List of Asian dinosaurs
This is a list of dinosaurs whose remains have been recovered from Asia excluding the Indian Subcontinent, which was part of a separate landmass for much of the Mesozoic. This list does not include dinosaurs that live or lived after the Mesozoic era such as birds.
Criteria for inclusion
- The creature must appear on the List of dinosaur genera.
- Fossils of the creature must have been found in Asia.
- This list is a complement to Category:Dinosaurs of Asia.
List of Asian dinosaurs
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Name Period Diet[1] Country Notes Abdarainurus Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia Titanosaurid named in February 2020 Abrosaurus Jurassic herbivore China Small Camarasaurus–like sauropod Achillobator Cretaceous carnivore Mongolia A large, heavily-built dromaeosaur. Adasaurus Cretaceous carnivore Mongolia A close relative of Velociraptor. Agilisaurus Jurassic herbivore China Found during the construction of a museum. Airakoraptor Cretaceous carnivore Mongolia Possibly a dromaeosaur. Albalophosaurus Cretaceous herbivore Japan The first ceratopsian known from Japan. Albinykus Cretaceous carnivore Mongolia An alvarezsaur. Alectrosaurus Cretaceous carnivore Mongolia Possibly a tyrannosauroid. Alioramus Cretaceous carnivore Mongolia It had a long skull with several bumps on it. Altirhinus Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia Known for its large nose. Alxasaurus Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia Its discovery helped solve the mystery of therizinosaurs. Amtocephale Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia A pachycephalosaur. Amtosaurus Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia Based only on fragments of skull Amurosaurus Cretaceous herbivore Russia & China A lambeosaurine from the Russia/China border. Analong Jurassic herbivore China Originally assigned to the contemporary genus Chuanjiesaurus. Anchiornis Jurassic carnivore China Its describers cited it as important in filling a gap in the transition between the body plans of birds and dinosaurs. Anhuilong Jurassic herbivore China The sister taxon of Huangshanlong Anserimimus Cretaceous omnivore Mongolia It had unusual hands for an ornithomimosaur. Aorun Jurassic carnivore China Probably an alvarezsaur. Aralosaurus Cretaceous herbivore Kazakhstan It had a large, solid crest on its nose. Archaeoceratops Cretaceous herbivore China A primitive ceratopsian. Archaeornithoides Cretaceous carnivore Mongolia One of the smallest non-avian dinosaurs. Archaeornithomimus Cretaceous omnivore China Originally thought to be older than currently thought. Arkharavia Cretaceous herbivore Russia May be a hadrosaur, a sauropod, or both (a chimaera) Arstanosaurus Cretaceous herbivore Kazakhstan A poorly-known hadrosaur. Asiaceratops Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia & China Probably a leptoceratopsid. Asiatosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China & Mongolia Two species have been named, which is impressive as both are only known from teeth. Auroraceratops Cretaceous herbivore China & South Korea A contemporary of Archaeoceratops. Aurornis Jurassic carnivore China Sometimes thought to be the oldest known bird. Avimimus Cretaceous omnivore Mongolia Its describer originally thought it could fly. Bactrosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China Named for the club-shaped spines on its vertebrae. Bagaceratops Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia Similar to Protoceratops. Bagaraatan Cretaceous carnivore Mongolia Probably a tyrannosauroid. Bainoceratops Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia A leptoceratopsid. Bakesaurus Cretaceous (unknown) China Uncertain, see article Balochisaurus Cretaceous herbivore Pakistan The species name is the name of the describer himself. Banji Cretaceous omnivore China It had small stripes on its crest. Baotianmansaurus Cretaceous herbivore China A large sauropod. Barsboldia Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia A hadrosaur with large spines on its vertebrae, possibly supported a high sail. Batyrosaurus Cretaceous herbivore Kazakhstan May be the same as Arstanosaurus. Beg Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia A neoceratopsian dinosaur named in 2020. Beipiaosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China Its discovery suggests therizinosaurs had feathers. Beishanlong Cretaceous omnivore China A giant, primitive ornithomimosaur. Bellusaurus Jurassic herbivore China A bone bed was discovered that may represent a herd that drowned in a