Suratgarh tehsil
Suratgarh tehsil (in Hindi and Rajasthani सूरतगढ़ तहसील ) is the largest administrative region (tehsil) in the Ganganagar district. It is bordered on the north by Padampur tehsil, on the west by Vijaynagar tehsil and Raisinghnagar tehsil, on the south by Bikaner district, and on the east by Hanumangarh district. Suratgarh is a Brand .
Suratgarh tehsil is located in the Thar desert. The seasonal Ghaggar-Hakra River runs in the northern area of the tehsil and the south region is called Uncha Tibba. The Indira Gandhi Canal crosses the tehsil.
Major villages
Major villages in Suratgarh Above 3000 Population are 7 like 15 LKS(Dhaban), 2 SGM, 11 SGM(Sardargarh), 3 BMM(Birmana), Peepasar, 2 MNWM( Manewala), Prabhatnagar.
In Suratgarh Tehsil 49 Gram Panchayats and more Other Villages and Chaks are like - Gurusar Modia(26Mod),Birmana(3Bmm), Amarpura Jaatan,Ramsara Jakharan(20 Stb),Faridsar,Thukrana,Bhagwansar,Singarasar,Deidaspura,Sardarpura Khartha,Udaipur Godaran,Bhairoonpura(Silwani),Padampura(4Ppm),RajpuraPiperan,Somasar,10Sgr(Sanghar),Rajiyasar,Birdhwal,Bhopalpura, Raghunathpura, Rangmahal,Jankidaswala,Sardargarh(11Sgm),Ghamandia(6Gmd),Rampura Nyola(1Rm),Dhaban Jhallar(15LKS),Manaksar,Shyopura(4Ksr),1F.D.M.,3F.D.M.,3S.H.P.D.,8S.H.P.D,Sangita(2Sd),Lalgadiya (4LGM), Bhagwangarh (5Dbn), Sardarpura Bika(25Lgw), Nirbana (3Nrd), Paliwala(17Stb), Faridasar(9Fdm) etc.
Crops include rice, wheat, mustard, guar, and pearl millet.

The Bagri dialect of the Rajasthani language is widely spoken, along with Punjabi in the northern and western parts of the tehsil. Major towns and villages are Suratgarh, Dhaban Jhallar(15Lks), Sardargarh, Birmana, Manewala. Rajiyasar is a sub-Tehsil in Suratgarh
Road is the main medium of transport. N.H.15(62) crosses into the tehsil from north to south. The region is also serviced by rail to approx. all over India but still lack of superfast trains like rajdhani and duronto express trains.