List of New Zealand women writers
This is a list of women writers who were born in New Zealand or whose lives and works are closely associated with that country.
- Avis Acres (1910–1994), artist, writer, illustrator and conservationist
- Pip Adam, novelist, short story writer, and reviewer
- Catherine Adamson (1868–1925), Australian-born New Zealand diarist
- Fleur Adcock (born 1934), poet and editor
- Pinky Agnew (born 1955), actor, author and social commentator
- Sarona Aiono-Iosefa, children's fiction writer
- Margaret Alington (1920–2012), librarian, historian and writer
- Pamela Allen (born 1934), children's writer and illustrator
- Barbara Anderson (1926–2013), novelist, short story writer
- Isobel Andrews (1905–1990), Scottish-born New Zealand playwright, poet, short story writer and novelist
- Sylvia Ashton-Warner (1908–1984), writer, poet and educator
- Tusiata Avia (born 1966), poet, children's writer
- Annette Baier (1929–2012), philosopher and non-fiction writer
- Hinemoana Baker (born 1968), poet, teacher
- Louisa Alice Baker (1856–1926), British-born New Zealand journalist and novelist
- Philippa Ballantine (born 1971), novelist
- Serie Barford (fl. 2007), poet, sort story writer
- Mary Anne Barker (1831–1911), Jamaican-born New Zealand journalist, poet and writer
- Miriam Barr (born 1982), poet
- Sarah Maria Barraud (c.1823–1895), British-born New Zealand letter writer
- Rachel Barrowman (born 1963) author and historian
- Blanche Edith Baughan (1870–1958), British-born New Zealand poet, writer and penal reformer
- Fleur Beale (born 1945), teenage fiction writer
- Margaret Beames (born 1935), children's writer
- Airini Beautrais (born 1982), poet
- Ursula Bethell (1874–1945), British-born New Zealand poet and social worker
- Jean Betts (fl. 1970s), British-born New Zealand playwright
- Judith Binney (1940–2011), historian, academic and writer
- Hera Lindsay Bird (born 1987), poet
- Ellen Wright Blackwell (1864–1952), British-born New Zealand writer and botanist
- Arapera Hineira Kaa Blank (1932–2002), Māori poet and teacher
- Jenny Bornholdt (born 1960), poet and children's writer
- Paula Boock (born 1964), writer and editor
- Avice Maud Bowbyes (1901–1992), home science lecturer and writer
- Virginia Braun (fl. 2000s), gender studies expert, psychologist and non-fiction writer
- Freda Bream (1918–1996), teacher, novelist and non-fiction writer
- Bub Bridger (1924–2009), poet and short story writer
- Adele Broadbent (born 1968), children's author
- Deidre Brown (born 1970), historian
- Audrey Brown-Pereira (born 1975), poet, diplomat and public servant
- Diane Brown (born 1951), novelist and poet
- Helen Brown (born 1954), novelist and columnist
- Riwia Brown (fl. 1994), playwright
- Harriet Louisa Browne (1829–1906), Scottish-born New Zealand salon hostess, community leader and letter writer
- Margaret Bullock (1845–1903), journalist, writer, feminist and reformer
- Dorothy Butler (1925–2015), children's writer, bookseller and memoirist
- Dolce Ann Cabot (1862–1943), journalist, newspaper editor, feminist and teacher
- Meg Campbell (1937–2007), poet
- Eleanor Catton (born 1985), Canadian-born New Zealand novelist and short story writer
- Hannah Rebecca Frances Caverhill (1834–1897), diarist
- Christine Cole Catley (1922–2011), journalist, publisher and writer
- Kate Camp (born 1972) poet and essayist
- Lynda Chanwai-Earle (born 1966), poet, playwright and actress
- Janet Charman (born 1954) poet
- Brenda Chawner (fl. 2010s], library academic, editor and writer
- Catherine Chidgey (born 1970), novelist and short story writer
- Daphne Clair (born 1939), romance novelist
- Margaret Clark (born 1941), academic, editor and non-fiction writer
- Constance Clyde (1872–1951), Scottish-born New Zealand journalist, essayist and writer
- Nellie Euphemia Coad (1883–1974), teacher, community leader and writer
- Elizabeth Fairburn Colenso (1821–1904), missionary, teacher and Bible translator
- Kay McKenzie Cooke (born 1953), poet
- Jennifer Compton (born 1949), playwright, poet and short story writer, emigrated to Australia
- Sandra Coney (born 1944), politician, feminist, historian and non-fiction writer
- Judy Corbalis (fl. 1980s), novelist and short story writer
