List of generation I Pokémon
The first generation (Generation I) of the Pokémon franchise features the original 151 fictional species of creatures introduced to the core video game series in the 1996 Game Boy games Pokémon Red and Blue.

List of Pokémon by generation |
Related: List of Pokémon |
The following list details the 151 Pokémon of Generation I in order of their National Pokédex number. The first Pokémon, Bulbasaur, is number 001 and the last, Mew, is number 151. Alternate forms that result in type changes are included for convenience. Mega evolutions and regional forms are included on the pages for the generation in which they were introduced.
Design and development
The majority of first-generation Pokémon had relatively simple designs highly analogous to real-life creatures - including but not limited to: Pidgey (a pigeon), Krabby (a crab), Rattata (a rat), Ekans (a snake) and Seel (a seal). Many Pokémon in the original games served as the base for repeating concepts later in the series.[1]
List of Pokémon
Name | National Pokédex number |
Type(s) | Evolves into | Notes | ||
English | Japanese | Primary | Secondary | |||
Bulbasaur | Fushigidane (フシギダネ) | 1 | Grass | Poison | Ivysaur (#002) | Reception to Bulbasaur has been largely positive and it often appears in "top Pokémon lists".[3][4] Its English name is a portmanteau of "bulb" and "dinosaur".[5] It shares its category with Ivysaur, Venusaur and Sunkern. They are all known as the Seed Pokémon. |
Ivysaur | Fushigisō (フシギソウ) | 2 | Grass | Poison | Venusaur (#003) | Playable character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as a part of the "Pokémon Trainer" fighter. Its English name is a portmanteau of "ivy" and "dinosaur".[6] |
Venusaur | Fushigibana (フシギバナ) | 3 | Grass | Poison | Mega Evolution | Its English name is a portmanteau of "Venus" (relating to the Venus flytrap) and "dinosaur". It is the mascot of Pokémon Green and LeafGreen.[7] It is based on the Pareiasaur. |
Charmander | Hitokage (ヒトカゲ) | 4 | Fire | Charmeleon (#005) | Charmander is a bipedal, salamander-like creature with a flame at the tip of its tail. Its English name is a portmanteau of "char" and "salamander".[8] | |
Charmeleon | Rizādo (リザード) | 5 | Fire | Charizard (#006) | Charmeleon shares a nearly identical design to Charmander, though is larger in stature. Its English name is a portmanteau of "char" and "chameleon".[9] | |
Charizard | Rizādon (リザードン) | 6 | Fire | Flying | Two Mega Evolutions | [Gigantamax] Playable character as a part of the "Pokémon Trainer" fighter in Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, as well as a standalone fighter in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U. Its English name is a portmanteau of "char" and "lizard".[10] Its Gigantamax Form has literal fire for wings and has fire coming out of its body. Mascot of Pokémon Red and FireRed. |
Squirtle | Zenigame (ゼニガメ) | 7 | Water | Wartortle (#008) | Playable character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as a part of the "Pokémon Trainer" fighter. Its English name is a portmanteau of "squirt" and "turtle".[11] | |
Wartortle | Kamēru (カメール) | 8 | Water | Blastoise (#009) | Its English name is a portmanteau of "war", "tortoise" and "turtle".[12] | |
Blastoise | Kamekkusu (カメックス) | 9 | Water | Mega Evolution | Its English name is a portmanteau of "blast" and "tortoise". Mascot of Pokémon Blue.[13] | |
Caterpie | Kyatapī (キャタピー) | 10 | Bug | Metapod (#011) | To avoid predators, it releases an odor that makes bird Pokémon think twice about going after it. | |
Metapod | Toranseru (トランセル) | 11 | Bug | Butterfree (#012) | It tries to move as little as possible because if its fragile body broke, its liquid guts would spill out, killing it. | |