flood. Bienosaurus Jurassic herbivore China An Asian cousin of Europe's Scelidosaurus. Bissektipelta Cretaceous herbivore Uzbekistan May be the same as Amtosaurus. Bolong Cretaceous herbivore China Known from a formation that produced a lot of feathered dinosaur fossils. Borealosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China A large sauropod of uncertain classification. Borogovia Cretaceous carnivore Mongolia Its "sickle claw" was unusually straight and flattened. Breviceratops Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia May be the same as Bagaceratops. Brohisaurus Jurassic herbivore Pakistan Probably one of the oldest titanosauriforms. Byronosaurus Cretaceous carnivore Mongolia Skulls found in an oviraptorid nest suggest it was probably a nest parasite. Caenagnathasia Cretaceous omnivore Uzbekistan A small oviraptorosaur. Caudipteryx Cretaceous omnivore China A very bird-like dinosaur. Ceratonykus Cretaceous omnivore Mongolia Its discovery led scientists questioning where alvarezsaurids fit taxonomically into Theropoda. Changchunsaurus Cretaceous herbivore China A small neornithischian. Changdusaurus Jurassic herbivore China Possibly a stegosaur. The remains are now lost. Changmiania Cretaceous herbivore China It was named "eternal sleep" after the position it was found when discovered. Changyuraptor Cretaceous carnivore China It had the longest tail feathers of any known non-avian dinosaur. Chaoyangsaurus Jurassic herbivore China A primitive ceratopsian. Charonosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China Basically an Asian version of North America's Parasaurolophus (it is also inconclusive if they are the same). Chialingosaurus Jurassic herbivore China Possibly similar to Kentrosaurus. Chiayusaurus Jurassic herbivore China A very obscure sauropod. Chilantaisaurus Cretaceous carnivore China It was one of the largest known theropods. Chingkankousaurus Cretaceous carnivore China A poorly known theropod, possibly a tyrannosauroid. Chinshakiangosaurus Jurassic herbivore China A large, primitive sauropod. Choyrodon Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia Similar to Altirhinus and from the same area. Chuandongocoelurus Jurassic carnivore China A close relative of Monolophosaurus. Chuanjiesaurus Jurassic herbivore China Classification is uncertain; it may be a mamenchisaurid. Chuanqilong Cretaceous herbivore China Known from only one specimen. Chungkingosaurus Jurassic herbivore China It may have had six or more spikes at the end of its tail. Chuxiongosaurus Jurassic herbivore China One of the many basal sauropodomorphs from China. Citipati Cretaceous omnivore Mongolia Many Oviraptor depictions are actually based on this animal. Conchoraptor Cretaceous omnivore Mongolia Once thought to have eaten shellfish, but this is disputed. Crichtonpelta Cretaceous herbivore China Based on remains once referred to Crichtonsaurus. Crichtonsaurus Cretaceous herbivore China Named after the author of the Jurassic Park novels. Daanosaurus Jurassic herbivore China A brachiosaurid only known from the remains of a juvenile. Dachongosaurus Jurassic herbivore China May be a sauropod. Damalasaurus Jurassic herbivore China May be a sauropod. Dashanpusaurus Jurassic herbivore China An Asian cousin of Camarasaurus. Datanglong Cretaceous carnivore China A carcharodontosaurid. Datousaurus Jurassic herbivore China A mamenchisaurid with an unusually short neck. Daxiatitan Cretaceous herbivore China Possibly one of the largest known dinosaurs. Deinocheirus Cretaceous omnivore Mongolia Originally known from a large pair of hands, more fossils were described in recent years. Deinonychus Cretaceous carnivore South Korea, USA Probably same as Koreanosaurus or it may be its own. Dilong Cretaceous carnivore China An early tyrannosaur. Dongbeititan Cretaceous herbivore China One of the only two sauropods from the Yixian Formation. Dongyangopelta Cretaceous herbivore China An obscure nodosaur. Dongyangosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China One of the few dinosaurs known from skeletal remains found in Zhejiang, China. EK troodont Cretaceous carnivore Mongolia An unnamed genus of troodontid dinosaur. Elmisaurus Cretaceous carnivore Mongolia Known from only a foot. Enigmosaurus Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia A therizinosaur with a strangely-shaped pubis. Eomamenchisaurus Jurassic herbivore China One of the earliest mamenchisaurids. Eosinopteryx Jurassic carnivore China Either a bird or an anchiornithid non-avian theropod. Epidendrosaurus Jurassic carnivore China Represents the same animal as Scansoriopteryx, different