Sigma Software

Sigma Software is a Swedish-Ukrainian software company of Ukrainian origin. It provides software development and IT consulting services to 170+ customers internationally[1] in the areas of e-commerce, document management, telecommunications, aviation and space industries, banking, finance and real estate, digital advertising, entertainment and game development.[2][3]

Sigma Software
FormerlyEclipse Software Programming (till 2006)
TypePrivate Company
IndustrySoftware development
FounderValery Krasovsky - Chief Executive Officer

Vladimir Beck - Board Member Dmitry Vartanian – Managing Partner

Vladimir Chirva – Managing Partner
ServicesІТ consulting, software development
Number of employees

Headquartered in Ukraine, Sigma Software has regional offices in several other countries: Poland, the USA, Sweden, Austria, the UK, Australia, Singapore, and Canada.[4] The company is on the list of TOP-20 largest IT companies in Ukraine. As of 2020 it has about 1,100 employees.[5][6][7]


The company was founded in 2012 in Kharkiv, Ukraine and named Eclipse Software Programming (Eclipse SP).[8] In 2007 it joined Sigma AB, a Scandinavian ІТ consulting company.[9] In 2011 the company changed its name to Sigma Ukraine, and in 2014 – to Sigma Software.[10][11]

Social impact

The company is a member of the European Business Association[12] on IT-related matters and takes part in lobbying activities aimed at creating favorable conditions for developing the IT industry in Ukraine.[13][8][14][15]

The company is also a member of the TEMPUS program designed to strengthen cooperation among educational establishments, scientific institutes, and businesses in Ukraine.[8][14][15]

In 2016 the company established Sigma Software University – an educational platform for developing the IT community and further training established experts. The platform collaborates with 14 universities, colleges, and schools in five cities – Kharkiv, Kyiv, Lviv, Odesa, and Dnipro. This collaboration includes assistance from company experts in the development of new educational IT courses, their teaching of certain tech and management courses, providing internship opportunities, holding events for the students and the IT community, equipping educational laboratories.[16][17][18][19][20][21][22]

Since 2017 Sigma Software has been organizing the Open Tech Week, a series of charity meetups aimed at experience exchange and networking. The events take place four times a year in Ukrainian cities where the company’s offices are located. All money raised at these events is sent to local charity funds.[23][24]

The company is a sponsor of a scholarship in the Ukrainian Catholic University[25][26]

The company organizes company teams for marathons and supports the Sigma Software Unicorns cycling team.[25][26]

In 2011–2019 the company organized NETwork conferences.[27]


  1. "Студенты Web Academy в Sigma Software: как стать частью команды". (in Russian). Retrieved 2020-08-31.
  2. "21 companies from Ukraine among the world's top 100 outsourcing service providers". AIN.UA. 2020-02-19. Retrieved 2020-09-28.
  3. "Sigma Software". The Ukrainians. 2018-01-18. Retrieved 2020-09-28.
  4. "ТОП-50 найбільших IT-компаній України". ДОУ (in Russian). Retrieved 2020-08-31.
  5. "Наши партнеры". Компьютерная Академия ШАГ Гомель (in Russian). Retrieved 2020-08-31.
  6. "Our Offices". Sigma Software. Retrieved 2020-08-31.
  7. "Начинали с 6 человек, сейчас у нас 1100 IT-специалистов, в клиентах — Volvo и Toyota. История Sigma Software"., Media for Creators (in Russian). 2020-03-17. Retrieved 2020-08-31.
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  10. "Eclipse SP становится Сигма Украина". ДОУ (in Ukrainian). Retrieved 2020-08-31.
  11. "Володимир Бек, Sigma Software: "Робіть те, що вас мотивує"". The Ukrainians. 2018-01-18. Retrieved 2020-08-31.
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  13. "Налоги в IT-сфере хотят повысить в два раза. Что об этом думают руководители украинских IT-компаний". AIN.UA (in Russian). 2019-09-06. Retrieved 2020-08-31.
  14. "Уряд шукає таланти: як новий прем'єр та ІТ-бізнес планують перетворити українців на ІТ-націю". Економічна правда (in Ukrainian). Retrieved 2020-08-31.
  15. "IT-галузь України: підсумки 2015-го і перспективи 2016- го року від керівників провідних IT-компаній України". (in Ukrainian). Retrieved 2020-08-31.
  16. "IT-професії в Україні: куди піти вчитися". (in Ukrainian). Retrieved 2020-08-31.
  17. "Партнерство с Sigma Software University". Харьковский национальный экономический университет имени Семена Кузнеца (ХНЭУ им. С. Кузнеца) (in Russian). Retrieved 2020-08-31.
  18. "Sigma Software підписала договір про співпрацю з кафедрою Комп'ютерних наук Українського католицького університету. | Faculty of Applied Sciences UCU" (in Ukrainian). Retrieved 2020-08-31.
  19. "Для студентів ІКНІ Львівської політехніки стартувала літня школа Data Science від Sigma Software University". Національний університет «Львівська політехніка» (in Ukrainian). 2020-07-29. Retrieved 2020-08-31.
  20. "ГО Відкритий простір". Retrieved 2020-08-31.
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  22. "Sigma у ВНЗ". Sigma Software University (in Ukrainian). Retrieved 2020-08-31.
  23. "БФ Крила надії | Sigma Software Group запрошує ІТ-спільноту Львова на серію благодійних заходів". Retrieved 2020-08-31.
  24. "Open Tech Week: Perfect Match of Education and Charity". Sigma Software. Retrieved 2020-08-31.
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  26. "Челлендж: 10 досягнень в освіті за 10 років". Sigma Software University (in Ukrainian). 2020-07-21. Retrieved 2020-08-31.
  27. "Конференція NETwork". Львівський ІТ Кластер (in Ukrainian). Retrieved 2020-08-31.
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