List of compositions by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
The following is a partial list of compositions by the composer Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov (1844–1908).

Portrait of Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov by Valentin Serov (1898)
- The Maid of Pskov (Псковитянка = Pskovitjanka) (sometimes referred to as Ivan the Terrible), 1868–1872 (1st version), 1876–1877 (2nd version), 1891–1892 (3rd version)
- Mlada (Млада), 1872 (portions of acts 2 and 3 from project composed collectively by Borodin, Cui, Minkus, Mussorgsky, and Rimsky-Korsakov)
- May Night (Майская ночь = Majskaja noch’), 1878–1879
- The Snow Maiden (Снегурочка = Sneguročka), 1880–1881 (1st version), ca. 1895 (2nd version)
- Mlada (Млада), 1889–1890 (complete setting of unstaged collaborative project from 1872)
- Christmas Eve (Ночь перед Рождеством = Noč' pered Roždestvom), 1894–1895
- Sadko (Садко), 1895–1896
- Mozart and Salieri (Моцарт и Сальери = Mocart i Sal'eri), Op. 48, 1897
- The Noblewoman Vera Sheloga (Боярыня Вера Шелога = Bojarynja Vera Šeloga), Op. 54, 1898
- The Tsar's Bride (Царская невеста = Carskaja nevesta), 1898
- The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of His Son, the Famous and Mighty Bogatyr Prince Gvidon Saltanovich, and of the Beautiful Princess Swan (Сказка о царе Салтане, о сыне его, славном и могучем богатыре князе Гвидоне Салтановиче и о прекрасной Царевне Лебеди = Skazka o care Saltane, o syne ego, slavnom i mogučem bogatyre knjaze Gvidone Saltanoviče i o prekrasnoj Carevne Lebedi), 1899–1900
- Servilia (Сервилия = Servilija), 1900–1901
- Kashchey the Immortal (Кащей бессмертный = Kaščej bessmertnyj), 1901–1902
- Pan Voyevoda (Пан воевода = Pan vojevoda; literally, The Gentleman Provincial Governor), 1902–1903
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevroniya (Сказание о невидимом граде Китеже и деве Февронии = Skazanie o nevidimom grade Kiteže i deve Fevronii), 1903–1904
- The Golden Cockerel (Золотой петушок = Zolotoj petušok), 1906–1907
Choral music
Sacred choral
(all a cappella)
- "Thee, O God, We Praise" ("Тебе Бога хвалим"), for double chorus, 1883
- Collection of Sacred Musical Compositions by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov Used at the Imperial Court. Four-Voice Compositions from the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 22, 1883; contains 8 pieces
- Collection of Sacred Musical Arrangements by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov Used at the Imperial Court, Op. 22b, 1884; contains 6 hymns based on chant melodies
- Collection of Sacred Musical Compositions and Arrangements by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov for Mixed Chorus, 1883–1884; contains 23 pieces, published posthumously in 1913
Secular choral
(a cappella unless otherwise indicated)
- Two Choruses, Op. 13, for three women's parts, 1874
- Four Variations and a Fughetta on the Russian Folksong "Надоели ночи", Op. 14, for four women's parts with piano or harmonium ad lib. 1874
- Six Choruses, Op. 16, variously for mixed, women's, and men's voices, 1875–1876
- Two Choruses, Op. 18/22, for mixed voices, 1876
- Four Choruses, Op. 23, for three men's parts with piano ad lib., 1876
- Poem about Alexei, Man of God, Op. 20, for altos, tenors, and bass with orchestra, 1878
- Fifteen Russian Folksongs, Op. 19, for mixed voices, 1879
- "Glory" ("Слава" = "Slava"), Op. 21, for mixed voices with orchestra, 1879–1890
- Two Choruses, for children's voices, 1884
- Switezianka, Op. 44, cantata for soprano and tenor soloists and mixed voices with orchestra, 1897
- Song of Oleg the Wise, Op. 58, cantata for tenor and bass soloists and men's voices with orchestra, 1899
- From Homer, Op. 60, prelude-cantata for soprano, mezzo-soprano, and alto soloists and women's voices with orchestra, 1901
Orchestral and band music
Works for symphony orchestra
- Symphony No. 1 in E minor, Op. 1, 1861–1865 (1st version), 1884 (2nd version)
- Overture on Three Russian Themes, op. 28 1866 (1st version), 1879–1880 (2nd version)
- Fantasy on Serbian Themes, Op. 6 1867 (1st version), 1886–1887 (2nd version); also called Serbian Fantasy
- Sadko, Op. 5, musical tableau, 1867 (1st version), 1869 (2nd version), 1891–1892 (3rd version)
- Antar, Op. 9, 1868 (1st version), 1875 (2nd version), 1897 (3rd version), 1903 (amended 2nd version published by Bessel). Originally designated "Symphony No. 2," he later reclassified it a "symphonic suite." (See Rimsky-Korsakov, My Musical Life, 92.)
