List of African dinosaurs
This is a list of dinosaurs whose remains have been recovered from Africa. Africa has a rich fossil record, but it is patchy and incomplete. It is rich in Triassic and Early Jurassic dinosaurs. African dinosaurs from these time periods include Coelophysis, Dracovenator, Melanorosaurus, Massospondylus, Euskelosaurus, Heterodontosaurus, Abrictosaurus, and Lesothosaurus. In the Middle Jurassic, the sauropods Atlasaurus, Chebsaurus, Jobaria, and Spinophorosaurus, flourished, as well as the theropod Afrovenator. The Late Jurassic is well represented in Africa, mainly thanks to the spectacular Tendaguru Formation. Veterupristisaurus, Ostafrikasaurus, Elaphrosaurus, Giraffatitan, Dicraeosaurus, Janenschia, Tornieria, Tendaguria, Kentrosaurus, and Dysalotosaurus are among the dinosaurs whose remains have been recovered from Tendaguru. This fauna seems to show strong similarities to that of the Morrison Formation in the United States and the Lourinha Formation in Portugal. For example, similar theropods, ornithopods and sauropods have been found in both the Tendaguru and the Morrison. This has important biogeographical implications.
The Early Cretaceous in Africa is known primarily from the northern part of the continent, particularly Niger. Suchomimus, Elrhazosaurus, Rebbachisaurus, Nigersaurus, Kryptops, Nqwebasaurus, and Paranthodon are some of the Early Cretaceous dinosaurs known from Africa. The Early Cretaceous was an important time for the dinosaurs of Africa because it was when Africa finally separated from South America, forming the South Atlantic Ocean. This was an important event because now the dinosaurs of Africa started developing endemism because of isolation. The Late Cretaceous of Africa is known mainly from North Africa. During the early part of the Late Cretaceous, North Africa was home to a rich dinosaur fauna. It includes Spinosaurus, Carcharodontosaurus, Rugops, Bahariasaurus, Deltadromeus, Paralititan, Aegyptosaurus, and Ouranosaurus.
Criteria for inclusion
- The creature must appear on the List of dinosaur genera.
- Fossils of the creature must have been found in Africa.
- This list is a complement to Category:Dinosaurs of Africa.
List of African dinosaurs
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Name Period Diet[1] Country Notes Aardonyx Jurassic herbivore South Africa A transitional form between primitive and advanced sauropodomorphs. Abrictosaurus Jurassic herbivore South Africa A heterodontosaurid. Adratiklit Jurassic herbivore Morocco the first stegosaur from North Africa. Aegyptosaurus Cretaceous herbivore Egypt, Niger The remains of this sauropod were lost in World War II. Aetonyx Jurassic herbivore South Africa, Lesotho, Zimbabwe Probably synonymous with Massospondylus Afrovenator Jurassic carnivore Niger Once thought to be from the Cretaceous. Ajnabia Cretaceous Herbivore Morocco Its name means "stranger" or "foreigner" because it is the first hadrosaur found in Africa. Algoasaurus Jurassic/Cretaceous herbivore South Africa A dubious sauropod. Allosaurus Jurassic carnivore Tanzania, USA, & Portugal The African species is Allosaurus tendagurensis. Angolatitan Cretaceous herbivore Angola The first non-avian dinosaur from Angola. Antetonitrus Triassic or Jurassic herbivore South Africa One of the earliest true sauropods. Arcusaurus Jurassic herbivore South Africa Named after the fact that South Africa was the "Rainbow Nation". Atlasaurus Jurassic herbivore Morocco It had long legs for a sauropod. Australodocus Jurassic herbivore Tanzania Probably an equivalent to Diplodocus of North America. Bahariasaurus Cretaceous carnivore Egypt,Niger, Morocco, Algeria A poorly-known theropod. Berberosaurus Jurassic carnivore Morocco A primitive ceratosaur. Blikanasaurus Triassic herbivore South Africa Known from only a foot. Carcharodontosaurus Cretaceous carnivore Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Niger One of the largest terrestrial carnivores. Chebsaurus Jurassic herbivore Algeria One of the few known dinosaurs from Algeria. Chenanisaurus Cretaceous carnivore Morocco A late-surviving abelisaur. Coelophysis Jurassic carnivore USA, South Africa, & Zimbabwe African remains once classified as "Syntarsus" or "Megapnosaurus". Cristatusaurus Cretaceous carnivore Niger Probably the same as Suchomimus. Deltadromeus Cretaceous carnivore Morocco, Algeria, Egypt A poorly known theropod. Dicraeosaurus Jurassic herbivore Tanzania Quite short-necked for a sauropod. Dracovenator Jurassic carnivore South Africa A relative of Dilophosaurus. Dysalotosaurus Jurassic herbivore Tanzania Remains once classified as Dryosaurus. Elaphrosaurus Jurassic carnivore Tanzania A