2021 in Romania
- January 1 – COVID-19 pandemic: The quarantine instated in the municipality of Constanța on the 20th of November expires on the 1st of January, at 20:00 EET.[1]
- January 8 – COVID-19 pandemic: The first case with the more contagious British COVID-19 variant (B117) has been confirmed at Giurgiu County. The patient, however, did not travel outside Romania.[2]
- January 18 – COVID-19 pandemic: The National Committee for Emergency Situations (Romanian: Comitetul Național pentru Situații de Urgență) decided to exempt the people who had gotten the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at least 10 days prior to their arrival in Romania from quarantine. It had also decided to release from quarantine the close contacts who had been in quarantine for 10 days, had gotten a negative COVID-19 test result on the 8th day, and did not present specific symptomatology.[3]
- January 26:
- At around 10:40 EET, a man tells the Bucharest Police (Romanian: Poliția Capitalei) that there is an explosive device inside the Bucharest Court of Appeal (Romanian: Curtea de Apel București). The building is evacuated, and all trials are suspended. Elena Udrea is among the evacuated people, where she was participating in the last term of a trial regarding the financing of the election campaign of then-candidate Traian Băsescu at the 2009 Presidential election.[4] Later that day, the Bucharest Police announces that the bomb threat was a fake one.[5][6] The trial involving Elena Udrea resumes at 14:00 EET, on the same day.[4][7]
- The sitting prosecutor of the National Anticorruption Directorate requests Elena Udrea to be sentenced to prison in the trial regarding the financing of Traian Băsescu's election campaign for the 2009 presidential election. She is accused of instigation to bribe taking and money laundering, which means she could risk up to 12 years in jail.[8]
- January 27 – A snowstorm in the region of Northern Dobruja disrupts traffic on the A2 motorway and some national roads,[9] as well as electric power and water supply,[10] while 27 train services have been suspended.[9] The orange code was declared in the area between 10:00 and 21:00 EET.[11]
- January 29 – At about 5:00 EET, a fire breaks out at the "Matei Balș" Institute of Bucharest. According to secretary of state Raed Arafat, the first emergency call was made at 5:05, and the first crew arrived 8 minutes afterwards.[12] Five people have died, four of them being carbonised. 102 COVID-19 patients were evacuated and transferred to other pavilions of the hospital, or other hospitals from Bucharest. The cause of the fire is still unknown.[13]
- February 8 – COVID-19 pandemic: New relaxation measures were taken as the number of new infections kept decreasing. Thus, schools have partially or fully reopened around Romania, based on local incidence rates.[14]
Predicted and scheduled events
- March - November – 2022 FIFA World Cup qualifiers
- 25 March – Romania v North Macedonia[15]
- 28 March – Romania v Germany[15]
- 31 March – Armenia v Romania[15]
- 2 September – Iceland v Romania[15]
- 5 September – Romania v Liechtenstein[15]
- 8 September – North Macedonia v Romania[15]
- 8 October – Germany v Romania[15]
- 11 October – Romania v Armenia[15]
- 11 November – Romania v Iceland[15]
- 14 November – Liechtenstein v Romania[15]
- July - November – 2021 Romanian census[16]
- July 21 – Slipknot come to Romexpo, Bucharest, as part of their We Are Not Your Kind album tour.[17]
Date unknown
- The National Liberal Party is set to hold a congress.[18]
- January 1
- Petre Iancu, the coach of the national Romanian dirt track racing team (b. 1954)[19]
- January 6
- Iulian Șerban, Romanian paralympic athlete (b. 1985)[20]
- January 8
- Iancu Țucărman, Romanian agronomist of Jewish origin and survivor of the Iași pogrom (b. 1922)[21]
- January 10
- January 12
- Bogdan Stanoevici, Romanian actor and politician (b. 1958)[24]
- Florentin Crihălmeanu, Romanian Greek Catholic bishop of Cluj-Gherla (b. 1959)[25]
- January 13
- Mircea Păcurariu, historian of the Romanian Orthodox Church, member of the Romanian Academy, priest and honorary citizen of Sibiu (b. 1932)[26]
- January 17
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- Bonea, Monica, ed. (26 January 2021). "Alertă falsă cu bombă la Curtea de Apel București. Procesul Elenei Udrea se reia la ora 14.00" [Fake bomb alert at the Bucharest Court of Appeal. Elena Udrea's trial resumes at 14:00]. Digi24 (in Romanian). Archived from the original on 26 January 2021. Retrieved 26 January 2021.
- Mureșan, Ionuț (26 January 2021). "DNA cere pedepse maxime în dosarul finanțării campaniei din 2009. Elena Udrea riscă până la 12 ani de închisoare" [DNA requests maximum punishments in the 2009 campaign financing file. Elena Udrea risks up to 12 years in prison]. Adevărul (in Romanian). Archived from the original on 26 January 2021. Retrieved 26 January 2021.
- Marina, Georgiana, ed. (27 January 2021). "Cod galben de viscol. Circulația este îngreunată pe drumurile din jumătatea de sud-est a țării, 27 de trenuri sunt suspendate" [Yellow code of snowstorm. Traffic is difficult on roads from half of the south-eastern part of the country, 27 trains are suspended]. Digi24 (in Romanian). Archived from the original on 29 January 2021. Retrieved 29 January 2021.
- Legănel, Cătălin (27 January 2021). "Peste 30 de vehicule sunt, la această oră, blocate în zăpadă pe drumuri din județul Constanța" [Over 30 vehicles are, at this hour, blocked in snow on roads from the Constanța county.]. CTnews (in Romanian). Retrieved 27 January 2021.
- Tobias, Andreea (27 January 2021). "Alertă METEO. Cod portocaliu de viscol în două județe. Cod galben în Dobrogea, Muntenia și Moldova" [WEATHER Alert. Orange code of snowstorm in two counties. Yellow code in Dobruja, Muntenia and Moldavia.]. Mediafax (in Romanian). Retrieved 27 January 2021.
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- Milonean, Ioana (29 January 2021). "LIVE Incendiu la Institutul „Matei Balș”: Cinci persoane au decedat, patru dintre ele fiind găsite carbonizate, 102 pacienți au fost evacuați. Toți sunt în stare medie spre severă cu COVID, iar cei mai mulți erau conectați la oxigen / SURSE Un reșou, posibila cauză a incendiului / Iohannis a mers la Balș". G4Media.ro (in Romanian). Retrieved 29 January 2021.
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