- Symphony No. 3 in C, Op. 32, 1866–1873 (1st version), 1886 (2nd version)
- Music to Mei's drama The Maid of Pskov, suite of five numbers, 1877 (adapted from the opera as incidental music)
- Fairytale [Сказка = Skazka], Op. 29, 1879–1880
- Sinfonietta on Russian Themes in A minor, Op. 31, 1879–1884; adaptation of first three movements from string quartet of 1878–1879
- Capriccio Espagnol, Op. 34, 1887, (Based mainly on Asturian traditional folk music themes)
- Scheherazade, Op. 35, symphonic suite, 1888
- Russian Easter Festival Overture (Светлый праздник), Op. 36, 1888
- Theme and Variation No. 4, 1903, from collective set of variations on a Russian theme, with Artsybushev, Vitols, Lyadov, Sokolov, and Glazunov
- On the Tomb, Op. 61, prelude, 1904, in memory of M.P. Belaieff
- "Dubinushka", Op. 62, 1905 (1st version), 1906 (2nd version with choral parts ad lib.)
- "Greeting" ["Здравица"], 1907, for Glazunov
- Neapolitan Song [i.e., "Funiculi, funicula"], Op. 63, 1907
Opera excerpts for orchestral concerts
- The Snow Maiden – Suite; includes "Dance of the Skomorokhi" (act 3) (also known as "Dance of the Clowns" or "Dance of the Tumblers")
- Mlada
- Suite; includes "Procession of the Nobles"
- Night on Mount Triglav, 1899–1901; purely orchestral adaptation of act 3
- Christmas Eve – suite
- The Tale of Tsar Saltan
- Suite: Three Musical Pictures, Op. 57 (1903) (The excerpts are the introductions to act 1; act 2; and act 4, tableau 2)
- "Flight of the Bumblebee" (from act 3, tableau 1)
- Pan Voyevoda Suite Op. 59
- The Golden Cockerel
- Introduction and Cortège de Noces (Wedding March)
- Suite (prepared by Glazunov and M. Steinberg)
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevroniya, suite (prepared by Glazunov and M. Steinberg)
Solo instrumental music with orchestra or band
- Concerto in B♭, for trombone and military band, 1877
- Variations in G minor on a theme by Glinka, for oboe and military band, 1878
- Konzertstück in E♭, for clarinet and military band, 1878
- Piano Concerto in C♯ minor, Op. 30, 1882–1883
- Fantasy on Two Russian Themes, for violin and orchestra, Op. 33, 1886–1887
- Mazurka on [Three] Polish Folk Themes, for violin and orchestra, 1888; also called Souvenir de trois chants polonais
- Serenade for cello and orchestra, Op. 37, orchestrated in 1903 from cello/piano original
Romances, other art songs and duets
(For solo voice with piano accompaniment unless otherwise indicated.)
- "Butterfly" [Бабочка = Babochka], duet, 1855
- "Come out to me, signora" [Выходи ко мне, синьора = Vykhodi ko mne, sin'ora], 1861
- "In the blood burns the fire of desire" [В крови горит огонь любви = V krovi gorit ogon' ljubvi], 1865 (current provenance unknown)
- Four Songs, Op. 2, 1865–1866 (often called Four Romances)
- Lean Thy Cheek to Mine
- The Nightingale and the Rose (based on Persian poetry)
- Lullaby (from Lev Mei's verse drama that was the basis for the opera The Maid of Pskov; incorporated later into the opera The Noblewoman Vera Sheloga)
- From My Tears
- Four Songs, Op. 3, 1866
- Jel' i pal'ma
- Juzhnaja noch'
- Nochevala tuchka zolotaja
- Na kholmakh Gruziji (On the hills of Georgia)
- Four Songs, Op. 4, 1866
- Four Songs, Op. 7, 1867
- Six Songs, Op. 8, 1868–1870
- Two Songs, Op. 25, 1870
- Four Songs, Op. 26, 1882
- Four Songs, Op. 27, 1883
- Four Songs, Op. 39, 1897
- Four Songs, Op. 40, 1897
- Four Songs, Op. 41, 1897
- Four Songs, Op. 42, 1897
- In Spring [Весной], Op. 43, 1897 (four songs)
- To the Poet [Поэту], Op. 45, 1897–1899 (five songs)
- By the Sea [У моря], Op. 46, 1897 (five songs)
- Two Duets, Op. 47, for mezzo-soprano and baritone or soprano and tenor, 1897
- Two Songs, Op. 49, for bass, 1882–1897
- Four Songs, Op. 50, 1897–1898
- Five Songs, Op. 51, 1898
- Two Duets, Op. 52, 1897–1898
- Dragonflies [Стрекозы], Op. 53, for three sopranos, 1897
- Four Songs, Op. 55, for tenor, 1897–1898
- Two Songs, Op. 56, for soprano, 1898
Folksong collections
- Collection of One Hundred Russian Folksongs, Op. 24, 1875–1876
- Forty Folksongs, 1875–1882
Chamber music
- String Quartet in F, Op. 12, 1875
- String Sextet in A, for pairs of violins, violas, and violoncellos, 1876
- Quintet in B-flat, for flute, clarinet, horn, bassoon, and piano, 1876
- String Quartet on Russian Themes, 1878–1879
- First three movements later adapted for Sinfonietta, Op. 31
- Remaining fourth movement has title "In a Monastery" ["В монастыре"] (version for piano four-hands is entitled "In a Church")
- Four Variations on a Chorale in G minor, for string quartet, 1885
- String Quartet "B-la-F", 1st movement, 1886; other movements by Lyadov, Glazunov, and Borodin
- String Quartet Jour de fête [Именины], finale ("Round-Dance" ["Хоровод"]), 1887; other movements by Glazunov and Lyadov
- Nocturne in F, for four horns, ca. 1888
- Two Duets in F, for two horns, 1883?–1894?