- Violet May Cottrell (1887–1971), poet and spiritualist
- Joy Cowley (born 1936), children's writer
- Rachael Craw, young adults' writer
- Fiona Cross (fl. 2000s), arachnologist and non-fiction writer
- Majella Cullinane, Irish-born New Zealand poet and novelist
- Jackie Cumming (fl. 2000s), academic, health expert and non-fiction writer
- Lois Daish (fl. 1960s), restaurateur, cookbook writer
- Debra Daley, novelist
- Ruth Dallas (1919–2008), poet and children's writer
- Winnie Davin (1909–1995), teacher, community worker, writer and editor
- Jackie Davis (born 1963), novelist and poet
- Kate De Goldi (born 1959), children's writer, short story writer
- Stephanie de Montalk (born 1945) poet and biographer
- Joan de Hamel (1924–2011), children's writer
- Pip Desmond, non-fiction author and journalist
- Jean Devanny (1894–1962), New Zealand-born Australian novelist and short story writer
- Gillian Dobbie (fl. 2000s), computer scientist, academic and non-fiction writer
- Lynley Dodd (born 1941), children's writer
- Robyn Donald (born 1940), novelist
- Alison Edith Hilda Drummond (1903–1984), farmer, historian, writer and editor
- Joan Druett (born 1939), historical novelist and non-fiction writer
- Yvonne du Fresne (1929–2011), short story writer, playwright and novelist
- Kate Duignan (born 1974), novelist
- Marilyn Duckworth (born 1935), novelist, poet and short story writer
- Tessa Duder (born 1940), swimmer, young peoples' writer and non-fiction writer
- Eileen Duggan (1894–1972), poet and journalist
- Elizabeth Geertruida Agatha Dyson (1857–1951), journalist and magazine editor
- Lauris Edmond (1924–2000), poet
- Dorothy Eden (1912–1982), novelist and short story writer
- Ellen Elizabeth Ellis (1829–1895), British-born New Zealand feminist and writer
- Barbara Else (born 1947), novelist, short story writer, editor and literary agent
- Riemke Ensing (born 1939), Dutch-born New Zealand poet and educator
- Margaret Escott (1908–1977), novelist, drama teacher and poet
- Barbara Ewing (born 1944), New Zealand-born UK-based actress and writer
- Jacqueline Fahey (born 1929), painter and writer
- Fiona Farrell (born 1947), poet, novelist, short story writer and playwright
- Angie Farrow (born 1951), academic, playwright and writer for theatre and radio
- Beryl Fletcher (1938–2018), novelist
- Tui Flower (1925–2017), food writer
- Mihingarangi Forbes (fl. 1990s), journalist and radio broadcaster
- Margot Forde (1935–1995), botanist, taxonomist and writer
- Michelanne Forster (born 1953), American-born New Zealand playwright and scriptwriter
- Dorothy Fowler (fl. 2009), novelist
- Janet Frame (1924–2004), novelist, poet, short story writer and children's writer
- Ruth France (1913–1968), librarian, poet and novelist
- Margaret Fraser (1866–1951), domentic servant and letter writer
- Anne French (born 1956), poet and editor
- Catherine Fulton (1829–1919), diarist, social reformer and suffragette
- Abby Gaines (fl. 2007), romance novelist
- Kathleen Gallagher (born 1957), playwright, filmmaker, poet, and novelist
- Rhian Gallagher (born 1961), poet
- Elizabeth Anne Gard'ner (1858–1926), home science teacher and writer
- Frances Shayle George (c.1829–1890), teacher, writer
- Ivy Gibbs (c. 1886–1966), probably English-born New Zealand poet and children's writer
- Ruth Gilbert (1917–2016), poet
- Olivia Aroha Giles (fl. 2006), Māori artist and writer
- Betty Gilderdale (born 1923), children's book author
- Esther Glen (1881–1940), novelist, children's writer, journalist and community worker
- Charlotte Godley (1821–1907), letter writer and community leader
- Patricia Grace (born 1937), Māori writer of novels, short stories, and children's books
- Grace Winifred Green (1907–1976), radio broadcaster and journalist
- Paula Green (born 1955) poet and children's author
- Charlotte Grimshaw (born 1968), novelist
- Edith Searle Grossmann (1863–1931), teacher, novelist, journalist and feminist
- Kirsty Gunn (born 1960), novelist and short story writer
- Mandy Hager (born 1960), novelist, young adults' writer
- Bernadette Hall (born 1945), poet and editor
- Pip Hall (born 1971), playwright and scriptwriter
- Jane Elizabeth Harris (c.1853–1942), British-born New Zealand writer, lecturer and spiritualist
