The Assassination of Saint Peter Martyr (Moretto)

The Assassination of Saint Peter Martyr or The Martyrdom of Saint Peter of Verona is a 1530-1535 oil on canvas painting by Moretto da Brescia, now in the Sala dell'Esedra in the Pinacoteca Ambrosiana in Milan.[1] It is influenced by Titian and Vincenzo Foppa, particularly Foppa's fresco of the same subject in the Portinari Chapel in Milan, whilst it itself proved the model for Caravaggio's The Martyrdom of Saint Matthew.[2]


  1. (in Italian) Pier Virgilio Begni Redona, Alessandro Bonvicino - Il Moretto da Brescia, Editrice La Scuola, Brescia 1988, page 292
  2. (in Italian) Roberto Longhi, Quesiti caravaggeschi - II, I precedenti, in "Pinacotheca", anno 1, numeri 5-6, March–June 1929

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