UPLB Museum of Natural History
The UPLB Museum of Natural History (also known as MNH) is a natural science and natural history museum within the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) campus. It serves as a center for documentation, research, and information[2] of flora and fauna of the Philippines. The museum is one of the research and extension units of the UPLB and its role parallels that of a library for written records.[3]
"UPLB Museum" or "MNH" | |
![]() The UPLB Museum of Natural History logo depicts eight green leaves, which represent the eight sections of the museum. | |
![]() The front of the UPLB Museum of Natural History, with visiting school students. | |
![]() | |
Established | September 30, 1976 |
Location | University of the Philippines Los Baños |
Coordinates | 14°9′21.66″N 121°14′10.59″E |
Type | Natural history museum |
Accreditation | Southern Luzon Association of Museums |
Key holdings | DS Rabor Wildlife Collection, LA Corpuz-Raros Acarological Collection |
Collections | Preserved biological specimens in skins and fluid |
Collection size | >600,000 specimens[1] |
Visitors | Average of 25,000 yearly |
Director | Dr. Juan Carlos T. Gonzalez |
Owner | Government of the Philippines |
Employees | 18 |
Public transit access | Jeepneys only from UPLB lower campus |
Nearest parking | On site (no charge) |
Website | mnh.uplb.edu.ph |
The museum was established through the approval of the University of the Philippines Board of Regents during its 877th meeting in 1976. According to the announcement published at the time, it was to be "organized out of the staff and physical resources of the existing museum and herbaria at UPLB, including the hortorium and culture collections of separate departments in the Colleges of Agriculture, Forestry, and Sciences and Humanities."[4]
Its founding director was the late Professor Juan V. Pancho, a plant taxonomist of national and international acclaim and an indefatigable mentor to a select group of Filipino and foreign plant taxonomists.[5]
During World War II, the then UP College of Agriculture and the insect collections of Dr. Charles Fuller Baker (the second Dean of the College), Dr. Leopoldo Uichanco (The Father of Entomology in the Philippines and Pioneer of Insect Ecology[6]) and many other entomologists were burned and destroyed.[7]
Early deans' study of Mount Makiling

The two American deans, Copeland and Baker, studied the vegetation of Mount Makiling, which is the best scientifically studied mountain of the country, with materials dating back to the time of the Malaspina Expedition in 1789.[8]
The museum has more than 600,000 specimens[1] distributed to the following sections: Botanical Herbarium, Entomological Museum, Forestry Herbarium and Wood Collection, Mycological Herbarium, Hortorium, Microbial and Algal Culture Collections, Zoological and Wildlife Museum, and the Integrated Biodiversity Exhibit.
Botanical Herbarium
The Botanical Herbarium is listed as CAHUP[9] or College of Agriculture Herbarium UP in the Index Herbariorum and "serves as the repository of about 12,000 plant species represented by around 70,000 specimens; among these, about 3,600 species are bryophytes."[10]

Entomological Museum
The Entomological Museum is the largest entomological (insect) collection in the Philippines[12] with close to half a million specimens of insects, acari and aranea.[1]
The collection is composed of pinned, slide-mounted, and alcohol-preserved insects and arthropod specimens and continuously grows with the help of collection expeditions, biodiversity studies, and student submissions.[13]

Forest Herbarium and Wood Collection
The Forestry Herbarium and Wood Collection, formally recognized as the LBC or Los Banos Collection[14] in the Index Herbariorum has around 15,000 specimens[1] of forest plants, including palms, and a modest wood collection. From 2001-2010, the LBC received 5 holotypes of new taxa of Philippine seed plants.[15]

Mycological Herbarium
The Mycological Herbarium, with a fungal collection of around 13,000 specimens,[1] traces its roots to the Dr. Gerardo O. Ocfemia (considered as the Father of Philippine Plant Pathology)[16] Memorial Herbarium which was established in the 1960s from extensive fungal collections in the Philippines by iconoclast mycologist Dr. Don R. Reynolds[17] and his students. The herbarium was formally recognized in 1966 and became included in the Index Herbariorum in 1968 as CALP (College of Agriculture, Laguna, Philippines).[18][19]
Similar to the Entomological Museum, the collections of the Mycological Herbarium could have been bigger if not for the complete destruction of the Baker Fungus Collection during the Japanese and American invasions of World War II.[20]

The Hortorium is an in-situ collection of around 400 living plants, mostly of food, medicinal, tonic and ornamental value, and maintained and cared for in a small portion of land adjacent the Molawin River that traverses the UPLB campus. The Hortorium also serves as a laboratory area for some university courses focused on ecology, hydrology, and environmental science. Despite being a disturbed freshwater ecosystem, the Hortorium still harbors new and unique organisms such a minute cockroach,[21] several species of predatory mites,[22] and a "pirate" ant.[23]
In 2015, the first ex-situ conservation project for native Philippine amphibians, Project Palaka,[24] was established within the Hortorium and focused on amphibians from within Mt. Makiling forest preserve.
