List of minor planets named after animals and plants

This is a list of minor planets named after animals and plants.[1]


Minor planetName MeaningCommon namesCrossRefs
702 AlaudaAlauda (genus)larksMoMP · LoMP
706 HirundoHirundo (genus)passerinesMoMP · LoMP
709 FringillaFringilla (genus)finchesMoMP · LoMP
713 LusciniaLuscinia (genus)smallish passerine birds, nightingalesMoMP · LoMP
1320 ImpalaAepyceros melampusImpala, medium-sized antelopeMoMP · LoMP
2731 CuculaCuculus (genus)CuckooMoMP · LoMP
2089 CetaceaCetacea (clade)whales, dolphines, porpoiseMoMP · LoMP
2868 UpupaUpupa epopshoopoeMoMP · LoMP
4198 PantheraPanthera (genus)big catMoMP · LoMP
4471 Graculuspyrrhocorax graculus MoMP · LoMP
5026 Martesmartes martes and martes foinapine marten and beech martenMoMP · LoMP
6043 Aurochsaurochs (Bos primigenius)MoMP · LoMP
6827 WombatVombatidae (family)WombatMoMP · LoMP
7334 SciurusSciurus (genus)squirrelMoMP · LoMP
7464 ViperaViperidae (family)viper snake familyMoMP · LoMP
7613 ʻAkikiki
  • ʻakikiki (Oreomystis bairdi)
  • Kaua`i creeper
8433 BrachyrhynchusAnser brachyrhynchusPink-footed gooseMoMP · LoMP
8434 ColumbianusCygnus columbianusTundra swanMoMP · LoMP
8435 AnserAnser anserGreylag gooseMoMP · LoMP
8436 LeucopsisBranta leucopsisBarnacle gooseMoMP · LoMP
8437 BerniclaBranta berniclaBrent gooseMoMP · LoMP
8438 MarilaAythya marilaGreater scaupMoMP · LoMP
8439 AlbellusMergellus albellusSmewMoMP · LoMP
8440 WigeonAnas penelopeWigeonMoMP · LoMP
8441 LapponicaLimosa lapponicaBar-tailed godwitMoMP · LoMP
8442 OstralegusHaematopus ostralegusEurasian oystercatcherMoMP · LoMP
8443 SvecicaLuscinia svecicaBluethroatMoMP · LoMP
8564 AnomalocarisAnomalocaris (genus)meaning abnormal shrimp, an extinct genus of anomalocarididMoMP · LoMP
8586 Epopsupupa epopshoopoeMoMP · LoMP
8587 Ruficollistachybaptus ruficollislittle grebeMoMP · LoMP
8588 Avosettarecurvirostra avosettapied avocetMoMP · LoMP
8589 Stellarisbotaurus stellarisgreat bitternMoMP · LoMP
8590 Pygarguscircus pygargusMontagu's harrierMoMP · LoMP
8591 Excubitorlanius excubitorgreat grey shrikeMoMP · LoMP
8592 Rubetrasaxicola rubetrawhinchatMoMP · LoMP
8593 Angustirostrismarmaronetta angustirostrismarbled duckMoMP · LoMP
8594 Albifronssterna albifronslittle ternMoMP · LoMP
8595 Dougalliisterna dougalliiroseate ternMoMP · LoMP
8596 Alchatapterocles alchatapin-tailed sandgrouseMoMP · LoMP
8597 Sandvicensissterna sandvicensissandwich ternMoMP · LoMP
8598 Tetrixtetrao tetrixblack grouseMoMP · LoMP
8599 Ripariariparia ripariasand martinMoMP · LoMP
8600 Arundinaceusacrocephalus arundinaceusgreat reed warblerMoMP · LoMP
8601 Ciconiaciconia ciconiawhite storkMoMP · LoMP
8602 Oedicnemusburhinus oedicnemusstone curlewMoMP · LoMP
