List of executive actions by Dwight D. Eisenhower
Listed below are executive orders and presidential proclamations signed by United States President Dwight D. Eisenhower. His executive orders and presidential proclamations are also listed on WikiSource.
Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961)

Signature of Dwight D. Eisenhower
Executive orders
Relative No. | Absolute No. | Title/Description | Date signed |
1 | 10432 | Establishing the President's Advisory Committee on Government Organization | January 24, 1953 |
2 | 10433 | Further Providing for the Administration of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as Amended | February 4, 1953 |
3 | 10434 | Suspension of Wage and Salary Controls Under the Defense Production Act of 1950, as Amended | February 6, 1953 |
4 | 10435 | Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Declared Value Excess-Profits, Capital Stock, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Senate Committee on Government Operations | February 6, 1953 |
5 | 10436 | Reserving Kahoolawe Island, Territory of Hawaii, for the Use of the United States for Naval Purposes and Placing it Under the Jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Navy | February 20, 1953 |
6 | 10437 | Designating the Honorable Benjamin Ortiz To Act, Under Certain Circumstances, as Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Puerto Rico During the Year 1953 | February 20, 1953 |
7 | 10438 | Transferring Certain Functions of the National Security Resources Board and of the Chairman Thereof to the Director of Defense Mobilization | March 13, 1953 |
8 | 10439 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10163 of September 25, 1950, Establishing the Armed Forces Reserve Medal | March 19, 1953 |
9 | 10440 | Amendment of Civil Service Rule VI | March 31, 1953 |
10 | 10441 | Continuing in Effect Certain Appointments as Officers and Warrant Officers of the Army and the Air Force | March 31, 1953 |
11 | 10442 | Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Declared Value Excess-Profits, Capital Stock, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Senate Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce | March 31, 1953 |
12 | 10443 | Suspension of the Eight-Hour Law as to Laborers and Mechanics Employed by the Atomic Energy Commission on Public Work Essential to the National Defense | April 7, 1953 |
13 | 10444 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 8809 of June 28, 1941, Establishing the Good Conduct Medal, as Amended by Executive Order No. 9323 of March 31, 1943 | April 10, 1953 |
14 | 10445 | Reserving Certain Lands Acquired Under Title III of the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act as Parts of National Forests | April 10, 1953 |
15 | 10446 | Specification of Laws From Which the Escapee Program Administered by the Department of State Shall Be Exempt | April 17, 1953 |
16 | 10447 | Inspection of Returns by Senate Committee on the Judiciary | April 22, 1953 |
17 | 10448 | Establishing the National Defense Service Medal | April 22, 1953 |
18 | 10449 | Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between the New York, Chicago, & St. Louis Railroad Company and Certain of its Employees | April 24, 1953 |
19 | 10450 | Security Requirements for Government Employment | April 27, 1953 |
20 | 10451 | Inspection of Certain Returns by the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives | April 28, 1953 |
21 | 10452 | Providing for the Performance by the Chairman of the Civil Service Commission of Certain Functions Relating to Personnel Management | May 1, 1953 |
22 | 10453 | Restoring Certain Lands Comprising Portions of the Fort Ruger Military Reservation to the Jurisdiction of the Territory of Hawaii | May 18, 1953 |
23 | 10454 | Restoring Certain Lands of the Schofield Barracks Military Reservation to the Jurisdiction of the Territory of Hawaii | May 18, 1953 |
24 | 10455 | Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Declared Value Excess-Profits, Capital Stock, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives | May 22, 1953 |
25 | 10456 | Delegating to Secretary of Defense and the Director of Defense Mobilization Certain Functions Relating to Critical Defense Housing Areas | May 27, 1953 |
26 | 10457 | Designating the Department of Justice as a Defense Agency for Certain Purposes | May 27, 1953 |
27 | 10458 | Providing for the Administration of Certain Foreign Aid Programs and Related Activities | June 1, 1953 |
28 | 10459 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10422 of January 9, 1953, Prescribing Procedures for Making Available to the Secretary General of the United Nations Certain Information Concerning United States Citizens Employed or Being Considered for Employment on the Secretariat of the United Nations | June 2, 1953 |
29 | 10460 | Providing for the Performance by the Director of Defense Mobilization of Certain Functions Relating to Telecommunications | June 16, 1953 |
30 | 10461 | Delegating and Transferring Certain Functions and Affairs to the Office of Defense Mobilization Provided for in Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1953 | June 17, 1953 |
31 | 10462 | Delegation of Certain Functions of the President to the Housing and Home Finance Administrator | June 19, 1953 |
32 | 10463 | Amendment of Section 6.4 of Civil Service Rule VI | June 25, 1953 |
33 | 10464 | Delegation of Functions of the President Respecting the Transfer of Wheat to Pakistan | June 25, 1953 |
34 | 10465 | Suspension of Certain Provisions of the Officer Personnel Act of 1947, as Amended, Which Relate to Officers of the Marine Corps | June 30, 1953 |
35 | 10466 | Continuing in Effect Certain Appointments as Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers of the Army and of the Air Force | June 30, 1953 |
36 | 10467 | Further Providing for the Administration of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as Amended | June 30, 1953 |
37 | 10468 | Appointment of William C. Strand, Director, Office of Territories, Department of the Interior, as Administrator of the Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration | July 7, 1953 |
38 | 10469 | Amending the Selective Service Regulations | July 11, 1953 |
39 | 10470 | Amending Executive Order No. 10408, Transferring the Administration of a Certain Portion of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands From the Secretary of the Interior to the Secretary of the Navy | July 17, 1953 |
40 | 10471 | Authorizing the Heads of Departments and Agencies To Grant Leaves of Absence to Certain Persons | July 17, 1953 |
41 | 10472 | Establishing the National Agricultural Advisory Commission | July 20, 1953 |
42 | 10473 | Amendment of the Foreign Service Regulations Relating to United States Foreign Service Fees | July 22, 1953 |
43 | 10474 | The Honorable Robert A. Taft | July 31, 1953 |
44 | 10475 | Administration of the Housing and Rent Act of 1947, as Amended | July 31, 1953 |
45 | 10476 | Administration of Foreign Aid and Foreign Information Functions | August 1, 1953 |
46 | 10477 | Authorizing the Director of the United States Information Agency To Exercise Certain Authority Available by Law to the Secretary of State and the Director of the Foreign Operations Administration | August 1, 1953 |
47 | 10478 | Delegating to the Secretary of Defense the Authority of the President To Order Certain Members of Reserve Components of the Armed Forces Into Active Federal Service and To Prescribe Regulations Governing the Appointment, Reappointment, and Promotion of Such Members | August 5, 1953 |
48 | 10479 | Establishing the Government Contract Committee | August 13, 1953 |
49 | 10480 | Further Providing for the Administration of the Defense Mobilization Program | August 14, 1953 |
50 | 10481 | Designation of Certain Officers of the Department of Agriculture To Act as Secretary of Agriculture | August 15, 1953 |
51 | 10482 | Providing for an Additional Member of the Government Contract Committee | August 15, 1953 |
52 | 10483 | Establishing the Operations Coordinating Board | September 2, 1953 |
53 | 10484 | Providing for the Administration of the President's Management Improvement Fund | September 3, 1953 |
54 | 10485 | Providing for the Performance of Certain Functions Heretofore Performed by the President With Respect to Electric Power and Natural Gas Facilities Located on the Borders of the United States | September 3, 1953 |
55 | 10486 | Providing for the Establishment of the Advisory Committee on Government Housing Policies and Programs | September 12, 1953 |
56 | 10487 | Providing for the Administration of the Refugee Relief Act of 1953 | September 16, 1953 |
57 | 10488 | Providing for the Issuance of Regulations Governing the Purchase, Custody, Transfer, or Sale of Foreign Exchange by the United States | September 23, 1953 |
58 | 10489 | Providing for the Administration of Certain Loan and Loan Guarantee Functions Under the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended | September 26, 1953 |
59 | 10490 | Creating a Board of Inquiry To Report on Certain Labor Disputes Affecting the Maritime Industry of the United States | October 1, 1953 |