researchers use either of the two names to refer to the same animal. See article for more information. Epidexipteryx Jurassic carnivore China A small feathered dinosaur with four long feathers growing out of the tail. Equijubus Cretaceous herbivore China Microfossils suggest it ate grass. Erketu Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia A titanosauriform with an unusually long neck. Erliansaurus Cretaceous herbivore China A therizinosaur. Erlikosaurus Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia One of the few therizinosaurs from which skull material is known. Eshanosaurus Jurassic herbivore China Possibly the oldest therizinosaur, and by extension, the oldest coelurosaur. Eugongbusaurus Jurassic herbivore China Coined for the second referred species of Gongbusaurus. Euhelopus Cretaceous herbivore China Its discovery opened up the way for paleontology in China. Ferganasaurus Jurassic herbivore Kyrgyzstan One of the few known dinosaurs from Kyrgyzstan. Ferganocephale Jurassic herbivore Kyrgyzstan Originally thought to be a pachycephalosaur; currently classification is uncertain. Fukuiraptor Cretaceous carnivore Japan A member of the Megaraptora. Fukuisaurus Cretaceous herbivore Japan Analysis of the jaw bones suggest it couldn't chew. Fukuititan Cretaceous herbivore Japan One of the few known sauropods from Japan. Fukuivenator Cretaceous unknown Japan A maniraptoriform with a bizarre combination of traits. Fulengia Jurassic herbivore China Probably the same as Lufengosaurus. Fushanosaurus Jurassic herbivore China a sauropod from the Shishugou Formation. Fusuisaurus Cretaceous herbivore China A sauropod from China. Futabasaurus Cretaceous carnivore Japan Name not published officially and later used for a plesiosaur Gadolosaurus Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia Probably a juvenile Arstanosaurus. Gallimimus Cretaceous omnivore Mongolia A large ornithomimosaur. Gannansaurus Cretaceous herbivore China An unusually small sauropod. Ganzhousaurus Cretaceous omnivore China Coexisted with many other oviraptorosaurs. Garudimimus Cretaceous omnivore Mongolia Once thought to have a crest on its skull. Gasosaurus Jurassic carnivore China Named after the gasoline company that found its remains. Gigantoraptor Cretaceous omnivore China A large oviraptorosaur. Gigantspinosaurus Jurassic herbivore China It had large spines on its shoulders. Gilmoreosaurus Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia & Uzbekistan It may have been susceptible to cancer. Gobiceratops Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia A poorly known small ceratopsian. Gobiraptor Cretaceous omnivorous Mongolia an oviraptorian. Gobisaurus Cretaceous herbivore China An intermediate form between clubless and club-tailed ankylosaurs. Gobititan Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia A sauropod. Gobivenator Cretaceous carnivore Mongolia A troodontid. Gongbusaurus Jurassic herbivore China A poorly-known, possibly dubious ornithischian. Gongpoquansaurus Cretaceous herbivore China An ornithopod. Gongxianosaurus Jurassic herbivore China A very large, primitive sauropod. Goyocephale Cretaceous herbivore/omnivore Mongolia A flat-skulled pachycephalosaur. Graciliceratops Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia A primitive ceratopsian that walked on two legs. Graciliraptor Cretaceous carnivore China A close relative of Microraptor. Gspsaurus Cretaceous herbivore Pakistan It is represented by cranial and postcranial remains. Guanlong Jurassic carnivore China A primitive tyrannosauroid with a crest on its head. Gyposaurus Jurassic herbivore South Africa & China The Asian species may not belong to this genus. Hanwulosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China Reportedly an ankylosaur so unique it belongs within its own subgroup within the Ankylosauria. Haplocheirus Jurassic carnivore China A primitive alvarezsaur that still had three functional fingers. Harpymimus Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia A primitive ornithomimosaur with teeth. Haya Cretaceous herbivore/omnivore Mongolia Named after a horse-headed god in Mongolian mythology. Heilongjiangosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China May be a lambeosaurine hadrosaur. Heishansaurus Cretaceous herbivore China Possibly dubious. Helioceratops Cretaceous herbivore China An obscure basal ceratopsian. Hexing Cretaceous herbivore China An ornithomimosaur. Hexinlusaurus Jurassic herbivore China Named after scientist He Xin-Lu Heyuannia Cretaceous carnivore China Includes "Ajancingenia yanshini" Homalocephale