List of Christian denominations affirming LGBT
Some Christian denominations do not consider homosexuality or transgender identity to be sins. These include entire religious denominations, as well as individual churches and congregations. Some are composed mainly of non-LGBT members and also have specific programs to welcome LGBT people, while others are composed mainly of LGBT members.
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Additionally, some denominations which are not LGBT-affirming have member-organized groups which are not officially sanctioned by the denomination. There are also ecumenical or para-church programmes that are explicitly outreaches to LGBT people, but do not identify with any particular faith tradition or denomination.
Today some Christian denominations are accepting of homosexuality and transgender identity and inclusive of homosexual and transgender people, such as the United Church of Christ and the Metropolitan Community Church. Formed in 1991, The Evangelical Network is a network of evangelical churches, ministries and Christian Workers that are a part of the LGBT community. The Evangelical Network holds an annual conference and provides education, ministerial support, and networking capabilities.
In 1946, Archbishop George Hyde of the Eucharistic Catholic Communion (a small denomination not in union with the Roman Catholic Church) celebrated mass for gay men in Atlanta. In 1956, the Church of ONE Brotherhood was founded in Los Angeles by a gay-rights activist.[1] In 1962, a Congregationalist pastor began an overt pastoral ministry to gay people in New York City. The first gay and transgender-specific denomination, as opposed to individual congregations, was the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches in 1968.[1]
Some congregations are merely non-discriminatory and LGBT-affirming while others are specifically oriented toward gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender persons.[1] Some local congregations, especially those designated as "Welcoming churches" in the Baptist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, United Church of Christ, Methodist, Episcopal, and Brethren/Mennonite denominations, may consist of a majority of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender members.[1]
While Unitarian Universalism is no longer explicitly a Christian religion, it does have Judeo-Christian roots. Both the Unitarian Universalist Association and the Canadian Unitarian Council have officially affirmed LGBT people and have openly advocated for gay rights.
Africa and Asia
- Aglipayan Church - officially known as Philippine Independent Church or Iglesia Filipina Independiente. The church has adopted an official and binding position of inclusion and full acceptance of LGBT individuals and organizations since 2017 after the question of inclusiveness was raised in an official leadership meeting by a gay member of the church in 2014. Its youth organization wing has also repeatedly elected presidents, vice presidents, and executives who belong to the Filipino LGBT youth sector.[2]
- Anglican Church of Korea[3] NOTE: The Anglican church has some clergy and congregations that support LGBT rights.
- Anglican Church of Southern Africa[4] NOTE: The Anglican church defines marriage as between a man and a woman, but does allow for the ordination of gay and lesbian clergy.[5] Bishop Mervyn Castle of False Bay was openly gay and celibate.[6] Also, for lay people, "Anglican bishops from across southern Africa have resolved that gay and lesbian partners who enter same-sex civil unions under South African law should be welcomed into congregations as full members of the church."[7][4] The Diocese of Saldanha Bay has proposed the blessing of same-sex unions with the bishop's support.[8]
- Church of South India[9][10] NOTE: The CSI opened ordination to transgender persons, has ministries specifically for transgender rights and some clergy support gay rights. The CSI is among the Anglican churches that "are open to changing Church doctrine on marriage in order to allow for same-sex unions" according to the BBC.[11]
- Evangelical Church of India
- Members Church of God International (Known as Ang Dating Daan as their Presiding Minister Bro. Eliseo Soriano is a Prominent Member of LGBT)
- United Church of Christ in Japan[12]
- United Church of Christ in the Philippines[13]
- Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa (Southern Synod)[14]
- Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa (NGK) NOTE: Each congregation may determine its own decision on gay marriage and gay ministers.[15] However, in November 2016 the Extraordinary Synod formally defined marriage as "a commitment between one man and one woman" and gay sex as a sin. Congregations are allowed to deny employment to married gays, but also allowed to define their own position. However, on 8 March 2019 a Pretoria high court judgment overturned the Dutch Reformed Church's decision not to recognise same-sex unions within the church. The Church decided not to appeal the decision. [96]
- Methodist Church of Southern Africa[16] NOTE: The church "accepts same-sex relationships (as long as such relationships are not...marriage)".
- Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa[17] NOTE: Each minister may exercise his or her conscience and support same-sex unions
- Alliance of Baptists
- Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists
- Cooperative Baptist Fellowship[19] NOTE: Each congregation determines its own position
- Evangelical Lutheran Church in America: the ELCA's document A Social Statement on Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust [23] notes "While Lutherans hold various convictions regarding lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationships, this church is united on many critical issues. It opposes all forms of verbal or physical harassment and assault based on sexual orientation. It supports legislation and policies to protect civil rights and to prohibit discrimination in housing, employment, and public services. It has called upon congregations and members to welcome, care for, and support same-gender couples and their families and to advocate for their legal protection."
- Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
- United Methodist Church's General Conference, voted forward a conservative "Traditional plan", defeating the more liberal "One Church plan." No discretion is allowed to ordain gay, lesbian, or bisexual clergy in same-gender relationships, or marry gay couples.[24] There is no prohibition on the ordination of transgender clergy and the Judicial Council ruled, in 2007, that transgender clergy can remain ordained.[25][26] The United Methodist News Service reiterated that there is no rule against transgender clergy.[27] The vote on the "Traditional Plan" was 53 percent in favor to 47 opposed.[28] The Judicial Council reviewed the plan and upheld 10 petitions while declaring 7 petitions, approximately 40 percent of the plan, unconstitutional.[29][30][31] UMC's Book of Discipline Article 4. [Inclusiveness of the Church] includes this statement: "All persons without regard to race, color, national origin, status, or economic condition, shall be eligible to attend its worship services... " and later, within part 304.4: "The practice of homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching. Therefore self-avowed practicing homosexuals are not to be certified as candidates, ordained as ministers, or appointed to serve in The United Methodist Church."[32] Previously, Annual Conferences had affirmed LGBT clergy and relationships through resolutions.[33][34][35][36][37] The South Carolina Annual Conference had passed a resolution supporting transgender rights.[38][39] The Western Jurisdiction elected the denomination's first openly and partnered lesbian bishop in 2016.[40] The North Central Jurisdiction considered an openly gay nominee for bishop although not elected.[41] Additionally, the Northeastern Jurisdiction passed a resolution supporting the option of allowing same-sex marriages.[42] On May 7, 2018 the Council of Bishops in the United Methodist Church, had proposed allowing individual pastors and regional church bodies to decide whether to ordain LGBT clergy and perform same-sex weddings, which came to be known as the One Church plan. Their proposal was rejected by the February 26, 2019 General Conference vote.[43] The highest level of the United Methodist Church will now strengthen punishments for 1) pastors who are non-celibate gay people, or 2) pastors who perform same-sex weddings. Nevertheless, the Western Jurisdiction, the German Central Conference, and other annual conferences within other jurisdictions have announced that they will not enforce the Traditional Plan and some of these have continued to ordain LGBTQ clergy.[44][45][46][47][48][49]
- United Church of Canada shares both the rich heritage of Methodist and Reform traditions. In 1925, Canadian Methodist Church, Canada, Congregationalists and some churches of the Presbyterian Church in Canada united to form the United Church of Canada. Within the United Church of Canada, congregations decide if they are Affirming or if they perform same sex marriages. Over 150 United Church congregations are either Affirming or are in the process of becoming Affirming congregations.
- Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)[50]
- Reformed Church in America[51] NOTE: Gay pastors may serve congregations if they were ordained in another denomination; some member churches allow gay marriage.
- Presbyterian Church (USA)[52]
- United Church of Christ[53]
- United Church of Canada Each individual congregation decides for itself whether or not to be Affirming or to solemnize same sex marriages. Over 150 United Church congregations are either Affirming or are in the process of becoming Affirming congregations. There are a number of other church bodies (some Presbyteries and Conferences) that have been designated as Affirming.