60 | 10491 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10450 of April 27, 1953, Relating to Security Requirements for Government Employment | October 13, 1953 |
61 | 10492 | Establishing a Seal for the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics | October 14, 1953 |
62 | 10493 | Delegating Certain Functions of the President to the Administrator of the Small Business Administration | October 14, 1953 |
63 | 10494 | Disposition of Functions Remaining Under Title IV of the Defense Production Act | October 14, 1953 |
64 | 10495 | Prescribing the Order of Succession of Officers To Act as Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Army, Secretary of the Navy, and Secretary of the Air Force | October 14, 1953 |
65 | 10496 | Restoring Certain Lands Reserved for Military Purposes to the Jurisdiction of the Territory of Hawaii | October 14, 1953 |
66 | 10497 | Amendment of the Regulations Relating to Commissioned Officers and Employees of the Public Health Service | October 27, 1953 |
67 | 10498 | Delegating to the Secretaries of the Military Departments and the Secretary of the Treasury Certain Authority Vested in the President by the Uniform Code of Military Justice | November 4, 1953 |
68 | 10499 | Delegating Functions Conferred Upon the President by Section 8 of the Uniformed Services Contingency Option Act of 1953 | November 4, 1953 |
69 | 10500 | Designation of the Power Authority of the State of New York and Establishment of the United States Section of the St. Lawrence River Joint Board of Engineers | November 4, 1953 |
70 | 10501 | Safeguarding Official Information in the Interests of the Defense of the United States | November 5, 1953 |
71 | 10502 | Suspending Certain Statutory Provisions Relating to Employment in the Canal Zone | December 1, 1953 |
72 | 10503 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10011, as Amended, Authorizing the Secretary of State To Exercise Certain Powers of the President With Respect to the Granting of Allowances and Allotments to | December 1, 1953 |
73 | 10504 | Transferring Certain Functions, Powers, and Duties to the Small Business Administration | December 1, 1953 |
74 | 10505 | Amending the Selective Service Regulations | December 10, 1953 |
75 | 10506 | Delegating Certain Functions of the President Under the Public Health Service Act | December 10, 1953 |
76 | 10507 | Further Amendment of Executive Order No. 9805, Prescribing Regulations Governing Payment of Certain Travel and Transportation Expenses | December 10, 1953 |
77 | 10508 | Excusing Federal Employees From Duty One-Half Day on December 24, 1953, and One-Half Day on December 31, 1953 | December 14, 1953 |
78 | 10509 | Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between the Railway Express Agency, Inc., and Certain of its Employees | December 16, 1953 |
79 | 10510 | Establishing a Seal for the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare | December 17, 1953 |
80 | 10511 | Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate Disputes Between the Akron, Canton and Youngstown Railroad Company and Other Carriers and Certain of Their Employees | December 28, 1953 |
Relative No. | Absolute No. | Title/Description | Date signed |
81 | 10512 | Revocation of Executive Order No. 9047, Exempting Certain Officers and Employees of the Government From Automatic Separation From the Service | January 19, 1954 |
82 | 10513 | Designating Certain Officers To Act as Secretary of Labor | January 19, 1954 |
83 | 10514 | Revocation of Executive Order No. 2414 of June 30, 1916 | January 19, 1954 |
84 | 10515 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10739 of August 2, 1952, Suspending the Operation of Certain Provisions of the Officer Personnel Act of 1947 Applicable to the Retirement of Colonels of the | January 22, 1954 |
85 | 10516 | Transferring Certain Lands to the Secretary of Agriculture for Use, Administration, and Disposition Under Title III of the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act | January 26, 1954 |
86 | 10517 | Designating the Honorable A. Cecil Snyder to Act, Under Certain Circumstances, as Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Puerto Rico During the Year 1954 | February 10, 1954 |
87 | 10518 | Inspection of Returns by the Special Committee of the House of Representatives Authorized by House Resolution 217, 83d Congress, to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations | February 11, 1954 |
88 | 10519 | Specification of Laws From Which Functions Authorized by Mutual Security Act of 1951, as Amended, Shall be Exempt | March 5, 1954 |
89 | 10520 | Transferring Certain Lands From the Department of Agriculture to the Department of the Army | March 10, 1954 |
90 | 10521 | Administration of Scientific Research by Agencies of the Federal Government | March 17, 1954 |
91 | 10522 | Authorizing the Director of the United States Information Agency to Carry Out Certain functions of the Board of the Foreign Service | March 26, 1954 |
92 | 10523 | Designating March 31, 1954, as the Day For Dedication of the Memorial to Major General George W. Goethals and Excusing Federal Employees on the Isthmus of Panama From Duty on That Day | March 26, 1954 |
93 | 10524 | Delegating Certain Functions of the President Respecting School-Construction Assistance | March 31, 1954 |
94 | 10525 | Transferring From the Secretary of the Navy to the Secretary of the Interior Interest in and Control Over Certain Funds | April 1, 1954 |
95 | 10526 | Transferring Certain Lands in Mississippi From the Department of Agriculture to the Department of the Army | April 17, 1954 |
96 | 10527 | Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Declared Value Excess-Profits, Capital Stock, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Senate Committee on Banking and Currency | April 19, 1954 |
97 | 10528 | Addition of the Marginal Wharf Area to Sand Island Military Reservation, Territory of Hawaii | April 22, 1954 |
98 | 10529 | Participation by Federal Employees in State and Local Civil Defense Pre-Emergency Training Programs | April 22, 1954 |
99 | 10530 | Providing for the Performance of Certain Functions Vested in or Subject to the Approval of the President | May 10, 1954 |
100 | 10531 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10450 of April 27, 1953, as Amended, Relating to Security Requirements for Government Employment | May 27, 1954 |
101 | 10532 | Amendment of the List of Communicable Diseases Contained in Executive Order No. 9708 of March 26, 1946 | May 28, 1954 |
102 | 10533 | Designating the Organization of American States as a Public International Organization Entitled To Enjoy Certain Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities | June 3, 1954 |
103 | 10534 | Providing for the Supervision and Direction of the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation | June 9, 1954 |
104 | 10535 | Authorizing the Civil Service Commission To Confer a Competitive Status Upon Persons Who Failed To Acquire Such Status Under Certain Executive Orders Because of Administrative Error | June 9, 1954 |
105 | 10536 | Authorizing Certain Functions of Heads of Departments and Agencies Under Section 16 of the Federal Airport Act To Be Performed Without the Approval of the President | June 9, 1954 |
106 | 10537 | Amending Executive Orders Nos. 10219 and 10480 With Respect to the Designation of a Commissioner of the Interstate Commerce Commission To Perform Certain Functions | June 22, 1954 |
107 | 10538 | Establishing a Seal for the United States Marine Corps | June 22, 1954 |
108 | 10539 | Providing for the Administration of Functions Respecting Rubber, Tin, and Abaca Heretofore Administered by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation | June 22, 1954 |
109 | 10540 | Designating Certain Officers of the Government to Which the Annual and Sick Leave Act of 1951, as Amended Shall Not Apply, and Delegating the Authority To Make Such Designations to the Chairman of | June 29, 1954 |
110 | 10541 | Further Extension of the Existence of Quetico-Superior Committee | June 30, 1954 |
111 | 10542 | Creating a Board of Inquiry To Report on a Labor Dispute Affecting the Operations of Atomic Energy Facilities | July 6, 1954 |
112 | 10543 | Creating a Board of Inquiry To Report on a Labor Dispute Affecting the Operations of Atomic Energy Facilities | July 6, 1954 |
113 | 10544 | Inspection of Income Tax Returns by Federal Trade Commission | July 12, 1954 |
114 | 10545 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 5952 of November 23, 1932, Prescribing the Army Ration | July 15, 1954 |
115 | 10546 | Suspension of Certain Provisions of the Officer Personnel Act of 1947, as Amended, Which Relate to Officers of the Marine Corps of the Grades of First Lieutenant and Captain | July 16, 1954 |
116 | 10547 | Inspection of Statistical Transcript Cards by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System | July 27, 1954 |
117 | 10548 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10450 of April 27, 1953, Relating to Security Requirements for Government Employment | August 2, 1954 |
118 | 10549 | Providing for the Placing of Positions in the Department of Defense in Grades 16, 17, and 18 of the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949 | August 2, 1954 |
