Timeline of aircraft carriers of the Royal Navy

The following is a timeline of fleet aircraft carriers of the Royal Navy of the United Kingdom. The first British aircraft carrier was HMS Argus, a converted liner hull.

In addition, during the Second World War, the Royal Navy operated flights of aircraft off Merchant aircraft carriers.


In general, labels for ships of a single class are aligned vertically with the topmost ship in a column carrying the class name.

In an attempt to show the full timeline of the actual existence of each ship, the final dates on each bar may variously be the date struck, sold, scrapped, scuttled, sunk as a reef, etc., as appropriate to show the last time it existed as a floating object.

EasyTimeline 1.90

Timeline generation failed: 4 errors found
Line 270: color:DECOM from:06/03/2017 till:01/01/2021

- Plotdata attribute 'till' invalid.

 Date '01/01/2021' not within range as specified by command Period.

Line 293: color:COMM from:07/12/2017 till:01/01/2021

- Plotdata attribute 'till' invalid.

 Date '01/01/2021' not within range as specified by command Period.

Line 298: color:COMM from:10/12/2019 till:01/01/2021

- Plotdata attribute 'till' invalid.

 Date '01/01/2021' not within range as specified by command Period.

Line 305: at:01/01/2021 color:TODAY width:0.2

- LineData attribute 'at' invalid.

 Date '01/01/2021' not within range as specified by command Period.

See also


    This article is issued from Wikipedia. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.