Hantu Tinggi

Hantu Tinggi (Tall Ghost) is a being similar to 'Hantu Raya' or 'genderuwo' albeit extremely large, larger then aforementioned beings, so large that it's waist to head are covered by clouds. possessed from a Malay demon. It only exists in the Western and Eastern regions of Malaysia. In Thailand, Hantu Tinggi likely resembles a closer myth called Preta.

Other names

Usually people in West Malaysia consider calling it Bajang Tinggi which means tall demon, or otherwise Tinggi Puaka in modern culture of Malaysia. In Indonesia and Borneo the common layman term usually would be called 'Bapak Hantu' or 'Bapak Jin' in which the meaning is 'Demon's Dad' (Dad in this term of usage is usually meaning to be said bigger than the usual biggest.)


Hantu Tinggi, although mistaken for being that looks like Hantu Galah, which is a spirit in the structure of a bamboo in the forest, they're actually not. They are more similar to 'Hantu Raya or Genderuwo, and are possibly related. The Hantu tinggi is said that it is so high it reaches the sun. Malay villagers claims that they can only see the Hantu tinggi's waist before the rest of the body (waist to head) are covered by clouds. They are usually being called an ancient beings, predated even the existence of lucifer/iblis. When people meets Hantu tinggi they usually gets many problems, which are hex or curse, in the form of: blind issue (if ever gotten eye contact with Hantu Tinggi) or an illness, or physically destructed, like broken spine issue, broken necks, or any issue related to being broken or crushed without any issues. If a nearby person approaches the spirit, they would often found themselves in a portal of the other realm, or Ghaib Realm, or the demon realm. The people in the land that is in the east or west of Malaysia, if they ever need protection they will recite Qur'an, or quranic verses, coupled with du'a , those after Islamic era of Malaysia. Those of not, or before Islamic era are said to avoid forests in general, or in this case ones with high enough tree, and also hills and mountains. Parents would always advise both (before and after Islamic era in Malaysia) aforementioned things against any demon/Hantu,Jin,etc. One will go to traditional healer to heal themselves of the curse/hex or of possession if they ever gets one. In all time people goes to Bomoh, Pawang, Dukun, but the one with religious knowledge will seek ustadz, Imam, Ruqyah healers or any Islamic healer to cure them.

They are described to have the looks as similar as Hantu raya, but thousands of times larger. It is said that a single Hair strand from the leg of it is as big as a body builder's arm. The sightings can only saw it at waist heights, before it being covered by the clouds. Rare sightings of the head will usually lead to temporary blindness or any eye problems which needs to be heal by specific healers.

The Hantu tinggi is not as popular as Hantu Galah and Hantu Raya but they appears in Malaysian book of horror or autobiography of the author that experience it firsthand or secondhand. Some people does not know the difference of the Hantu galah and hantu tinggi that they make it as if they know everything and just similarised them. another popular culture for this is from tongue of people, folklore if you will. Old people will tell this to those who stay around to hear from them. All in all, most people will say that don't believe you own any of the stories, because in Islamic Malay saying : "ghaib itu hanya tuhan yang tahu". Translated to: "only god knows of "Ghaib".

Some media, like youtuber paranormal and youtuber explorers did mention time to time, and horror/scary info youtuber makes explanatory or breakdown about Hantu Tinggi as well.

See also

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