Butterfree | Batafurī (バタフリー) | 12 | Bug | Flying | End of evolution | [Gigantamax] If you put pollen out of your window, a Butterfree will come to you. A Gigantamaxed Butterfree can grow a tremendous size with huge light blue wings. |
Weedle | Bīdoru (ビードル) | 13 | Bug | Poison | Kakuna (#014) | Its stinger is poisonous so if it finds itself against a foe, it can protect itself for a while. |
Kakuna | Kokūn (コクーン) | 14 | Bug | Poison | Beedrill (#015) | Similar to Metapod, it can't really move because it is melting its own body to evolve. |
Beedrill | Supiā (スピアー) | 15 | Bug | Poison | Mega Evolution | Never go near a Beedrill nest because every Beedrill in the nest will angerly swarm you and sting you repeatedly, which is poisonous as well. |
Pidgey | Poppo (ポッポ) | 16 | Normal | Flying | Pidgeotto (#017) | The common bird of Kanto, Pidgey is a bird that will go after bug Pokémon until it scurries away. |
Pidgeotto | Pijon (ピジョン) | 17 | Normal | Flying | Pidgeot (#018) | Pidgeotto was the second Pokémon that Ash Ketchum caught on his journey in the anime. |
Pidgeot | Pijotto (ピジョット) | 18 | Normal | Flying | Mega Evolution | A lot of Trainers choose Pidgeot as their Pokémon because of the striking beautiful feathers it has. |
Rattata | Koratta (コラッタ) | 19 | Normal | Raticate (#020) | Criticized as a "filthy rodent" by GamesRadar and "rubbish" by the Official Nintendo Magazine[14][15] Its teeth grow very long over time, so it has to gnaw on logs, houses, telephone poles and more so it can be quite a pest at times. | |
Raticate | Ratta (ラッタ) | 20 | Normal | End of evolution | Raticate is a rodent that commands the groups of Rattatas to get it food. Like Rattata, it too needs to whittle its teeth down but it does so on harder objects like steel, wood, rocks, fruit, and more. | |
Spearow | Onisuzume (オニスズメ) | 21 | Normal | Flying | Fearow (#022) | |
Fearow | Onidoriru (オニドリル) | 22 | Normal | Flying | End of evolution | Its English name is a portmanteau of "fear" and "sparrow". |
Ekans | Ābo (アーボ) | 23 | Poison | Arbok (#024) | Ekans likes to coil itself because if it gets attacked while sleeping, it's all ready to strike at them. | |
Arbok | Ābokku (アーボック) | 24 | Poison | End of evolution | Belonged to Jessie, a member of Team Rocket, for the Kanto, Johto, and a small portion of the Advanced Generation series of the Pokémon anime. The pattern on its chest is different everywhere. It is hard to escape from its coil because its muscles are so strong. Even though its name is Arbok, what it pronounces is "Char-bok". | |
Pikachu | Pikachū (ピカチュウ) | 25 | Electric | Raichu (#026) | [Gigantamax] Mascot of the Pokémon franchise, as well as Pokémon Yellow and Let's Go, Pikachu! Also playable in every Super Smash Bros. game to date. Gigantamax Pikachu looks like its old sprite from Red and Blue with a glowing whitish tail. It raises its tail to check its surroundings and it sometimes gets struck by lightning in that pose. If Pikachu sees something new, it'll shock it with electricity. When you see blackened marks on the ground, Pikachu mistook its electrical power. | |
Raichu | Raichū (ライチュウ) | 26 | Electric | End of evolution | Raichu has an Alola Form that is an Electric/Psychic Type. | |
Sandshrew | Sando (サンド) | 27 | Ground | Sandslash (#028) | Sandshrew has an Alola Form that is a Steel/Ice Type. Based on the Chinese pangolin, Sandshrew is known to curl into a ball to defend itself similar to volvation seen in animals. | |
Sandslash | Sandopan (サンドパン) | 28 | Ground | End of evolution | Sandslash is a pangolin-like Pokémon Curls up into a spiny ball when threatened. It can roll while curled up to attack or escape. Sandslash has an Alola Form that is a Steel/Ice Type. | |