- Christian Universalist Association
- Community of Christ
- Disciples of Christ
- Ecclesia Gnostica
- Église Gnostique Catholique Apostolique
- Friends General Conference (Quakers)
- International Council of Community Churches[54]
- Mennonite Church Canada[55] NOTE: Each congregation determines its own position
- Mennonite Church USA[56] NOTE: Each conference determines its own position
- Metropolitan Community Church
- Moravian Church in America Northern Province[57]
- National Association of Congregational Christian Churches[58][59] NOTE: Each congregation is free to determine its own policy
- Reformed Anglican Catholic Church
- Restoration Church of Jesus Christ (Salt Lake City, Utah, US) — a Latter Day Saint denomination
- Swedenborgian Church of North America
- Unitarian Universalist Association[60] NOTE: Although no longer exclusively Christian, the denomination originated as such and is 'mainline'
- Unity Church
- Austrian, Belgium, Netherlands and Poland Ecumenical Catholic Communion
- Austria, Germany, Netherlands and Switzerland Old Catholic Church[61]
- Albania: Affirming Pentecostal Church International
- Austria: Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Austria[62]
- Belgium: United Protestant Church in Belgium[63]
- Croatia: Evangelical (Lutheran) Church in Croatia
- Denmark: Church of Denmark[64]
- France: United Protestant Church of France[65]
- Finland: Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland[66] NOTE: The church permits prayers of celebration following a civil union or marriage
- Germany: German Lutheran, reformed and united churches in Evangelical Church in Germany[67]
- Germany: The Social Ethics Ministry of the Central Conference of the United Methodist Church in Germany[68]
- Germany: Catholic Diocese of the Old Catholics in Germany
- Iceland: Church of Iceland[69]
- Italy: Lutheran Evangelical Church in Italy (CELI)[70][71]
- Italy: Union of Methodist and Waldensian Churches[72][73]
- Italy: United Protestant Church (Chiesa Protestante Unita)
- Ireland: Church of Ireland[74][75][76] NOTE: Two former archbishops of Dublin, two diocesan bishops, and several congregations affirm LGBTI people in the Republic.
- Ireland: Non-subscribing Presbyterian Church of Ireland[77]
- Ireland: Unitarian Churches in Ireland[78]
- Netherlands: Protestant Church in the Netherlands NOTE: to be decided by the local church council,[79] a map exists showing local churches affirming LGBT [80]
- Netherlands: Remonstrantse Broederschap [81]
- Netherlands: Mennonite Church in the Netherlands [82]
- Nordic and Baltic Episcopal Area Conferences of the United Methodist Church[83]
- Norway: Church of Norway[84]
- Poland: Christian United Church in Poland [85]
- Portugal: Affirming Pentecostal Church International
- Romania: Unitarian Church of Transylvania[86] NOTE: The deputy bishop endorsed same-sex unions
- Spain: Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church and Spanish Evangelical Church[87]
- Sweden: Church of Sweden[88]
- Switzerland: Evangelical Lutheran Church in Geneva (Genf)[89]
- Switzerland: Swiss reformed churches in Swiss Reformed Church[90]
- United Kingdom (UK)
- Church of England[91][92] NOTE: The church defines marriage as between a man and a woman, but also supports same-sex civil partnerships.[93] "The church has no truck with homophobia and even supports clergy who are in civil partnerships."[94] The C of E allows prayers to follow a civil same-sex marriage, and allows civil partnerships for gay priests.[95] In 2016, the Bishop of Grantham came out as the first openly gay bishop in a relationship.[96] The C of E voted to affirm transgender people.[97] The church approved services to celebrate and mark a person's gender transition.[98]
- Church in Wales[99][100] NOTE: A majority supports same-sex marriage; the church said LGBT people can be “honest and open, respected and affirmed”. The church also permits gay priests to enter into civil partnerships.[101] The church voted to explore approving same-sex marriages and blessings for civil partnerships.[102]
- Church of Ireland congregations in Northern Ireland may be affirming NOTE: the denomination remains in conversation as a whole;[103] in 2011, a senior cleric entered into a same-sex civil partnership and kept his post.[104]
- Scottish Episcopal Church.[105][106][107]
- Church of Scotland[108] NOTE: The Church of Scotland voted to permit pastors to enter into same-sex marriages
- The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) [109][110] NOTE: Not all Quakers view themselves as Christian; they are however an historically Christian religious group.
