List of people with surname Smith

Smith is one of the most common surnames in the English-speaking world. Following is a list of notable people with the surname Smith.

People known primarily as having the surname Smith

Common combinations of given name and surname Smith

Less ambiguous notable individuals

Notable individuals with unknown first names

  • Smith (baseball), baseball player
  • Smith (Surrey cricketer, 1822), English first-class cricketer who was active in the 1820s
  • Smith (Cambridge University cricketer, 1820s), English first-class cricketer associated with Cambridge University who was active in the 1820s
  • Smith (Cambridge University cricketer, 1830s), English first-class cricketer associated with Cambridge University who was active in the 1830s

People with the surname Smith better known by other names

By title

Fictional Smiths

See also

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