Susanne Åkesson

Susanne Åkesson (born 1964) is a Swedish migration expert. She is a professor of Zoology at Lund University

Susanne Åkesson


Åkesson was born in Östhammar in 1964. She is a professor of Zoology at Lund University.

In 2009 she shared the August Prize with photographer Brutus Östling about the migration of birds. This was the first time the prize had been given for a non-fiction book about a natural science subject.

She has co-written research which proposes that the stripes of a zebra may deter horseflies as they find them unattractive.[1]


  1. Egri, Ádám; Miklós Blahó; György Kriska; Róbert Farkas; Mónika Gyurkovszky; Susanne Åkesson & Gábor Horváth (March 2012). "Polarotactic tabanids find striped patterns with brightness and/or polarization modulation least attractive: an advantage of zebra stripes". The Journal of Experimental Biology. 215 (5): 736–745. doi:10.1242/jeb.065540. PMID 22323196.

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