneiss, intruded by granites. Domed top of the ridge with Goltsovoye terraces, and in the highest parts there are alpine. The slopes are covered with spruce, fir and larch forests, and tops - cedar thickets, rocky placers, mining and tundra vegetation. Extremely diverse wildlife ranges - from the unique inhabitant of the lake Korbohon goggle-eyed Lenca to host those places of the brown bear. The mountain range has many lakes such as: Korbohon; Bearish; mountain; Raven Feathers; Long et al., Surrounded by picturesque rocky cirques. There are also waterfalls: Lost; Bearish; Waterfall et al., As well as keys and mountain rapids river. Since 2012, every year in June on the territory of the ridge Dusse-Alin mountain circus Gremyachy Log (near them. Polina Osipenko) operates the eponymous mountain camp. Annually, mountain camp visited by more than 50 participants of both novices and experienced athletes.
Ridge Suntar-Hayata
Located on the border of Yakutia and the Khabarovsk Territory. This is a land of extraordinary beauty, one of the most difficult and obscure regions of Russia.
mountain tourism
The main bases of the ski edges are the base of "Spartacus", "Dersu" near Khabarovsk, "Holdomi" and "Amut Snouleyk" at the Komsomolsk-on-Amur.
Ethnographical tours
Settlements of indigenous peoples are spots of interest. Among them the Nanai village Sikachi-Alyan is the major destination also because of its petroglyphs.
festivals and events
international festival of military bands of the Asia-Pacific region "Amur wave" (end of May - beginning of June);
festival of arts and crafts of indigenous peoples "Live Thread of Times" (August); International festival of amateur ice fishing "silver smelt" (Sovetskaya Gavan, March); annual regional festival of folk and ceremonial baton holidays Indigenous Peoples 'Friendship tambourine "(August)," Karagod "(June)," Patterns Mangbo "," Celebration of the North'; international festival of choreographic art of the Asia-Pacific region, "Rhythms of the Planet" (September); Festival of art creativity of children and youth "New Names of the Asia-Pacific region"; international competition of ice sculptures "Ice Fantasy"; city competition of ice sculptures "Amur crystal"; fashion festival "Golden curve", organized by the "Far Eastern theater of fashion" Anna carp.
In addition, Khabarovsk is the "City Records" Russia and the massive dance world.
In order to promote regional tourism product in Khabarovsk conducted specialized tourist exhibition "Tureksposervis», «TRAVELEXPODV».
Cultural and educational tourism
The convenient geographical location of Khabarovsk, close proximity to Asia-Pacific countries, the existing tourism infrastructure, as well as features of the cultural-historical and natural tourist potential are the basis for active development of cultural tourism in the Khabarovsk Territory.
Ensure that tourists will visit such sites as: Far Eastern Art Museum (situating collections of the Hermitage, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Museum of Fine Arts named after AS Pushkin), the concert hall of organ music Khabarovsk regional Philharmonic; modern sports and entertainment complexes, places of worship of various faiths, as well as an extensive network of modern entertainment facilities. Tour operators edge offers a wide range of urban and suburban thematic excursions cultural-cognitive orientation. The main objects of the show in these tours are: the historical part of the city of Khabarovsk, waterfront district. Cupid, squares and parks, the city's museums, churches and Orthodox places, famous mansions of merchants Khabarovsk and others.
Ski resorts
"Holdomi" and "Amut Snow lake" near Komsomolsk.
Seven Wonders of the Khabarovsk Territory
Held in 2009 voting shares in the "Seven Wonders of the Khabarovsk Territory" has found the edge of the main attractions in the opinion of its inhabitants. Siberian tiger, The mountain Dusse Alin, Shantar Islands, Lake Amut, Khabarovsk Bridge, Nelumboflowers, Petroglyphs of Sikachi-Alyan
- Sikachi-Alyan from a bird's eye view
- Bridge over the Amur River in Khabarovsk
In 2009, the tourist infrastructure Territory consisted of 145 collective accommodation facilities are 129 hotels. Leading tour operators Territory, specializing in foreign tourists admission are the following companies: JSC "Intour-Khabarovsk", CJSC "Habarovskturist", LLC "The whole world", JSC Company "WELCOME", JSC "Dalreo", "Dalgeo Tours", LLC "Blue Sky Travel" LLC "Santa-Avia", OOO "Company" NATA-Tour "" (Komsomolsk-on-Amur), and others.
In 2011, the total number of tourists in the province amounted to about 400 thousand people. In 2011, 70 tourist sites operated. During this period, they visited 730 thousand people, which is two times higher than the 2010 level. The volume of revenues from businesses serving tourists increased by 80 percent and amounted to 786 million rubles. [2] In 2012, the total number of tourists reached 739 thousand. Man.
The number of foreign tourists is 16 thousand people a year, mostly from Japan, China and Korea
- Khabarovsk Krai. Tour guide. — Priamurskie vedomosti. 2003. ISBN 5-8003-0093-3.