List of universities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
This is a list of universities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Location of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
University | In French | Abbreviation | Foundation | Location | Affiliation | Total students | Public / private [1] |
Christian Bilingual University of Congo | Université Chrétienne Bilingue du Congo | UCBC | Beni | Private| | |||
University Shalom of Bunia | Université Shalom de Bunia | USB | 1961 | Bunia | Protestant | 928 [2] | Private |
University of Bandundu | Université de Bandundu | UNIBAND | Bandundu | 1500 | Public | ||
Hope University of Congo | Université Espoir du Congo | UEC | 1989 | Baraka | Catholic | 1500 | Private |
Kasavubu University | Université Kasa-Vubu | 2010 | Boma, Bas-Congo | ||||
Kongo University | Université Kongo | UK | 2010 | Bas-Congo | 3450 [3] | Private | |
Catholic University of Bukavu | Université Catholique de Bukavu | UCB | 1989 [4] | Bukavu | Catholic | 3046 [5] | Private |
Official University of Bukavu | Université officielle de Bukavu | UOB | Bukavu | ||||
University of Cepromad | Université du Cepromad - Bukavu | UNIC-ISGEA | Bukavu | ||||
Evangelical University in Africa | Université évangélique en Afrique | UEA | Bukavu | ||||
Adventist University Lukanga | Université adventiste de Lukanga | Butembo | |||||
Catholic University of Graben | Université catholique du Grabben | UCG | 1989 | Butembo | Catholic | 1278 | Private |
University Divina Gloria Butembo | Université Divina Gloria de Butembo | UDGB | Butembo | ||||
University of Gbadolite | Université de Gbadolite | UNIGBA | 1992 | Gbadolite | Public | ||
University of Goma | Université de Goma | UNIGOM | 1993 | Goma | Public | ||
Free University of the Great Lakes Countries | Université libre des Pays des Grands Lacs | ULPGL | 1991 | Goma | Protestant | 1500 [6] | Private |
Adventist University of Goma | Université adventiste de Goma | UAGO | Goma | ||||
University of Kivu | Université du Kivu | UNIKIVU | Goma | ||||
nature conservation and development university of kasugho | université de la conservation et de développement de la nature de kasugho | UCNDK | Goma | Public | |||
University of Kalemie | Université de Kalemie | UNIKAL | 2004 | Kalemie | 800[7] | Public | |
University of Kamina | Université de Kamina | UNIKAM | 2004 | Kamina | 5000 | Public | |
University of Kananga | Université de Kananga | UNIKAN | 2010 | Kananga | Public | ||
University of Notre Dame du Kasai | Université Notre-Dame du Kasai | UKA | Kananga | ||||
University of Kikwit | Université de Kikwit | Unikik | 1992 (2010)[8] | Kikwit | |||
University of Kindu | Université de Kindu | Kindu | |||||
University of Kinshasa, formerly known as Lovanium University | Université de Kinshasa, anciennement appelée l'université Lovanium | UNIKIN | 1954 (1924) | Kinshasa | 26186 | Public | |
National Pedagogical University | Université pédagogique nationale | UPN | Kinshasa | ||||
Protestant University in Congo | Université protestante du Congo | UPC | Kinshasa | Protestant | |||
University William Booth | Université William Booth | UWB | 1986 (1934) | Kinshasa | |||
University of Technology of the Congo | Université de technologie du Congo | UTC | 2010 | Kinshasa | Private | ||
Catholic University of the Congo | Université catholique du Congo | Kinshasa | Catholic | ||||
University Simon Kimbangu | Université de Simon Kimbangu | 1994 | Kinshasa | Private | |||
Free University of Kinshasa | Université libre de Kinshasa | ULK | 1988 | Kinshasa | 8799 | Private | |
American University of Kinshasa | Université Américaine de Kinshasa ou Université Franco-Américaine de Kinshasa | Kinshasa | |||||
University Cardinal Malula-Kinshasa | Université cardinal Malula-Kinshasa | Kinshasa | |||||
Université PANAFRICAINE DU CONGO | Kinshasa | ||||||
Central University of Kinshasa | Université centrale de Kinshasa | Kinshasa | |||||
Christian University of Kinshasa | Université chrétienne de Kinshasa | UCKIN | Kinshasa | ||||
International Christian University (ICU) | Université chrétienne internationale | UCI | 1993 | Kinshasa | |||
Kinshasa University Binza | Université Kinshasa Binza | Kinshasa | |||||
University of Kisangani | Université de Kisangani | UNIKIS | 1963 | Kisangani | 9120 | Public | |
University of Kolwezi | Université de Kolwezi | UNIKOL | Kolwezi | 2400 | Public | ||
