Zig Zag (RTP)
Zig Zag is a Portuguese children's programming block broadcast daily on RTP2, RTP1 and RTP Internacional from Portugal. It airs programming that is targeted for young people (children and teenagers) from ages 3–17. It airs daily on the weekdays from 07:00 to 11:15 WET, and again later on in the day from 16:00 to 20:05 WET. It airs programming in Portuguese.
Broadcast Area
As many other RTP Television Stations, Zig Zag airs internationally in different countries. Note that all of its programming still airs in European Portuguese.
North America
RTP2 ZigZag airs in North America, as part of its international broadcast on RTP Internacional.
See RTP África, and Portuguese Africa.
- Cape Verde
- Mozambique
- São Tomé and Principe
- Angola
- Guinea-Bissau
- Equatorial Guinea
RTP2 ZigZag offers a wide range of programming for children and teenagers from ages 3–17.
- Fireman Sam (O Bombeiro Sam)
- Noonbory and the Super Seven (Noonbory e os Super Sete)
- Jelly Jamm
- The Koala Brothers (Os Irmãos Koala)
- Shima Shima Tora no Shimajiro (as aventuras de shimajiro) * FloopaLoo, Where Are You? (Floopaloo, Onde Estás Tu?)
- Kody Kapow
- Bear in the Big Blue House (O Urso da Casa Azul)
- Ella Bella Bingo
- Bing
- Vipo: Adventures of the Flying Dog (Vipo, As Aventuras do Cão Voador)
- Vipo: Surviving Time Island (Vipo e os Amigos na Ilha do Tempo)
- Dragon Hunters (Caçadores de Dragões)
- The Puzzle Place (Puzzle Parque)
- The Little Prince (O Principezinho)
- Little Robots (Mini Robôs)
- YooHoo & Friends (YooHoo e Amigos)
- Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (A Casa do Mickey Mouse)
- Wabbit (Bugs!)
- Peanuts
- Peanuts specials
- The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show (O Espetáculo do Charlie Brown e do Snoopy)
- The Garfield Show (Garfield)
- Sally Bollywood: Super Detective (Sally Bollywood)
- The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants (As Histórias Épicas do Capitão Cuecas)
- The Looney Tunes Show
- ToddWorld (O Mundo de Todd)
- Maya, the Bee (A Abelha Maia)
- Vic, the Viking (Vicky)
- Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! (Scooby-Doo!)
- Boo!
- Lola and Virginia (Lola e Virgínia)
- Sandra, the Fairytale Detective (Sandra, a Detetive de Contos)
- Contraptus (Engenhocas)
- Earth to Luna! (O Mundo de Luna!)
- The Tom and Jerry Show (Tom e Jerry [1st season]/O Show de Tom e Jerry [2nd season])
- Wild Grinders
- Chuck's Choice (O Carlos Escolhe)
- Wolfblood (Sangue de Lobo)
- Corneil and Bernie (Corneil e Bernie)
- Thomas & Friends (Thomas e os Seus Amigos)
- Lunar Jim
- Nutri Ventures – The Quest for the 7 Kingdoms (NutriVentures: Em Busca dos 7 Reinos)
- Peep and the Big Wide World (O Curioso Mundo de Pio)
- Shaun the Sheep (A Ovelha Choné)
- Paper Port (Porto Papel)
- Powerpuff Girls Z (Super Poderosas)
- Gawayn
- Caillou (Ruca)
- Mushiking: The King of Beetles (Os Guardiães da Floresta Mushiking)
- Kaiketsu Zorori (Zorori, o Fantástico)
- Monica's Gang (Turma da Mónica) [in the original Brazilian Portuguese version]
- Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!
