Marius Clarén

Marius Clarén (born December 21, 1978), also Marius Götze-Clarén is a German Voice Actor, dialogue writer, dialogue director and Radio Play Voice Actor.


Marius Clarén already took over as child his first voice acting jobs. His father had an Acting training, initially worked as a voice actor and then as culture editor at RIAS and the SFB. Likewise, his older brother Timo Clarén stood behind the microphone several times during his childhood.[1]

His first appearance he had in Terminator 2: Judgment Day where he voiced John Connor played by Edward Furlong. His brother, Timo Götze-Clarén, also worked as a voice actor as a child, but later chose a different career In the original - radio play to Sam Raimi's Spider-Man film (in whose German dubbed version Clarén lent his voice to the main character) Clarén also acts as the narrator. – ISBN 3-89832-927-5. He has also read audio books - for example Töte deinen Boss (en.:Kill your boss) (with Nana Spier, ISBN 978-3-8371-2762-1) and Artemis (with Gabrielle Pietermann, ISBN 978-3-8371-4165-8)

His son Cosmo Clarén also works as a voice actor. Both had a joint appearance on The Boss Baby, in which Marius voiced the older version of the role of Cosmo. His second son Vicco Clarén and his third son Carlo Clarén are also voice actors.

Texts (dubbed books)

Voicing roles (selection)

Chris Klein
Jake Gyllenhaal
James D'Arcy
Joshua Jackson
Shawn Hatosy
Tobey Maguire



Video Games

Audio Books

  • Jodi Picoult: Das Herz ihrer Tochter (en. title: Change of Heart) (together with Jens Wawrczeck, Anna Thalbach, Tanja Geke and Felicia Wittmann), Der Hörverlag, ISBN 978-3867175166
  • Chris Rylander: Die Legende von Greg 1: Der krass katastrophale Anfang der ganzen Sache, (en. title: The Legend of Greg (An Epic Series of Failures)) Silberfisch, ISBN 9783745601190
  • Anke Stelling: Freddie und die Bändigung des Bösen (en.: Freddie and the Taming of Evil), cbj audio (Random House Audio), ISBN 978-3837150551
Percy Jackson
Helden des Olymp
  • Goblins 1 – Die Goblins (Goblin Quest)
  • Goblins 2 – Die Rückkehr der Goblins (Goblin Hero)
  • Goblins 3 – Der Krieg der Goblins (Goblin War)
  • Goblins 4 – Der Goblin-Held (Goblin Tales)
Die Schattenwald-Geheimnisse
  • Die Schattenwald-Geheimnisse 1 – Wald der tausend Augen (Sophie and the Shadow Woods: The Goblin King )
  • Die Schattenwald-Geheimnisse 2 – Der Vergessene Ort (Sophie and the Shadow Woods: The Swamp Boggles)
  • Die Schattenwald-Geheimnisse 3 – Gefährliche Verwandlung (Sophie and the Shadow Woods: The Spider Gnomes)
  • Die Schattenwald-Geheimnisse 4 – Die Nebelkönigin (Sophie and the Shadow Woods: The Fog Boggarts)
Bibi & Tina
  • Bibi & Tina 68 – Die Urlaubsüberraschung (en. translation: Bibi and Tina 68 - The holiday surprise)
  • Bibi & Tina 79 – Rennpferd in Not (en. translation: Bibi and Tina 79 - Racehorse in Distress)


  1. "Blog: Synchronsprecher persönlich". 2018-02-09. Retrieved 2020-02-18.
  2. Synchronsprecher laut
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