Cretaceous herbivore/omnivore Mongolia A flat-headed pachycephalosaur. Huabeisaurus Cretaceous herbivore China A very large sauropod. Huanghetitan Cretaceous herbivore China May be one of the largest known dinosaurs. Huaxiagnathus Cretaceous carnivore China A compsognathid. Huayangosaurus Jurassic herbivore China A primitive stegosaur. Hudiesaurus Jurassic herbivore China A mamenchisaurid sauropod. Hulsanpes Cretaceous carnivore Mongolia Originally thought to be a bird; now it is thought to be a strange, semi-aquatic dromaeosaur. Ichthyovenator Cretaceous carnivore Laos A spinosaurid with two sails on its back. Incisivosaurus Cretaceous herbivore/omnivore China It had two prominent teeth. Irisosaurus Jurassic herbivore China The sister taxon to Mussaurus. Isanosaurus Triassic herbivore Thailand A very early sauropod. It is plausible that sauropods were born in Asia. Itemirus Cretaceous carnivore Uzbekistan Originally considered dubious. Jaxartosaurus Cretaceous herbivore Kazakhstan and China One of the many hadrosaurs of Kazakhstan. Jeholosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China A small ornithischian. Jianchangosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China A therizinosaur from which feather material is known. Jiangjunosaurus Jurassic herbivore China A stegosaur. Jiangshanosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China A titanosaur, not to be confused be Jingshanosaurus. Jiangxisaurus Cretaceous omnivore China An oviraptorosaur. Jinbeisaurus Cretaceous carnivore China Originally seen as a juvenile specimen of Tarbosaurus. Jinfengopteryx Jurassic/Cretaceous omnivore China A very bird-like troodontid. Jingshanosaurus Jurassic herbivore China A primitive sauropodomorph, not to be confused with Jiangshanosaurus. Jintasaurus Cretaceous herbivore China An ornithopod. Jinzhousaurus Cretaceous herbivore China An ornithopod from the Yixian formation. Jiutaisaurus Cretaceous herbivore China A sauropod. Kaijiangosaurus Jurassic carnivore China A poorly-known theropod. Kamuysaurus Cretaceous Herbivore Japan The first dinosaur reported from Japan since Fukuivenator in 2016. It was originally nicknamed "Mukawaryu". Kazaklambia Cretaceous herbivore Kazakhstan Once assigned to the wastebasket taxon "Procheneosaurus". Kelmayisaurus Cretaceous carnivore China Giant remains once attributed to this animal may actually belong to a sauropod. Kerberosaurus Cretaceous herbivore Russia One of the last saurolophines. Khaan Cretaceous carnivore/omnivore Mongolia A crestless oviraptorosaur. Khetranisaurus Cretaceous herbivore Pakistan One of the many sauropods from Pakistan, named by M. Sadiq Malkani. Kileskus Jurassic carnivore Russia A primitive tyrannosauroid. Kinnareemimus Cretaceous omnivore Thailand A primitive ornithomimosaur from Thailand. Klamelisaurus Jurassic herbivore China Possibly the adult form of Bellusaurus. Kol Cretaceous carnivore Mongolia Once one of the shortest dinosaur names. Koreaceratops Cretaceous herbivore South Korea Some scientists once thought it was semi-aquatic. Koreanosaurus Cretaceous herbivore South Korea & North Korea Possibly shows burrowing adaptations. Koreanosaurus Cretaceous carnivore? Korea A nomen nudum; name later used for a genus of ornithopod. Koshisaurus Cretaceous herbivore Japan One of the few knoen ornithopods from Japan. Kundurosaurus Cretaceous herbivore Russia Along with Kerberosaurus, one of the last saurolophine hadrosaurs. Kulceratops Cretaceous herbivore Uzbekistan Possibly dubious Kulindadromeus Jurassic herbivore Russia Its fossils show that even some ornithischian dinosaurs had feathers. Kunmingosaurus Jurassic herbivore China A nomen nudum Lamaceratops Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia Possibly the same as Bagaceratops. Lancanjiangosaurus Jurassic herbivore China Possibly a sauropod. Lanzhousaurus Cretaceous herbivore China It had the largest teeth of any known dinosaur. Leshansaurus Jurassic carnivore China An obscure megalosaur. Levnesovia Cretaceous herbivore Uzbekistan An obscure hadrosaur. Liaoceratops Cretaceous herbivore China A basal ceratopsian. Liaoningosaurus Cretaceous carnivore China One of the smallest known non-avian dinosaurs. Some scientists think it was a semi-aquatic fish-eater, the first ornithischian dinosaur known to do so. Limusaurus Jurassic herbivore China It had teeth as juveniles but lost them as adults, suggesting a change in diet. Lingwulong Jurassic herbivore China The oldest diplodocoid (and oldest neosauropod), and the first diplodocoid from China. Linhenykus Cretaceous carnivore China It had only one claw on its hands. Linheraptor