List of Bulgarian films of the 1960s
A list of the most notable films produced in Bulgaria during the 1960s ordered by year of release. For an alphabetical list of articles on Bulgarian films see Category:Bulgarian films.
Cinema of Bulgaria |
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List of Bulgarian films |
1915–1949 |
1950s |
1960s |
1970s |
1980s |
1990s |
2000s |
2010s |
Title | Title (Latin) English |
Director | Length | Cast | Notes | |
1960 | ||||||
Другото щастие | Drugoto shtastie An Other Happiness |
Anton Marinovich | 47 min | Bozhidara Tzekova, Banko Bankov, Kiril Yanev and Kunka Baeva | Black and White drama; Followed by Patyat minava prez Belovir | |
Пътят минава през Беловир | Patyat minava prez Belovir The Road Is Going Through Belovir |
Petar Vasilev | 47 minutes | Apostol Karamitev, Valentina Borisova, Dimitar Panov and Georgi Popov | Black and White drama; Follows Drugoto shtastie | |
Бедната улица | Bednata ulitza Poor Man's Street |
Hristo Piskov | 97 minutes | Kosta Tsonev, Naum Shopov, Ivan Bratanov and Grigor Vachkov | Black and White | |
В тиха вечер | V tiha vecher On a Quiet Evening |
Borislav Sharaliev | 90 minutes | Lyubomir Dimitrov, Nevena Kokanova, Ivan Bratanov and Kosta Tsonev | Black and White war movie based on the novel by Emilian Stanev | |
Дом на две улици | Dom na dve ulitsi A House on Two Streets |
Kiril Ilinchev | 97 minutes | Sarkis Muhibyan, Antoniya Yaneva, Grigor Vachkov and Ivan Obretenov | Black and White | |
Отвъд хоризонта | Otvad horizonta Beyond the Horizon |
Zahari Zhandov | 106 minutes | Stefan Petrov, Bogomil Simeonov, Ivan Kondov and Petar Slabakov | Black and White Drama | |
Първи урок | Parvi urok First Lesson |
Vladimir Petrov and Rangel Vulchanov | 98 minutes | Korneliya Bozhanova, Georgi Naumov, Georgi Georgiev-Getz and Georgi Kaloyanchev | Black and White Bulgaria/Soviet Union co-production. Released under the title The Old Lady in the UK. Entered into the 1960 Cannes Film Festival | |
Случаен концерт | Sluchaen kontsert Accidental Concert |
Kosta Naumov | 87 minutes | Vladimir Trandafilov, Emilia Radeva, Ivan Obretenov and Nikolai Ghiaurov | Black and White Musical | |
Стубленските липи | Stublenskite lipi The Lindens of Stublen |
Dako Dakovski | 108 minutes | Miroslav Mindov, Ivan Bratanov, Konstantin Kisimov and Gratsiela Bachvarova | Black and White Drama based on a novel by Stoyan Daskalov | |
Хитър Петър | Hitar Petar Sly Peter |
Stefan Surchadzhiev | 101 minutes | Rachko Yabandzhiev, Leo Conforti, Konstantin Kisimov and Anastasiya Bakardzhieva | Comedy about the famous Bulgarian folk tales character Hitar Petar | |
1961 | ||||||
А бяхме млади | A byahme mladi We Were Young |
Binka Zhelyazkova | 110 minutes | Dimitar Buynozov, Rumyana Karabelova, Georgi Georgiev-Getz, Dimitar Panov and Ivan Bratanov | Black and White Drama about the Bulgarian resistance during World War II. Received the 1959-1967 Golden Prize at the 2nd Moscow International Film Festival | |
Бъди щастлива, Ани! | Badi shtastliva, Ani! Be Happy, Ani! |
Vladimir Yanchev | 89 minutes | Nevena Kokanova, Kosta Tsonev, Asen Kisimov and Leda Taseva | Comedy | |