- Angelo Rules (As Regras do Ângelo)
- Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir (As Aventuras de Ladybug)
- Little People
- Sherlock Yack
- SpongeBob SquarePants
- Peg + Cat (Peg e o Gato)
- Arthur (Artur)
- Clay Kids
- The Adventures of Blinky Bill (Blinky Bill)
- Blinky Bill
- Guess How Much I Love You (Adivinha o Quanto Eu Gosto de Ti)
- Postman Pat (O Carteiro Paulo)
- Little Einsteins
- Mama Mirabelle's Home Movies (Mãe Mirabelle)
- Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks (Pigi e os Seus Amigos)
- Pinky and the Brain (Pinky e o Brain)
- Pet Alien (Pet Alien, Amigos do Outro Mundo)
- WordGirl (Super Sabina)
- Ovide and the Gang (Ovídeo e Companhia)
- Franky Snow
- Histeria! (Histeria)
- Max Adventures (As Aventuras do Max)
- Geronimo Stilton
- Mike, the Knight (Mike, o Cavaleiro)
- Angelina Ballerina: The Next Steps (Angelina Bailarina)
- The Mr. Men Show (O Super Apresentador)
- Total Drama Island (Ilha dos Desafios)
- Total Drama Action (Drama Total em Acção)
- Total Drama World Tour (Drama Total - À Volta do Mundo)
- Total Drama: Revenge of the Island (Drama Total: A Vingança da Ilha/A Vingança da Ilha dos Desafios)
- Total Drama: All Stars (Drama Total: All Stars)
- Total Drama: Pahkitew Island (Drama Total: Ilha Pahkitew)
- The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! (O Gato da Cartola)
- Ooglies
- Horrid Henry (Henrique, o Terrível)
- Horrible Histories (Histórias Horríveis)
- Dani's House (A Casa da Dani)
- Tom and Jerry Tales (As Aventuras de Tom e Jerry)
- Ruby Gloom (Assombrosa Ruby/Rubi Assombrosa)
- Zombie Hotel
- Leon
- Chaplin & Co (Chaplin)
- Ozie Boo! (No País dos Ozie Boo)
- Glumpers
- The Adventures of Marco & Gina (As Aventuras de Marco e Gina)
- Monster Allergy (Alergia Monstra)
- Sergeant Stripes (Sargento Riscado)
- Everything's Rosie (Tudo é Rosie)
- Chrono Kids
- Gombby's Green Island (Gombby)
- Handy Manny (Manny Mãozinhas)
- Cloudbabies (Os Nuvinhas)
- Martin Morning (Martim Manhã)
- Pitt & Kantrop (Zé e Kantropo)
- Os Bolechas (Os Bochechas)
- Tip, the Mouse (O Rato Renato)
- Dinosaur Train (O Comboio dos Dinossauros)
- Sid, the Science Kid (Sid Ciência)
- CJ, the DJ (CJ, a DJ)
- Zeke's Pad (O Tablete do Zeca)
- Firehouse Tales (Bombeiros Sobre Rodas)
- LazyTown (Vila Moleza)
- The Busy World of Richard Scarry (O Mundo de Richard Scarry)
- The Adventures of Tintin
- Hank Zipzer
- Titeuf
- Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (Chovem Almôndegas)
- Captain Biceps (Capitão Bíceps)
- Pumpkin Reports (Missão Abóbora)
- Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy e os Lemingues)
- Captain Tsubasa (Campeões, a Caminho da Glória) [the original and Road to 2002 series]
- Minuscule (Minúsculo)
- Camp Lakebottom (Campo Lakebottom)
- Little Lunch (O Pátio)
- Wissper
- Chloe's Closet (Armário da Clara)
- Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood (Daniel Tigre)
- Ricky Sprocket: Showbiz Boy (Ricky Artista)
- Origanimals (Origanimais)
- 3 Amigonauts (3 AmigoNautas)
- Dogstar (Cão do Espaço)
- Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi
- Teen Titans
- Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (Chovem Almôndegas)
- Little Princess (A Princesinha)
- Bubble Bip
- Olivia
- 1001 Nights (1001 Noites)
- Missy Mila Twisted Tales (Emília, a Contadora de Histórias)
- Robin Hood: Mischief in Sherwood (Robin dos Bosques - Travessuras em Sherwood)
- Young Justice (Jovens Justiceiros)
- Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated (Scooby-Doo: Mistérios S.A.)
- Pororo the Little Penguin (Pororo, o Pequeno Pinguim)
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