- Kathleen Hawkins (1883–1981), poet
- Catherine Hay (1910–1995), romance novelist
- Karyn Hay (born 1959), writer, broadcaster
- Helen Heath (born 1970), poet
- Christina Henderson (1861–1953), Australian-born New Zealand teacher, feminist, prohibitionist, social reformer and editor
- Ellen Hewett (1843–1926), Jersey-born New Zealand writer
- Mary St Domitille Hickey (1882–1958), nun, historian
- Sarah Higgins (1830–1923), midwife, community leader and writer
- Eva Hill (1898–1981), physician, writer and health compaigner
- Lucy Hockings (born c.1975), journalist and producer
- Liddy Holloway (1947–2004), actress and television scriptwriter
- Janet Holmes (born 1947), linguist, sociologist and non-fiction writer
- Lynley Hood (born 1942), biographer and non-fiction writer
- Philippa Howden-Chapman (fl. 2000s), academic, public health expert and non-fiction writer
- Edith Howes (1872–1954), British-born New Zealand teacher, writer and educationalist
- Keri Hulme (born 1947), novelist
- Rosalind Hursthouse (born 1943), philosopher and non-fiction writer
- Robin Hyde (1906–1939), South African-born New Zealand poet and novelist
- Prue Hyman (born 1943), academic, feminist, economist and non-fiction writer
- Catherine Lucy Innes (c.1840–1900), British-born New Zealand writer
- Fanny Irvine-Smith (1878–1948), teacher, lecturer and writer
- Kate Isitt (1876–1948), journalist and writer
- Annamarie Jagose (born 1965), LGBT academic and novelist
- Florence James (1902–1993), New Zealand-born Australian writer and literary agent
- Lynn Jenner, poet and essayist
- Alexa Johnston, biographer and food writer
- Christine Johnston (born 1950) novelist
- Stephanie Johnson (born 1961), poet, playwright, and short story writer
- V. M. Jones (born 1958), Zambian-born New Zealand children's writer
- Sherryl Jordan (born 1949), children's writer
- Andrea Jutson (fl. 2005), crime novelist
- Keri Kaa (born 1942), Māori language advocate, writer and educator
- Amy Kane (1879–1979), journalist and community leader
- Merata Kawharu (fl. 1990s), Māori writer and academic
- Lindy Kelly (born 1952), short story writer, children's writer, playwright and novelist
- Elizabeth Kelso (1889–1967), journalist, editor and community leader
- Anne Kennedy (born 1959), novelist, poet and filmwriter
- Alice Annie Kenny (1875–1960), short story writer and novelist
- Angela Kepler (born 1943), naturalist and writer
- Suzi Kerr (born 1966), economist, academic and non-fiction writer
- Fiona Kidman (born 1940), novelist, poet, scriptwriter and short story writer
- Rachael King (born 1970), novelist and short story writer
- Elizabeth Knox (born 1959), novelist, autobiographical novella writer and essayist
- Shonagh Koea (born 1939), novelist, short story writer
- Saradha Koirala (born 1980), poet, writer and novelist
- Sarah Laing (born 1973) is an author and cartoonist
- Annabel Langbein (fl. 1980s), cook, food writer and publisher
- Eve Langley (1904–1974), novelist and poet
- Michele Leggott (born 1956), poet and academic
- June Margaret Litman (1926–1991), journalist
- Elsie Locke (1912–2001), poet, novelist, children's writer, non-fiction writer and feminist
- Helen Lowe (born 1961), novelist
- Brigid Lowry (born 1953), children and young adult author
- Edith Joan Lyttleton (1873–1945), Australian-born New Zealand novelist and short story writer

Margaret Mahy and her winning book The Moon & Farmer McPhee at the 2011 New Zealand Post Children's Book Awards
- Mary McCallum (born 1961), poet, novelist, children's author, songwriter, editor and publisher
- Charlotte Macdonald (fl. 1990s), historian and non-fiction writer
- Rebecca Macfie, non-fiction author and journalist
- Katrine Mackay (1864–1944), Australian-born New Zealand journalist and cook
- Jessie Mackay (1864–1938), poet
- Anna Mackenzie (born 1963), children's and YA writer
- Hester Maclean (1859–1932), Australian-born New Zealand nurse, matron and autobiographer
- Margaret Mahy (1936–2012), children's and young adults' writer
- Becky Manawatu (born 1982), novelist
- Jane Mander (1877–1949), novelist and journalist
- Juliet Marillier (born 1948), novelist
- Selina Tusitala Marsh (born 1971), New Zealand poet laureate 2017