8603 Senatorlanius senatorwoodchat shrikeMoMP · LoMP
8750 Nettarufinanetta rufinared-crested pochardMoMP · LoMP
8751 Nigricollispodiceps nigricollisblack-necked grebeMoMP · LoMP
8752 Flammeusasio flammeusshort-eared owlMoMP · LoMP
8753 Nycticoraxnycticorax nycticoraxblack-crowned night heronMoMP · LoMP
8754 Leucorodiaplatalea leucorodiaspoonbillMoMP · LoMP
8755 Querquedulaanas querquedulagarganeyMoMP · LoMP
8756 Mollissimasomateria mollissimacommon eiderMoMP · LoMP
8757 Cyaneuscircus cyaneushen harrierMoMP · LoMP
8758 Perdixperdix perdixgrey partridgeMoMP · LoMP
8759 PorzanaPorzana (genus)crakesMoMP · LoMP
8760 Crexcrex crexcorncrakeMoMP · LoMP
8761 CraneGrus (genus)cranesMoMP · LoMP
8762 Hiaticulacharadrius hiaticularinged ploverMoMP · LoMP
8763 Pugnaxhilonachus pugnaxruffMoMP · LoMP
8764 GallinagoGallinago (genus)snipeMoMP · LoMP
8765 LimosaLimosa (genus)godwitsMoMP · LoMP
8767 Commonterncommon tern (sterna hirundo)MoMP · LoMP
8768 Barnowlbarn owl (tyto alba)MoMP · LoMP
8769 ArcticternArctic tern (sterna paradisaea)MoMP · LoMP
8770 Totanustringa totanuscommon redshankMoMP · LoMP
8771 Biarmicuspanurus biarmicusbearded titMoMP · LoMP
8773 Torquillajynx torquillawryneckMoMP · LoMP
8774 Viridispicus viridisgreen woodpeckerMoMP · LoMP
8959 Oenantheoenanthe oenanthewheatearMoMP · LoMP
8960 Luscinioideslocustella luscinioidesSavi's warblerMoMP · LoMP
8961 Schoenobaenusacrocephalus schoenobaenussedge warblerMoMP · LoMP
8962 Noctuaathene noctualittle owlMoMP · LoMP
8963 Colluriolanius colluriored-backed shrikeMoMP · LoMP
8964 Coraxcorvus coraxravenMoMP · LoMP
8965 Citrinellaemberiza citrinellayellowhammerMoMP · LoMP
8966 Hortulanaemberiza hortulanaortolan buntingMoMP · LoMP
8967 Calandramiliaria calandracorn buntingMoMP · LoMP
8968 Europaeuscaprimulgus europaeusnightjarMoMP · LoMP
8969 Alexandrinuscharadrius alexandrinusKentish ploverMoMP · LoMP
8970 Islandicabucephala islandicaBarrow's goldeneyeMoMP · LoMP
8971 Leucocephalacxyura leucocephalawhite-headed duckMoMP · LoMP
8972 Sylvaticaturnix sylvaticaAndalusian hemipodeMoMP · LoMP
8973 Pratincolaglareola pratincolawading bird, or collared pratincoleMoMP · LoMP
8974 Gregariachettusia gregariasociable ploverMoMP · LoMP
8975 Atthisalcedo atthiskingfisherMoMP · LoMP
8976 Leucuraoenanthe leucurablack wheatearMoMP · LoMP
8977 Paludicolaacrocephalus paludicolaaquatic warblerMoMP · LoMP
8978 Barbatusgypaetus barbatuslammergeierMoMP · LoMP
8979 Clangaaquila clangagreater spotted eagleMoMP · LoMP
8980 Heliacaaquila heliacaimperial eagleMoMP · LoMP
9879 MammuthusMammuthus (genus)woolly mammothMoMP · LoMP
9880 StegosaurusStegosaurus (genus)stegosaurusMoMP · LoMP
9937 TriceratopsTriceratops (genus)triceratopsMoMP · LoMP
9941 IguanodonIguanodon (genus)iguanodonMoMP · LoMP