Вятърната мелница | Vyatarnata melnitsa The Windmill |
Simeon Shivachev | 80 minutes | Mihail Petrov, Konstantin Kisimov, Naicho Petrov and Vera Dragostinova | Family Adventure film | |
Краят на пътя | Krayat na patya At the End of the Road |
Petar Vasilev | 82 minutes | Asen Milanov, Nikolay Galabov, Valentina Borisova, Dimitar Panov and Leo Conforti | Black and White Crime film | |
Маргаритка | Margaritka | Gencho Genchev | 87 minutes | Albena Salabasheva, Sonya Vasileva, Ivan Kondov and Georgi Anastasov | Black and White family film | |
Нощта срещу тринадесети | Noshtta sreshtu trinadesetii On the Eve of the 13th |
Anton Marinovich | 108 minutes | Apostol Karamitev, Kosta Tsonev, Georgi Georgiev-Getz and Ani Tsoneva | Black and White Crime film | |
Последният рунд | Posledniyat rund The Last Round |
Lyudmil Kirkov | 84 minutes | Anani Yavashev, Adriana Andreeva, Ivan Obretenov, Asen Kisimov, Tatyana Lolova and Nikola Anastasov | Black and White Crime film | |
Призори | Prizori At the Break of the Dawn |
Dimitar Petrov | 74 minutes | Miroslav Mindov, Peter Slabakov, Ivan Obretenov and Neli Popova | Black and White Drama | |
Стръмната пътека | Stramnata pateka The Steep Path |
Yanko Yankov | 100 minutes | Lubomir Kabakchiyev, Georgi Georgiev-Getz, Ivan Bratanov and Nevena Kokanova | Black and White Drama | |
1962 | ||||||
Двама под небето | Dvama pod nebeto Two Under the Sky |
Borislav Sharaliev | 88 minutes | Apostol Karamitev, Violeta Doneva, Naum Shopov and Donka Sharalieva | Black and White | |
Златният зъб | Zlatniyat zab The Golden Tooth |
Anton Marinovich | 104 minutes | Georgi Georgiev-Getz, Georgi Kaloyanchev, Ivan Andonov and Kosta Tsonev | Black and White Crime | |
Пленено ято | Pleneno yato Captive Flock |
Ducho Mundrov | 91 minutes | Asen Kisimov, Peter Slabakov, Lili Raynova and Dimitar Buynozov | Black and White film based on Emil Manov's novel and entered into the 1962 Cannes Film Festival | |
Слънцето и сянката | Slantzeto i syankata Sun and Shadow |
Rangel Vulchanov | 75 minutes | Georgi Naumov, Anna Prucnal, Gustaw Holoubek and Rangel Vulchanov | Black and White; FIPRESCI prize for Rangel Vulchanov | |
Специалист по всичко | Spetzialist po vsichko Jack-of-All-Trades |
Petar Vasilev | 90 minutes | Apostol Karamitev, Georgi Kaloyanchev, Ginka Stancheva and Stoyanka Mutafova | Black and White Comedy | |
Тютюн | Tyutyun Tobacco |
Nikola Korabov | 150 minutes | Nevena Kokanova, Yordan Matev, Petar Slabakov and Georgi Kaloyanchev | Black and White Drama based on Dimitar Dimov's novel and entered into the 1963 Cannes Film Festival | |
Хроника на чувствата | Hronika na chuvstvata A Chronicle of Sentiments |
Lyubomir Sharlandzhiev | 83 minutes | Vasil Popiliev, Grigor Vachkov, Djoko Rosic and Iossif Surchadzhiev | Black and White Drama | |
Царска милост | Tsarska milost Tsar's Pardon |
Stefan Surchadzhiev | 96 minutes | Ivanka Dimitrova, Ivan Dimov, Tzeno Kandov and Georgi Popov | Black and White Drama | |
1963 | ||||||
Анкета | Anketa An Investigation |
Kiril Ilinchev | 72 minutes | Ivan Andonov, Asen Milanov, Leda Taseva and Konstantin Kotsev | Black and White Drama based on Georgi Markov's novel | |
