Little Pink

Little Pink (Chinese: 小粉紅; pinyin: xiǎo fěnhóng)[1] is a term used to describe young jingoistic Chinese nationalists on the internet.[2]


The term Little Pink originated on the website Jinjiang Literature City, when a group of users kept strongly criticizing people who published posts containing negative news about China. Within Jinjiang Literature City, this group became known as the "Jinjiang Girl Group Concerned for the Country", or the Little Pink, which is the main color of the website's front page.[3]

The Little Pink are different from members of the 50 Cent Party, as the Little Pink are not paid. In terms of demographics, 83% of the Little Pink are female, with most of them between 18 and 24 years old. More than half of the Little Pink are from third- and fourth-tier cities in China.[3]

They are primarily active on social media sites banned in China such as Twitter and Instagram.[4] Many of the Little Pink are Chinese students studying abroad in countries which do not block access to those sites. They have been compared to the Red Guard of the Cultural Revolution.[5]


The Chinese Communist Party's official newspaper People's Daily and its daily tabloid Global Times have both lavished praise on the Little Pink as has the Communist Youth League of China.[3]

See also


  1. Xuanlin, Jing. "Online nationalism in China and the "Little Pink" generation". SAIS. Retrieved 27 July 2020.
  2. "The East is pink". The Economist. Retrieved 27 July 2020.
  3. Pinghui, Zhuang. "The rise of the Little Pink: China's angry young digital warriors". SCMP. Retrieved 27 July 2020.
  4. Ruan, Lotus. "The New Face of Chinese Nationalism". Foreign Policy. Retrieved 27 July 2020.
  5. Meisenholder, Jana. "China's 'Little Pink' Army Is Gearing Up to Invade the Internet". The News Lens. Retrieved 27 July 2020.
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