Microbial and Algal Culture Collections

The Microbial Culture Collection (MCC) of the museum is composed of more than 4,000 strains of bacteria, yeasts, mold species and other cultures. In 1984, it became the first Philippine microbial collection included (WDCM #39) in the World Federation for Culture Collections (WFCC). The most notable research contribution of the MCC in the biodiversity of Mt. Makiling is the discovery of Caldivirga maquilingensis[25] in 1999 and Caldisphaera lagunensis[26] in 2003 from Mudsprings (an acidic hot spring) in Mt. Makiling. The culture collection is currently an affiliate of the Philippine National Collection of Microorganisms and an active member of the Philippine Network of Microbial Culture Collections.
The Algal Culture Collection holds 86 strains.[27]
Zoological and Wildlife Museum
The Zoological and Wildlife Museum consists of around 20,000 specimens[1] of mollusks, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and other wildlife, half of which is represented by the monumental collections of Dioscoro S. Rabor,[28] the Father of Philippine Wildlife conservation. Dr. Rabor led more than 50 biodiversity field expeditions in his 20 years of research, collecting more than 60,000 specimens which was deposited in major Philippines museum and the US. More than 10,000 bird and 4,300 mammal specimens have been deposited at the UPLB Museum of Natural History which have become material for taxonomic and ecological studies, historical DNA sequencing, and phylogenetic analyses.[29]
Integrated Biodiversity Exhibit
The Integrated Biodiversity Exhibit is a 1,500 square meter area of displays featuring collected specimens that have been prepared for public exhibition and appreciation. It features specimens distributed to several dioramas depicting marine, forest, and cave ecosystems.[30]

New species discoveries
For a small organization, the museum is a productive research organization in terms of discoveries and new descriptions of species. Below are some species of organisms which have been directly described by curators and staff, or in which they were a significant part of, and/or those which have been named in honor of them.

Species | Description | Year |
Mammals | ||
Rhynchomys labo and Rhynchomys mingan[32] | Shrew-like rats | 2019 |
Reptiles | ||
Pseudogekko hungkag[33] | Philippine False Gecko | 2020 |
Arthropods | ||
Metapocyrtus bronsi | Pachyrhynchini weevil | 2020 |
Vombisidris freyae[34] | Nocturnal arboreal ant | 2020 |
Lebinthus baletei, L. boracay, L. hamus, L. magayon, L. palaceus and L. parvus[35] | Eneopterinae cricket | 2020 |
Rhicnogryllus paetensis[36] | Sword-tailed cricket | 2020 |
Mnesibulus laguna[37] | Cricket | 2020 |
Neophisis (Indophisis) montealegrei[38] | Katytid | 2020 |
Lepidemathis cavinti, L. dogmai, and L. lipa[39] | Pluridentate jumping spider | 2020 |
Chalybion clarebaltazarae and Chalybion stephenreyesi[40] | Thread-waisted wasps | 2020 |
Cladonotella spinulosa[41] | Pygmy grasshopper | 2019 |
Ornebius alvarezi and Ornebius bioculatus[42] | Scaly crickets | 2019 |
Paranisitra flavofacia[43] | Mute cricket | 2019 |
Endodrelanva siargaoensis[44] | Bark cricket | 2019 |
Trigonidium solis[45] | Sword-tailed cricket | 2019 |
Masteria urdujae[46] | Miniature masteriine tarantula | 2019 |
Myrmicaria buenaventei, M. chapmani, and M. transversa[47] | Myrmicaria ants | 2018 |
Tetheamyrma bidentata[48] | Crematogastrine ant | 2018 |
Anthracites furvuseques, Axylus mabinii, New variant in Axylus c.f. philippinus, Salomona lumadae[49] | Spine-headed katydids | 2018 |
Odontomachus ferminae[50] | Odontomachus ant of the infandus species-group | 2018 |
Aposthonia merdelynae[51] | Webspinner | 2018 |