9949 BrontosaurusBrontosaurus (genus)brontosaurusMoMP · LoMP
9951 TyrannosaurusTyrannosaurus (genus)tyrannosaurusMoMP · LoMP
9954 BrachiosaurusBrachiosaurus (genus)brachiosaurusMoMP · LoMP
16794 CuculliaCucullia asteroidesCucullia, North American Asteroid MothMoMP · LoMP
263251 PandabearAiluropoda melanoleucaGiant panda or panda bearMoMP · LoMP
361267 ʻIʻiwiʻIʻiwi (Drepanis coccinea)scarlet honeycreeperMoMP · LoMP
374710 ʻOʻoʻOʻo (genus)Hawaiian endemic birdsMoMP · LoMP
378002 ʻAkialoaAkialoaHawaiian honeycreeperMoMP · LoMP
388282 ʻAkepaHawaiʻi ʻakepaʻAkepa; Hawaiian forest birdsMoMP · LoMP


Minor planetName MeaningCommon namesCrossRefs
759 ViniferaVitis vinifera (species)common grape vineMoMP · LoMP
935 CliviaClivia (genus)natal lily or bush lilyMoMP · LoMP
943 BegoniaBegonia (genus)begoniaMoMP · LoMP
957 CameliaCamellia (genus)
  • cháhuā (茶花) in Chinese, meaning tea flower
  • tsubaki (椿) in Japanese
  • dongbaek-kkot (동백꽃) in Korean
  • hoa trà or hoa chè in Vietnamese
968 PetuniaPetunia (genus)MoMP · LoMP
970 PrimulaPrimula (genus)primroseMoMP · LoMP
973 AraliaAralia (genus)spikenardMoMP · LoMP
1054 ForsytiaForsythia (genus)forsythiaMoMP · LoMP
1056 AzaleaAzaleaazalea, flowering shrubs in the genus RhododendronMoMP · LoMP
1060 MagnoliaMagnolia (genus)magnoliaMoMP · LoMP
1061 PaeoniaPaeonia (genus)peonyMoMP · LoMP
1063 AquilegiaAquilegia (genus)granny's bonnet or columbineMoMP · LoMP
1064 AethusaAethusa (genus)
  • fool's parsley
  • fool's cicely
  • poison parsley
1066 LobeliaLobelia (genus)lobeliaMoMP · LoMP
1067 LunariaLunaria (genus)honestyMoMP · LoMP
1070 TunicaTunica or Petrorhagia (genus)MoMP · LoMP
1072 MalvaMalva (genus)mallowMoMP · LoMP
1076 ViolaViola (genus)
  • violets
  • pansies
  • violas
1077 CampanulaCampanula (genus)bellflowerMoMP · LoMP
1078 MenthaMentha (genus)mintMoMP · LoMP
1079 MimosaMimosa (genus)mimosaMoMP · LoMP
1080 OrchisOrchis (genus)genus in the orchid familyMoMP · LoMP
1081 ResedaReseda (genus)
  • mignonette
  • weld
  • dyer's rocket (for R. luteola)
  • bastard rocket
1082 PirolaPirola or Pyrola (genus)wintergreenMoMP · LoMP
1083 SalviaSalvia (genus)sageMoMP · LoMP
1085 AmaryllisAmaryllis (genus)amaryllisMoMP · LoMP
1087 ArabisArabis (genus)rockcressMoMP · LoMP
1091 SpiraeaSpiraea (genus)MoMP · LoMP
1092 LiliumLilium (genus)lilyMoMP · LoMP
1095 TulipaTulipa (genus)tulipMoMP · LoMP
1097 ViciaVicia (genus)vetchesMoMP · LoMP
1100 ArnicaArnica (genus)MoMP · LoMP
1101 ClematisClematis (genus)
  • clematis in English,
  • traveller's joy for C. vitalba, by the herbalist John Gerard
  • virgin's bower for C. viticella
  • old man's beard, applied to several with prominent seedheads
  • leather flower for those with fleshy petals
  • vase vine for C. viorna.