- International Council of Community Churches[54]
- Methodist Church of Great Britain[111] NOTE: The church may bless civil same-sex marriages
- Unitarian and Free Christian Churches[112]
- United Ecumenical Catholic Church
- United Reformed Church[113][114]
- Affirming Pentecostal Church International (Wales)
Latin America
- Argentina - Evangelical Church of the River Plate
- Argentina - United Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Argentina - Evangelical Methodist Church in Argentina
- Brazil - Affirming Pentecostal Church International
- Brazil - Christian Community of God (Authenticists)
- Brazil - Catholic Diversity
- Brazil - Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil (since 1998)[115]
- Brazil - Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil
- Brazil - United Presbiterian Church
- Chile - Evangelical Lutheran Church of Chile[116]
- Chile - Lutheran Church in Chile[117]
- Colombia - Affirming Pentecostal Church International
- Colombia - Methodist Church of Colombia Openly LGBTQ+ pastors may serve in churches and also same saxe/same gender weddings can be celebrated.
- Costa Rica - Costa Rican Lutheran Church[118]
- Costa Rica - Episcopal Church of Costa Rica[119]
- Cuba - Episcopal Church of Cuba[120]
- El Salvador - Episcopal Anglican Church of El Salvador[121]
- Peru - Lutheran Church of Peru[122]
- Uruguay - Evangelical Church of Uruguay
- Affirming congregations within the Anglican Church of Australia[123][124] NOTE: The Diocese of Perth, and other bodies, have voted to support same-sex relationships[125] The Diocese of Gippsland appointed an openly and partnered gay priest.[126] Though the Anglican Church of Australia does not have an official policy on homosexuality,[127] in the Seventeenth Session of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Australia in 2017, the Anglican Church of Australia passed a motion recognising "that the doctrine of our church, in line with traditional Christian teaching, is that marriage is an exclusive and lifelong union of a man and a woman, and further, recognises that this has been the subject of several General Synod resolutions over the past fifteen years".[128] In 2018, the Primate of Australia and Archbishop of Melbourne, Philip Freier, released an ad clerum reiterating the current position that clergy cannot perform a same-sex marriage.[129][130]
- Uniting Church in Australia[131][132]
- United Ecumenical Catholic Church in Australia[133]
- Metropolitan Community Church[134]
- Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)[135]
- Baptist Church of Australia - some Baptist congregations in Australia
- Universal Church of Love, Peace & Equality Inc [136]
New Zealand
- Anglican Church in New Zealand[137] NOTE: As of 2018, clergy may bless a same-sex union.[138] In 2014, the Anglican church voted to start a process toward allowing the blessing of same-sex relationships. The Dunedin Diocese already offers a "Liturgy for the Blessing of a Relationship" irrespective of gender.[139] The Anglican province has approved of allowing clergy "'to recognise in public worship' a same-gender civil union or state marriage of members of their faith community" with the bishop's permission.[140]
- Metropolitan Community Church in New Zealand[141]
- Presbyterian Church in Aotearoa New Zealand[142] NOTE: Individual congregations may be affirming, but the denomination is not affirming.
- Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in New Zealand
- United Ecumenical Catholic Church in New Zealand
- Uniting Congregations in New Zealand
- Some Baptist Churches - Ponsonby Baptist Church, and Cityside Baptist Church (Mt Eden), both in Auckland, New Zealand.
- Auckland Rainbow Community Church
Individual churches and congregations
- AChurch4Me (Chicago, Illinois, US)
- New Day Worship Center (Toccoa, Georgia, US)
- Blessed Ministry Community Church (Hong Kong)
- Broadway United Methodist Church (Indianapolis, Indianapolis, US)
- Cathedral of Hope (Dallas, Texas, US)
- Citichurch of Dallas (Dallas, Texas, US)
- City United Reformed Church (Cardiff, Wales)[143]
- Christ Chapel of the Valley (Los Angeles, California, US) - a member of the evangelical Christ Chapel Association of Churches
- Christ Church Cathedral (Anglican Church of Australia)[144]
- Chewelah United Church of Christ, Chewelah, Washington website
- Christ Church Cathedral (Church of Ireland)[145]
- Christ the Solid Rock Baptist Church in Madison (National Baptist Convention, USA Inc.)[146]
- Church of St. Luke and The Epiphany (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US) - Episcopal
- Church of the Valley (Van Nuys, California, US) - Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
- Danish Church of Buenos Aires, Argentina[147]
- EastLake Community Church (Bothell, Washington, US)
- Free Community Church (Singapore, Singapore)
- Garneau United Church (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada). Church website.