lightweight relative of Ceratosaurus. Elrhazosaurus Cretaceous herbivore Niger One of the few dryosaurids to survive into the Cretaceous. Eocarcharia Cretaceous carnivore Niger Known only from two pieces of a skull. Eocursor Triassic or Jurassic herbivore South Africa One of the oldest ornithischians. Eucnemesaurus Triassic herbivore South Africa An African relative of South America’s Riojasaurus. Euskelosaurus Triassic herbivore South Africa, Zimbabwe, Lesotho Probably bow-legged. Fabrosaurus Jurassic herbivore Lesotho Maybe the same as Lesothosaurus. Geranosaurus Jurassic herbivore South Africa A poorly-known ornithischian. Giraffatitan Jurassic herbivore Tanzania Once classified as "Brachiosaurus brancai". Gyposaurus Jurassic herbivore South Africa and China It may be the same as another basal sauropodomorph. Heterodontosaurus Jurassic omnivore South Africa It had three types of teeth in its mouth. Ignavusaurus Jurassic herbivore Lesotho The name means cowardly lizard. Inosaurus Cretaceous carnivore Egypt A mysterious theropod. Janenschia Jurassic herbivore Tanzania Named after paleontologist Werner Janensch. Jobaria Jurassic herbivore Niger Like Afrovenator, it was once thought to be from the Cretaceous. Kangnasaurus Cretaceous herbivore South Africa An obscure dryosaur. Karongasaurus Cretaceous herbivore Malawi Only known from a lower jaw with some teeth. Kentrosaurus Jurassic herbivore Tanzania An African relative of Stegosaurus. Kryptops Cretaceous carnivore Niger Some have suggested it is a chimaera. Lesothosaurus Jurassic herbivore Lesotho May be a thyreophoran. Lihkoelesauus Triassic (unknown) South Africa Possibly not a dinosaur (disputed) Lurdusaurus Cretaceous herbivore Niger Possibly a semi-aquatic, hippo-like herbivore. Lycorhinus Jurassic omnivore South Africa Originally thought to be a non-mammalian therapsid. Malawisaurus Cretaceous herbivore Malawi Has good skull material. Massospondylus Jurassic herbivore South Africa, Lesotho, Zimbabwe Known from multiple remains. Melanorosaurus Triassic herbivore South Africa One of the largest non-sauropods. Ngwevu Jurassic Herbivore South Africa A basal sauropodomorph originally thought to be a Massospondylus. Nigersaurus Cretaceous herbivore Niger It had an unusually-shaped head. Nqwebasaurus Cretaceous omnivore South Africa Possibly one of the earliest ornithomimosaurs. Nyasasaurus Triassic carnivore Tanzania It may be the earliest known dinosaur or a non-dinosaurian dinosauromorph. (disputed) Ostafrikasaurus Jurassic carnivore Tanzania Possibly the earliest spinosaur. Ouranosaurus Cretaceous herbivore Niger It had long spines on its back that may have supported a hump or sail. Paralititan Cretaceous herbivore Egypt One of Africa's largest dinosaurs. Paranthodon Cretaceous herbivore South Africa One of the few Cretaceous stegosaurs. Pegomastax Jurassic omnivore South Africa It may have had spines on its back. Plateosauravus Triassic herbivore South Africa May be the same as Euskelosaurus. Rebbachisaurus Cretaceous herbivore Morocco, Niger, Tunisia, Spain A large, sail-backed sauropod. Rugops Cretaceous carnivore Niger Holes on its skull may have supported a display structure. Rukwatitan Cretaceous herbivore Tanzania Its closest relatives were from South America. Saturnalia Triassic herbivore Brazil & Zimbabwe A basal sauropodomorph. Sauroniops Cretaceous carnivore Morocco Named after the Eye of Sauron from the Lord of the Rings franchise. Sigilmassasaurus Cretaceous carnivore Morocco May be the same as Spinosaurus. Spinosaurus Cretaceous carnivore Egypt & Morocco Possibly the largest carnivorous dinosaur. Spinophorosaurus Jurassic herbivore Niger It may have had a thagomizer like stegosaurs. Spinostropheus Jurassic carnivore Niger A contemporary of Afrovenator and Jobaria. Suchomimus Cretaceous carnivore Niger A crocodile-like fish eater. Tataouinea Cretaceous herbivore Tunisia Named after the region of Tunisia where it was found. Tazoudasaurus Jurassic herbivore Morocco One of the earliest true sauropods. Tendaguria Jurassic herbivore Tanzania A poorly-known sauropod. Thotobolosaurus Triassic herbivore Lesotho A nomen nudum until 2020. Tornieria Jurassic herbivore Tanzania Remains originally identified as Barosaurus. Veterupristisaurus Jurassic carnivore Tanzania Possibly the oldest carcharodontosaur. Vulcanodon Jurassic herbivore Zimbabwe Once thought to be a carnivore. Wamweracaudia Jurassic herbivore Tanzania Originally identified as Gigantosaurus.
This is a timeline of selected dinosaurs from the list above. Time is measured in mya along the x-axis.

See also
- Diet is sometimes hard to determine for dinosaurs and should be considered a "best guess"