Инспекторът и нощта | Inspektorat i noshtta The Inspector and the Night |
Rangel Vulchanov | Georgi Kaloyanchev, Nevena Kokanova, Leo Conforti, Stefan Danailov, Dimitar Panov and Naum Shopov | Black and White Crime film based on Bogomil Raynov's novel | ||
Калоян | Kaloyan | Yuriy Arnaudov and Dako Dakovski | 107 minutes | Vasil Stoychev, Andrey Mihaylov, Tzvetana Maneva and Ivan Stefanov | History film about Tsar Kaloyan of Bulgaria | |
Капитанът | Kapitanat The Captain |
Dimitar Petrov | 80 minutes | Rayko Bodurov, Vladimir Bratanov, Katya Filipova and Petar Slabakov | Family/Kids film | |
Легенда за Паисий | Legenda za Paisiy Legend of Paisiy |
Stefan Surchadzhiev | 81 minutes | Viktor Danchenko, Ivan Kondov, Lyubomir Bobchevski and Kunka Baeva | Black and White Drama telling the story of Paisius of Hilendar | |
На тихия бряг | Na tihiya bryag On the Quiet Shore |
Gencho Genchev | 89 minutes | Borislava Kuzmanova, Ivan Kasabov, Georgi Cherkelov and Ivan Bratanov | Black and White | |
Смърт няма | Smart nyama There Is No Death |
Irina Aktasheva and Hristo Piskov | 88 minutes | Peter Slabakov, Grigor Vachkov, Djoko Rosic and Kosta Tsonev | Black and White Crime film based on Todor Monov's novel | |
Среднощна среща | Srednoshtna sreshta Midnight Meeting |
Nikola Minchev | 70 minutes | Nevena Kokanova, Ivan Bratanov, Kunka Baeva and Nikola Popov | Black and White Drama | |
1964 | ||||||
Веригата | Verigata The Chain |
Lyubomir Sharlandzhiev | 93 minutes | Vasil Popiliev, Ivan Bratanov, Grigor Vachkov and Leo Conforti | Black and White Drama/War film | |
Ивайло | Ivaylo | Nikola Valchev | 86 minutes | Bogomil Simeonov, Ginka Stancheva, Ivan Bratanov and Tzvyatko Nikolov | History film telling the story of Ivailo of Bulgaria | |
Конникът | Konnikat The Horseman |
Georgi Alurkov | 71 minutes | Stefan Ilyev, Ivan Bratanov, Petar Slabakov and Yanush Alurkov | Black and White Drama | |
Крадецът на праскови | Kradetzat na praskovi The Peach Thief |
Vulo Radev | 105 minutes | Nevena Kokanova, Rade Marković, Mikhail Mikhajlov and Naum Shopov | Black and White Drama film based on Emilian Stanev's novel | |
Между релсите | Mezhdu relsite Between the Rails |
Vili Tzankov | 100 minutes | Margarita Chudinova, Leda Taseva, Petar Slabakov and Ivan Bratanov | Black and White Drama film based on Svoboda Bachvarova's novel | |
Невероятна история | Neveroyatna istoriya Incredible Story |
Vladimir Yanchev | 90 minutes | Georgi Cherkelov, Rangel Vulchanov, Georgi Kaloyanchev, Georgi Kaloyanchev and Grigor Vachkov | Black and White Comedy written by Radoy Ralin | |
Незавършени игри | Nezavarsheni igri Unfinished Games |
Simeon Shivachev | 82 minutes | Ivan Enchev, Dolya Popova, Dinko Dinev and Mihail Mihaylov | Black and White Drama | |
Непримиримите | Neprimirimite The Intransigents |
Yanko Yankov | 81 minutes | Ivan Raev, Dušica Žegarac, Georgi Georgiev-Getz and Petar Slabakov | Black and White Drama/War film | |
Приключение в полунощ | Priklyuchenie v polunosht Adventure at Midnight |
Anton Marinovich | 96 minutes | Lyubomir Dimitrov, Georgi Cherkelov, Djoko Rosic and Yuriy Yakovlev | Black and White film based on Andrey Gulyashki's novel | |