- Glendale City Seventh-day Adventist Church (Glendale, California, US)
- Glide Memorial Church (San Francisco, California, US)
- Kabahaghari United Methodists of the Philippines[148]
- Khandallah Presbyterian Church[142]
- Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church (San Francisco, California, US)
- Grace Gospel Chapel (Seattle, Washington, US)
- Seattle First Baptist Church (Seattle, Washington, US)
- Hagia Sophia Gnostic Church (Seattle, Washington, US) - Ecclesia Gnostica
- Light of Love Fellowship (St. Louis, Missouri, US)
- McDougall United Church (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada). Church website.
- Mayfair Presbyterian Church (Chicago, Illinois, US)
- Millwoods United Church (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada). Church website.
- Misión San Francisco de Asís in the Anglican Church of Mexico[149]
- One Church (Chandler, Arizona, US)
- Oriented to Christ (Hong Kong)
- Pullen Memorial Baptist Church (Raleigh, North Carolina, US)
- Journey Community Church, Downpatrick and Antrim, (Northern Ireland, UK)
- Robertson-Wesley United Church (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada). Church website.
- Sherwood Park United Church (Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada). Church website.
- Southminster-Steinhauer United Church (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada). Church website.
- Southwark Cathedral (Church of England)[150]
- Spirit of Joy Christian Church (Lakeville, Minnesota, US) - Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
- St. Aidan of Lindisfarne Celtic Church Maui, Hawaii
- St. Albert United Church (St. Alberta, Alberta, Canada)
- St. Andrew's Church, Subiaco, Perth, Australia in the Anglican Diocese of Perth[151]
- St. Andrew's Church on the Terrace in the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand[152]
- St. Andrew's United Church (Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada). Church website.
- St. Andrew's United Church (Lacombe, Alberta, Canada). Church website.
- St. David's Presbyterian Church in Auckland[142]
- St. John's and St. Andrew's at Waterloo (Church of England)[153]
- St. John's Cathedral (Anglican Church of Australia)
- St. John's in the City[142]
- St. Mark's Anglican Church (Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico) - a bilingual congregation
- St. Barnabas, Bethnal Green - Diocese of London (Church of England)
- St. Mary and St. Nicholas, Spalding (Church of England)[154]
- St. Mary's Battersea (Church of England)[155]
- St. Pancras Church (Church of England)[156]
- St. Patrick's Cathedral (Church of Ireland)[145]
- Tong-Kwang Light House Presbyterian Church (Taipei, Taiwan)
- University Baptist Church (Austin, Texas, US)
- St. Paul's Anglican Church (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)
- St. Paul's United Church (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)
- Wake Forest Baptist Church (Winston-Salem, North Carolina, US)
- Walnut Creek United Methodist Church (Walnut Creek, California, US)
- Living Spirit United Methodist Church (Minneapolis, Minnesota, US)
- Greenland Hills United Methodist Church (Dallas, Texas, US)
- Ekklesia Tou Theou (Church of God) (Cavite, Philippines)
- Olivet-Schwenkfelder United Church of Christ (East Norriton, Pennsylvania, US)
- Red Willow Community Church (Seventh-day Adventist) (St. Albert, Alberta, Canada)
- Open Doors Community Church (Seoul, South Korea)
- Trinity Episcopal Church (St. Louis, Missouri, US)
- Unity Fellowship of Christ Church (Los Angeles, California, US)
- York Minster (Church of England)[157]
- Cityside Baptist Church (Mt Eden) in Auckland, New Zealand
- Ponsonby Baptist Church in Auckland, New Zealand
Denomination-sanctioned programmes
The following denominations have LGBT-welcoming or affirming programmes, though not all churches within the denomination are necessarily members of the LGBT programme.