Nidoran♀ | Nidoran♀ (ニドラン♀) | 29 | Poison | Nidorina (#030) | It is related to the Nidoran♂ line, and can produce Eggs that contain either Nidoran♀ or Nidoran♂. However, it is the only one of its line that can breed, as Nidorina and Nidoqueen are part of the Undiscovered Egg Group. Both Nidoran's, Nidorina, Nidorino, Poipole, and Naganadel are known as the Poison Pin Pokémon. | |
Nidorina | Nidorīna (ニドリーナ) | 30 | Poison | Nidoqueen (#031) | When it's with its friends and family, it doesn't have its toxic horn out. As soon as danger appears, it is ready to fight. | |
Nidoqueen | Nidokuin (ニドクイン) | 31 | Poison | Ground | End of evolution | When protecting its young, it gains more strength than normal. Its hide is so strong, not much can hurt it. |
Nidoran♂ | Nidoran♂ (ニドラン♂) | 32 | Poison | Nidorino (#033) | ||
Nidorino | Nidorīno (ニドリーノ) | 33 | Poison | Nidoking (#034) | ||
Nidoking | Nidokingu (ニドキング) | 34 | Poison | Ground | End of evolution | Based on Baragon from the Godzilla franchise, It usually fights for the family if its offspring are in trouble. |
Clefairy | Pippi (ピッピ) | 35 | Fairy[nb 2] | Clefable (#036) | Originally proposed to be joint mascot of the Pokémon franchise alongside Pikachu, but was quickly overshadowed by the latter's popularity[16] | |
Clefable | Pikushī (ピクシー) | 36 | Fairy[nb 2] | End of evolution | Clefairy evolves into Clefable when coming contact with a moon stone | |
Vulpix | Rokon (ロコン) | 37 | Fire | Ninetales (#038) | When a Vulpix is born, it only has one white tail that splits into 6 if it gets plenty of love from its Trainer or mother. | |
Ninetales | Kyūkon (キュウコン) | 38 | Fire | End of evolution | Designs inspired by the nine-tailed fox of East Asian myth.[17] | |
Jigglypuff | Purin (プリン) | 39 | Normal | Fairy[nb 2] | Wigglytuff (#040) | Playable in every Super Smash Bros. game to date. |
Wigglytuff | Pukurin (プクリン) | 40 | Normal | Fairy[nb 2] | End of evolution | It doesn't care if its large eyes gets dust or dirt in them because its eyes are covered in a thin layer of fluid. |
Zubat | Zubatto (ズバット) | 41 | Poison | Flying | Golbat (#042) | It uses echolocation because it has no eyes. |
Golbat | Gorubatto (ゴルバット) | 42 | Poison | Flying | Crobat (#169) | Golbat loves to drink blood, however it sometimes drinks so much that it can't fly. |
Oddish | Nazonokusa (ナゾノクサ) | 43 | Grass | Poison | Gloom (#044) | It buries itself in the soil to absorb the nutrients. the more water it drinks, the glossier it becomes. |
Gloom | Kusaihana (クサイハナ) | 44 | Grass | Poison | Vileplume (#045) Bellossom (#182) |
If it senses danger around it, it produces a horrific stench from the leaves on its head. If there isn't, it's fine and the stench goes away. |
Vileplume | Rafureshia (ラフレシア) | 45 | Grass | Poison | End of evolution | Tour guides always say not to go up to any flower in the jungle, no matter how beautiful is because of this reason: it might just be a Vileplume which can spread toxic spores that will leave you sick for days. Vileplume is based on the Rafflesia, the world's smelliest flower. |
Paras | Parasu (パラス) | 46 | Bug | Grass | Parasect (#047) | When a Paras eats, its body isn't getting most of the nutrients, the mushrooms on its back are. Those mushrooms can also be used for medicinal purposes. |
Parasect | Parasekuto (パラセクト) | 47 | Bug | Grass | End of evolution | It hollows out trees to absorb its energy. When the tree dies, it will move on to the next. The mushroom has essentially killed it leaving its host to forage for it. |
Venonat | Konpan (コンパン) | 48 | Bug | Poison | Venomoth (#049) | |
Venomoth | Morufon (モルフォン) | 49 | Bug | Poison | End of evolution | |
Diglett | Diguda (ディグダ) | 50 | Ground | Dugtrio (#051) | Farmers like to use Digletts to plow the soil for crops to grow plentifully. | |