- Muriel Wallace May (1897–1982), teacher, school principal and writer
- Emilie Monson Malcolm (c.1830–1905), writer
- Clare Mallory (1913–1991), children's writer
- Katherine Mansfield (1888–1923), modernist and short story writer
- Janice Marriott (born 1946), children's writer, screenwriter and poet
- Ngaio Marsh (1895–1982), crime writer
- Mary Ann Martin (1817–1884), British-born New Zealand community leader, teacher and writer
- Kāterina Mataira (1932–2011), Māori language proponent, educator, intellectual, artist and writer
- Sarah Louise Mathew (c.1805–1890), British-born New Zealand diarist
- Peta Mathias (fl. 1990s), food writer and television presenter
- Tina Matthews (born 1961), children's writer, illustrator
- Gill Matthewson (fl. 1980s), architect, educator and writer
- Cath Mayo, children's, young adults' and adult novelist
- Rachel McAlpine (born 1940), poet, playwright, novelist and non-fiction writer
- Mary McCallum (born 1961), novelist, short story writer, poet, and journalist
- Sue McCauley (born 1941), novelist, short story writer, playwright, journalist and screenwriter
- Lyn McConchie (born 1946), novelist and children's writer
- Carolyn McCurdie poet, children's and short story writer
- Jill McDonald (1927–1982), New Zealand-born UK-based children's writer and illustrator
- Shona McFarlane (1929–2001), artist, journalist and broadcaster
- Rosemary McLeod (born 1949), writer, journalist and cartoonist
- Linda McNabb (born 1963), British-born New Zealand children's writer
- Cilla McQueen (born 1949), British-born New Zealand poet
- Courtney Sina Meredith (born 1986), poet, playwright, and short story author
- Elizabeth Messenger (1908–1965), journalist, cookery writer and crime novelist
- Miriam Meyerhoff (fl. 2000s), sociolinguist and non-fiction writer
- Karlo Mila (fl. 2003), poet
- Antonija Mitrović (fl. 1990s), Serbian-born New Zealand computer scientist and non-fiction writer
- Tze Ming Mok (born 1978), fiction writer and sociopolitical commentator
- Tapu Misa (fl. 2010s), Samoan-born journalist
- Pérrine Moncrieff (1883–1979), British-born writer and conservationist
- Paula Morris (born 1965), novelist and short story writer
- Elsie K. Morton (1885–1968), journalist and writer
- Shirley Murray (1931–2020), hymn writer
- Margaret Mutu (fl. 2000s), Māori activist and writer
- Elizabeth Nannestad (born 1956), poet
- Susan Napier (born 1954), romance novelist
- Sheila Natusch (1926–2017), writer and illustrator
- Emma Neale (born 1969), novelist and poet
- Lino Nelisi (born 1952), children's author
- Marjory Nicholls (1890–1930), poet, teacher and drama producer
- Susan Moller Okin (1946–2004), philosopher and non-fiction writer
- Gloria Olive (1923–2006), American-born New Zealand mathematician and non-fiction writer
- Linda Olsson (born 1948), Swedish-born New Zealand novelist
- Claudia Orange (born 1938), historian and non-fiction writer
- Sue Orr (born 1962), short story writer and novelist
- Makereti Papakura (1873–1930), entertainer and ethnographer
- Ruth Park (1917–2010), New Zealand-born Australian novelist, short story writer and children's writer
- Lorae Parry (fl. 1990s), Australian-born New Zealand playwright
- Jenny Pattrick (born 1936), novelist
- Evelyn Patuawa-Nathan (fl. 1979), Māori writer
- Isabel Peacocke (1881–1973), teacher, novelist and broadcaster
- Emily Perkins (born 1970), novelist
- Dianne Ruth Pettis (1955–2008), novelist and journalist
- April Phillips (fl. 1990s), British-born New Zealand actress, writer, singer and film producer
- Leonie Pihama (fl. 1990s), Māori researcher, academic and non-fiction writer
- Vivienne Plumb (born 1955), Australian-born New Zealand poet, playwright, novelist and editor
- Rebecca Priestley (fl. 1990s), academic, science historian and non-fiction writer
- Erenora Puketapu-Hetet (1941–2006), Māori weaver and writer
- Elizabeth Pulford (born 1943), writer of fiction, poetry and non-fiction for children, teenagers and adults
- Alison Quigan (fl. 1980s), actress, theatre director and playwright
- Maggie Rainey-Smith (born 1950), novelist, poet, short story writer, essayist and reviewer
- Beverley Randell (born 1931), children's writer
- Charlotte Randall (fl. 1990s), novelist