Cretaceous carnivore China A dromaeosaur. Linhevenator Cretaceous carnivore China A troodontid. Liubangosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China A sauropod. Luanchuanraptor Cretaceous carnivore China A primitive dromaeosaur. Lufengosaurus Jurassic herbivore China Collagen proteins have been found on the rib of one specimen. Luoyanggia Cretaceous omnivore China An oviraptorosaur. Machairasaurus Cretaceous omnivore China An oviraptorosaur. Magnirostris Cretaceous herbivore China Named for its large beak. Mahakala Cretaceous carnivore Mongolia Recently found to be semiaquatic. Maleevus Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia A very dubious ankylosaur. Mamenchisaurus Jurassic herbivore China It had a very long neck for its body size. Mandschurosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China One of the first non-avian dinosaurs discovered in China. Marisaurus Cretaceous herbivore Pakistan A Pakistani sauropod. Megacervixosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China Possibly a diplodocid. Mei Cretaceous carnivore China The holotype was found in a bird-like sleeping position. Microceratus Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia Originally named Microceratops, but that was preoccupied by a wasp. Microdontosaurus (unknown) herbivore China Dating dubious Microhadrosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China Possibly a small hadrosaur. Micropachycephalosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China It had the longest genus name of any dinosaur. Microraptor Cretaceous carnivore China A "four-winged" dromaeosaurid from which hundreds of specimens are known. Minotaurasaurus Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia & China The only known skull was excavated illegally. Mongolosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China Known only from teeth Monkonosaurus Jurassic herbivore China A stegosaur; dating dubious. Monolophosaurus Jurassic carnivore China A primitive theropod. Mononykus Cretaceous carnivore Mongolia It had only one digit on its hands. Mosaiceratops Cretaceous herbivore China A recently described basal ceratopsian. Nankangia Cretaceous omnivore China A primitive caenagnathoid. Nanningosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China It may be a lambeosaurine. Nanshiungosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China A therizinosaur with unusual proportions. Nanyangosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China An ornithopod which lacked the claws on its thumbs. Nebulasaurus Jurassic herbivore China A close relative of Spinophorosaurus. It may have also had a thagomizer like the latter. Neimongosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China A therizinosaur. Nemegtomaia Cretaceous carnivore/omnivore Mongolia An oviraptorosaur originally named "Nemegtia". Nemegtonykus Cretaceous carnivore Mongolia An alvarezsaurid. Nemegtosaurus Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia One of the few known sauropods from Mongolia. Ngexisaurus Jurassic carnivore China May be a theropod. Ningyuansaurus Cretaceous omnivore China A primitive oviraptorosaur. Nipponosaurus Cretaceous herbivore Russia & Japan Despite its name, this dinosaur was actually discovered in Russia. Nomingia Cretaceous carnivore/omnivore Mongolia It may have had a tail fan like a peacock does. Nurosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China Also known as "Nuoerosaurus" Oksoko avarsan Cretaceous omnivore Mongolia An oviraptoridae named in 2020. Olorotitan Cretaceous herbivore Russia A hadrosaur with a relatively long neck and a distinctive hatchet-shaped crest. Omeisaurus Jurassic herbivore China A new species, O. puxani, was named in 2020. It might have had a tail club. Opisthocoelicaudia Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia May be the same as Nemegtosaurus. Oshanosaurus Jurassic herbivore China Apparently a sauropod. Otogosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China A poorly-known sauropod. Oviraptor Cretaceous omnivore Mongolia Originally thought to steal and eat eggs from other dinosaurs, hence its name, it turns out that this dinosaur was actually sitting on top of its own eggs in the fossil. Pachysuchus Jurassic herbivore China A dubious basal sauropodomorph. Pakisaurus Cretaceous herbivore Pakistan Named because it was found in Pakistan. Not to be confused with Pachycephalosaurus, which is sometimes referred to as "pachys". Parvicursor Cretaceous carnivore? Mongolia One of the smallest non-avian dinosaurs. Pedopenna Jurassic carnivore China Known from