Virgilia cocovora and Virgilia imuganensis[52] | Fulgoroid plant-hoppers | 2018 |
Albinospila variifrons, A. juancarlosi, Comostola stueningi, and C. romblonensis[53] | Geometrid moths | 2017 |
Neoribates isabelaensis[54] | Sexually dimorphic oribatid species | 2017 |
Pyrops polillensis group[55] | Fulgoroid lanternfly | 2017 |
Neobonzia ermilovi, Neoscirula klompeni, Neoscirula lagunaensis and Neoscirula lambatina[56] | Predatory mites | 2017 |
Eurhynchoribates (Orinchobates) samarensis and Eurhynchoribates (Eurhynchoribates) misamisensis[57] | Oribatid mites | 2017 |
Gapudipentax guiting[58] | Latindiine cockroach | 2017 |
Decoralampra fulgencioi and Cyrtonotula maquilingensis[59] | Brachypterous cockroach | 2017 |
Eurhynchoribates (Eurhynchoribates) nuevavizcayaensis and Suctobelbila trifasciata[60] | Oribatid mites | 2017 |
Malaconothrus pseudoadilatatus[61] | Oribatid mite | 2017 |
Pergalumna (Pergalumna) capualensis, Setogalumna minisetosa and Trichogalumna interlamellaris[62] | Poronotic oribatid mites | 2016 |
Anaplecta anncajanoae[63] | First recorded subfamily and genus of cockroach in the Philippines | 2016 |
Tagaloblatta kasaysayan[64] | Ectobiid cockroach | 2016 |
Ceropupa adams[65] | Derbid planthoppers | 2016 |
Lanceacheyla filipina[66] | Cave-inhabiting predatory mite | 2016 |
Harpegnathos honestoi and Harpegnathos alperti[67] | Ponerine ants (4th and 5th worker-based ants) | 2016 |
Romblonella longinoi[68] | Myrmicine ants | 2016 |
Nocticola gonzalezi[69] | Cave troglobiont cockroach | 2015 |
Lebinthus polillensis and Paranisitra septentria[70] | Eneopterinae crickets | 2015 |
Comperiella calauanica[71] | Encyrtid endoparasitoid of coconut scale insect | 2015 |
Lebinthus estrellae and Paranisitra leytensis[72] | Eneopterinae crickets | 2015 |
Mirogalumna leytensis and Pergalumna panayensis[73] | Galumnid oribatid mites | 2015 |
Dometorina sanpabloensis and Hydrozetes mindanaoensis[74] | Oribatid mites | 2015 |
Malaconothrus agusanensis[75] | Oribatid mites | 2015 |
Loxopsis waray[76] | Cone-headed stick insect | 2015 |
Aretridis buenaventei and Aretridis clousei[77] | Ants | 2015 |
Neoribates (Pseudoneoribates) kontschani and Neoribates (Pseudoneoribates) negrosensis[78] | Oribatid mites (Parakalummidae) | 2015 |
Romblonella coryae[79] | Myrmicine ant | 2015 |
Psithyristria ridibunda[80] | "Laughing" cicada | 2015 |
Phlogiellus kwebaburdeos[81] | Mygalomorph spider | 2015 |
Phyllium bonifacioi[82] | Leaf insect | 2015 |
Prolochus junlitjri[83] and Chrysso makiling[84] | Orb-weaver spider and Comb-footed spider | 2015 |
Plants | ||
Medinilla simplicymosa and M. ultramaficola[85] | Medinilla | 2020 |
Scaevola subalpina [86] | Goodeniaceae | 2020 |
Rafflesia consueloae[87] | Endophytic and holoparasitic plant | 2016 |
Strongylodon juangonzalezii[88] | Plagiotropic dense racemose inflorescences (Liana) | 2015 |
Hoya lambioae[89] | Epiphytic wax plant (Hoyas) | 2015 |
Hoya litii[90] | Epiphytic wax plant (Hoyas) | 2015 |
Hoya leticiae[91] | Epiphytic wax plant (Hoyas) | 2015 |
Hoya edwinofernandoi[11] | Epiphytic wax plant (Hoyas) | 2015 |
Hoya williamoliveriana[92] | Epiphytic wax plant (Hoyas) | 2015 |
Sarcostemma malampayae[93] | Perennial flowering shrub with trailing vines and lianas | 2015 |
Hoya marananiae[94] | Epiphytic wax plant (Hoyas) | 2015 |
Hoya espaldoniana[95] | Epiphytic wax plant (Hoyas) | 2015 |
More species listed in UPLB Museum of Natural History website.[96]
Public service activities
As a public service institution dedicated to biodiversity conservation education, the museum regularly holds exhibits, special tours, seminars, training programs, and provide technical assistance to local government units, other organizations and communities.

