LIM domain-binding protein family

In molecular biology, the LIM domain-binding protein family is a family of proteins which binds to the LIM domain of LIM (LIN-11, Isl-1 and MEC-3) homeodomain proteins which are transcriptional regulators of development.

LIM-domain binding protein


Nuclear LIM interactor (NLI) / LIM domain-binding protein 1 (LDB1) is located in the nuclei of neuronal cells during development, it is co-expressed with ISL1 in early motor neuron differentiation and has a suggested role in the ISL1 dependent development of motor neurons.[1] It is suggested that these proteins act synergistically to enhance transcriptional efficiency by acting as co-factors for LIM homeodomain and Otx class transcription factors both of which have essential roles in development.[2] The Drosophila melanogaster protein Chip is required for segmentation and activity of a remote wing margin enhancer.[3] Chip is a ubiquitous chromosomal factor required for normal expression of diverse genes at many stages of development.[3] It is suggested that Chip cooperates with different LIM domain proteins and other factors to structurally support remote enhancer-promoter interactions.[3]


This article incorporates text from the public domain Pfam and InterPro: IPR002691
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