University of Cepromad | Université du Cepromad - Kolwezi | UNIC-ISGEA | Kolwezi | ||||
University of Likasi | Université de Likasi | UNILI | Likasi | ||||
University of Lisala | Université de Lisala | Lisala | Public | ||||
University of Lubumbashi | Université de Lubumbashi | UNILU | 1955 | Lubumbashi | 33000 | Public | |
Protestant University of Lubumbashi | Université protestante de Lubumbashi | UPL | Lubumbashi | Protestant | Private | ||
Graduate Institute of Health Sciences | Institut universitaire des sciences de la santé | IUSS | Lubumbashi | ||||
Baptist University of the Congo | Université baptiste du Congo | Lubumbashi | |||||
Labour University of Lubumbashi | Université du Travail de Lubumbashi | UNITRA | Lubumbashi | ||||
Free University of Luozi | Université libre de Luozi | ULL | 1997 | Luozi | Private | ||
University of Mbandaka | Université de Mbandaka | UNIMBA | Mbandaka | 800 | Public | ||
University of Mbuji Mayi | Université de Mbujimayi Tshikama | Mbuji-Mayi | |||||
Official University of Mbujimayi (UOM) | Université officielle de Mbujimayi | U O M | Mbuji-Mayi | ||||
Eben-Ezer University of Minembwe | Université Eben-Ezer de Minembwe | UEMI | 2011 | Minembwe | Christian | 300 | Private |
Katanga Methodist University | Université méthodiste au Katanga | UMK | 1951 | Mulungwishi | Methodist | Private | |
Methodist University in Katanga | Université méthodiste au Katanga | Mulungwishi | |||||
University of Mwene-Ditu (UMD) in Mwene-Ditu | Université de Mwene-Ditu | UMD | Mwene-Ditu | Public | |||
Official Unviversité Ruwenzori | Unviversité officielle de Ruwenzori | UOR | Ruwenzori | ||||
Kamina Methodist University | Katanga | Private | |||||
University of High Technology of Great Lakes | Université des Hautes Technologies des Grands Lacs | UHTGL | Goma | Private |
Other institutions
Institution | In French | Abbreviation | Location | Type | Total students |
Congolese Diplomatic Academy | Académie diplomatique congolaise | ADC | Kinshasa | Higher Institutes | |
Centre for Studies Egyptology Cheik Anta Diop of INADEP | Centre d'études égyptologiques Cheik Anta Diop de l'INADEP | INADEP | ? | Centre or Institute of Scientific and Technological Research | |
Centre for Studies and Arts Presenter (CEDAR) | Centre d'études et de diffusion des arts | CEDAR | ? | Centre or Institute of Scientific and Technological Research | |
Higher Pedagogical Institute Baraka | Institut supérieur pédagogique de Baraka | ISPBA | Baraka | Centre or Institute of Scientific and Technological Research | |
Natural Sciences Research Centre | Centre de recherche en sciences naturelles | CRSN ex IRSAC | Bukavu | Centre or Institute of Scientific and Technological Research | |
Higher Institute of Rural Development | Institut supérieur de développement rural | ISDR | Bukavu | Centre or Institute of Scientific and Technological Research | |
University Center Bunia Extension | Centre Universitaire Extension de Bunia | CUEB | Bunia | Centre or Institute of Scientific and Technological Research | |
Major Seminary of Bunia, Theologate St Cyprien | Grand Séminaire de Bunia, Théologat St Cyprien | Bunia | Centre or Institute of Scientific and Technological Research | ||
Higher Institute of Commerce | Institut supérieur de commerce | ISC | Goma | Centre or Institute of Scientific and Technological Research | |
Higher Institute of Computer and Management | Institut supérieur d'informatique et de gestion | ISIG | Goma | Centre or Institute of Scientific and Technological Research | |
Higher Institute of Mulungu development technique | Institut supérieur de technique de développement Mulungu | ISTD | Ibanda | Centre or Institute of Scientific and Technological Research | |
Higher Institute of Kalehe development technique | Institut supérieur de technique de développement Kalehe | ISTD | Kalehe | Centre or Institute of Scientific and Technological Research | |
Theoretical and Applied Linguistics Centre | Centre de linguistique théorique et appliquée | CELTA | Kinshasa | Centre or Institute of Scientific and Technological Research | |
Laboratory of Analysis-Research in quantitative Economics | Laboratoire d'analyse-recherche en économie quantitative | LAREQ | Kinshasa | Centre or Institute of Scientific and Technological Research | |
Geophysical Research Centre | Centre de recherche en géophysique | CRG | Kinshasa | Centre or Institute of Scientific and Technological Research | |
