Archibald Higgins
Archibald Higgins is the main character of the scientific comics series of "The Adventures of Archibald Higgins", created by the French engineer Jean-Pierre Petit as a translation of his French series "Les Aventures d'Anselme Lanturlu" first created in 1980.[1]
This science comics series explains scientific concepts: cosmology, general relativity, topology, anatomy, MHD, fluid mechanics, astrophysics, geometry, economy, aeronautics...[2] Curious and candid, Archibald's adventures are a pretext for the popularization of science in fields ranging from physics to computer science, helped in this by the charming Sophie who guides him in his efforts while letting him search, as well as by three very learned animals: Leon the pelican, Max the bird and Tiresias the snail. The albums are filled with encounters with characters from well-known scientists from different periods (Einstein or Jean-Marie Souriau for example).
- Petit, Jean-Pierre (1982). Adventures of Archibald Higgins: Euclid Rules OK?. Translated by Stewart, Ian. Lonrdres: John Murray, Londres. ISBN 0-7195-3983-8. and Petit, Jean-Pierre (1985). Here's looking at Euclid (and not looking at Euclid),. Los Altos, California: W. Kaufmann. ISBN 0-86576-092-6.
- Petit, Jean-Pierre (1982). Flight of fancy [Si on volait?]. Translated by Stewart, Ian. Londres: John Murray. ISBN 0-7195-3982-X. and Petit, Jean-Pierre (1985). Flight of fancy. Los Altos, California: W. Kaufmann. ISBN 0-86576-084-5.
- Petit, Jean-Pierre (1982). Informagic [L'informagique]. Translated by Stewart, Ian. Londres, France: John Murray. ISBN 0-7195-3981-1. and Petit, Jean-Pierre (1985). Computer magic [L'informagique]. Translated by Stewart, Ian. Los Altos, California: W. Kaufmann. ISBN 0-86576-067-5.
- Petit, Jen-Pierre (1985). The black hole [Trou Noir]. Translated by Stewart, Ian. Los Altos, California: W. Kaufmann. ISBN 0-86576-069-1.
- Petit, Jean-Pierre (1985). Everything is relative [Tout est relatif]. Translated by Stewart, Ian. Los Altos, California: W. Kaufmann. ISBN 0-86576-068-3.
- Petit, Jean-Pierre (1986). Big bang [Big bang]. Translated by Stewart, Ian. Los Altos, California: W. Kaufmann. ISBN 0-86576-070-5.
- Petit, Jean-Pierre (1985). Run, robot, run [À quoi rêvent les robots?]. Translated by Stewart, Ian. Los Altos, California: W. Kaufmann. ISBN 0-86576-083-7.
- Petit, Jean-Pierre (1986). The silence barrier [Mur du silence]. Translated by Stewart, Ian. Los Altos, California: W. Kaufmann. ISBN 0-86576-096-9.
- "Bandes dessinees de vulgarisation scientifique. Qu'est-ce que Lanturluland?". Retrieved 2019-02-25.
- "France Inter radio: Interview with Jean-Pierre Petit".