only a foot. Peishansaurus Cretaceous herbivore China It is unknown what type of ornithischian it was. Penelopognathus Cretaceous herbivore China A hadrosauroid. Phaedrolosaurus Cretaceous carnivore China Most of its remains have been transferred to the genus Xinjiangovenator. Philovenator Cretaceous omnivore China A troodontid. Phuwiangosaurus Cretaceous herbivore Thailand A euhelopodid sauropod from Thailand. Phuwiangvenator Cretaceous carnivore Thailand A megaraptoran theropod from Thailand. Pinacosaurus Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia & China This ankylosaur might have been particularly obese. Platyceratops Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia May be the same as Bagaceratops. Plesiohadros Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia One of the few knoen ornithopods from Mongolia. Prenocephale Cretaceous herbivore/omnivore Mongolia A common pachycephalosaur. Probactrosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China A hadrosauroid. Prodeinodon Cretaceous carnivore Mongolia & China Dubious, see article Protarchaeopteryx Cretaceous herbivore/omnivore China An oviraptorosaur that is particularly bird-like. Protoceratops Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia This basal ceratopsian lived in herds. Protognathosaurus Jurassic herbivore China A poorly-known early sauropod. Psittacosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China, Mongolia, Thailand, & Russia It has the most species of any non-avian dinosaur. Pukyongosaurus Cretaceous herbivore South Korea One of the few known non-avian dinosaurs from Korea. Qianzhousaurus Cretaceous carnivore China Due to its long snout, it was nicknamed "Pinocchio rex". Qiaowanlong Cretaceous herbivore China A Chinese sauropod. Qingxiusaurus Cretaceous herbivore China A Chinese sauropod. Qinlingosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China A poorly-known Chinese sauropod. Qiupalong Cretaceous omnivore Mongolia & Canada A specimen of this genus has been found in Canada. Quaesitosaurus Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia Known only from a partial skull. Raptorex Cretaceous carnivore Mongolia, China Stratigraphy is uncertain; it might have been from the Early or Late Cretaceous. If the latter then it may be a juvenile Tarbosaurus. Ratchasimasaurus Cretaceous herbivore Thailand An ornithopod from Thailand. Rinchenia Cretaceous omnivore Mongolia An oviraptorosaur. Ronaldoraptor Cretaceous omnivore Mongolia an undescribed oviraptorid. Ruyangosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China A large sauropod. Sahaliyania Cretaceous herbivore China A hadrosaur. Saichania Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia An ankylosaur. Sanchusaurus Cretaceous herbivore Japan May be synonymous with Gallimimus. Sangonghesaurus Jurassic/Cretaceous herbivore China May be synonymous with Tianchisaurus. Sanpasaurus Jurassic herbivore China Formerly considered an ornithischian, it is now thought to be a sauropod. Saurolophus Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia & Canada Remains of this genus have also been found in North America. Sauroplites Cretaceous herbivore China A poorly-known ankylosaur. Saurornithoides Cretaceous carnivore Mongolia A troodontid once thought to be a dromaeosaur. Scansoriopteryx Jurassic carnivore China Represents the same animal as Epidendrosaurus; different researchers use either of the two names to refer to the same animal. See article for more information. Segnosaurus Cretaceous herbivore/omnivore Mongolia One of the first known therizinosaurs. Shamosaurus Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia An ankylosaur. Shanag Cretaceous carnivore Mongolia An Early Cretaceous dromaeosaur. Shantungosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China The largest hadrosaur known to exist Shanxia Cretaceous herbivore China May be the same as Saichania. Shanyangosaurus Cretaceous (unknown) China It is unknown what type of theropod it was. Shaochilong Cretaceous carnivore China An Asian carcharodontosaurid. Shenzhousaurus Cretaceous herbivore China A primitive ornithomimosaur. Shidaisaurus Jurassic carnivore China Named after the company who owns the land where its fossils were found. Shishugounykus Jurassic carnivore China An alvarezsaur named for the Shishugou Formation where it was found. Shixinggia Cretaceous omnivore China An oviraptorosaur. Shuangmiaosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China An ornithopod. Shunosaurus Jurassic herbivore China A primitive sauropod with a club on its tail. Shuvuuia Cretaceous carnivore Mongolia An