- Canzonetta and Tarantella, for two clarinets, 1883?–1894?
- Serenade, for violoncello and piano, 1893; also orchestrated as Op. 37
- String Quartet in G, 1897
- Trio in C minor, for violin, violoncello, and piano, 1897; completed by his son-in-law Maximilian Steinberg in 1939
- Theme and Variation No. 4 in G major, for string quartet, 1898; for collaborative Variations on a Russian Theme ("Надоели ночи надоскучили"), with Artsybushev, Skriabin, Glazunov, Lyadov, Vitols, Blumenfeld, Ewald, Winkler, and Sokolov
- Allegro in B-flat, for string quartet, 1899, for the collaborative set of string quartet pieces entitled Les vendredis, with Glazunov, Artsybushev, Sokolov, Lyadov, Vitols, Osten-Sacken, Blumenfeld, Borodin, and Kopylov
Piano music
- Six Variations on the theme BACH, Op. 10, 1878 (Waltz, Intermezzo, Scherzo, Nocturne, Prelude and Fugue)
- Four Pieces, Op. 11, 1876–1877 (Impromptus, Novelette, Scherzino, Etude)
- Three Pieces, Op. 15, 1875–1876 (Waltz, Romance, Fugue)
- Six Fugues, Op. 17, 1875
- Two Pieces, Op. 38, 1894–1897 (Prelude-Impromptu, Mazurka)
- Variations (Nos. 1, 2, 6, 11, 3, 16 and 19) and Pieces (Lullaby, Little Fugue on the theme BACH, Tarantella, Minuet, Bells [Трезвон – Trezvon], Comic Fugue) from a collaborative paraphrase to the constant theme, 1878 (without opus no)
- Fugues and Fughettas, 1875–1876 (without opus no)
- Allegretto in C major, 1895 (without opus no)
- Prelude in G major, 1896 (without opus no)
- Theme and 1st variation from collaborative variations to the Russian theme, 1899 (without opus no)
- Fugue in C major for 4 hands (also: transcription in 2 hands), 1875 (without opus no)
- Variations to the theme by Misha, c.1878–1879 (without opus no)
- Song [Песенка = Pesenka] (Andantino) from the army collection Arzunkner, 1901 (without opus no)
- Finale of the collective Joke-Quadrille for 4 hands, 1890 (without opus no)
Editing or completion of works by others
- Alexander Borodin
- Prince Igor (completed with Glazunov)
- César Cui
- William Ratcliff (orchestrated several passages for first performance in 1869)
- Alexander Dargomyzhsky
- The Stone Guest (orchestration only; composition finished by César Cui)
- Mikhail Glinka
- A Life for the Tsar (edited with Mily Balakirev and Anatoly Lyadov)
- Ruslan and Lyudmila (edited with Balakirev and Lyadov)
- Complete Orchestral Works (edited with Balakirev and Lyadov)
- Modest Mussorgsky
- Boris Godunov
- Khovanshchina
- Songs and Dances of Death (orchestration only)
- Night on Bald Mountain
- Rimsky-Korsakov, N.A. The Complete Sacred Choral Works. Monuments of Russian Sacred Music, Series III. Madison, CT: Musica Russica, 1999.
- _______. Полное собрание сочинений [Complete [sic] Collection of Works]. Москва, 1946–1970. (Reprinted by Kalmus/Belwin Mills.)
- Walker, Marina Frolova, "'Rimsky-Korsakov: (1) Nikolay Andreyevich Rimsky-Korsakov", Grove Music Online (subscription required), (Accessed 8 December 2005)
External links
- List of Rimsky-Korsakov's works at Staratel (in Russian)
- List of Rimsky-Korsakov's works at Russisches Musikarchiv (in German)
- Free scores by Rimsky-Korsakov at the International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP)
- Rimsky-Korsakov page,
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