1999 Belarusian municipal elections
23rd convocation local councils of Republic of Belarus elections were held in April 1999 under plurality voting.
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Law «On elections of local Councils deputies», and amendments to the law «On local administration and governance» were developed and adopted during 1998. The regulation limiting the heads of Councils to hold office for more than two consequtive terms was abolished. Amendments to the law, limiting participation of opposition parties activists, in case they had administrative record of conviction for , for example, participation in demonstrations or unauthorised protests and meetings, were adopted. Law on elections encomplexed the proces of candidades delegation, and deprived non-governmental organizations from right to delegate candidates to municipal elections, having, at the same time, provided workers' associations with such right.
After sociopolitical events of mid 1990s, Belarusian society remained politically indifferent to local governance system. Ruling elites, even though numerous attempts of political influence on the situation taken by political opponents, took political processes on local level under control and increased citizen participation in it. Authorities managed to organize effective election process on local level, functioning without compatition and alternative candidates. Loacal authorities were almost totally cleaned from non-loyal elements and subordinated to the governing center.
On 1 February 1999 political parties and non-governmental organizations reregistration under new rules started.
On 23 December 1998 according to resolution of «Congress of republican democratic forces», opposition parties rejected participation in elections, as «there are no conditions for free and democratic election process in belarus»,[1] and refused to delegate candidates.
24 557 deputies seats were contested by 27 362 candidates. 66,3% votersparticipated in the elections. Significant part of electoral districts was non-alternative. Moreover, when in late March Liberal Democratic Party declared the withdrowal of its candidates even more electoral districts became non-alternative.
Out of 24 566 vacant deputy seats 24 058 were filled (97,9%). Even though most of oppositionary political parties boycotted municipal elections, oppositionary communists managed to handle active campaign and set over 750 candidates, circa 250 of which won their deputy seats. Also, party candidates were delegated from Party of Popular Accord, and Slavic Council.
- Натчык, Пётра (Natchyk, Piotra). “Мясцовыя Выбары 1999 Году.” [1999 Municipal Elections] Essay. In Палітычная Гісторыя Незалежнай Беларусі (Да 2006 г.) [Political history of independent Belarus], 2nd ed., 381-385. Białystok; Vilnius, Poland; Lithuania: Беларускае гістарычнае таварыства [Belarusian historic society]; Інстытут беларусістыкі [Institute of Belarusian studies], 2011.
- Opposition and 2010 elections: time to return into polictics (in Belarusian)
- Народня воля [People's will], February 3, 1999. (In Belarusian)