13 дни | trinadeset dni Thirteen Days |
Stefan Surchadzhiev | 84 minutes | Emil Stefanov, Asen Kisimov, Kunka Baeva and Mikail Mihaylov | Black and White Drama film based on the novel Nezabravimi dni by Andrey Gulyashki | |
Търси се спомен | Tarsi se spomen Looking for a Remembrance |
Rangel Vulchanov | 21 minutes | Viktor Chichov and Rangel Vulchanov | Black and White Short film | |
Черната река | Chernata reka The Black River |
Zahari Zhandov | 75 minutes | Georgi Georgiev-Getz, Zhorzheta Chakarova, Vessela Radoyeva and Nikola Dadov | Black and White | |
1965 | ||||||
Васката | Vaskata | Borislav Sharaliev | 19 minutes | Ilia Dobrev, Severina Teneva, Mladen Kiselov and Marin Yanev | Short Black and White film | |
ВУЛА | Vula Bull |
Nikola Korabov | N/A | Nadezhda Randzheva, Ivan Manov, Ivan Bratanov and Mikhail Mikhajlov | Black and white, entered into the 4th Moscow International Film Festival | |
Вълчицата | Valchitsata The She-Wolf |
Rangel Vulchanov | 85 minutes | Ilka Zafirova, Georgi Kaloyanchev, Naum Shopov and Georgi Cherkelov | Black and White drama | |
До града е близо | Do grada e blizo The City Is Nearby |
Gencho Genchev | 84 minutes | Lyudmila Cheshmedzhieva, Ivan Andonov, Naum Shopov and Georgi Cherkelov | Black and White based on a novel by Geno Genov | |
Дрямка | Dryamka Doze |
Georgi Stoyanov | 22 minutes | Mihail Mihaylov, Ilka Zafirova, Krikor Azaryan and Leda Taseva | Short black-and-white film | |
Краят на една ваканция | Krayat na edna vakantziya The End of the Summer Holidays |
Lyudmil Kirkov | 77 minutes | Sashka Karamiltzev and Evgeni Statelov | Black and White drama | |
Късче небе за трима | Kasche nebe za trima A Bit of Heaven for Three |
Kiril Ilinchev | 88 minutes | Lyubomir Kiselichki, Georgi Nikolov, Radoslav Stoilov and Lyudmila Cheshmedzhieva | Black and White drama | |
Неспокоен дом | Nespokoen dom Troubled Home |
Yakim Yakimov | 89 minutes | Ivan Kondov, Emilia Radeva, Elena Rainova and Lili Ivanova | Black and White based on a novel by Pavel Vezhinov | |
Паролата | Parolata The Password |
Petar Vasilev | 93 minutes | Assen Milanov, Ivan Bratanov, Naicho Petrov and Veli Chaushev | Black and White | |
Произшествие на сляпата улица | Proizshestvie na slyapata ulitza Incident on the Dead-End Street |
Vladislav Ikonomov and Lyudmil Kirkov | 84 min | Naum Shopov, Svetoslav Peev, Wojciech Pszoniak and Beata Tyszkiewicz | Black and White crime film in five episodes | |
Русият и Гугутката | Rusiyat i Gugutkata The Blonde and the Turtle-Dove |
Nedelcho Chernev | 65 minutes | Petar Chernev and Georgi Kaloyanchev | Black and White drama | |
Старинната монета | Starinnata moneta Die Antike Münze (German) The Ancient Coin (English) |
Vladimir Yanchev | 82 minutes | Manfred Krug, Liana Antonova, Grigor Vachkov and Willi Schrade | Musical Comedy - Bulgaria/East Germany co-production | |
1966 | ||||||
Вечен календар | Vechen kalendar Almanac |
Petar Donev | 83 minutes | Margarita Pehlivanova, Ivan Bratanov, Stefan Mavrodiev and Djoko Rosic | Black-and-white drama | |
Горещо пладне | Goreshto pladne Torrid Noon |