1104 SyringaSyringa (genus)lilacMoMP · LoMP
1105 FragariaFragaria (genus)strawberryMoMP · LoMP
1106 CydoniaCydonia (genus)quinceMoMP · LoMP
1218 AsterAster (genus)asterMoMP · LoMP
1220 CrocusCrocus (genus)crocusMoMP · LoMP
1227 GeraniumGeranium (genus)cranesbillsMoMP · LoMP
1228 ScabiosaScabiosa (genus)
  • scabious
  • pincushion flowers
1231 AuriculaPrimula auricula
  • auricula
  • mountain cowslip
  • bear's ear
1232 CortusaCortusa (genus)MoMP · LoMP
1233 KobresiaKobresia (genus)bog sedgesMoMP · LoMP
1234 ElynaElyna (genus)MoMP · LoMP
1250 GalanthusGalanthus (genus)snowdropMoMP · LoMP
1251 HederaHedera (genus)ivyMoMP · LoMP
1270 DaturaDatura (genus)
  • devil's trumpets
  • moonflowers
  • jimsonweed
  • devil's weed
  • hell's bells
  • thorn-apple
1318 NerinaNerine (genus)nerineMoMP · LoMP
1319 DisaDisa (genus)the orchid genusMoMP · LoMP
6786 Doudantsutsujidoudan-tsutsuji, the Japanese name for Enkianthus perulatus, an ericaceous deciduous shrubMoMP · LoMP
8644 Betulapendulabetula pendulasilver birchMoMP · LoMP
8647 PopulusPopulus (genus)poplar, aspen, and cottonwoodMoMP · LoMP
8648 SalixSalix (genus)willowMoMP · LoMP
8649 JuglansJuglans (genus)walnut treesMoMP · LoMP
8652 AcaciaAcacia (genus)mimosaMoMP · LoMP
8656 CupressusCupressus (genus)cypressMoMP · LoMP
8657 CedrusCedrus (genus)cedarMoMP · LoMP
8833 AcerAceraceae (family)maple family, now family SapindaceaeMoMP · LoMP
8834 AnacardiumAnacardiaceae (family)cashew familyMoMP · LoMP
8835 AnnonaAnnonaceae (family)custard apple familyMoMP · LoMP
8836 AquifoliumAquifoliaceae (family)ilex or holly familyMoMP · LoMP
8850 BignoniaBignoniaceae (family)catalpa or bignonia familyMoMP · LoMP
8852 BuxusBuxaceae (family)box familyMoMP · LoMP
8856 CelastrusCelastraceae (family)staff vine or bittersweet familyMoMP · LoMP
8857 CercidiphyllumCercidiphyllaceae (family)katsura familyMoMP · LoMP
8858 CornusCornaceae (family)MoMP · LoMP
8872 EbenumEbenaceae (family)ebony and persimmon familyMoMP · LoMP
8886 ElaeagnusElaeagnaceae (family)oleaster familyMoMP · LoMP
9019 EucommiaEucommiaceae (family)hard rubber tree, Gutta-percha tree or Chinese rubber tree familyMoMP · LoMP
9020 EucryphiaEucryphiaceae or Cunoniaceae (family)MoMP · LoMP
9021 FagusFagaceae (family)beeches and oaks familyMoMP · LoMP
9040 FlacourtiaFlacourtiaceae (family)MoMP · LoMP
9053 HamamelisHamamelidaceae (family)witch-hazel familyMoMP · LoMP
9054 HippocastanumHippocastanaceae (family)MoMP · LoMP
9203 MyrtusMyrtaceae (family)myrtle familyMoMP · LoMP
9306 PittosporumPittosporaceae (family)MoMP · LoMP
9309 PlatanusPlatanaceae (family)MoMP · LoMP
9313 ProteaProteaceae (family)MoMP · LoMP
9316 RhamnusRhamnaceae (family)buckthorn familyMoMP · LoMP
9326 RutaRutaceae (family)rue or citrus familyMoMP · LoMP
16598 BrugmansiaBrugmansia (genus)angel's trumpetsMoMP · LoMP
22494 Trilliumtrillium grandiflorumwhite trilliumMoMP · LoMP
22280 MandragoraMandragora (genus)mandrakeMoMP · LoMP
66583 NicandraNicandra (genus)
  • apple-of-Peru
  • shoo-fly plant
85197 Ginkgoginkgo biloba
  • ginkgo tree
  • maidenhair tree
151997 Bauhiniabauhinia × blakeanaHong Kong Orchid TreeMoMP · LoMP
255587 GardeniaGardenia (genus)MoMP · LoMP

See also


  1. "Minor Planet Names: Alphabetical List". Minor Planet Center. 31 January 2018. Retrieved 6 February 2018.
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