Geological and Mining Research Centre | Centre de recherches géologiques et minières | CRGM | Kinshasa | Centre or Institute of Scientific and Technological Research | |
Regional Centre for Nuclear Studies Kinshasa | Centre régional d'études nucléaires de Kinshasa | CREN | Kinshasa | Centre or Institute of Scientific and Technological Research | |
Institute of Economic and Social Research, the Faculty of Economic Sciences UNIKIN | Institut des recherches économiques et sociales, de la faculté des Sciences économiques de l'UNIKIN | IRES | Kinshasa | Centre or Institute of Scientific and Technological Research | |
Centre for the Study of African religions (CERA) | Centre d'études des religions africaines | CERA | Kinshasa | Centre or Institute of Scientific and Technological Research | |
Congolese Institute for Nature Conservation | Institut congolais pour la conservation de la nature | ICCN | Kinshasa ? | Centre or Institute of Scientific and Technological Research | |
Agri-Food Research Centre | Centre de recherche agro-alimentaire | CRAA | Lubumbashi | Centre or Institute of Scientific and Technological Research | |
Agro-veterinary Higher Institute of Walungu | Institut supérieur agro-vétérinaire de Walungu | ISEAV | Walungu | Centre or Institute of Scientific and Technological Research | |
Higher Institute of Medical Technology | Institut Supérieur de techniques médicales - Kanyamulande de Walungu | ISTM | Walungu | Centre or Institute of Scientific and Technological Research | |
Higher Pedagogical Institute Walungu | Institut supérieur pédagogique de Walungu | ISP | Walungu | Centre or Institute of Scientific and Technological Research | |
Higher Institute of medical techniques Nyangezi | Institut supérieur de techniques médicales de Nyangezi | ISTM | Nyangezi | Centre or Institute of Scientific and Technological Research | |
Faculty of Theology Evangelical Boma | Faculte de Theologie Evangelique de Boma | FACTEB | Boma | College | 60 |
Institute of Information Salama | fr:Ecole Supérieure d'Informatique Salama | ? | Higher Institutes | ||
Higher Institute of Computer Programming and Analysis | Institut Supérieur d'Informatique, Programmation et Analyse | ISIPA | ? | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Institute of Rural Development | Institut supérieur de développement rural | ISDR | Bandundu | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Pedagogical Institute Kikwit - Bandundu | Institut supérieur pédagogique de Kikwit | Bandundu | Higher Institutes | ||
Higher Institute of medical techniques | fr:Institut supérieur de techniques médicales | ISTMBA | Baraka | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Pedagogical Institute Baraka | fr:Institut supérieur pédagogique de Baraka | ISPBA | Baraka | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Institute of Commerce | Institut supérieur de commerce | ISC | Bas-Congo | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Pedagogical Institute Mbanza-Ngungu | Institut supérieur pédagogique de Mbanza-Ngungu | Bas-Congo | Higher Institutes | ||
Higher Pedagogical Institute | Institut supérieur pédagogique | ISP | Budjala | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Pedagogical Institute in Bukavu | fr:Institut supérieur pédagogique de Bukavu | ISPB | Bukavu | Higher Institutes | |
Research Center of Natural Sciences Lwiro | Centre des recherches en sciences naturelles de Lwiro | Bukavu | Higher Institutes | ||
Higher Institute of applied techniques from Bukavu to Burhuza | Institut supérieur de techniques appliquées de Bukavu à Burhuza | ISTA | Bukavu | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Institute of Medical Technology | Institut supérieur des techniques médicales | ISTM | Bukavu | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Institute of building and construction | Institut supérieur de bâtiment et travaux publics | IBTP | Butembo | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Institute of Rural Development of the Great Lakes | fr:Institut supérieur de développement rural des Grands-Lacs | ISDR/GL | Goma | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Institute of Statistics and technologies Goma | fr:Institut supérieur de statistique et de nouvelles technologies de Goma | ISSNT-GOMA | Goma | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Institute of Commerce | Institut Supérieur de Commerce | ISC | Goma | Higher Institutes | |