Zako Heskija | 89 minutes | Plamen Nakov, Petar Slabakov, Grigor Vachkov and Rousy Chanev | black-and-white film based on a novel by Yordan Radichkov. Director Zako Heskija received a Golden palm nomination at the 1965 Cannes Film Festival. | |
Джеси Джеймс срещу Локум Шекеров | Dzhesi Dzeyms sreshtu Lokum Shekerov Jesse James vs. Lokum Shekerov |
Rangel Vulchanov | 51 minutes | Georgi Kaloyanchev, Grigor Vachkov, Stoyanka Mutafova and Georgi Cherkelov | Black-and-white comedy | |
Заветът на инката | Zavetut na inkata Das Vermächtnis des Inka (German) El Último rey de los incas (Spanish) Viva Gringo (Italian) Legacy of the Incas (English) |
Georg Marischka | 100 minutes | Guy Madison, Rik Battaglia, Fernando Rey and William Rothlein | Western based on the novel by Karl May - Spain/Italy/ Bulgaria/West Germany co-production | |
Карамбол | Karambol Crack-Up |
Lyubomir Sharlandzhiev | 84 minutes | Nevena Kokanova, Anani Yavashev, Elena Rainova and Assen Milanov | Black-and-white drama based on a novel by Atanas Tzenev | |
Между двамата | Mezhdu dvamata Between parents |
Dimitar Petrov | 81 minutes | Georgi Georgiev-Getz, Ivan Bratanov, Yanush Alurkov and Violeta Minkova | Black-and-white family film | |
Мъже | Mazhe Men |
Vasil Mirchev | 92 minutes | Sava Hashamov, Dobromir Manev, Rumyana Karabelova and Georgi Georgiev-Getz | Black-and-white drama based on a novel by Georgi Markov | |
Началото на една ваканция | Nachaloto na edna vakantziya The Start of the Summer Holidays |
Zako Heskija | 77 minutes | Dilyana Bachvarova, Maya Dragomanska, Georgi Rusev and Todor Pavlov | Black-and-white family film based on a novel by Gercho Atanasov | |
Понеделник сутрин | Ponedelnik sutrin Monday Morning |
Irina Aktasheva and Hristo Piskov | 106 minutes | Pepa Nikolova, Asen Kisimov, Petar Slabakov and Stefan Danailov | Black-and-white drama | |
Призованият не се яви | Prizovaniyat ne se yavi Subpoenaed Didn't Come |
Vladislav Ikonomov | 68 minutes | Assen Milanov, Slavka Slavova, Ivan Kasabov and Vasil Popiliev | Black-and-white drama | |
Рицар без броня | Ritzar bez bronya Knight Without Armour |
Borislav Sharaliev | 85 minutes | Apostol Karamitev, Oleg Kovachev, Oleg Popov and Mariya Rusalieva | Black-and-white film about a nine-year-old boy between the world of games and the world of adults. Best Film about Adolescence award at the San Marco film festival | |
Семейство Калинкови | Semeystvo Kalinkovi Kalinkov Family |
Dimitar Zahariev | 28 minutes | Ivan Kondov, Georgi Cherkelov, Kunka Baeva and Mariya Rusalieva | Blank and white family film in 12 episodes | |
Цар и генерал | Tsar i general Tsar and General |
Vulo Radev | 76 minutes | Petar Slabakov, Naum Shopov, Rousy Chanev and Georgi Cherkelov | black-and-white drama about the conflicts between Boris III of Bulgaria and his general Vladimir Zaimov during World War II | |
1967 | ||||||
Ако не иде влак | Ako ne ide vlak If a Train Is Not Coming |
Eduard Zahariev | 37 minutes | Andrey Avramov, Naum Shopov, Kiril Yanev and Stefan Mavrodiyev | Black-and-white short Bulgaria/Hungary co-production | |
Бягаща по вълните | Byagashta po valnite/Running on the Waves | Pavel Lyubimov | 94 minutes | Sava Hashamov, Rolan Bikov, Natasha Bogunova and Pepa Nikolova | Black-and-white fantasy Bulgaria/Soviet Union co-production based on a novel by Alexander Grin | |