119 | 10550 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10450 of April 27, 1953, Relating to Security Requirements for Government Employment | August 5, 1954 |
120 | 10551 | Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Declared Value Excess-Profits, Capital Stock, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Committee on Education and Labor of the House of Representatives | August 6, 1954 |
121 | 10552 | Delegating to the Civil Service Commission the Authority of the President To Promulgate Regulations Under Which Certain Government Employees May Be Prevented or Relieved From Working by Administrative | August 10, 1954 |
122 | 10553 | Amending Executive Order No. 10539 With Respect to the Administration of the Abaca Production Act of 1950 | August 18, 1954 |
123 | 10554 | Delegating the Authority of the President To Prescribe Regulations Authorizing Occasions Upon Which the Uniform May Be Worn by Persons Who Have Served Honorably in the Armed Forces in Time of War | August 18, 1954 |
124 | 10555 | Establishing a Seal for the President's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped | August 23, 1954 |
125 | 10556 | Authorizing Regulations for the Permanent Promotion and Reassignment of Federal Employees | September 1, 1954 |
126 | 10557 | Approving the Revised Provision in Government Contracts Relating to Nondiscrimination in Employment | September 3, 1954 |
127 | 10558 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10154, Designating Certain Officers of the Post Office Department To Act as Postmaster General | September 8, 1954 |
128 | 10559 | Providing for the Administration of the President's Management Improvement Appropriation | September 8, 1954 |
129 | 10560 | Administration of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954 | September 9, 1954 |
130 | 10561 | Designating Official Personnel Folders in Government Agencies as Records of the Civil Service Commission and Prescribing Regulations Relating to the Establishment, Maintenance, and Transfer | September 13, 1954 |
131 | 10562 | Amending the Selective Service Regulations | September 20, 1954 |
132 | 10563 | Revocation of Executive Order No. 10266 of June 30, 1951, Suspending Certain Provisions of the Officer Personnel Act of 1947, as Amended | September 25, 1954 |
133 | 10564 | Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Declared Value Excess-Profits, Capital Stock, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Subcommittee of the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives | September 28, 1954 |
134 | 10565 | Amendment of Paragraphs 76a and 127c of the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 1951 | September 28, 1954 |
135 | 10566 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10455, Authorizing the Inspection of Certain Tax Returns | September 29, 1954 |
136 | 10567 | Further Designation Pursuant to Section 103(a) of the Renegotiation Act of 1951 | September 29, 1954 |
137 | 10568 | Suspending Certain Statutory Provisions Relating to Employment in the Canal Zone | October 1, 1954 |
138 | 10569 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10334 of March 26, 1952, Exempting Frederick C. Mayer From Compulsory Retirement for Age | October 5, 1954 |
139 | 10570 | Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between the Pullman Company and Certain of Its Employees | October 16, 1954 |
140 | 10571 | Including Certain Lands in the Nantahala National Forest | October 18, 1954 |
141 | 10571-A | Assignment of Frequencies to Government Radio Stations | October 26, 1954 |
142 | 10572 | Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Declared-Value Excess-Profits, Capital Stock, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare | October 26, 1954 |
143 | 10573 | Amending Executive Order No. 10530 To Authorize the Housing and Home Finance Administrator To Exercise Certain Authority of the President | October 26, 1954 |
144 | 10574 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10480 Providing for the Administration of the Defense Mobilization Program | November 5, 1954 |
145 | 10575 | Administration of Foreign-Aid Functions | November 6, 1954 |
146 | 10576 | Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between the Capital Airlines, Inc., National Airlines, Inc., Northwest Airlines, Inc., Trans World Airlines, Inc., United Airlines, Inc., Eastern | November 16, 1954 |
147 | 10577 | Amending the Civil Service Rules and Authorizing a New Appointment System for the Competitive Service | November 22, 1954 |
148 | 10578 | Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between Certain Carriers Represented by the Eastern, Western, and Southeastern Carriers' Conference Committees and Certain of Their Employees | November 23, 1954 |
149 | 10579 | Regulations Relating to the Establishment and Operation of Interagency Motor-Vehicle Pools and Systems | November 30, 1954 |
150 | 10580 | Excusing Federal Employees From Duty on December 24, and for One-Half Day on December 31, 1954 | December 4, 1954 |
151 | 10581 | Approving a Seal for the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation | December 10, 1954 |
152 | 10582 | Prescribing Uniform Procedures for Certain Determinations Under the Buy-American Act | December 17, 1954 |
153 | 10583 | Amendment to Executive Order No. 10289, Relating to the Performance of Certain Functions Affecting the Department of the Treasury | December 18, 1954 |
154 | 10584 | Prescribing Rules and Regulations Relating to the Administration of the Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act | December 18, 1954 |
Relative No. | Absolute No. | Title/Description | Date signed |
155 | 10585 | Designating the Date of Termination of Combatant Activities in Korea and Waters Adjacent Thereto | January 1, 1955 |
156 | 10586 | Designating Certain Officers To Act as Secretary of the Treasury | January 13, 1955 |
157 | 10587 | Administration of Section 32(h) of the Trading With the Enemy Act | January 13, 1955 |
158 | 10588 | Establishing the President's Commission on Veterans' Pensions | January 14, 1955 |
159 | 10589 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 6783 of June 30, 1934, Creating the Quetico-Superior Committee | January 15, 1955 |
160 | 10590 | Establishing the President's Committee on Government Employment Policy | January 18, 1955 |
161 | 10591 | Waiving the Age Requirements To Permit Otto K. Olesen To Compete in the Competitive Civil-Service Examination for the Position of Postmaster at Los Angeles, California | January 20, 1955 |
162 | 10592 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10524 of March 31, 1954, Delegating Certain Functions of the President Respecting School-Construction Assistance | January 21, 1955 |
163 | 10593 | Amending Executive Order No. 10296, as Amended, To Authorize the Director of the Office of Defense Mobilization To Perform Additional Functions of the President | January 27, 1955 |
164 | 10594 | Amending the Selective Service Regulations | January 31, 955 |
165 | 10595 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 9746 of July 1, 1946, Relating to the Panama Canal and the Canal Zone | February 7, 1955 |
166 | 10596 | Revocation of Executive Order No. 9908 of December 5, 1947 | February 15, 1955 |
167 | 10597 | Providing for the Restoration of Certain Lands to Kaakaukukui, Honolulu, Hawaii, to the Jurisdiction of the Territory of Hawaii and Transfer of Title Thereto to the Territory | February 15, 1955 |
168 | 10598 | Amending Executive Order No. 10483, Establishing the Operations Coordinating Board | February 28, 1955 |
169 | 10599 | Designating the Honorable A. Cecil Snyder To Act, Under Certain Circumstances, as Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Puerto Rico During the Year 1955 | March 15, 1955 |
170 | 10600 | Amending Executive Order No. 9260 of October 29, 1942, Entitled "Legion of Merit" | March 15, 1955 |
171 | 10601 | Administration of Commodity Set-Aside | March 21, 1955 |
172 | 10602 | Designating the Secretary of the Interior as the Representative of the President To Approve the Obligation and Expenditure of Certain Moneys by the Government of the Virgin Islands | March 23, 1955 |
173 | 10603 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10309, Providing for the Restoration of Possession, Use, and Control of Certain Lands Reserved for Military Purposes to the Territory of Hawaii and Transfer of Title to | April 19, 1955 |
174 | 10604 | Delegating to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget the Authority of the President To Approve Regulations Relating to the Operation of Vending Stands on Federal Property by Blind Persons | April 22, 1955 |
175 | 10605 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10119 of March 27, 1950, Prescribing Regulations Governing the Payment of Basic Allowances for Subsistence to Members of the Uniformed Services | April 22, 1955 |
176 | 10606 | Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Declared-Value Excess-Profits, Capital-Stock, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Senate Committee on Government Operations | May 3, 1955 |
177 | 10607 | Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Declared-Value Excess-Profits, Capital-Stock, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives | May 3, 1955 |
