Novena to Saint Michael
The Novena to Saint Michael is a Roman Catholic Novena prayed to Saint Michael the Archangel. Like all other novenas it is prayed on nine consecutive days with a specific intention.

Archangel Michael by Jaime Huguet, 1456.
The Novena
- Saint Michael the Archangel,
- loyal champion of God and His People.
- I turn to you with confidence
- and seek your powerful intercession.
- For the love of God,
- Who made you so glorious in grace and power,
- and for the love of the Mother of Jesus, the Queen of the Angels,
- be pleased to hear our prayer.
- You know the value of our souls in the eyes of God.
- May no stain of evil ever disfigure its beauty.
- Help us to conquer the evil spirit who tempts us.
- We desire to imitate your loyalty to God and Holy Mother
- and your great love for God and people.
- And since you are God’s messenger for the care of His people,
- we entrust to you these special intentions:
- ...specific intentions are stated here....
- Lord, hear and grant our special intentions for this Novena. In the name of our blessed Lord and redeemer Jesus Christ.
- Amen.
Second Novena

- Glorious Saint Michael,
- guardian and defender
- of the Church of Jesus Christ,
- come to the assistance of His followers,
- against whom the powers of hell are unchained.
- Guard with special care our Holy Father,
- the Pope, and our bishops, priests,
- all our religious and lay people,
- and especially the children.
- Saint Michael,
- watch over us during life,
- defend us against the assaults of the demon,
- and assist us especially at the hour of death.
- Help us achieve the happiness
- of beholding God face to face
- for all eternity. Amen.
- Saint Michael,
- intercede for me with God
- in all my necessities,
- especially.... "the intention is stated here"
- Obtain for me a favorable outcome
- in the matter I recommend to you.
- Mighty prince of the heavenly host,
- and victor over rebellious spirits,
- remember me for I am weak and sinful
- and so prone to pride and ambition.
- Be for me, I pray,
- my powerful aid in temptation and difficulty,
- and above all do not forsake me
- in my last struggle with the powers of evil. In the name of our Blessed Lord and redeemer Jesus Christ.
- Amen.
- Mirabai Starr, Saint Michael: The Archangel, Published by Sounds True, 2007 ISBN 1-59179-627-X
- Susanna Magdalene Flavius, Litanies and Novenas for Your Salvation Published by, 2007 ISBN 1-84753-978-5
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