Eighteen Arms of Wushu

The Eighteen Arms (Chinese: 十八般兵器) is a list of the eighteen main weapons of Chinese martial arts. The origin of the list is unclear and there have been disputes as to what the eighteen weapons actually are. However, all lists contain at least one or more of the following weapons:

Wuzazu version

The Wuzazu 五雜俎, written by the Ming-dynasty Fujianese scholar Xie Zhaozhe 謝肇淛 (1567–1624), lists the following:

  1. Bow ()
  2. Crossbow ()
  3. Spear ()
  4. Single-edged sword ()
  5. Double-edged sword ()
  6. Ancient style spear ()
  7. Shield ()
  8. Axe ()
  9. Greataxe ()
  10. Dagger halberd ()
  11. Round bar mace or iron whip ()
  12. Bar mace ()
  13. Pole pick ()
  14. Spiked Mace ()
  15. Trident ()
  16. Rake ()
  17. Rope (綿繩套索)
  18. Barehanded (白打)

Water Margin version

The Ming novel Water Margin lists the following:

  1. Ancient style spear (矛)
  2. Mace (錘)
  3. Bow (弓)
  4. Crossbow (弩)
  5. Firearm (銃)
  6. Round bar mace or iron whip (鞭)
  7. Bar mace (鐗)
  8. Sword (劍)
  9. Chain (鏈)
  10. Pole pick (撾)
  11. Axe (斧)
  12. Greataxe (鉞)
  13. Dagger axe (戈)
  14. Dagger halberd (戟)
  15. Shield (牌)
  16. Club (棒)
  17. Spear (槍)
  18. Trident (叉)

Shaolin version

  1. Shaolin Fork
  2. Tri-Point Double Edge Sword
  3. Staff
  4. Shaolin Iron Pen
  5. Shaolin Hand Dart
  6. Straight Sword
  7. Sickles
  8. Da Mo Cane
  9. Flying Dart
  10. Monk's Spade
  11. Broadsword
  12. Shaolin Thorn
  13. Spear
  14. Axe
  15. Kwan Dao (Zhuihun Sword)
  16. Nine Section Whip
  17. Pu Dao
  18. Iron Flute

Other version

  1. Blade (刀)
  2. Spear (槍)
  3. Double-edged sword (劍)
  4. Dagger halberd (戟)
  5. Axe (斧)
  6. Greataxe (鉞)
  7. Hook sword (鉤)
  8. Trident (叉)
  9. Ranseur (镗)
  10. Staff (棍)
  11. Long spear (槊)
  12. Club (棒)
  13. Round bar mace or iron whip (鞭)
  14. Bar mace(鐧)
  15. Mace (錘)
  16. Pole pick (挝)
  17. Tonfa (拐)
  18. Meteor hammer (流星鎚)

See also

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