178 | 10608 | United States Authority and Functions in Germany | May 5, 1955 |
179 | 10609 | Delegating to the Secretary of State Authority To Appoint Alternate United States Commissioners to the Caribbean Commission | May 7, 1955 |
180 | 10610 | Administration of Mutual Security and Related Functions | May 9, 1955 |
181 | 10611 | Establishing the Civil Defense Coordinating Board and Defining its Duties | May 11, 1955 |
182 | 10612 | Restoring Certain Lands Reserved for Military Purposes to the Jurisdiction of the Territory of Hawaii | May 11, 1955 |
183 | 10613 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10393 of September 4, 1952, Establishing the Clemency and Parole Board for War Criminals | 1955-05-16 |
184 | 10614 | Regulations Governing the Payment of General-Average Contributions in Connection With the Transportation of Certain Baggage and Household Goods and Effects of Military and Civilian Personnel | 1955-05-25 |
185 | 10615 | Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between Certain Carriers Represented by the Eastern, Western, and Southeastern Carriers' Conference Committees and Certain of Their Employees | 1955-06-17 |
186 | 10616 | Suspension of Certain Provisions of the Officer Personnel Act of 1947, as Amended, Which Relates to Officers of the Marine Corps of the Grade of Brigadier General | 1955-06-21 |
187 | 10617 | Suspension of the Operation of Certain Provisions of the Officer Personnel Act of 1947 Applicable to the Retirement of Colonels of the Regular Army | 1955-06-28 |
188 | 10618 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10152, Prescribing Regulations Relating to the Right of Members of the Uniformed Services to Incentive Pay for the Performance of Hazardous Duty Required by Competent | 1955-06-28 |
189 | 10619 | Inspection of Individual Income Tax Returns by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare | 1955-06-29 |
190 | 10620 | Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Declared-Value Excess-Profits, Capital-Stock, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Senate Committee on the Judiciary | 1955-07-01 |
191 | 10621 | Delegation of Certain Functions of the President to the Secretary of Defense | 1955-07-01 |
192 | 10622 | Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between the Railway Express Agency, Inc., and Certain of Its Employees | 1955-07-01 |
193 | 10623 | Amendment of Certain Provisions of Executive Orders No. 10000 and No. 10011, as Amended, Pertaining to Salary Differentials and Allowances for Officers and Employees of the Foreign Service Serving | 1955-07-23 |
194 | 10624 | Regulations Relating to Personnel of the Department of Agriculture Assigned to Service Abroad | 1955-07-28 |
195 | 10625 | Further Providing for the Administration of Foreign Aid Functions | 1955-08-02 |
196 | 10626 | Establishment of the Interdepartmental Committee for Voluntary Payroll Savings Plan for the Purchase of United States Savings Bonds | 1955-08-04 |
197 | 10627 | Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Declared-Value Excess-Profits, Capital-Stock, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives | 1955-08-05 |
198 | 10628 | Restoring Limitations Upon Punishments for Violations of Articles 82, 85, 86(3), 87, 90, 91(1) and (2), 113, and 115 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice | 1955-08-05 |
199 | 10629 | Authorizing Enlistments in the Ready Reserve of the Army Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve | 1955-08-13 |
200 | 10630 | Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between the New York Central System, Lines East, and Certain of Its Employees | 1955-08-13 |
201 | 10631 | Code of Conduct for Members of the Armed Forces of the United States | 1955-08-17 |
202 | 10632 | Suspension of Certain Provisions of the Officer Personnel Act of 1947, as Amended, Which Relate to the Promotion of Officers of the Medical Corps and Dental Corps of the Navy | 1955-08-19 |
203 | 10633 | Establishing an Airspace Reservation Over the Las Vegas Project, Las Vegas, Nevada | 1955-08-19 |
204 | 10634 | Providing for Loans To Aid in the Reconstruction, Rehabilitation and Replacement of Facilities Which Are Destroyed or Damaged by a Major Disaster and Which Are Required for National Defense | 1955-08-25 |
205 | 10635 | Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute Between the Pennsylvania Railroad and Certain of its Employees | 1955-09-01 |
206 | 10636 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10000 of September 16, 1948, Prescribing Regulations Governing Additional Compensation and Credit Granted Certain Employees of the Federal Government Serving | 1955-09-16 |
207 | 10637 | Delegating to the Secretary of the Treasury Certain Functions of the President Relating to the United States Coast Guard | 1955-09-16 |
208 | 10638 | Authorizing the Director of the Office of Defense Mobilization To Order the Release of Strategic and Critical Materials From Stock Piles in the Event of an Attack Upon the United States | 1955-10-10 |
209 | 10639 | Amendment of the Tariff of United States Foreign Service Fees | 1955-10-10 |
210 | 10640 | The President's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped | 1955-10-10 |
211 | 10641 | Amending the Civil Service Rules by Adding Rule VIII - Appointments to Overseas Positions | 1955-10-26 |
212 | 10642 | Suspending Certain Statutory Provisions Relating to Employment in the Canal Zone | 1955-10-26 |
213 | 10643 | Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate Disputes Between the Albany Port District Railroad and Other Carriers and Certain of Their Employees | 1955-11-07 |
214 | 10644 | Administration of Title II of the International Claims Settlement Act of 1949, as Amended, Relating to the Vesting and Liquidation of Bulgarian, Hungarian, and Romanian Property | 1955-11-07 |
215 | 10645 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 9 of January 17, 1873, To Permit an Officer or Employee of the Federal Government To Hold the Office of Member of the State Board of Agriculture of the State of | 1955-11-22 |
216 | 10646 | Designating the Secretary of Defense To Coordinate and Facilitate Actions Required To Discharge Federal Responsibilities Under the Federal Voting Assistance Act of 1955 | 1955-11-22 |
217 | 10647 | Providing for the Appointment of Certain Persons Under the Defense Production Act of 1950, as Amended | 1955-11-28 |
218 | 10648 | Restoring Certain Lands Comprising Portions of the Fort Ruger Military Reservation to the Jurisdiction of the Territory of Hawaii | December 8, 1955 |
219 | 10649 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10153 Prescribing Regulations Relating to Certain Travel Time of Members of the Uniformed Services Called to Active Duty in Excess of Thirty Days | December 28, 1955 |
Relative No. | Absolute No. | Title/Description | Date signed |
220 | 10650 | Prescribing Regulations Governing the Selection of Certain Persons Who Have Critical Skills for Enlistment in Units of the Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces | January 6, 1956 |
221 | 10651 | Providing for the Screening of the Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces Established Under the Provisions of Part II of the Armed Forces Reserve Act of 1952, as Amended | January 6, 1956 |
222 | 10652 | Amendment of Paragraph 126e of the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 1951 | 1956-01-10 |
223 | 10653 | Designating the Honorable A. Cecil Snyder To Act, Under Certain Circumstances, as Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Puerto Rico During the Year 1956 | 1956-01-06 |
224 | 10654 | Delegating Certain Functions of the President to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget | 1956-01-20 |
225 | 10655 | Air Coordinating Committee | 1956-01-28 |
226 | 10656 | Establishing the President's Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities | 1956-02-06 |
227 | 10657 | Transferring to the Housing and Home Finance Administrator Certain Functions of the Atomic Energy Commission Under the Atomic Energy Community Act of 1955 | 1956-02-14 |
228 | 10658 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10478 of August 5, 1953, Delegating Certain Authority of the President to the Secretary of Defense | 1956-02-15 |
229 | 10659 | Amending the Selective Service Regulations | 1956-02-15 |
230 | 10660 | Providing for the Establishment of a National Defense Executive Reserve | 1956-02-15 |
231 | 10661 | Delegating to Certain Officers of the Government the Authority Vested in the President To Designate Persons From Foreign Countries Who May Be Permitted To Receive Instruction at the Military, Naval, | 1956-02-27 |
232 | 10662 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10480 and Revocation of Executive Order No. 10160, Relating to the Administration of the Defense Production Act of 1950 | 1956-03-13 |
233 | 10663 | Administration of the Escapee Program | 1956-03-24 |
234 | 10664 | Restoring Certain Lands Comprising Portions of the Waianae-Kai Military Reservation to the Jurisdiction of the Territory of Hawaii | 1956-04-02 |
235 | 10665 | Restoring Certain Lands of the Schofield Barracks Military Reservation to the Jurisdiction of the Territory of Hawaii | 1956-04-23 |
