Worshipful Company of Tobacco Pipe Makers and Tobacco Blenders

The Worshipful Company of Tobacco Pipe Makers and Tobacco Blenders is one of the Livery Companies of the City of London. The Company ranks 82nd in the order of precedence of the Companies. It does not have its own livery hall but meets instead at various halls of other Livery Companies.

The Company's motto is Producat Terra, Latin for Out of the Earth. Its church is St. Lawrence Jewry next Guildhall, the official Church of the Corporation of London, located on Gresham Street.


The Company was first incorporated by Royal Charter granted by King James I in 1619, with responsibility for regulating the manufacture of clay tobacco pipes. In 1643, following the outbreak of the English Civil War in 1642, the Company forfeited its Charter through non-payment of its annual rent to King Charles I. The Company was restored by King Charles II in 1663 but was declared bankrupt in 1868 after its powers of regulation over tobacco pipe makers were abolished and its income from its members had declined significantly. The Company was reincorporated as the Company of Tobacco Pipe Makers and Tobacco Blenders in 1954 by members of the Briar Pipe and Tobacco Trades, and in 1960 became a Livery Company once more.

Modern activities

In common with many of the other Livery Companies, the Company is no longer a trade association and is primarily concerned with raising funds for distribution to various charities through its benevolent fund, as well as supporting educational institutions and providing support for members of the tobacco trade and their families.

The Company supports a wide range of charitable activities.

The Master of the Company for 2015-16 is Christopher Allen. Sandra Stocker is the Clerk.


The Company's history which provides the references for the information on this page was published in 1969 in a limited edition book of 500 copies entitled A History of the Worshipful Company of Tobacco Pipe Makers and Tobacco Blenders, commissioned for distribution to members of the Livery Company at the time.

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