For scientists and researchers, the museum is able to provide services such as scientific name verification, biological specimen identification, and provision of microbial cultures.
The museum publishes its own peer-reviewed journal, Laksambuhay: The UPLB Journal of Natural History.[97]
Aside from hosting its own scientific gathering, i.e. CLADES 2017, to gather stakeholders of the Philippine natural history collections system and enhance the overall appreciation of natural history collections for increased networking and collaboration,[98] the Museum also collaborates with other scientific organizations and societies in the holding of meetings and conferences, e.g. 25th SEAZA Conference (2018)[99] and the 11th ANRRC International Meeting Philippines (2019) which highlighted the roles of biological resource centers, that includes museums, in the conservation, preservation, and utilization of animal, plant and microbial resources.[100]
Organization and administration
The museum is headed by a Director which is appointed by the UPLB Chancellor for a term of three (3 years), renewable for at least two (2) terms. The Director is selected by the Chancellor traditionally from the set of eligible faculty nominees. During the Director's administration, he or she is supported by Coordinators which can be appointed from the regular personnel. To facilitate and assist the Director in administering improvements and execution of the mandates and functions of the Museum, coordinators of major functions (Research, Extension, Collections Management, Linkages and Academic Programs[101]) are duly appointed.
Name | Tenure of Office |
Dr. Juan Carlos T. Gonzalez | February 16, 2015 to present |
Dr. Ireneo L. Lit, Jr. | March 1, 2006 – February 15, 2015 |
Dr. Stephen G. Reyes | February 16, 2006 – February 28, 2006 |
Dr. Lourdes B. Cardenas | October 15, 2001 – February 15, 2006 |
Dr. Augusto C. Sumalde | May 1, 1995 – October 14, 2001 |
Dr. William SM. Gruezo | May 1, 1992 – April 30, 1995 |
Dr. Venus Christina J. Calilung | September 1, 1985 – April 30, 1992 |
Dr. Edwino S. Fernando | April 1 - December 31, 1983 in acting capacity |
Dr. Victor P. Gapud | April 25, 1982 – August 31, 1985 |
Dr. Irineo J. Dogma, Jr. | April 25, 1980 – April 24, 1982 |
Prof. Juan V. Pancho[5] | September 30, 1976 – April 24, 1980 |
Museum curators
There are 30 UPLB regular faculty, Professors Emeriti and researchers recently appointed by the UPLB Chancellor to serve as Museum Curators based on their field of expertise. The museum curator's specialization and projects in their own respected academic and research field hold significant contributions to the raising worldwide status and recognition of the museum.
At present, there are four (4) curators for the Botanical Herbarium and Hortorium, seven (7) for the Entomological Museum curators, three (3) for the Microbial and Algal Culture Collections, three (3) for the Forestry Herbarium and Wood collection, two (2) for the Mycological Herbarium, 10 for the Zoological and Wildlife Collections and one curator for the Special Collections.