236 | 10666 | Restoring Certain Land at Humuula, North Hilo, Hawaii, to the Possession, Use, and Control of the Territory of Hawaii | 1956-04-27 |
237 | 10667 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10629, Authorizing Enlistments in the Ready Reserve of the Army Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve, To Authorize Enlistments in the Naval and Coast Guard Reserves | 1956-05-09 |
238 | 10668 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 2859, of May 11, 1918, Relating to the National Research Council | 1956-05-10 |
239 | 10669 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10495, Prescribing the Order of Succession of Officers To Act as Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Army, Secretary of the Navy, and Secretary of the Air Force | 1956-05-18 |
240 | 10670 | Establishing a Flag for the United States Army | June 12, 1956 |
241 | 10671 | Fleet Admiral Ernest J. King | June 26, 1956 |
242 | 10672 | Withholding of District of Columbia Income Taxes by Federal Agencies | July 9, 1956 |
243 | 10673 | Fitness of American Youth | July 16, 1956 |
244 | 10674 | Exempting Certain Officers and Employees in the Executive Branch of the Government From Automatic Separation From the Service | July 31, 1956 |
245 | 10675 | Amendment of Section 203 of Executive Order 10577 of November 22, 1954, Providing for the Conversion of Certain Career-Conditional Appointments to Career Appointments | August 21, 1956 |
246 | 10676 | Designating the World Meteorological Organization as a Public International Organization Entitled To Enjoy Certain Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities | September 1, 1956 |
247 | 10677 | Amendment of Executive Order 10629, as Amended, To Authorize Enlistments in the Ready Reserve of the Air Force Reserve | September 1, 1956 |
248 | 10678 | Administration of the Functions of the Rubber Producing Facilities Disposal Commission | September 20, 1956 |
249 | 10679 | Withholding of Compensation of Certain Civilian Employees of the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard for State Employee Retirement System Purposes | September 20, 1956 |
250 | 10680 | Designating the International Finance Corporation as a Public International Organization Entitled To Enjoy Certain Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities | October 2, 1946 |
251 | 10681 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10152, Prescribing Regulations Relating to Incentive Pay for the Performance of Hazardous Duty | October 22, 1956 |
252 | 10682 | Amendment of Section 2(c) of Executive Order 10530, Delegating to the Civil Service Commission the Authority of the President To Exempt Certain Employees From Automatic Separation From the Service | October 22, 1956 |
253 | 10683 | Including Certain Lands in the Cherokee National Forest | October 26, 1956 |
254 | 10684 | Including Certain Lands in the Cherokee National Forest | October 26, 1956 |
255 | 10685 | Providing for the Administration of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as Amended | October 27, 1956 |
256 | 10686 | Designating Certain Officers of the Post Office Department To Act as Postmaster General | November 1, 1956 |
257 | 10687 | Suspension of a Portion of Section 5762(a) of Title 10 of the United States Code Relating to the Recommendation of Officers for Promotion to Certain Grades | November 16, 1956 |
258 | 10688 | Restoring Certain Lands Comprising Portions of the Waianae-Kai Military Reservation to the Jurisdiction of the Territory of Hawaii | November 16, 1956 |
259 | 10689 | Creating a Board of Inquiry To Report on Certain Labor Disputes Affecting the Maritime Industry of the United States | November 22, 1956 |
260 | 10690 | Suspension of Compliance With Certain Statutory Provisions Relating to Employment in the Canal Zone | November 23, 1956 |
261 | 10691 | Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between the Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Company and Certain of Its Employees Represented by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers | December 5, 1956 |
262 | 10692 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 9080, To Provide for the Designation of Members of the Joint Mexican-United States Defense Commission by the Secretary of Defense | December 22, 1956 |
263 | 10693 | Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate Disputes Between the Akron & Barberton Belt Railroad and Other Carriers and Certain of Their Employees | December 22, 1956 |
Relative No. | Absolute No. | Title/Description | Date signed |
10694 | Authorizing the Secretaries of the Army, Navy, and Air Force To Issue Citations in the Name of the President of the United States to Military and Naval Units for Outstanding Performance in Action | 1957-01-10 | |
10695 | Revoking Paragraph 2(b) of Executive Order No. 10096 of January 23, 1950, Entitled "Providing for a Uniform Patent Policy for the Government With Respect to Inventions Made by Government Employees and" | 1957-01-16 | |
10695-A | Radio Frequencies | 1957-01-16 | |
10696 | Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between the Railway Express Agency, Incorporated, and Certain of Its Employees Represented by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, | 1957-01-25 | |
10697 | Tariff of United States Foreign Service Fees | 1957-02-06 | |
10698 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10648, Restoring Certain Portions of the Fort Ruger Military Reservation to the Jurisdiction of the Territory of Hawaii | 1957-02-08 | |
10699 | Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Declared-Value Excess-Profits, Capital-Stock, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Senate Committee on Government Operations | 1957-02-19 | |
10700 | Further Providing for the Operations Coordinating Board | 1957-02-25 | |
10701 | Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Declared-Value Excess-Profits, Capital-Stock, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives | 1957-03-12 | |
10702 | Rear Admiral Richard E. Byer | 1957-03-12 | |
10703 | Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Declared-Value Excess-Profits, Capital-Stock, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Select Committee of the Senate Established by Senate Resolution 74, 85th Congress, To Investigate Improper Activities in Labor-Management Relations, and for Other Purposes | 1957-03-17 | |
10704 | Change in Membership of the President's Council on Youth Fitness | 1957-03-25 | |
10705 | Delegations of Certain Authority of the President Relating to Radio Stations and Communications | 1957-04-17 | |
10706 | Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Declared-Value Excess-Profits, Capital-Stock, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Senate Committee on the Judiciary | 1957-04-25 | |
10707 | Establishing a Seal for the United States Coast Guard | 1957-05-06 | |
10708 | Further Providing for the Administration of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as Amended | 1957-05-06 | |
10709 | Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between the Toledo, Lorain & Fairport Dock Company, the Toledo Lakefront Dock Company, and the Cleveland Stevedore Company, and Certain of Their | 1957-05-09 | |
10710 | Creating a Board of Inquiry To Report on a Labor Dispute Affecting the Operations of Atomic Energy Facilities | 1957-05-14 | |
10711 | Restoring Certain Lands Comprising Portions of the Lualualei Military Reservation to the Jurisdiction of the Territory of Hawaii | 1957-05-14 | |
10712 | Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Declared-Value Excess-Profits, Capital-Stock, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Senate Committee on the Judiciary | 1957-05-17 | |
10713 | Providing for the Administration of the Ryukyu Islands | 1957-06-05 | |
10714 | Amending the Selective Service Regulations | 1957-06-13 | |
10715 | Revoking Executive Order No. 9775 of September 3, 1946 | 1957-06-17 | |
10716 | Administration of the International Cultural Exchange and Trade Fair Participation Act of 1956 | 1957-06-17 | |
10717 | The President's Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service | 1957-06-27 | |
10718 | Delegating to the Secretary of State Authority To Prescribe the Rates or Tariffs of Fees for Official Services at United States Embassies, Legations, and Consulates | 1957-06-27 | |
10719 | Restoring Certain Lands of the Schofield Barracks Military Reservation to the Jurisdiction of the Territory of Hawaii | 1957-07-03 | |
10720 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10678, Placing Certain Matters Under the Administration or Jurisdiction of the Federal Facilities Corporation | 1957-07-11 | |
10721 | The Honorable Walter F. George | 1957-08-05 | |
10722 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10590, Establishing the President's Committee on Government Employment Policy | 1957-08-05 | |
10723 | Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between the General Managers' Association of New York Representing the New York Central Railroad, New York Central Railroad Company, Brooklyn Eastern District Terminal, Jay Street Connecting Railroad, New York Dock Railway, Bush Terminal Railroad, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company, the Pennsylvania Railroad, Erie Railroad Company, Reading Company, Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad, and the Central Railroad Company of New | 1957-08-06 | |
