Pia Beckmann
Pia Beckmann (born May 14, 1963 in Gerolzhofen, Bavaria) is a doctor of philology,[1] was a German politician, representative of the Christian Social Union of Bavaria.[2] and is an entrepreneur.[3]

In 2002 she was elected as mayor (Oberbürgermeisterin) of Würzburg as the first woman in Würzburg's history. In 2008 the CSU again sent her as its candidate for mayorship, with a majority of 93%.[4] She was one of five candidates and won the first ballot with 41,3 %, which was more than 16% better than the next candidate of the Social Democratic Party, SPD.[5] In the second ballot, which was to be held between the two with the most votes, she only could cast 47,5 % of the votes and by this lost the run-off.[6] In 2008 Beckmann founded her own consulting firm. In 2010 she became shareholder and managing partner of the company clean energy GmbH.[7] Beside that, she was a lecturer at the University of Würzburg, Faculty of Business Administration and Business Informatics, from 2008 to 2012.[8] She is married with Klaus Hiltrop and has four children.
- https://opus.bibliothek.uni-wuerzburg.de/opus4-wuerzburg/frontdoor/index/index/docId/847
- German National Library
- http://future-city-factory.de/beckmann-consulting.html
- http://www.mainpost.de/regional/wuerzburg/93-Prozent-fuer-Beckmann-als-OB-Kandidatin-der-CSU;art735,4127285
- http://wuerzburgwiki.de/wiki/Kommunalwahl_2008
- http://wuerzburgwiki.de/wiki/Kommunalwahl_2008
- http://www.mainpost.de/regional/wuerzburg/Beratungsunternehmen-Germanistinnen-und-Germanisten-Kommunalpolitik-Modeunternehmen-Pensionskassen-Rosenthal-Stadtraete-und-Gemeinderaete;art735,7764513
- See course catalogue of the University of Würzburg, from winter semester 2008 to summer semester 2012