List of members of the 2nd Parliament of Zimbabwe

This is a list of members of the 2nd Parliament of Zimbabwe, which began in 1985 and expired in 1990. The Parliament of Zimbabwe is composed of the Senate and the House of Assembly. The 2nd Parliament's membership was set by the 1985 election, which gave ZANU–PF a nearly ⅔ majority, with PF–ZAPU taking most of the remaining seats. Of the 20 seats reserved for whites, 15 were held by the Conservative Alliance of Zimbabwe, with the moderate Independent Zimbabwe Group all but one of the remaining five seats.


Party Abbreviation
Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front ZANU–PF
Patriotic Front – Zimbabwe African People's Union PF–ZAPU
Conservative Alliance of Zimbabwe CAZ
Independent Zimbabwe Group IZG
Zimbabwe African National Union – Ndonga ZANU–Ndonga
Independent Ind.


House of Assembly

Common roll

Most of the elected MPs for ZAPU joined ZANU–PF in 1987 as a result of the Unity Accord, which merged the two parties.

Constituency Name Party
Manicaland Province
Buhera North Kenneth Manyonda ZANU–PF
Buhera South Kumbirai Kangai ZANU–PF
Chimanimani Simon Musutani Sithole ZANU–PF
Chipinge Goodson Sithole ZANU–Ndonga
Makoni East Naomi Nhiwatiwa ZANU–PF
Makoni West Moven Mahachi ZANU–PF
Mutare East Lazarus Nzarayebani ZANU–PF
Mutare Urban Edgar Tekere ZANU–PF
Mutare West Moton Malianga ZANU–PF
Mutasa Victoria Chitepo ZANU–PF
Nyanga Chimbidzayi Sanyangare ZANU–PF
Mashonaland Central Province
Bindura–Shamva Joice Mujuru ZANU–PF
Darwin George Rutanhirae ZANU–PF
Guruve Rackson Mucheki ZANU–PF
Mazowe Chenhanho Chimutengwende ZANU–PF
Rushinga Paddington Zvorwadza ZANU–PF
Mashonaland East Province
Chinamora Herbert Ushewokunze ZANU–PF
Chitungwiza Witness Mangwende ZANU–PF
Dzivarasekwa Maurice Nyagumbo ZANU–PF
Glen View Idah Mashonganyika ZANU–PF
Goromonzi Kenneth Bute ZANU–PF
Harare Bernard Chidzero ZANU–PF
Highfield Robert Mugabe ZANU–PF
Manyame Robert Marere ZANU–PF
Marondera Sydney Sekeramayi ZANU–PF
Mbare Edward Pswarayi ZANU–PF
Mudzi Abraham Kabasa ZANU–PF
Mufakose John Zhakata ZANU–PF
Mukuvusi Amos Midzi ZANU–PF
Murewa North Rudo Mungwashu ZANU–PF
Murewa South David Karimanzira ZANU–PF
Mutoko Richard Katsande ZANU–PF
Wedza Joseph Jekanyika ZANU–PF
Zengeza John Madzinga ZANU–PF
Mashonaland West Province
Chegutu East Mudzingwa Kadenhe ZANU–PF
Chegutu West Enos Chikowore ZANU–PF
Kadoma Charles Ndhlovu ZANU–PF
Kariba Kenneth Mano PF–ZAPU
Karoi Edgar Kwenda ZANU–PF
Makonde East Sabina Mugabe ZANU–PF
Makonde North Swithun Mombeshora ZANU–PF
Makonde West Nathan Shamuyarira ZANU–PF
Masvingo Province
Bikita Gabriel Machinga ZANU–PF
Chiredzi North Henry Pote ZANU–PF
Chiredzi South Titus Maluleke ZANU–PF
Chivi Josaya Hungwe ZANU–PF
Gutu North Oliver Munyaradzi ZANU–PF
Gutu South Shuvai Mahofa ZANU–PF
Masvingo North Dzingai Mutumbuka ZANU–PF
Masvingo South Eddison Zvobgo ZANU–PF
Mwenezi Justin Machava ZANU–PF
Ndanga East Simbi Mubako ZANU–PF
Ndanga–Zimuto Mayor Urimbo ZANU–PF
Matabeleland North Province
Binga Francis Munkombwe PF–ZAPU
Bulawayo Lot Senda PF–ZAPU
Hwange–Tsholotsho David Kwidini PF–ZAPU (before 1986)
ZANU–PF (after 1986)[1]
Lupane Micah Bhebe PF–ZAPU
Magwegwe Joshua Nkomo PF–ZAPU
Mpopoma Sydney Malunga PF–ZAPU
Nkayi Welshman Mabhena PF–ZAPU
Nyamandhlovu John Nkomo PF–ZAPU
Pelandaba Joseph Msika PF–ZAPU
Matabeleland South Province
Beitbridge Kembo Mohadi PF–ZAPU
Bulalima–Mangwe Isaac Nyathi PF–ZAPU
Gwanda Edward Ndlovu PF–ZAPU
Insiza Naison Ndlovu PF–ZAPU
Matobo Stephen Nkomo PF–ZAPU
Mzingwane Thenjiwe Lesabe PF–ZAPU
Midlands Province
Charter East Ernest Kadungure ZANU–PF
Chirumanzu Frederick Shava ZANU–PF
Gokwe East Byron Hove ZANU–PF
Gokwe West Jesiniahs Makanganise ZANU–PF
Gweru Rural Ernest Tongogara ZANU–PF
Gweru Urban Simon Muzenda ZANU–PF
Kwekwe East Emmerson Mnangagwa ZANU–PF
Kwekwe West Josiah Chinyati ZANU–PF
Mberengwa North Richard Hove ZANU–PF
Mberengwa South Ben Matanga ZANU–PF
Shurugwi Simbarashe Mumbengegwi ZANU–PF
Zvishavane Julia Tukai Zvobgo ZANU–PF

White roll

The following were the members elected on the white roll for the 20 seats in Parliament reserved for whites. In September 1987, having achieved the support of 75% of the House of Assembly as required under the Lancaster House Agreement, the constitution was amended to abolish the white roll constituencies. Twenty further members (including many of the former white MPs who were supportive of ZANU–PF) were co-opted onto the House of Assembly to replace them.

Constituency Name Party
Avondale John Landau IZG (before 1987)
ZANU–PF (after 1987)
Borrowdale Tony Read IZG
Bulawayo Central Ian Smith CAZ
Bulawayo North Guybon Cumming CAZ
Bulawayo South Graham Biffen CAZ
Central Tony Berkhout CAZ
Eastern Desmond Butler CAZ
Hatfield Dennis Johnson CAZ
Highlands Charles Duke CAZ (before 1986)
ZANU–PF (after 1986)
Kadoma–Chegutu Gerald Smith CAZ
Kopje Shaw Dyson CAZ
Makoni Jock Kay IZG (before 1987)
ZANU–PF (after 1987)
Marlborough William Irvine IZG
Mazowe–Mutoko Mark Partridge CAZ
Midlands Vernon Tapson CAZ
Northern Bertram Ankers CAZ
Mount Pleasant Chris Andersen Ind. (before 1987)
ZANU–PF (after 1987)
Runde Johan Christiaan Welman CAZ
Southern David Clive Mitchell CAZ
Western Stephen Locke CAZ


  1. Summary of World Broadcasts: Non-Arab Africa. BBC Monitoring Service. 1986. p. 11.
  • Zimbabwe Government Gazette, 12 July 1985
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