Tourism Higher Institute | Institut supérieur de tourisme | IST | Goma | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Institute of Arts and Crafts | Institut supérieur des arts et métiers | ISAM | Goma | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Institute of Management in the Great Lakes region | Institut supérieur des management dans la région des Grands Lacs | ISMAGL | Goma | Higher Institutes | |
Institute for Applied techniques Goma | Institut supérieur des techniques appliquées de Goma | ISTA | Goma | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Pedagogical Institute / Vitshumbi | Institut supérieur pédagogique/Vitshumbi | ISP | Goma | Higher Institutes | |
Goma Volcano Observatory | Observatoire volcanologique de Goma | OVG | Goma | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Pedagogical Institute Kananga | Institut supérieur pédagogique de Kanang | ISP | Kananga | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Institute for Conservation Tayna Kanyabayonga North Kivu | Institut supérieur de la conservation de la nature Tayna, Kanyabayonga | Kanyabayonga | Higher Institutes | ||
Institute of Education Kikwit | Institut Supérieur Pédagogique de Kikwit | Kikwit | Higher Institutes | ||
University of Bandundu, African Institute for Future Studies | Université de Bandundu fr:Institut Africain d'Études Prospectives | UB | Kikwit | Higher Institutes | |
Agro-veterinary Higher Institute | Institut supérieur agro-vétérinaire | ISAV | Kimwenza | Higher Institutes | |
Kinshasa Fine Arts Academy | Académie des beaux-arts | ABA | Kinshasa | Higher Institutes | |
Computer School of Electronics and accounting (EIECO) - Kinshasa | fr:École d'informatique d'électronique et d'expertise comptable | EIECO | Kinshasa | Higher Institutes | |
Computer School Finance | fr:École informatique des finances | EIFi | Kinshasa | Higher Institutes | |
Kinshasa Higher Institute of statistics (ISS / KIN); | fr:Institut supérieur de statistiques de Kinshasa | I.S.S./KIN | Kinshasa | Higher Institutes | |
Egyptological Studies Center of the CA Diop | Centre d'études égyptologiques C.A. Diop de l'INADEP | INADEP | Kinshasa | Higher Institutes | |
Interdisciplinary Centre for Continuing Education | Centre interdisciplinaires pour l’éducation permanente | CIDEP | Kinshasa | Higher Institutes | |
Graduate School of Advertising and the Media | École supérieure de publicité et médias | ESPM | Kinshasa | Higher Institutes | |
Graduate School of Computer Trades and Trade | École supérieure des métiers d’informatique et de commerce | ESMICOM | Kinshasa | Higher Institutes | |
Catholic Faculties of Kinshasa | Facultés catholiques de Kinshasa | FACAKIN | Kinshasa | Higher Institutes | |
African Institute for Future Studies | Institut africain d'études prospectives | INADEP | Kinshasa | Higher Institutes | |
National Institute of buildings and public works | Institut des bâtiments et des travaux publics | IBTP | Kinshasa | Higher Institutes | |
Institute of higher and university of Kinshasa | Institut d'études supérieures et universitaires de Kinshasa | INESSUKIN | Kinshasa | Higher Institutes | |
Oil and Gas Institute | Institut du pétrole et du gaz | IPG | Kinshasa | Higher Institutes | |
Faculty Development Institute | Institut facultaire de développement | IFAD | Kinshasa | Higher Institutes | |
Faculty Institute of Information Sciences and Communication | Institut facultaire des sciences de l'information et de la communication | IFASIC | Kinshasa | Higher Institutes | |
Faculty Institute Songwai | Institut facultaire Songwai | IFAS | Kinshasa | Higher Institutes | |
National Institute of Arts | Institut national des arts | INA | Kinshasa | Higher Institutes | |
Graduate Institute of Medical Education Technologies | Institut supérieur d’Enseignement Techniques Médical | ISETM | Kinshasa | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning | Institut supérieur d'architecture et d'urbanisme | ex IBTP Gombe | Kinshasa | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Institute of Economics, Legal and cooperatives | Institut supérieur de sciences économiques,juridiques et coopératives | ISSEC | Kinshasa | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Institute of Computer Programming and Analysis | Institut supérieur d'Informatique Programmation et Analyse | ISIPA | Kinshasa | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Institute of Computer, programming and analysis | Institut supérieur d'informatique, programmation et analyse | ISIPA | Kinshasa | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Institute of Social Work | Institut supérieur du travail social | I.S.T.S ex-CAFES | Kinshasa | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Pedagogical Institute Kamituga - Kinshasa | Institut supérieur pédagogique de Kamituga | ISPKa | Kinshasa | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Pedagogical Institute of Gombe | Institut supérieur pédagogique de la Gombe | ISP/Gombe | Kinshasa | Higher Institutes | |
