Low culture

"Low culture" is a derogatory term for forms of popular culture that have mass appeal. Its contrast is "high culture", which can also be derogatory. It has been said by culture theorists that both high culture and low culture are subcultures.

From a series of woodcuts (1545) usually referred to as the Papstspotbilder or Papstspottbilder in German or Depictions of the Papacy in English,[1] by Lucas Cranach, commissioned by Martin Luther.[2] Title: Kissing the Pope's Feet.[3] German peasants respond to a papal bull of Pope Paul III. Caption reads: "The Pope speaks: Our sentences are to be feared, even if unjust. Response: Be damned! Behold, o furious race, our bared buttocks."[4]

Standards and definitions of low culture

In his book Popular Culture and High Culture, Herbert J. Gans gives a definition of how to identify and create low culture:

Aesthetic standards of low culture stress substance, form being totally subservient, and there is no explicit concern with abstract ideas or even with fictional forms of contemporary social problems and issues. ... Low culture emphasizes morality but limits itself to familial and individual problems and [the] values, which apply to such problems. Low culture is content to depict traditional working class values winning out over the temptation to give into conflicting impulses and behavior patterns.

Herbert Gans, [5]

Culture as class

Herbert Gans states in his book Popular Culture and High Culture that the different classes of culture are linked correspondingly to socio-economic and educational classes.[6] For any given socio-economic class, there is a culture for that class. Hence the terms high and low culture and the manifestation of those terms as they appeal to their respective constituents.

Mass media


All cultural products (especially high culture) have a certain demographic to which they appeal most. Low culture appeals to very simple and basic human needs plus offers a perceived return to innocence,[7] the escape from real world problems, or the experience of living vicariously through viewing someone else’s life on television.[8]


Low culture can be formulaic, employing trope conventions, stock characters and character archetypes in a manner that can be perceived as more simplistic, crude, emotive, unbalanced, or blunt compared to high culture's implementationswhich may be perceived as more subtle, balanced, or refined and open for interpretations.

See also

  • Bogan  Unrefined or unsophisticated person (Australian slang) (Australia and New Zealand)
  • Burlesque  Literary, dramatic or musical work or genre
  • Bread and circuses  Figure of speech referring to a superficial means of appeasement
  • Camp (style)  Ostentatious style (late 19th century - current)
  • Chav  Stereotype of anti-social youth dressed in sportswear (UK)
  • Cinema
  • Culture industry  Expression suggesting that popular culture is used to manipulate mass society into passivity
  • Dres (Poland)
  • Flaite  Chilean urban lower-class youth (Chile)
  • Gopnik (Russia)
  • Skeet (Newfoundland)
  • Kitsch  Art or other objects that appeal to popular rather than high art tastes
  • Lowbrow (art movement)
  • Mass society
  • Middlebrow
  • Off-color humor
  • One-Dimensional Man  1964 book by Herbert Marcuse
  • Outsider art  Art created outside the boundaries of official culture by those untrained in the arts
  • Philistinism  Person whose anti-intellectual social attitude undervalues and despises art and beauty, spirituality and intellect
  • Tribal art, also known as Primitive art  Art made by the indigenous tribes
  • Prolefeed  Newspeak term in the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell
  • Raunch culture
  • Redneck  Derogatory term applied to white person from the rural South of the United States (United States)
  • Television  Telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving moving images
  • Toilet humour
  • Yellow journalism  Sensationalistic news


  1. Oberman, Heiko Augustinus (1994). The Impact of the Reformation: Essays. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. p. 61. ISBN 978-0802807328.
  2. Edwards, Mark U., Jr. (2004). Luther's Last Battles: Politics And Polemics 1531-46. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Augsburg Fortress. p. 4. ISBN 978-0-8006-3735-4.
  3. In Latin, the title reads "Hic oscula pedibus papae figuntur"
  4. In Latin mixed with some Italian at the end, the caption reads "PAPA LOQVITUR. Sententiae nostrae etiam iniustae metuendae sunt. Responsio. Maledetta Aspice nudatas gens furiosa nates. Ecco qui Papa el mio belvedere."
  5. Gans, Herbert (1999) [1958]. Popular Culture and High Culture: An Analysis and Evaluation of Taste. New York City: Basic Books. p. 115. ISBN 978-0465026098.
  6. Gans, pg. 7
  7. Tomasino, Anna (2006). Discovering Popular Culture. London, England: Pearson Education. p. 211. ISBN 978-0321355966.
  8. Mazur, Eric; Koda, Tara K. (2000). "The Happiest Place on Earth: Disney's America and the Commodification of Religion". In Mazur, Eric; McCarthy, Kate (eds.). God in the Details: American Religion in Popular Culture. Abingdon, England: Routledge. p. 307. ISBN 978-0415485371.
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