Venceremos (song)

"Venceremos" is a Chilean song, which was written by Claudio Iturra (an alternative version of text was written by Víctor Jara) and composed by Sergio Ortega for the 1970 election campaign of Salvador Allende. The title (pronounced [ben.seɾˈe.mos]) translates to "We Shall Triumph".

1983 record of the song, performed by Jairo
East German stamp with the face of Salvador Allende and the slogan "Venceremos"

'Venceremos' is an example of the Nueva canción movement of Chilean protest music, which had been gaining momentum for much of the previous decade. This song marks a significant recognition of the political thrust of this movement in its use as a tool of propaganda for the Unidad Popular coalition. Following the success of 'Venceremos', Allende famously stated "there can be no revolution without song",[1] crystallising its significance.


Original Spanish:

Desde el hondo crisol de la patria
se levanta el clamor popular;
ya se anuncia la nueva alborada,
todo Chile comienza a cantar.

Recordando al soldado valiente
cujo ejemplo lo hiciera immortal
enfrentemos primero a la muerte:
traicionar a la patria jamas.

Venceremos, venceremos
mil cadenas habra que romper
venceremos, venceremos,
la miseria sabrémos vencer!

English translation:

From the deep crucible of the homeland
The people's voices rises up!
The new dawn is announced,
All of Chile, start singing!

Remembering the brave soldier,
Whose example made him immortal.
First, we confront death,
Our homeland we'll never betray!

We shall prevail! We shall prevail!
A thousand chains we'll have to break!
We shall prevail! We shall prevail!
We can overcome misery!


  1. Balderston, Daniel, Mike Gonzalez, Ana M. Lopez (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Contemporary Latin American and Caribbean Cultures. p.788

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