alvarezsaur and one of the smallest non-avian dinosaurs known. Siamodon Cretaceous herbivore Thailand An ornithopod from Thailand. Siamosaurus Cretaceous carnivore Thailand One of the few known spinosaurids from Asia. Siamotyrannus Cretaceous carnivore Thailand Once thought to be a tyrannosaur, it is now thought to be a metriacanthosauridae. Siamraptor Cretaceous Carnivore Thailand A carcharodontosaur from Thailand. Siluosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China A dubious ornithopod. Similicaudipteryx Cretaceous omnivore China Juveniles had different types of feathers than the adults. Sinankylosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China It shows the similarity between dinosaurs of East Asia and North America. Sinocalliopteryx Cretaceous carnivore China A large compsognathid. Sinoceratops Cretaceous herbivore China The first definitive ceratopsid from Asia. Sinocoelurus Jurassic carnivore China A dubious theropod. Sinopliosaurus Cretaceous carnivore China Actually a pliosaur; a referred species, "S." fusuiensis is actually a spinosaurid theropod. Sinornithoides Cretaceous carnivore China A troodontid. Sinornithomimus Cretaceous omnivore China A primitive ornithomimosaur that may have lived in groups. Sinornithosaurus Cretaceous carnivore China It was once thought to be poisonous. Sinosauropteryx Cretaceous carnivore China The colors of this dinosaur have been recreated. It was mostly orange-brown with a striped tail and a "bandit mask" around its eyes like a fox. Sinosaurus Triassic/Jurassic carnivore China Once thought to be Dilophosaurus sinensis Sinovenator Cretaceous carnivore China A troodontid. Sinraptor Jurassic carnivore China A metriacanthosaurinae (cousin of Metriacanthosaurus). Sinusonasus Cretaceous carnivore China A troodontid. Sinotyrannus Cretaceous carnivore China A very large proceratosaurid tyrannosauroid. Sirindhorna Cretaceous herbivore Thailand An ornithopod from Thailand. Sonidosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China A Chinese sauropod. SPS 100/44 Cretaceous carnivore/omnivore Mongolia — Known as the "EK troodontid" due to hailing from the Early Cretaceous. Stegosaurides Cretaceous herbivore China It may be either an ankylosaur or a stegosaur. Sugiyamasaurus Cretaceous herbivore Japan May be the same as Fukuititan Sulaimanisaurus Cretaceous herbivore Pakistan A Pakistani sauropod. Suzhousaurus Cretaceous herbivore China A therizinosaur. Szechuanoraptor Jurassic herbivore China A nomen nudum about which almost nothing is known. Szechuanosaurus Jurassic carnivore China A problematic species of theropod. Talarurus Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia A probably obese Mongolian ankylosaur. Tambatitanis Cretaceous herbivore Japan One of the few known sauropods from Japan. Locally known as "Tamba-ryuu" Tangvayosaurus Cretaceous herbivore Laos A sauropod from Laos. Tanius Cretaceous herbivore China A crestless hadrosaur. Taohelong Cretaceous herbivore China Closely related to Polacanthus from Europe. Tarbosaurus Cretaceous carnivore Mongolia & China Practically the Asian version of Tyrannosaurus rex. Tarchia Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia One of the youngest known Asian ankylosaurs. Tatisaurus Jurassic herbivore China Probably a basal thyreophoran. Tengrisaurus Cretaceous herbivore Russia A sauropod Therizinosaurus Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia It had large claws that are over 1 meter (3 feet) in length. Tianchisaurus Jurassic herbivore China One of the most primitive ankylosaurs. Its species name honours the actors in the film Jurassic Park. Tianyulong Jurassic omnivore China Its discovery suggests heterodontosaurids had quills. Tianyuraptor Cretaceous carnivore China A microraptorian with unusually short arms. Tianzhenosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China May be the same as Saichania. Tienshanosaurus Jurassic herbivore China A mamenchisaurid sauropod. Timurlengia Cretaceous carnivore Uzbekistan A primitive tyrannosauroid. Tochisaurus Cretaceous omnivore Mongolia A troodontid. Tonganosaurus Jurassic herbivore China An obscure sauropod. Tonouchisaurus Cretaceous (unknown) Mongolia A theropod, possibly a tyrannosaur. Tsaagan Cretaceous carnivore Mongolia A contemporary of Velociraptor. Tsagantegia Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia An ankylosaur. Tsintaosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China Despite classical reconstructions, it had a large, hollow crest. Tugulusaurus Cretaceous carnivore? China May be an alvarezsaur. Tuojiangosaurus Jurassic herbivore China