10724 | Establishing a Career Executive Committee | 1957-08-12 | |
10725 | Suspension of the Provision of Section 5751(b) of Title 10, United States Code, Which Relates to Officers of the Marine Corps of the Grade of Captain | 1957-08-16 | |
10726 | Suspension of Compliance With Certain Statutory Provisions Relating to Employment in the Canal Zone | 1957-08-16 | |
10727 | Designating the Preparatory Commission of the International Atomic Energy Agency, the International Atomic Energy Agency, and the Universal Postal Union as Public International Organizations Entitled To Enjoy Certain Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities | 1957-08-31 | |
10728 | Establishing the President's Committee on Fund-Raising Within the Federal Service | 1957-09-06 | |
10729 | Special Assistant to the President for Personnel Management | 1957-09-16 | |
10730 | Providing Assistance for the Removal of an Obstruction of Justice Within the State of Arkansas | 1957-09-24 | |
10731 | Delegating to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget the Authority of the President To Transfer Certain Records, Property, and Personnel | 1957-10-10 | |
10732 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10250, Providing for the Performance of Certain Functions of the President by the Secretary of the Interior | 1957-10-10 | |
10733 | Providing for an Additional Member and for an Executive Vice Chairman of the Government Contract Committee | 1957-10-10 | |
10734 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10657, Relating to the Transfer to the Housing and Home Finance Administrator of Certain Functions Under the Atomic Energy Community Act of 1955 | 1957-10-17 | |
10735 | Amending the Selective Service Regulations | 1957-10-17 | |
10736 | Adopting an Official Seal for the Department of the Navy | 1957-10-23 | |
10737 | Further Providing for the Administration of Disaster Relief | 1957-10-29 | |
10738 | Inspection of Estate and Gift Tax Returns by State Tax Officials | 1957-11-15 | |
10739 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10152, Prescribing Regulations Relating to Incentive Pay for the Performance of Hazardous Duty by Members of the Uniformed Services | 1957-11-15 | |
10740 | Change in the Membership of the President's Council on Youth Fitness | 1957-11-21 | |
10741 | Establishing the Trade Policy Committee | 1957-11-25 | |
10742 | Further Providing for the Administration of Foreign-Aid Functions | 1957-11-29 | |
10743 | Sale of Vessels of the Navy | 1957-12-10 | |
10744 | Excusing Federal Employees From Duty for One-Half Day on December 24, and One-Half Day on December 31, 1957 | 1957-12-10 | |
10745 | Amendment of Section 203 of Executive Order No. 10577 of November 22, 1954, as Amended, Providing for the Conversion of Certain Career-Conditional Appointments to Career Appointments | 1957-12-12 | |
10746 | Further Providing for the Administration of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as Amended | 1957-12-12 | |
10747 | Designating the Secretary of State To Act for the United States in Certain Matters Pertaining to Japanese War Criminals | 1957-12-31 |
Relative No. | Absolute No. | Title/Description | Date signed |
10748 | Appointing the Honorable Edward I. P. Tatelman To Act as Special Judge of the United States District Court for the District of the Canal Zone in a Certain Case | 1958-01-01 | |
10749 | Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between the Eastern Air Lines, Inc., and Certain of its Employees | 1958-01-21 | |
10750 | Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between the Eastern Air Lines, Inc., and Certain of its Employees | 1958-01-28 | |
10751 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10127, Establishing Airspace Reservations Over Certain Facilities of the United States Atomic Energy Commission | 1958-02-11 | |
10752 | Designating the Secretary of the Interior To Execute Certain Powers and Functions Vested in the President by the Act of February 22, 1935, 49 Stat. 30, as Amended | 1958-02-12 | |
10753 | Designation of Certain Officers of the Department of the Interior To Act as Secretary of the Interior | 1958-02-15 | |
10754 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10655, Relating to the Air Coordinating Committee | 1958-02-22 | |
10755 | Transferring From the Department of the Navy to the Housing and Home Financing Agency, Subject to Reservation of Mineral Rights, Certain Land Located Within Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 2 | 1958-02-22 | |
10756 | The Honorable Frederick M. Dearborn, Jr. | 1958-02-26 | |
10757 | Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between Eastern Air Lines, Inc., Trans World Airlines, Inc., United Air Lines, Inc., Northwest Airlines, Inc., Northeast Airlines, Inc., Capital Airlines, Inc., and National Airlines, Inc., and Certain of Their Employees | 1958-02-27 | |
10758 | Establishing a Career Executive Program Within the Civil Service System | 1958-03-04 | |
10759 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10530, Providing for the Performance of Certain Functions Vested in or Subject to Approval of the President | 1958-03-17 | |
10760 | Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between the Trans World Airlines, Inc., and Certain of its Employees | 1958-03-27 | |
10761 | Government Purchases of Crude Petroleum and Petroleum Products | 1958-03-27 | |
10762 | Delegating to the Secretary of Defense the Authority of the President To Order to Active Duty Members of the Reserve Components of the Armed Forces Who Are in Medical, Dental, or Allied Specialist Categories and To Prescribe Regulations Governing the Appointment, Reappointment, and Promotion of | 1958-03-28 | |
10763 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10422, as Amended, Prescribing Procedures for Making Available to the Secretary General of the United Nations Certain Information Concerning United States Citizens Employed or Being Considered for Employment on the Secretariat of the United Nations | 1958-04-23 | |
10764 | Suspension of the Eight-Hour Law as to Laborers and Mechanics Employed by the Civil Aeronautics Administration on Public Work Essential to the National Defense | 1958-04-23 | |
10765 | Regulations Governing the Award of Life-Saving Medals Under the Medals of Honor Act | 1958-04-24 | |
10766 | Delegating to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget the Authority of the President To Approve Regulations Relating to the Rental of Substandard Housing for Members of the Uniformed Services | 1958-05-01 | |
10767 | Further Extension of the Existence of the Quetico-Superior Committee | 1958-05-09 | |
10768 | Termination of the Airspace Reservation Established by Executive Order No. 7138 Over a Portion of the Aleutian Islands, Alaska | 1958-05-16 | |
10769 | Designating the International Hydrographic Bureau as a Public International Organization Entitled To Enjoy Certain Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities | 1958-05-29 | |
10770 | Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between American Airlines, Incorporated, and Certain of its Employees Represented by the Air Line Pilots Association, International | 1958-06-19 | |
10771 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10534, Relating to the Supervision and Direction of the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation | 1958-06-20 | |
10772 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10673 Relating to the Fitness of American Youth | 1958-06-30 | |
10773 | Delegating and Transferring Certain Functions and Affairs to the Office of Defense and Civilian Mobilization | 1958-07-01 | |
10774 | Providing for the Protection of the Civil-Service Rights of Federal Personnel Who Transfer to the International Atomic Energy Agency | 1958-07-25 | |
10775 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10633, Establishing an Airspace Reservation Over the Las Vegas Project, Las Vegas, Nevada | 1958-07-25 | |
10776 | Delegating to the Secretary of Defense Certain Authority of the President Relating to the Modification of Standards and Requirements With Respect to the Induction of Persons Into the Armed | 1958-07-28 | |
10777 | Amending Executive Order No. 10758 To Increase the Membership of the Career Executive Board | 1958-08-06 | |
10778 | Authorizing the Appointment of William K. Harris to a Competitive Position Without Compliance With the Civil Service Act and Rules | 1958-08-20 | |
10779 | Directing Federal Agencies To Cooperate With State and Local Authorities in Preventing Pollution of the Atmosphere | 1958-08-20 | |
10780 | Suspension of Certain Provisions of Section 5762(a), Title 10, United States Code, Which Relate to Promotion of Officers of Supply Corps, Chaplain Corps, Civil Engineer Corps, and Medical Service | 1958-09-02 | |
10781 | Suspension of Certain Provisions of Section 5764(a), Title 10, United States Code, Which Relate to Establishment of Zones for Promotion of Male Officers of the Navy | 1958-09-02 | |