В края на лятото | V kraya na lyatoto The End of the Summer |
Ducho Mundrov | 81 minutes | Petar Slabakov, Ilka Zafirova, Ani Bakalova and Georgi Naumov | Black-and-white psychological drama based on a novel by Emil Manov | |
Есен | Esen Autumn |
Petar Donev | 22 minutes | Black-and-white documentary film | ||
Морето | Moreto The sea |
Petar Donev | 64 minutes | Stefan Danailov, Severina Teneva and Itzhak Finzi | Black-and-white drama | |
Мълчаливите пътеки | Malchalivite pateki Quiet Paths |
Vladislav Ikonomov | 76 minutes | Georgi Cherkelov, Mihail Mihaylov, Stefan Mavrodiev and Stefan Danailov | Black-and-white drama | |
Най-дългата нощ | Nay-dalgata nosht The Longest Night |
Vulo Radev | 96 minutes | Victor Rebengiuc, Nevena Kokanova, Georgi Kaloyanchev, Ivan Bratanov, Georgi Georgiev-Getz, Petar Slabakov, Georgi Rusev and Maya Dragomanska | Black-and-white drama taking place during World War II | |
Отклонение | Otklonenie Detour |
Grisha Ostrovski and Todor Stoyanov | 78 minutes | Nevena Kokanova, Ivan Andonov, Katya Paskaleva and Dorotea Toncheva | Black-and-white drama. Won the FIPRESCI and the Golden prize at the 5th Moscow International Film Festival and had a Grand Prix nomination | |
По тротоара | Po trotoara On the Pavement |
Anton Marinovich | 88 minutes | Ivan Andonov, Ani Bakalova, Ivan Bratanov and Djoko Rosic | Black-and-white drama | |
Привързаният балон | Privarzaniyat balon The Tied Up Balloon |
Binka Zhelyazkova | 98 minutes | Georgi Kaloyanchev, Grigor Vachkov, Ivan Bratanov, Konstantin Kotsev, Georgi Georgiev-Getz, Konstantin Kisimov and Georgi Partsalev | Black-and-white fantasy drama about a large balloon that occupies the attention of a whole village; based on the story by Yordan Radichkov | |
С дъх на бадеми | S dah na bademi Taste of Almonds |
Lyubomir Sharlandzhiev | 72 minutes | Nevena Kokanova, Georgi Georgiev-Getz, Dorotea Toncheva and Stefan Danailov | Black-and-white crime story written by Pavel Vezhinov | |
С пагоните на дявола | S pagonite na dyavola With the Devil's Shoulder Straps |
Nedelcho Chernev | 230 minutes | Dimitar Buynozov, Ani Bakalova, Ivan Kondov and Mihail Mihaylov | Black-and-white adventure in five episodes | |
Свирачът | Sviracht The Clown and the Kids |
Mende Brown | 102 minutes | Emmett Kelly, Burt Stratford, Katie Dunn, Mihail Mihaylov and Leo Conforti | Kids Musical; Bulgaria/US co-production | |
Случаят Пенлеве | Sluchayat Penleve The Penleve Case |
Georgi Stoyanov | 80 minutes | Naum Shopov, Konstantin Kotsev, Emilia Radeva and Tatyana Lolova | Black-and-white drama in three episodes | |
Човекът в сянка | Chovekat v syanka Man in the Shadow |
Yakim Yakimov | 92 minutes | Stanya Mihailov, Ivan Kondov, Elena Rainova and Mihail Mihaylov | Black-and-white spy film based on a novel by Pavel Vezhinov | |
1968 | ||||||
Бялата стая | Byalata staya The White Room |
Metodi Andonov | 83 minutes | Apostol Karamitev, Dorotea Toncheva, Konstantin Kotsev, Georgi Cherkelov, Stoyanka Mutafova, Georgi Kaloyanchev and Grigor Vachkov | Black-and-white drama about an ill man who evaluates his life in the face of death - based on the novel by Bogomil Raynov | |