Dugtrio | Dagutorio (ダグトリオ) | 51 | Ground | End of evolution | ||
Meowth | Nyāsu (ニャース) | 52 | Normal | Persian (#053) | [Gigantamax] Reoccurring member of Team Rocket in the Pokémon anime series, Meowth loves anything shiny and will steal it if it can. Murkrow and Meowth will loot each other's stash all the time. Gigantamax Meowth is a tall, thin, Japanese version of it with glowing eyes. | |
Persian | Perushian (ペルシアン) | 53 | Normal | End of evolution | Belonging to Giovanni, the leader of Team Rocket in the Pokémon anime series, Persian will sneak up behind a foe so silently by retracting its claws. It will then pounce on them and rip them to shreds. | |
Psyduck | Kodakku (コダック) | 54 | Water | Golduck (#055) | When Psyduck's headache gets severe, it unleashes its psychic powers. | |
Golduck | Gorudakku (ゴルダック) | 55 | Water | End of evolution | It was almost hunted to extinction by hunters wanting its precious jewel on its forehead. | |
Mankey | Mankī (マンキー) | 56 | Fighting | Primeape (#057) | Mankey is a Snub-nosed monkey-like Pokémon that specializes in physical fighting and is very aggressive and short-tempered. When angry, Mankey begins shaking and its breathing turns rough. Its rage peaks quickly, preventing its victim from being able to flee. | |
Primeape | Okorizaru (オコリザル) | 57 | Fighting | End of evolution | Anything can make a Primeape's blood boil. Its not as smart when its really mad, though. However, sometimes it can get so mad, that it can die because it couldn't handle its anger. Primape is based on the Snub-nosed monkey. | |
Growlithe | Gādi (ガーディ) | 58 | Fire | Arcanine (#059) | A brave and loyal dog Pokémon that will bark and bite to defend its territory from intruders. Growlithe are popular throughout the Pokémon world as both guard dogs and police dogs. They are based on the Ryukyuan Shisa and Japanese Komainu lion-dog statues. | |
Arcanine | Uindi (ウインディ) | 59 | Fire | End of evolution | A fan-favorite Pokémon, Arcanine is among the strongest non-legendary Pokémon and has been described as having "the mane of a lion ... the stripes of a tiger [and] the speed of a panther."[18][19][20] | |
Poliwag | Nyoromo (ニョロモ) | 60 | Water | Poliwhirl (#061) | Poliwag is the favorite Pokémon of Satoshi Tajiri, creator of the Pokémon franchise. | |
Poliwhirl | Nyorozo (ニョロゾ) | 61 | Water | Poliwrath (#062) Politoed (#186) |
Poliwhirl is among the most-marketed Pokémon,[21] being used in a line of chewable vitamins as well as a line of toothbrushes.[22][23] | |
Poliwrath | Nyorobon (ニョロボン) | 62 | Water | Fighting | End of evolution | Capable of swimming the Pacific Ocean tirelessly. |
Abra | Kēshii (ケーシィ) | 63 | Psychic | Kadabra (#064) | Even when its sleeping, which it does most of its life, it can sense danger. When it is in danger, it will teleport to safety. | |
Kadabra | Yungerā (ユンゲラー) | 64 | Psychic | Alakazam (#065) | Kadabra has been the source of various controversies. The symbols on its body have been associated to those used by Nazi Germany's Waffen-SS. Furthermore, in November 2000, Israeli magician Uri Gellar sued Nintendo, claiming Kadabra embodies an unauthorized appropriation of his identity.[24][25][26] However, in 2020, he releases a claim that Nintendo can use Kadabra again. | |
Alakazam | Fūdin (フーディン) | 65 | Psychic | Mega Evolution | Due to its brain being too heavy in its head, it actually uses its psychic power to hold its head up. Its 5000 IQ makes it a very intelligent Pokémon. | |
Machop | Wanrikī (ワンリキー) | 66 | Fighting | Machoke (#067) | The best thing about Machop is that its muscles never get sore. It can hurl around 100 adult humans before it gets tired. | |
Machoke | Gōrikī (ゴーリキー) | 67 | Fighting | Machamp (#068) | ||