Institute for Applied Technical | fr:Institut supérieur des techniques appliquées | ISTA | Kinshasa | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Institute of Arts and Crafts | Institut supérieur des arts et métiers | ISAM | Kinshasa | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Institute of Medical Technology | Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales | ISTM/KIN | Kinshasa | Higher Institutes | |
Teaching Higher and Technical Institute of Kinshasa | Institut Supérieur Pédagogique et Technique de Kinshasa | ISPT-KIN | Kinshasa | Higher Institutes | |
Institute for Applied Technical Kolwezi | Institut supérieur des techniques appliquées de Kolwezi | ISTA | Kolwezi | Higher Institutes | |
Technical Institute for Higher Sankuru | Institut superieur technique de sankuru | ISTS | Lodja? | Higher Institutes | |
Superior School of Computing Salama | Ecole supérieure d'informatique Salama | ESIS | Lubumbashi | Higher Institutes | |
Seminary Lubumbashi - Lubumbashi | fr:Grand séminaire de Lubumbashi | Lubumbashi | Higher Institutes | ||
Lubumbashi Higher Institute for Statistics | Institut supérieur de statistique de Lubumbashi | ISS | Lubumbashi | Higher Institutes | |
Lubumbashi Higher Institute of Technology | Institut supérieur de technologie de Lubumbashi | Lubumbashi | Higher Institutes | ||
ISTC - Lubumbashi | Institut supérieur des techniques commerciales - Lubumbashi | ISTC | Lubumbashi | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Institute for Labour Studies (ISES) - Lubumbashi | Institut supérieur d'études sociales | ISES | Lubumbashi | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Institute of Business and Legal technical studies Lubumbashi | Institut supérieur d'études techniques commerciales et juridiques de Lubumbashi | Lubumbashi | Higher Institutes | ||
Higher Institute Inter-lord Mulolwa | Institut supérieur intérdiocésain monseigneur Mulolwa | Lubumbashi | Higher Institutes | ||
Higher Pedagogical Institute | Institut supérieur pédagogique | ISP | Lubumbashi | Higher Institutes | |
University Institute of Congo | Institut universitaire du Congo | IUC | Lubumbashi | Higher Institutes | |
ISEC | Lubumbashi | Higher Institutes | |||
Higher Institute of Commercial Technology | Institut supérieur des techniques commerciales | ISTC | Matadi | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Pedagogical Institute (ISP) - Mbandaka | Institut supérieur pédagogique | ISP | Mbandaka | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Institute of Rural Development (ISDR-Mbandaka) - Mbandaka | Institut supérieur de développement rural | ISDR | Mbandaka | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Institute of Medical technology (ISTM) - Mbandaka | Institut supérieur de technique médical | ISTM | Mbandaka | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Institute of Management and Technology (ISGT) - Mbuji-Mayi | Institut supérieur de gestion et des techniques | ISGT | Mbuji-Mayi | Higher Institutes | |
Institute for Higher medical techniques Mbuji Mayi | Institut superieur de techniques medical de Mbuji Mayi | ISTM | Mbuji-Mayi | Higher Institutes | |
Educational and Higher Technical Institute of Mweka | fr:Institut supérieur pédagogique et technique de Mweka | ISPT | Mweka | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Institute of Commerce (ISC) of Uvira | Institut supérieur de commerce | ISC | Uvira | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Institute of Rural Development | Institut supérieur de développement rural | ISDR | Uvira | Higher Institutes | |
Higher Institute of Medical Technology | Institut supérieur des techniques médicales | ISTM | Uvira | Higher Institutes | |
Faculty Institute of Agricultural Sciences (IFA) - Yangambi | Institut facultaire des sciences agronomiques | IFA | Yangambi | Higher Institutes |
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