One of the best-known Chinese stegosaurs. Turanoceratops Cretaceous herbivore Uzbekistan Possibly the first ceratopsid found outside North America (though non-ceratopsid ceratopsians are known from Asia) Tylocephale Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia A pachycephalosaur with a tall skull dome. Udanoceratops Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia A leptoceratopsid. Ultrasaurus Cretaceous herbivore South Korea Dubious, see article Urbacodon Cretaceous carnivore Uzbekistan A troodontid. Vayuraptor Cretaceous carnivore Thailand A coelurosaurian theropod. Velociraptor Cretaceous carnivore Mongolia & China Despite popular imagery, it was likely feathered. Vitakridrinda Cretaceous carnivore Pakistan An abelisaur. Vitakrisaurus Cretaceous carnivore Pakistan A noasaur. Wakinosaurus Cretaceous carnivore Japan A dubious Japanese dinosaur. Wannanosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China A primitive pachycephalosaur. Wuerhosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China & Mongolia A stegosaur that lived during the Cretaceous. Wulagasaurus Cretaceous herbivore China A hadrosaur. Wulatelong Cretaceous omnivore China An oviraptorid. Wulong bohaiensis Cretaceous carnivore China A microraptorine dromaeosaurid discovered in 2020 Xianshanosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China A large sauropod. Xiaosaurus Jurassic herbivore China Probably an ornithopod. Xiaotingia Jurassic carnivore China A cousin of Anchiornis. Xinjiangovenator Cretaceous carnivore China Formerly referred to Phaedrolosaurus. Xinjiangtitan Jurassic herbivore China A sauropod with an unusually long neck. Xiongguanlong Cretaceous carnivore China A primitive tyrannosauroid. Xixianykus Cretaceous (unknown) China An alvarezsaur. Xixiasaurus Cretaceous carnivore China A troodontid. Xixiposaurus Jurassic omnivore China A basal sauropodomorph. Xuanhanosaurus Jurassic carnivore China It was once thought to walk on four legs. This is now unlikely. Xuanhuaceratops Jurassic herbivore China A basal ceratopsian. Xunmenglong Cretaceous Carnivore China A Chinese compsognathid. Xuwulong Cretaceous herbivore China A hadrosaurid Yamaceratops Cretaceous herbivore Mongolia A recently discovered basal ceratopsian. Yandusaurus Jurassic herbivore China Probably an ornithischian. Yangchuanosaurus Jurassic carnivore China A large carnosaur. Yibinosaurus Jurassic herbivore China Probably a sauropod. Yimenosaurus Jurassic herbivore China A large basal sauropodomorph. Yingshanosaurus Jurassic herbivore China A stegosaur with unusually large shoulder spikes. Yinlong Jurassic herbivore China A basal ceratopsian. Yixianosaurus Cretaceous carnivore China The only anchiornithid to live in the Cretaceous. Yizhousaurus Jurassic herbivore China This name was a nomen nudum for eight years and was only formally described in 2018. Yongjinglong Cretaceous herbivore China A very large sauropod. Yuanmousaurus Jurassic herbivore China A mamenchisaurid sauropod. Yueosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China Probably a relative of Jeholosaurus. Yulong Cretaceous omnivore China A small oviraptorosaur. Yunganglong Cretaceous herbivore China A hadrosauroid. Yunnanosaurus Jurassic herbivore China A basal sauropodomorph. Yunxianosaurus Cretaceous herbivore Possibly a titanosaur. Yunyangosaurus Jurassic carnivore China First named in the 2019 SVP abstract book before it was formally described in 2020. Yutyrannus Cretaceous carnivore China The largest known dinosaur with evidence of feathers to date. Zanabazar Cretaceous carnivore Mongolia Formerly considered to be a specimen of Saurornithoides. Zhanghenglong Cretaceous herbivore China A hadrosauroid with an unusually-shaped aail on its back. Zhejiangosaurus Cretaceous herbivore China A nodosaur. Zhongornis Cretaceous (unknown) China Seems intermediary between Archaeopteryx and birds. It might be a bird itself. Zhongyuansaurus Cretaceous herbivore China Possibly the same as Gobisaurus. Zhuchengceratops Cretaceous herbivore China A ceratopsian. Zhuchengtyrannus Cretaceous carnivore China A large tyrannosaur. Zigongosaurus Jurassic herbivore China A mamenchisaurid sauropod. Zizhongosaurus Jurassic herbivore China Not to be confused with Zigongosaurus. This is a much more primitive sauropod. Zuolong Jurassic carnivore China A coelurosaur.
This is a timeline of selected dinosaurs from the list above. Time is measured in Ma, megaannum, along the x-axis.

See also
- Diet is sometimes hard to determine for dinosaurs and should be considered a "best guess"
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