Oatmeal Crisp
Oatmeal Crisp is a cereal brand from General Mills.[1][2] It consists of flattened oatmeal flakes glazed with a sugary coating. There are six types: Raisin, Almond, Triple Berry, Apple Brown Sugar, Maple Nut, and Vanilla Yogurt.

Sometime in 2010 the Apple Brown Sugar type was discontinued.
It once sported the slogan "But it's not oatmeal", but more recently General Mills has switched to several new gimmicks, including the reverse psychology-based "But you won't like it" campaign. To promote Psycho IV: The Beginning, Anthony Perkins reprises his role as Norman Bates talking about how he always does what his mother tells him, but could never eat Oatmeal until he found Oatmeal Raisin Crisp. Although the character's name wasn't mentioned throughout the commercial, it was hinted that he was Norman Bates: the cupboard which the cereal was in is where he kept the Strychnine, he kept his spoons next to his butcher knife and when he spouts the original slogan "look Ma, I am eating my oatmeal" the Camera pans away to Mother saying "Now that's a good boy." in a sinister tone and panning back to Norman with a shocked expression on his face as if he wasn't imitating her this time.
A commercial from August 2006 has a father putting a 'G' before the name to make Goatmeal Crisp. However, in one shot, the 'G' is missing.
- Michman, R.D.; Mazze, E.M. (1998). The Food Industry Wars: Marketing Triumphs and Blunders. Quorum books of related interest. Quorum. p. 127. ISBN 978-1-56720-111-6.
- Sheth, J.; Sisodia, R. (2002). The Rule of Three: Surviving and Thriving in Competitive Markets. Free Press. p. 219. ISBN 978-0-7432-3430-6.