Machamp | Kairikī (カイリキー) | 68 | Fighting | End of evolution | [Gigantamax] It can throw around 1000 punches in two seconds and move mountains with one arm. | |
Bellsprout | Madatsubomi (マダツボミ) | 69 | Grass | Poison | Weepinbell (#070) | |
Weepinbell | Utsudon (ウツドン) | 70 | Grass | Poison | Victreebel (#071) | It has a hook on its rear end that it hooks on trees with and sleeps. When it wakes up, it might find itself on the ground because of the wind. |
Victreebel | Utsubotto (ウツボット) | 71 | Grass | Poison | End of evolution | |
Tentacool | Menokurage (メノクラゲ) | 72 | Water | Poison | Tentacruel (#073) | If Tentacool isn't in the water, it will shrivel up because it is mostly water. |
Tentacruel | Dokukurage (ドククラゲ) | 73 | Water | Poison | End of evolution | |
Geodude | Ishitsubute (イシツブテ) | 74 | Rock | Ground | Graveler (#075) | Sometimes mistaken as ordinary rocks, people mistakenly step on them resulting in them getting hurt. |
Graveler | Gorōn (ゴローン) | 75 | Rock | Ground | Golem (#076) | |
Golem | Gorōnya (ゴローニャ) | 76 | Rock | Ground | End of evolution | |
Ponyta | Ponīta (ポニータ) | 77 | Fire | Rapidash (#078) | Its Galarian form is a Psychic Type. | |
Rapidash | Gyaroppu (ギャロップ) | 78 | Fire | End of evolution | As a popular Pokémon, Rapidash is considered "universally appealing" to fans of cute and cool Pokémon alike.[27][28][29][30] | |
Slowpoke | Yadon (ヤドン) | 79 | Water | Psychic | Slowbro (#080) Slowking (#199) |
Slowpoke eats by dipping its tail in the water. Slowpoke tails are quite a delicacy. |
Slowbro | Yadoran (ヤドラン) | 80 | Water | Psychic | Mega Evolution | With Shellder's poison going through its body, it makes it even more spaced out than it already was. |
Magnemite | Koiru (コイル) | 81 | Electric | Steel[nb 3] | Magneton (#082) | Was a pure Electric Type in the first games, but had the Steel Type added in Gold and Silver. |
Magneton | Reakoiru (レアコイル) | 82 | Electric | Steel[nb 3] | Magnezone (#462) | |
Farfetch'd | Kamonegi (カモネギ) | 83 | Normal | Flying | No evolution[nb 4] | Farfetch'd is a duck-like Pokémon that has a green onion stalk for a weapon. It battles over stalks and eats them at starving times. It will die over its own stalk and battle for the best stalks. |
Doduo | Dōdō (ドードー) | 84 | Normal | Flying | Dodrio (#085) | |
Dodrio | Dōdorio (ドードリオ) | 85 | Normal | Flying | End of evolution | |
Seel | Pauwau (パウワウ) | 86 | Water | Dewgong (#087) | ||
Dewgong | Jugon (ジュゴン) | 87 | Water | Ice | End of evolution | |
Grimer | Betobetā (ベトベター) | 88 | Poison | Muk (#089) | It eats sewer waste for food. Its body is very slippery so it can slip through almost any opening. | |
Muk | Betobeton (ベトベトン) | 89 | Poison | End of evolution | ||
Shellder | Sherudā (シェルダー) | 90 | Water | Cloyster (#091) | ||
Cloyster | Parushen (パルシェン) | 91 | Water | Ice | End of evolution | |
Gastly | Gōsu (ゴース) | 92 | Ghost | Poison | Haunter (#093) | Hides under structures to stop the wind from blowing away its gaseous matter. |
Haunter | Gōsuto (ゴースト) | 93 | Ghost | Poison | Gengar (#094) | |
Gengar | Gengā (ゲンガー) | 94 | Ghost | Poison | Mega Evolution | [Gigantamax] Owing to its simplistic yet appealing design, Gengar is Ken Sugimori's favorite Pokémon as of the release of X and Y.[31] |
Onix | Iwāku (イワーク) | 95 | Rock | Ground | Steelix (#208) | Though its design has been praised, critics deem Onix underpowered compared to other rock-types of its generation.[1][32][33][34] |
Drowzee | Surīpu (スリープ) | 96 | Psychic | Hypno (#097) | Drowzee is based on the dream-eating Tapir, Baku. | |
Hypno | Surīpā (スリーパー) | 97 | Psychic | End of evolution | Hypno is based on the dream-eating Tapir, Baku. | |
Krabby | Kurabu (クラブ) | 98 | Water | Kingler (#099) | ||
Kingler | Kingurā (キングラー) | 99 | Water | End of evolution | [Gigantamax] | |