10782 | Amending Executive Order No. 10773 of July 1, 1958, Relating to Civil and Defense Mobilization | 1958-09-06 | |
10783 | Transferring Certain Functions From the Department of Defense to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration | 1958-10-01 | |
10784 | Specification of Laws From Which Functions Authorized by Mutual Security Act of 1954, as Amended, Shall Be Exempt | 1958-10-01 | |
10785 | Change in the Membership of the President's Council on Youth Fitness | 1958-10-17 | |
10786 | Transferring Functions of the Airways Modernization Board to the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency | 1958-11-01 | |
10787 | Transferring Jurisdiction Over Certain Lands From the Department of Agriculture to the Department of the Interior, for Use, Administration, or Exchange Under the Taylor Grazing Act and Other Statutes | 1958-11-06 | |
10788 | Suspension of Compliance With Certain Statutory Provisions Relating to Employment in Canal Zone | 1958-11-14 | |
10789 | Authorizing Agencies of the Government To Exercise Certain Contracting Authority in Connection With National-Defense Functions and Prescribing Regulations Governing the Exercise of Such Authority | 1958-11-14 | |
10790 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10530, Providing for the Performance of Certain Functions Vested in or Subject to the Approval of the President | 1958-11-20 | |
10791 | Designating Certain Officers To Act as Secretary of State | 1958-11-28 | |
10792 | Excusing Federal Employees From Duty All Day on December 26, 1958 | 1958-11-28 | |
10793 | Transferring Certain Functions From the Department of Defense to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration | 1958-12-03 | |
10794 | Establishing the Canal Zone Merit System and Prescribing Regulations Relating to Conditions of Employment in the Canal Zone | 1958-12-10 | |
10795 | Designating the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization as a Public International Organization Entitled To Enjoy Certain Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities | 1958-12-13 | |
10796 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10655 Relating to the Air Coordinating Committee | 1958-12-24 | |
10797 | Delegating to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget Certain Authority Vested in the President by the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 | 1958-12-24 |
Relative No. | Absolute No. | Title/Description | Date signed |
10798 | Flag of the United States | 1959-01-03 | |
10799 | Providing Further for the Administration of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as Amended | 1959-01-15 | |
10800 | Implementing the Government Employees Training Act | 1959-01-15 | |
10801 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10703, Authorizing the Inspection of Certain Tax Returns | 1959-01-21 | |
10802 | Establishing the Committee on Government Activities Affecting Prices and Costs | 1959-01-23 | |
10803 | Providing for the Terms of Office of the Members of the International Development Advisory Board | 1959-02-02 | |
10804 | Delegating to the Civil Service Commission the Authority of the President To Prescribe Regulations Under the Federal Employees International Organization Service Act | 1959-02-12 | |
10805 | Designating the Central Intelligence Agency as Excepted From Certain Provisions of the Government Employees Training Act | 1959-02-18 | |
10806 | Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Senate Committee on Government Operations | 1959-03-10 | |
10807 | Federal Council for Science and Technology | 1959-03-13 | |
10808 | Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Declared-Value Excess-Profits, Capital-Stock, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Senate Committee on the Judiciary | 1959-03-19 | |
10809 | Amending the Selective Service Regulations | 1959-03-19 | |
10810 | Regulations Governing the Allowance of Travel Expenses of Claimants and Beneficiaries of the Veterans' Administration and Their Attendants | 1959-04-22 | |
10811 | Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between Pan American World Airways, Inc., and Certain of its Employees | 1959-04-22 | |
10812 | Establishing a Flag for the United States Navy | 1959-04-24 | |
10813 | Including Certain Lands in the Chattahoochee National Forest and the Nantahala National Forest | 1959-04-29 | |
10814 | Inspection of Statistical Transcript Cards and Corporation and Individual Income Tax Returns by the Securities and Exchange Commission | 1959-04-29 | |
10815 | Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives | 1959-04-29 | |
10816 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10501 of November 5, 1953, Relating to Safeguarding Official Information in the Interests of the Defense of the United States | 1959-05-07 | |
10817 | The Honorable Donald A. Quarles | 1959-05-08 | |
10818 | Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives | 1959-05-08 | |
10819 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10480, as Amended, Relating to the Defense Mobilization Program | 1959-05-08 | |
10820 | Prescribing the Order of Succession of Officers To Act as Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Army, Secretary of the Navy, and Secretary of the Air Force | 1959-05-18 | |
10821 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10168 of October 11, 1950, Prescribing Regulations Relating to the Right of Enlisted Members of the Uniformed Services to Additional Pay for Sea and Foreign Duty | 1959-05-20 | |
10822 | Further Providing for the Administration of Foreign-Aid Functions | 1959-05-20 | |
10823 | Coat of Arms, Seal, and Flag of the President of the United States | 1959-05-26 | |
10824 | Designating the National Aeronautics and Space Administration as an Agency To Have Certain Contractual Authority Under the Assignment of Claims Act of 1940, as Amended | 1959-05-29 | |
10825 | Excusing Federal Employees From Duty All Day on July 3, 1959 | 1959-06-12 | |
10826 | Authorizing the Civil Service Commission To Confer Benefits in Certain Cases | 1959-06-25 | |
10827 | Further Providing for the Administration of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as Amended | 1959-06-25 | |
10828 | Designating the Airport Being Constructed in the Counties of Fairfax and Loudoun in the State of Virginia as the Dulles International Airport | 1959-07-15 | |
10829 | Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy | 1959-07-20 | |
10830 | Establishing a Seal for the President's Council on Youth Fitness | 1959-07-24 | |
10831 | Establishing the Federal Radiation Council | 1959-08-14 | |
10832 | Revocation of EO 9887, Designating Certain Public International Organizations Entitled To Enjoy Certain Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities | 1959-08-18 | |
10833 | Transferring Title to Certain Lands at Sand Island, Territory of Hawaii, to the Territory of Hawaii | 1959-08-20 | |
10834 | The Flag of the United States | 1959-08-21 | |
10835 | Delegating to the Chairman of the Civil Service Commission the Authority of the President To Make Certain Determinations Relating to the Payment of Presidential Awards | 1959-08-21 | |
10836 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10530, Providing for the Performance of Certain Functions Vested in or Subject to the Approval of the President | 1959-09-08 | |
10837 | Amending the Selective Service Regulations | 1959-09-14 | |
10838 | Further Amendment of Executive Order 10700, as Amended, Providing for the Operations Coordinating Board | 1959-09-16 | |
10839 | Designating Certain Officers To Act as Secretary of State | 1959-09-30 | |
10840 | Designating the Federal Aviation Agency as an Agency To Have Certain Contractual Authority Under the Assignment of Claims Act of 1940, as Amended | 1959-09-30 | |
10841 | Providing for the Carrying Out of Certain Provisions of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as Amended, Relating to International Cooperation | 1959-09-30 | |
10842 | Creating a Board of Inquiry To Report on Certain Labor Disputes Affecting the Maritime Industry of the United States | 1959-10-06 | |
10843 | Creating a Board of Inquiry To Report on a Labor Dispute Affecting the Steel Industry of the United States | 1959-10-09 | |
10844 | Enlarging the Wasatch National Forest—Utah | 1959-10-09 | |
10845 | Further Specification of Laws From Which Functions Authorized by the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as Amended, Shall Be Exempt | 1959-10-12 | |
10846 | Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry | 1959-10-12 | |
10847 | Establishing the Committee for Rural Development Program | 1959-10-12 | |
10848 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10843, Creating a Board of Inquery to report on a Labor Dispute Affecting the Steel Industry of the United States | 1959-10-14 | |
10849 | Establishing a Seal for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration | 1959-11-27 | |
10850 | Modifying the Exterior Boundaries of Certain National Forests in Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and South Carolina | 1959-11-27 | |
10851 | Enlarging the Chattahoochee, Kisatchie, Holly Springs, and Ouachita National Forests | 1959-11-27 | |