Гибелта на Александър Велики | Gibelta na Aleksander Veliki The Death of Alexander the Great |
Vladislav Ikonomov | 85 minutes | Grigor Vachkov, Nevena Kokanova, Zhorzheta Chakarova and Martina Vachkova | Black-and-white film about the never-ending construction in Bulgaria during the second half of the sixties | |
Галилео Галилей | Galileo Galilei Galileo |
Liliana Cavani | 105 minutes | Cyril Cusack, Georgi Kaloyanchev, Georgi Cherkelov, Mihail Mihaylov and Nevena Kokanova | Italy/Bulgaria co-production telling the story of Galileo Galilei | |
Небето на Велека | Nebeto na Veleka The Sky Over the Veleka |
Eduard Zahariev | 90 minutes | Georgi Georgiev-Getz, Mihail Mihaylov, Georgi Kaloyanchev and Naum Shopov | Black-and-white drama | |
Опасен полет | Opasen polet Perilous Flight |
Dimitar Petrov | 72 minutes | Preslav Petrov, Nevena Kokanova, Petar Slabakov and Georgi Cherkelov | Crime film | |
Последният войвода | Posledniat voyvoda The Last Voivode |
Nikola Valchev | 91 minutes | Vasil Popiliev, Bogomil Simeonov, Emil Grekov and Nikola Anastasov | Black-and-white film telling the story of a Bulgarian revolutionary leader | |
Прокурорът | Prokurorat The Prosecutor |
Lyubomir Sharlandzhiev | 77 minutes | Georgi Georgiev-Getz, Yordan Matev, Olga Kircheva and Dorotea Toncheva | Black-and-white drama based on a play by Georgi Dzhagarov | |
Процесът | Procesat The Trial |
Yakim Yakimov | 90 minutes | Ivan Kondov, Branimira Antonova, Ivan Andonov and Vasil Bachvarov | Black-and-white drama | |
Първият куриер | Parviyat kurier Russian: Первый курьер English: The First Courier |
Vladimir Yanchev | 91 minutes | Stefan Danailov, Zhanna Bolotova, Vladimir Retsepter and Evgeni Leonov | Historical drama - Bulgaria/Soviet Union co-production | |
Шведските крале | Shvedskite krale The Swedish Kings |
Lyudmil Kirkov | 87 minutes | Kiril Gospodinov, Tzvetana Maneva, Nikola Rudarov, Stefan Mavrodiyev and Evstati Stratev | Black-and-white drama | |
Шибил | Shibil | Zahari Zhandov | 90 minutes | Petar Slabakov, Dorotea Toncheva, Elena Hranova and Ivan Bratanov | drama about a ferocious outlaw who falls in love - based on the novel by Gencho Stoyev | |
1969 | ||||||
Армандо | Armando | Lyudmil Kirkov | 37 minutes | Konstantin Kotsev, Asen Georgiev, Yevstati Stratev and Vasil Popov | Short drama film | |
Белият кон | Beliyat kon The White Horse |
Milen Nikolov | 36 minutes | Grigor Vachkov, Ilia Dobrev and Yevstati Stratev | Short black-and-white drama film | |
Господин Никой | Gospodin Nikoy Mister Nobody |
Ivan Terziev | 107 minutes | Kosta Tsonev, Georgi Cherkelov, Marita Böhme, Nikola Anastasov and Mihail Mihaylov | Black-and-white crime film | |
Един миг свобода | Edin mig svoboda Moment of Freedom |
Ivanka Grybcheva and Petar Kaishev | 66 minutes | Stoycho Mazgalov, Dorotea Toncheva, Vassil Mihaylov and Mihail Mihaylov | Black-and-white film based on a novel by Radi Radev | |
Един снимачен ден | Edin snimachen den A Shooting Day |