Voltorb | Biriridama (ビリリダマ) | 100 | Electric | Electrode (#101) | Voltorb and Electrode are some of the least popular Pokémon because of their Pokéball-inspired designs. | |
Electrode | Marumain (マルマイン) | 101 | Electric | End of evolution | ||
Exeggcute | Tamatama (タマタマ) | 102 | Grass | Psychic | Exeggutor (#103) | |
Exeggutor | Nasshī (ナッシー) | 103 | Grass | Psychic | End of evolution | A coconut tree-like Pokémon based on the Jinmenju and the favorite Pokémon of Tsunekazu Ishihara, president and CEO of The Pokémon Company, having used it throughout the debugging phase of Pokémon Red and Green. |
Cubone | Karakara (カラカラ) | 104 | Ground | Marowak (#105) | The stains on its skull are caused by the tears it sheds knowing it will never see its mother again. | |
Marowak | Garagara (ガラガラ) | 105 | Ground | End of evolution | Marowak has an Alola Form that is a Ghost/Fire type. | |
Hitmonlee | Sawamurā (サワムラー) | 106 | Fighting | End of evolution | Hitmonlee's design is based on Headless men, from Greco-Roman mythology. It may be also be based on Kabandha, a demon from Hindu Mythology. Its name is derived from actor and martial artist Bruce Lee. | |
Hitmonchan | Ebiwarā (エビワラー) | 107 | Fighting | End of evolution | Its name is derived from actor and martial artist Jackie Chan. | |
Lickitung | Beroringa (ベロリンガ) | 108 | Normal | Lickilicky (#463) | It can swiftly pick up a small bean with its tongue better than its hands or feet. If it licks you and you don't clean it off, it'll break out into a rash. | |
Koffing | Dogāsu (ドガース) | 109 | Poison | Weezing (#110) | Koffing is based on air pollution. | |
Weezing | Matadogasu (マタドガス) | 110 | Poison | End of evolution | A Weezing belonged to James of Team Rocket in the Kanto and Johto series of the Pokémon anime and for a small portion of the Advanced Generation series. | |
Rhyhorn | Saihōn (サイホーン) | 111 | Ground | Rock | Rhydon (#112) | Its tackles can demolish skyscrapers but its memory isn't the best. Once it starts going, it can't remember why it started. |
Rhydon | Saidon (サイドン) | 112 | Ground | Rock | Rhyperior (#464) | Rhydon was the first Pokémon created by Game Freak.[35] |
Chansey | Rakkī (ラッキー) | 113 | Normal | Blissey (#242) | In generation II, Blissey (#242) was added and in generation IV Happiny (#440) was added. Initially however, Chansey was a single staged Pokémon. | |
Tangela | Monjara (モンジャラ) | 114 | Grass | Tangrowth (#465) | ||
Kangaskhan | Garūra (ガルーラ) | 115 | Normal | Mega Evolution | In Pokémon Go, Kangaskhan is exclusively found in Australia. | |
Horsea | Tattsū (タッツー) | 116 | Water | Seadra (#117) | Horsea and Seadra are based on seahorses.[36] | |
Seadra | Shīdora (シードラ) | 117 | Water | Kingdra (#230) | ||
Goldeen | Tosakinto (トサキント) | 118 | Water | Seaking (#119) | Goldeen and Seaking are based on goldfish.[36] | |
Seaking | Azumaō (アズマオウ) | 119 | Water | End of evolution | ||
Staryu | Hitodeman (ヒトデマン) | 120 | Water | Starmie (#121) | Staryu, known as the Star Shape Pokémon, is a basic, Water-type Pokémon which resembles a starfish. | |
Starmie | Sutāmī (スターミー) | 121 | Water | Psychic | End of evolution | Starmie, known as the Mysterious Pokémon, resembles a sea star. Starmie appears to have a second star growing on its back, which is semi-attached, being able to spin 360°. Starmie has a red jewel core, which resembles a cut precious stone and seems to shine with the seven colors of the rainbow when looked at from different angles,[37] but usually shows up red more than any other color. It can also emit electrical waves from the core that are powerful enough to reach the furthest parts of the universe.[38] |
Mr. Mime | Bariyādo (バリヤード) | 122 | Psychic | Fairy[nb 5] | End of evolution[nb 6] | Its pantomiming is the best in the world. If someone interrupts it, it will harshly slap whoever did it with its big, broad hands that can form invisible walls just by vibrating it fingertips. |