- Jo Randerson (born 1973), writer, playwright and actress
- Lizzie Frost Rattray (1855–1931), journalist, suffragist and welfare worker
- Gloria Jasmine Rawlinson (1918–1995), Tongan-born New Zealand poet, novelist, short story writer and editor
- Annie Lee Rees (1849–1949), Australian-born New Zealand writer, teacher, lawyer and community leader
- Rosemary Frances Rees (1875–1963), actress, theatre producer and novelist
- Amber Reeves (1887–1981), New Zealand-born British feminist, writer and scholar
- Mary Richmond (1853–1949), community leader, teacher and writer
- Paddy Richardson (fl. 2000), novelist and short story writer
- Sue Reidy, author and designer
- Catherine Robertson (born 1966), novelist
- Violet Augusta Roche (1885–1967), journalist and welfare worker
- Hilda Rollett (1873–1970), teacher, journalist and writer
- Joan Rosier-Jones (born 1940), novelist, playwright, short story writer, non-fiction writer and teacher
- Tania Roxborogh (born 1965), teacher, novelist and non-fiction writer
- Fiona Samuel (born 1961), playwright, writer, actress and director
- Elspeth Sandys (born 1940), novelist, poet, and short story author
- Nelle Scanlan (1882–1968), journalist and novelist
- Mary Scott (1888–1979), teacher and novelist
- Mary-anne Scott, writer and musician
- Robyn Scott (born 1981), British-born New Zealand writer and entrepreneur
- Rosie Scott (1948–2017), novelist and lecturer
- Tina Shaw (born 1961), novelist and children's writer
- Helen Lilian Shaw (1913–1985), short story writer, poet and editor
- Nalini Singh (born 1977), romance novelist
- Anna Smaill (born 1979), poet and novelist
- Elizabeth Smither (born 1941), poet
- Laura Solomon (1974–2019), novelist, playwright and poet
- Eileen Louise Soper (1900–1989), Australian-born New Zealand journalist and Girl Guide commissioner
- Mamari Stephens (fl. 2010s), Māori law academic, lexicographer and non-fiction writer
- Adela Blanche Stewart (1846–1910), homemaker and writer
- Olga Stringfellow (born 1923), journalist and novelist
- Jacquie Sturm (1927–2009), poet and short story writer
- Laura Jane Suisted (1840–1903), writer, journalist and parliamentary reporter
- Essie Summers (1912–1998), romance novelist
- Barbara Sumner-Burstyn (fl. 2000s), film producer and writer
- Vanda Symon (born 1969), crime novelist and radio host
- Tamairangi (fl. 1820), tribal leader and poet
- Leilani Tamu, poet
- Violet Targuse (1884–1937), playwright
- Anna Taylor (born 1982), short story author
- Grace Taylor, poet
- Renee Taylor (born 1929), feminist writer and playwright
- Ngahuia Te Awekotuku (born 1949), Māori cultural academic and non-fiction writer
- Margaret Tennant (fl. 1980s), historian and non-fiction writer
- Ngaire Thomas (1943–2012), writer
- Kirsten Moana Thompson (born 1964), non-fiction writer
- Mona Innis Tracy (1882–1959), Australian-born New Zealand poet, short story writer, novelist and community worker
- Jill Trevelyan (born 1963), art historian and non-fiction writer
- Makerita Urale (fl. 1990s), playwright, producer and documentary director
- Dorothy Wall (1894–1942), children's writer and illustrator
- Louise Wallace (born 1983), New Zealand poet
- Marilyn Waring (born 1952), feminist, politician and writer
- Joy Watson (born 1938), children's writer
- Joyce West (1908–1985), novelist and children's writer
- Lydia Wevers (born 1950), literary critic, English language literary historian, editor and book reviewer
- Dorothy Mary Neal White (1915–1995), librarian and writer
- Emily White (1839–1936), British-born New Zealand gardener and writer
- Cherry Wilder (1930–2002), short story writer and science fiction novelist
- Helen Wilson (1869–1957), teacher, farmer, community leader and writer
- Annabelle White (fl. 1990s), cookbook writer
- Alison Wong (born 1960), poet and novelist
- Elizabeth Wong (born 1937), Chinese-born Australian-based New Zealand politician and novelist
- Susan Wood (1836–1880), Australian-born New Zealand writer
- Alice Woodhouse (1883–1977), librarian, journalist and broadcaster
- Sue Wootton (born 1961), poet and short story writer
- Anne Eyre Worboys (1920–2007), New Zealand-born British novelist
- Sonja Yelich (born 1965), poet
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