- Integrity and the OASIS are parachurch ministries, but operate under the official roof of the Episcopal Church (United States) and the Anglican Church of Canada. There are also official programmes identifying parishes in some dioceses.
- Supportive Communities Network — Church of the Brethren, Mennonite Church USA, and Mennonite Church Canada
- Open and Affirming — Christian Church (Disciples of Christ): Open and Affirming.
- Alliance Q — Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)[158]
- Welcoming Community Network (WCN). — Community of Christ
- Reconciling in Christ — Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
- More Light — Presbyterian Church (USA)
- Open & Affirming, All are Welcome — Reformed Catholic Church (USA) (International)
- Room for All — Reformed Church in America
- Affirm United/S'affirmer Ensemble — United Church of Canada
- Open and Affirming (ONA) — United Church of Christ
- Friends for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Concerns
Unofficial programmes
- Axios – an unofficial Orthodox-Christian association for LGBT Orthodox-Christians and same-sex-marriage activists working to promote recognition of same-sex marriage in the Church.
- Affirmation: Gay & Lesbian Mormons – Latter-day Saints
- Call to Action – Roman Catholic Church
- Changing Attitude (International) – group working for LGBT affirmation within the Anglican Communion. Conducts worship, training and workshops.
- Changing Attitude (UK) – same as above but particularly for the Church of England.
- DignityUSA – Roman Catholic Church. Works for inclusiveness but is not associated with particular congregations, nor is supported by the Church hierarchy. A separate organisation called Courage International promotes chastity amongst LGBT Catholics, and is supported by the Church hierarchy as it submits to the Church's official position on homosexuality.
- Fortunate Families – Roman Catholic Church
- Inclusive Church (multi-denominational, but principally Church of England/Anglican) – working for a range of inclusion within the Anglican Communion.
- Reconciling Ministries Network — United Methodist Church
- SDA Kinship International — Seventh-day Adventist Church
- Welcoming and Affirming — Baptist
- Covenant Network (Pentecostal) – Pentecostal
- Pink Menno Campaign — Mennonite Church USA
- GALA (Gay and Lesbian Acceptance) – Community of Christ. An unofficial organization of LGBT members of the church.
- Emergence International – Christian Science. An unofficial organization for LGBT members of the movement.
- The Fellowship of Reconciling Pentecostals International – Pentecostal
Programmes not affiliated with any particular denomination
- Accepting Evangelicals – Evangelical parishes accepting LGBT people
- Believe Out Loud – an online network that empowers Christians to work for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality
- Created Gay/Created Queer is a web ministry for LGBT+ Christians and their allies. Created Gay/Created Queer features LGBT+ focused sermons and devotionals, hundreds of resource links, book and movie reviews, and discussions of key Bible passages.
- European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups
- Evangelical Fellowship for Lesbian and Gay Christians (UK)
- Evangelicals Concerned: Gay and Transgender Christians
- Freedom2b is an Australian-based organisation that assists LGBTI people from Christian backgrounds on their journey to reconciling their faith, sexuality and gender identity.
- Ministering to LGBTQI Christians and friends of our community around the globe. We feature the largest welcoming and affirming Christian church directory in the world.
- Institute for Welcoming Resources (a programme of the National LGBTQ Task Force)
- Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement (UK)
- LGBT Christians (Russian: ЛГБТ-христиане Украины): Ukrainian multi-denominational organization
- LGBT Faith Leaders of African Descent (FLoAD)
- Nuntiare et Recreare: Russian multi-denominational organization
- Q Christian Fellowship (QCF) is a "nonprofit ministry supporting Christians worldwide who happen to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT)". QCF is an ecumenical ministry, welcoming Christians from a wide variety of backgrounds. QCF was founded in 2001 as The Gay Christian Network (GCN).
- Strength in Weakness Ministry
- Sybils: UK group for transgender Christians
- TalkToTheWord LGBT-sensitive Parsed Interactive Bible PIB by
- The Evangelical Network
- The NALT (Not All Like That) Christians
- Transfaith Online
See also
- Blessing of same-sex unions in Christian churches
- List of Christian denominational positions on homosexuality
- List of LGBT-related organizations, including religious organizations
- Social Gospel
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