Scyther | Sutoraiku (ストライク) | 123 | Bug | Flying | Scizor (#212) | IGN and GamesRadar have praised Scyther's "cool" design.[39][40][41] |
Jynx | Rūjura (ルージュラ) | 124 | Ice | Psychic | End of evolution | Jynx has spawned controversy due to aspects of its design being similar to blackface, leading Game Freak to change the color of its skin from black to purple.[42][43][44][45][46] When Pokémon Yellow was re-released on the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console, the in-game sprite of Jynx was edited to reflect this change.[46] |
Electabuzz | Erebū (エレブー) | 125 | Electric | Electivire (#466) | It gathers near power plants to feast on electricity. In the dark, it glows a whitish blue color. | |
Magmar | Būbā (ブーバー) | 126 | Fire | Magmortar (#467) | While Magmar was voted the eighth best fire-type Pokémon by the Official Nintendo Magazine readers,[47] GamesRadar has criticized its design multiple times, noting that its forehead resembles a butt.[48][49] | |
Pinsir | Kairosu (カイロス) | 127 | Bug | Mega Evolution | It likes to throw things with its massive horns. It can throw things 2x its weight. | |
Tauros | Kentarosu (ケンタロス) | 128 | Normal | No evolution | It is voiced by Toshiyuki Morikawa in Pokémon X and Y - present. | |
Magikarp | Koikingu (コイキング) | 129 | Water | Gyarados (#130) | Magikarp holds the distinction of being mostly useless in the games, until it evolves into the superior Gyarados. Magikarp is based on the common carp.[36] | |
Gyarados | Gyaradosu (ギャラドス) | 130 | Water | Flying | Mega Evolution | In the beta versions for Pokémon Red and Blue, Gyarados was originally named "Skullkraken". Gyarados is inspired by the myth of a carp jumping over the Dragon Gate. Its vicious and raging attitude can decimate cities. |
Lapras | Rapurasu (ラプラス) | 131 | Water | Ice | No evolution | [Gigantamax] Has a very gentle nature. Was hunted before it became illegal. Gigantamax Lapras is exclusive to Shield. |
Ditto | Metamon (メタモン) | 132 | Normal | No evolution | The favorite Pokémon of Hideo Kojima,[50] Ditto is capable of transforming into any Pokémon it comes across. | |
Eevee | Ībui (イーブイ) | 133 | Normal | Multiple[nb 7] | [Gigantamax] Eevee is often considered among the "cutest" Pokémon in the franchise.[51][52][53][54] Because of this, Eevee is featured on various Pokémon-related merchandise.[55][56][57] Mascot of Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee! | |
Vaporeon | Shawāzu (シャワーズ) | 134 | Water | End of Evolution | When its in water, because its molecules are very similar to water, it will seem to invisibly melt in water. | |
Jolteon | Sandāsu (サンダース) | 135 | Electric | End of evolution | Jolteon and Zapdos's romanized Japanese names are almost exactly the same as each other's, with a final's being the only difference. | |
Flareon | Būsutā (ブースター) | 136 | Fire | End of evolution | Flareon shares its category name with Charmeleon, Charizard, Moltres, and Infernape. They are all known as the Flame Pokémon. | |
Porygon | Porigon (ポリゴン) | 137 | Normal | Porygon2 (#233) | Porygon has become notorious for being featured in an episode of the anime that caused widespread epileptic seizures in Japanese viewers.[58] It can be really helpful with scientists because since it can go in to cyberspace at will, it looks for malicious malware in computers. | |
Omanyte | Omunaito (オムナイト) | 138 | Rock | Water | Omastar (#139) | A fossil Pokémon that must be revived from the helix fossil. |
Omastar | Omusutā (オムスター) | 139 | Rock | Water | End of evolution | Omastar is very popular in the community and commonly referred to as "Lord Helix". This is a reference to Twitch Plays Pokémon, where the Pokémon was seen as a good luck charm. |