Name | Education | Position | Curator For | Unit | College |
Botanical Herbarium and Hortorium | |||||
Lourdes B. Cardenas[104] | Dr. nat. rer. Plant Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical Biology | Professor 9 | Medicinal plants | Institute of Biological Sciences | College of Arts and Sciences |
Analinda M. Fajardo[105] | Ph.D. in Botany | Professor 1 | Pollen | Institute of Biological Sciences | College of Arts and Sciences |
Annalee S. Hadsall[106] | MS Botany | Assistant Professor 7 | Orchids and epiphytes | Institute of Biological Sciences | College of Arts and Sciences |
Ivy Amor F. Lambio[107] | Ph.D. in Botany | Assistant Professor 5 | Mosses | Institute of Biological Sciences | College of Arts and Sciences |
Entomological Museum | |||||
Jessamyn D. Recuenco-Adorada | Ph.D. in Entomology (Insect Systematics) | Assistant Professor 7 | Coccinellidae, lady beetles | Institute of Weed Science, Entomology and Plant Pathology | College of Agriculture and Food Science |
Juancho B. Balatibat | MS Entomology | Assistant Professor 6 | Forest insects | Department of Forest Biological Sciences | College of Forestry and Natural Resources |
Venus J. Calilung | Ph.D. in Systematic Entomology | Professor Emeritus | Aphids | Institute of Weed Science, Entomology and Plant Pathology | College of Agriculture and Food Science |
Aimee Lynn A. Barrion-Dupo | Ph.D. in Entomology | Professor 3 | Moths and spiders | Institute of Biological Sciences | College of Arts and Sciences |
Ireneo L. Lit, Jr. | Ph.D. by Research in Systematic Entomology | Professor 8 | Mealy bugs and scale insects (Coccoidea) and other terrestrial arthropods | Institute of Biological Sciences | College of Arts and Sciences |
Leonila A. Corpuz-Raros | Ph.D. in Entomology | Professor Emeritus | Acari, mites, soil arthropods | Institute of Weed Science, Entomology and Plant Pathology | College of Agriculture and Food Science |
Sheryl A. Yap | Ph.D. in Forestry (Forest Entomology) | Assistant Professor 6 | Weevils and hoppers | Institute of Weed Science, Entomology and Plant Pathology | College of Agriculture and Food Science |
Microbial and Algal Culture Collections | |||||
Marian De Leon | Ph.D. in Engineering (Material and Life Science) | University Researcher I | Cave microbes | UPLB Museum of Natural History | Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Research and Extension |
Milagrosa R. Martinez-Goss | Ph.D. in Botany (Phycology) | Professor Emeritus | Algae and diatoms | Institute of Biological Sciences | College of Arts and Sciences |
Noel Sabino | Ph.D. in Environmental Science | Assistant Professor 7 | Bacteria, yeast and molds | Institute of Biological Sciences | College of Arts and Sciences |
Forestry Herbarium and Wood Collections | |||||
Manuel L. Castillo | Ph.D. in Forestry (Forest Taxonomy-Floristics) | Professor 4 | Native forest trees | Department of Forest Biological Sciences | College of Forestry and Natural Resources |
Edwino S. Fernando | Ph.D. in Botany | Professor Emeritus | Palms and other forest plants | Department of Forest Biological Sciences | College of Forestry and Natural Resources |
Pastor L. Malabrigo, Jr. | MS Forestry | ssociate Professor 7 | Trees | Department of Forest Biological Sciences | College of Forestry and Natural Resources |
Mycological Herbarium | |||||
Mutya Ma. Q. Manalo | MS Microbiology | Assistant Professor | Forest fungi | Department of Forest Biological Sciences | College of Forestry and Natural Resources |
Nelson M. Pampolina | Ph.D. in Environmental Biology | Professor 5 | Forest fungi and endomycorrhiza | Department of Forest Biological Sciences | College of Forestry and Natural Resources |
Zoological and Wildlife Collections | |||||
Leticia Afuang | Ph.D. in Environmental Science | Professor 2 | Amphibians and reptiles | Institute of Biological Sciences | College of Arts and Sciences |
Phillip A. Alviola | MS Wildlife Studies | Associate Professor 2 | Small mammals and other wildlife | Institute of Biological Sciences | College of Arts and Sciences |
Ma. Vivian DC. Camacho | Ph.D. in Marine Science | Assistant Professor 6 | Freshwater and marine fishes | Institute of Biological Sciences | College of Arts and Sciences |
Andres Tomas L. Dans | MS Zoology | Assistant Professor 3 | Mammals | Department of Forest Biological Sciences | College of Forestry and Natural Resources |
Emmanuel Ryan C. de Chavez | Ph.D. in Life Sciences | Assistant Professor 5 | Mollusks | Institute of Biological Sciences | College of Arts and Sciences |
Anna Pauline O. de Guia | Ph.D. in Environmental Resources | Professor 2 | Small mammals | Institute of Biological Sciences | College of Arts and Sciences |
Judeline C. Dimalibot | MS Zoology | Associate Professor 2 | Small mammals | Institute of Biological Sciences | College of Arts and Sciences |
Juan Carlos T. Gonzalez | DPhil Zoology | Professor 4 | Birds | Institute of Biological Sciences | College of Arts and Sciences |
Joseph S. Masangkay | Doctor of Agriculture | Professor Emeritus | Wildlife diseases | Department of Veterinary Paraclinical Sciences | College of Arts and Sciences |
Victor S. Ticzon | Ph.D. in Marine Science | Associate Professor 1 | Corals, fish | Institute of Biological Sciences | College of Arts and Sciences |
Special Collections | |||||
Decibel V. Faustino-Eslava | Ph.D. in Geology | Associate Professor 6 | Special collections, geology | School of Environmental Science and Management | School of Environmental Science and Management |
Outstanding achievements
The UPLB Museum of Natural History is a multi-awarded organization with well-recognized staff and curators. Its most active personnel and experts not only contribute to the expansion of the collections but also lend credence to the experience and capability of the museum in terms of natural history research and studies; taxonomy and systematics; biodiversity conservation and education.