10852 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 10530, Providing for the Performance of Certain Functions Vested in or Subject to the Approval of the President | 1959-11-27 | |
10853 | Delegating the Authority of the President With Respect to Various Allowances to Certain Government Personnel on Foreign Duty | 1959-11-27 | |
10854 | Extension of the Application of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 | 1959-11-27 | |
10855 | Inspection of Income Tax Returns by the Senate Committee on the Judiciary | 1959-11-27 | |
10856 | Excusing Federal Employees From Duty One-Half Day on December 24, 1959 | 1959-12-03 | |
10857 | Determining the Termination of Certain Federal Functions in Alaska and Delegating to the Secretary of the Interior the Authority of the President To Transfer to Alaska Property Owned or Held by the | 1959-12-29 |
Relative No. | Absolute No. | Title/Description | Date signed |
10858 | The President's Committee for Traffic Safety | 1960-01-13 | |
10859 | Revocation of Executive Order 10758 Establishing a Career Executive Program Within the Civil Service System, and Executive Order 10777, Amending Executive Order 10758 | 1960-02-05 | |
10860 | Coat of Arms, Seal, and Flag of the President of the United States | 1960-02-05 | |
10861 | Suspension of Certain Provisions of Section 5762 of Title 10 of the United States Code Which Relate to the Promotion of Officers of the Supply Corps, Chaplain Corps, Civil Engineer Corps, and Medical | 1960-02-11 | |
10862 | Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company—Coast Lines and Certain of its Employees | 1960-02-12 | |
10863 | Authorizing the Attorney General To Seize Arms and Munitions of War, and Other Articles, Pursuant to Section 1 of Title VI of the Act of June 15, 1917, as Amended | 1960-02-18 | |
10864 | Designating the Pan American Health Organization as a Public International Organization Entitled To Enjoy Certain Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities | 1960-02-18 | |
10865 | Safeguarding Classified Information Within Industry | 1960-02-20 | |
10866 | Designating the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization as a Public International Organization Entitled To Enjoy Certain Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities | 1960-02-20 | |
10867 | Readiness of the United States District Court for the District of Alaska To Assume the Functions Imposed Upon It | 1960-02-20 | |
10868 | Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between the New York Central System and Certain of Its Employees | 1960-02-29 | |
10869 | Amendment of Civil Service Rule II, as Prescribed by Executive Order No. 10577 of November 22, 1954 | 1960-03-09 | |
10870 | Designating the Facilities of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration at Huntsville, Alabama, as the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center | 1960-03-15 | |
10871 | Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Estate, and Gift Tax returns by the House Committee on Public Works | 1960-03-15 | |
10872 | Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between Pan American World Airways, Inc., and Certain of Its Employees | 1960-03-18 | |
10873 | Designating the Inter-American Development Bank as a Public International Organization Entitled To Enjoy Certain Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities | 1960-04-08 | |
10874 | Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between the Long Island Railroad Company and Certain of Its Employees | 1960-04-18 | |
10875 | Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate Disputes Between the Akron & Barberton Railroad and Other Carriers, and Certain of Their Employees | 1960-04-22 | |
10876 | Amendment of Executive Order 10855, Authorizing the Inspection of Certain Tax Returns | 1960-04-22 | |
10877 | Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between the Pennsylvania Railroad Company and Certain of Its Employees | 1960-05-20 | |
10878 | Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Company and Other Carriers Represented by the Western Carriers' Conference Committee and | 1960-05-23 | |
10879 | Establishing the White House Service Certificate and the White House Service Badge | 1960-06-01 | |
10880 | Permitting Certain Employees To Be Given Career or Career Conditional Appointments | 1960-06-07 | |
10881 | Amendment of EO 10810, Prescribing Regulations Governing the Allowance of Travel Expenses of Claimants and Beneficiaries of the Veterans' Administration and Their Attendants | 1960-07-06 | |
10882 | Further Amendment of Executive Order No. 10289, Relating to the Performance of Certain Functions Affecting the Department of the Treasury | 1960-07-18 | |
10883 | Termination of the Air Coordinating Committee | 1960-08-11 | |
10884 | Amendment of Executive Order 10560, Providing for the Administration of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as Amended | 1960-08-17 | |
10885 | Sale of Vessels of the Navy | 1960-08-31 | |
10886 | Suspension of Certain Provisions of Section 5231(b) of Title 10 of the United States Code Which Relate to the Number of Officers Serving in the Grades of Admiral and Vice Admiral in the Navy | 1960-09-06 | |
10887 | Designating the Department of Commerce To Perform Functions With Respect to Participation of the United States in the Century 21 Exposition | 1960-09-23 | |
10888 | Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between Certain Carriers Represented by the New York Harbor Carriers' Conference Committee and Certain of Their Employees | 1960-09-28 | |
10889 | Amendment of Executive Order 10530 Providing for the Performance of Certain Functions Vested in or Subject to the Approval of the President | 1960-10-05 | |
10890 | Including Certain Lands in the Dixie National Forest and Transferring Certain Lands From the Department of Agriculture to the Department of the Interior | 1960-10-27 | |
10891 | Establishing a Commission To Inquire Into a Controversy Between Certain Carriers and Certain of Their Employees | 1960-11-01 | |
10892 | Amendment of Executive Order 10152, Prescribing Regulations Relating to Incentive Pay for the Performance of Hazardous Duty by Members of the Uniformed Services | 1960-11-08 | |
10893 | Administration of Mutual Security and Related Functions | 1960-11-08 | |
10894 | Establishing the President's Committee on Migratory Labor | 1960-11-15 | |
10895 | Extension of the Provisions for Rotation of Civilian Employees of the Defense Establishment Assigned to Duty Outside the United States | 1960-11-25 | |
10896 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 6260 of August 28, 1933 | 1960-11-29 | |
10897 | Authorizing the Secretary of State To Prescribe Rules and Regulations Relating to the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System | 1960-12-02 | |
10898 | Establishing the Interdepartmental Highway Safety Board | 1960-12-02 | |
10899 | Authorization for the Communication of Restricted Data by the Central Intelligence Agency | 1960-12-09 |
Relative No. | Absolute No. | Title/Description | Date signed |
10900 | Administration of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as Amended | 1961-01-05 | |
10901 | Amendment of Executive Order 10501, Relating to Safeguarding Official Information in the Interests of the Defense of the United States | 1961-01-09 | |
10902 | Providing for the Issuance of Emergency Preparedness Orders by the Director of the Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization | 1961-01-09 | |
10903 | Delegating Authority of the President With Respect to Regulations Relating to Certain Allowances and Benefits to Government Personnel on Overseas Duty | 1961-01-09 | |
10904 | Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between Certain Carriers Represented by the New York Harbor Carriers' Conference Committee and Certain of Their Employees | 1961-01-12 | |
10905 | Amendment of Executive Order 6260 of August 28, 1933, as Amended | 1961-01-14 | |
10906 | Inspection by Certain Classes of Persons and State and Federal Government Establishments of Returns Made in Respect of Certain Taxes Imposed by the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 | 1961-01-17 | |
10907 | Inspection by Renegotiation Board of Income Tax Returns Made Under the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 | 1961-01-17 | |
10908 | Inspection by Federal Trade Commission of Income Tax Returns of Corporations Made Under the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 | 1961-01-17 | |
10909 | Amendment of Executive Order 10865, Safeguarding Classified Information Within Industry | 1961-01-17 | |
10910 | Providing for the Design and Award of the National Medal of Science | 1961-01-17 | |
10911 | Inspection by Department of Commerce of Income Tax Returns Made Under the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 | 1961-01-17 | |
10912 | Amending Executive Order 10716 of June 17, 1957 | 1961-01-18 | |
10913 | Amending Executive Order 10584 of December 18, 1954, Prescribing Rules and Regulations Relating to the Administration of the Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act | 1961-01-18 |
Presidential proclamations
- "Executive Orders by President". December 20, 2016.
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