Kabuto | Kabuto (カブト) | 140 | Rock | Water | Kabutops (#141) | A fossil Pokémon that must be revived from the dome fossil. |
Kabutops | Kabutopusu (カブトプス) | 141 | Rock | Water | End of evolution | Its slender body makes it a very fast swimmer. |
Aerodactyl | Putera (プテラ) | 142 | Rock | Flying | Mega Evolution | A fossil Pokémon that must be revived from the old amber. It used to rule the skies back when it was alive. Now not even computers can't even revive it to make it what it used to look like. |
Snorlax | Kabigon (カビゴン) | 143 | Normal | End of evolution | [Gigantamax] It is carefree about everything and it will allow children to play on its vast belly while it sleeps all day. After eating around 500 pounds of food, it goes flat to sleep for awhile. | |
Articuno | Furīzā (フリーザー) | 144 | Ice | Flying | No evolution | Part of the Legendary Birds. The naming conventions for this trio are based on their type - Artic, Zap and Molt - along with a 1, 2, 3 in Spanish - uno, dos, tres. As it flies, snow drifts from its wings. |
Zapdos | Sandā (サンダー) | 145 | Electric | Flying | No evolution | Part of the Legendary Birds. Design inspired by the Indigenous North American myth of the thunderbird.[17] |
Moltres | Faiyā (ファイヤー) | 146 | Fire | Flying | No evolution | Part of the Legendary Birds. Design inspired by the firebird of Slavic folklore.[17] |
Dratini | Miniryū (ミニリュウ) | 147 | Dragon | Dragonair (#148) | Its existence was unknown until a fisherman pulled it up after fishing for 10 hours straight. | |
Dragonair | Hakuryū (ハクリュー) | 148 | Dragon | Dragonite (#149) | ||
Dragonite | Kairyū (カイリュー) | 149 | Dragon | Flying | End of evolution | Pseudo-Legendary. It zooms off over seas to challenge other Pokemon. |
Mewtwo | Myūtsū (ミュウツー) | 150 | Psychic | Two Mega Evolutions | Legendary. One of the playable characters in Super Smash Bros. Melee, Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Its genes were spliced and restructured from Mew's. However, its attutude is far more vile that it. Plus some say its the strongest Pokemon out there, but no one can say for sure. | |
Mew | Myū (ミュウ) | 151 | Psychic | No evolution | Only available through Nintendo events. It can turn invisible at will and it can turn into anything at will. | |
MissingNo. | Ketsuban (けつばん) | None[nb 8] | Bird[nb 9] | Normal | No evolution | An error handler species, "Missing Number" was created to handle attempts at accessing nonexistent Pokémon species.[59][60] It is regarded as one of the most famous and popular glitches in video game history.[61] |
- Details on Pokémon names, National Pokédex numbers, types and evolutions are obtained from The Pokémon Company International's online Pokédex.[2]
- Prior to X and Y, Clefairy, Clefable, Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff were pure Normal types.
- Prior to Gold and Silver, Magnemite and Magneton were pure Electric types.
- Only Galarian Farfetch'd (introduced in Pokémon Sword and Shield) are capable of evolving into Sirfetch'd.
- Prior to X and Y, Mr. Mime was a pure Psychic type.
- Only Galarian Mr. Mime (introduced in Pokémon Sword and Shield) are capable of evolving into Mr. Rime.
- Eevee is capable of evolving into Vaporeon (#134), Jolteon (#135), Flareon (#136), Espeon (#196), Umbreon (#197), Leafeon (#470), Glaceon (#471) or Sylveon (#700).
- MissingNo. is programmed with the Kanto Pokédex number "000"; however, it doesn't exist in the National Pokédex
- Bird type was a scrapped typing for Generations I and II; however, coding for it remains within the games. MissingNo. dons the type in Red, Blue and Green versions; however, it is replaced by a randomly generated glitch type in Yellow.
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