Name | Award | Year | |
Dr. Ireneo L. Lit, Jr. | Curator | UPLB Outstanding Teacher Award in the Biological Sciences[108] | 2020 |
Dr. David Emmanuel M. General | REPS | UPLB Outstanding Researcher Award (Junior/Biological Sciences category)[109] | 2020 |
Dr. Juan Carlos T. Gonzalez | Director, curator | UPLB Outstanding Alumni for Biodiversity Conservation Education of Philippine Wildlife[110] | 2019 |
Dr. Ma. Vivian DC. Camacho | Curator | Philippine Agriculture and Resource Research Foundation, Inc. Research & Development Award[111] | 2018 |
Prof. Phillip A. Alviola | Curator | 100 Asian Scientists Award[112] | 2018 |
Dr. Aimee Lynn B. Dupo | Curator | Faces of a Teacher Award[113] | 2017 |
James DV. Alvarez | REPS | UPLB Outstanding Researcher Award (Junior/Biological Sciences category)[114] | 2017 |
Florante A. Cruz | REPS | UPLB Outstanding Extension Personnel Award[115] | 2016 |
Dr. Aimee Lynn B. Dupo | Curator | National Academy of Science and Technology Philippines Outstanding Young Scientist Award[116] | 2015 |
Dr. Sheryl A. Yap | Curator | UPLB Outstanding Junior Researcher Award (Faculty/Natural Sciences category)[117] | 2015 |
Dr. Ivy Amor F. Lambio | Curator | UPLB Outstanding Teacher Award (Senior Faculty/Biological Sciences category)[117] | 2015 |
Mario M. Navasero | Curator | UPLB Outstanding Senior Researcher (REPS/Natural Sciences category)[117] | 2015 |
Eduardo G. Eres | Administrative Staff | UPLB Outstanding Administrative Personnel Award[117] | 2015 |
Ariel R. Larona | Administrative Staff | Civil Service Commission Pag-asa Award[118] | 2014 |
Ariel R. Larona | Administrative Staff | UPLB Outstanding Administrative Personnel Award[119] | 2014 |
Dr. William SM. Gruezo | Curator | UP Alumni Association Distinguished Alumni Award for in Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Development[120] | 2014 |
Dr. Aimee Lynn B. Dupo | Curator | UPLB Outstanding Junior Scientist Award[121] | 2013 |
Dr. Ireneo L. Lit, Jr. | Curator | UPLB Outstanding Senior Scientist Award[121] | 2013 |
Edison A. Cosico | Administrative Staff | UPLB Outstanding Administrative Personnel Award | 2013 |
Dr. Leticia A. Afuang | Curator | UPLB Outstanding Extensionist Award | 2012 |
Rafael D. Tandang | Administrative Staff | UPLB Outstanding Administrative Personnel Award | 2012 |
UPLB Museum of Natural History | All curators and staff | UPLB Outstanding Extension Program Award | 2011 |
Dr. Juan Carlos T. Gonzalez | Curator | National Academy of Science and Technology Philippines Outstanding Young Scientist Award[122] | 2011 |
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