Borislav Sharaliev | 54 minutes | Apostol Karamitev, Nikola Rudarov, Vasil Tsonev and Yevstati Stratev | Black-and-white film abou a shooting crew that can never get the final scene done | |
Иконостасът | Ikonostasat The Icon Stand |
Christo Christov and Todor Dinov | 95 minutes | Dimitar Tashev, Emilia Radeva, Naum Shopov and Dobrinka Stankova | black-and-white film telling the story of an icon painter during the Bulgarian National Revival | |
Любовницата на Граминя | Lyubovnitzite na Graminya English: The Bandit Italian: L'Amante di Gramigna |
Carlo Lizzani | 108 minutes | Gian Maria Volonté, Stefania Sandrelli, Stoyanka Mutafova and Petar Slabakov | Italy/Bulgaria co-production | |
Мъже в командировка | Mazhe v komandirovka Men on a Business Trip |
Grisha Ostrovski and Todor Stoyanov | 95 minutes | Zhorzheta Chakarova, Ivan Andonov, Nevena Kokanova and Georgi Cherkelov | based on the novels by Lyuben Stanev | |
На всеки километър | Na vseki kilometar At Each Kilometer |
Nedelcho Chernev and Lyubomir Sharlandzhiev | 62 minutes | Stefan Danailov, Grigor Vachkov, Georgi Cherkelov and Georgi Georgiev-Getz | The first season of the most popular Bulgarian serial film (stretches into 13 episodes) - follows the story of an agent of the Communist resistance during World War II | |
Осмият | Osmiyat The Eighth |
Zako Heskija | 107 minutes | Georgi Georgiev-Getz, Nikola Anastasov, Anton Gorchev and Djoko Rosic | Black and White film about the anti-fascist resistance during WWII | |
Признание | Priznanie Confession |
Yanko Yankov | 86 minutes | Stoycho Mazgalov, Djoko Rosic, Nikola Rudarov and Nikola Anastasov | Black and White film based on a novel by Dimitar Valev | |
Птици и хрътки | Ptitzi i hratki Birds and Greyhounds |
Georgi Stoyanov | 79 minutes | Stefan Mavrodiyev, Kirill Gospodinov, Tatyana Lolova and Itzhak Finzi | Black-and-white comedy | |
Свобода или смърт | Svoboda ili smart Freedom or Death |
Nikola Korabov | 91 minutes | Milen Penev, Kosta Tsonev, Apostol Karamitev and Ivan Bratanov | Film about the deeds of one of the greatest Bulgarian revolutionaries Hristo Botev | |
Скорпион срещу Дъга | Skorpion sreshtu Daga Scorpion Versus Rainbow |
Vladislav Ikonomov | 96 minutes | Vasil Popiliev, Naum Shopov, Katya Paskaleva and Stefan Mavrodiyev | Black-and-white adventure film | |
Село край завод | Selo kray zavod Village by a Plant |
Petar Batalov | 86 minutes | Violeta Bahchevanova, Petar Slabakov, Naicho Petrov and Lidiya Grigorova | Black-and-white drama | |
Танго | Tango | Vasil Mirchev | 76 minutes | Nevena Kokanova, Petar Penkov, Petar Slabakov and Grigor Vachkov | Black-and-white drama, entered into the 6th Moscow International Film Festival | |
Тръгни на път | Trugni na put Set Out Again |
Petar Donev | 88 minutes | Nikolai Uzunov, Georgi Georgiev-Getz, Stefan Rusinov and Djoko Rosic | n/a | |
Цар Иван Шишман | Tzar Ivan Shishman | Yuriy Arnaudov | 78 minutes | Stefan Getsov, Vancha Doycheva, Ruzha Delcheva and Mihail Mihaylov | Drama film about the Bulgarian ruler Tzar Ivan Shishman - based on a play by Kamen Zidarov | |
- "Complete list of all Bulgarian films". Archived from the original on April 25, 2009.
- The Internet movie database
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